path: root/weaver/src
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authoraclement <aclement>2006-06-08 10:44:38 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2006-06-08 10:44:38 +0000
commitd93b84080d8da39d0e331566ac8a515f9acea5d5 (patch)
tree62dd1c8bad6fc623642e6327da826c18b2ce5432 /weaver/src
parentce25d10cfdefa47f7409903a99365cb7355297a6 (diff)
synchronization joinpoints: code dump...
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/src')
1 files changed, 588 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
index f83a8758f..a4b0a1b19 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.CPInstruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.FieldGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.FieldInstruction;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.GOTO;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.GOTO_W;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.INVOKESPECIAL;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.Instruction;
@@ -45,7 +47,11 @@ import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionTargeter;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.InvokeInstruction;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LineNumberTag;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableInstruction;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.LocalVariableTag;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MONITORENTER;
+import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MONITOREXIT;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MULTIANEWARRAY;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.MethodGen;
import org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.NEW;
@@ -476,6 +482,11 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
for (Iterator i = methodGens.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
LazyMethodGen mg = (LazyMethodGen);
if (! mg.hasBody()) continue;
+ if (world.isJoinpointSynchronizationEnabled() &&
+ world.areSynchronizationPointcutsInUse() &&
+ mg.getMethod().isSynchronized()) {
+ transformSynchronizedMethod(mg);
+ }
boolean shadowMungerMatched = match(mg);
if (shadowMungerMatched) {
// For matching mungers, add their declaring aspects to the list that affected this type
@@ -491,7 +502,6 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
// if we matched any initialization shadows, we inline and weave
if (!initializationShadows.isEmpty()) {
// Repeat next step until nothing left to inline...cant go on
@@ -1418,6 +1428,441 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
recipient.getBody().append(call, inlineInstructions);
Utility.deleteInstruction(call, recipient);
+// public BcelVar genTempVar(UnresolvedType typeX) {
+// return new BcelVar(typeX.resolve(world), genTempVarIndex(typeX.getSize()));
+// }
+// private int genTempVarIndex(int size) {
+// return enclosingMethod.allocateLocal(size);
+// }
+ /**
+ * Input method is a synchronized method, we remove the bit flag for synchronized and
+ * then insert a try..finally block
+ *
+ * Some jumping through firey hoops required - depending on the input code level (1.5 or not)
+ * we may or may not be able to use the LDC instruction that takes a class literal (doesnt on
+ * <1.5).
+ *
+ * FIXME asc Before promoting -Xjoinpoints:synchronization to be a standard option, this needs a bunch of
+ * tidying up - there is some duplication that can be removed.
+ */
+ public static void transformSynchronizedMethod(LazyMethodGen synchronizedMethod) {
+// System.err.println("DEBUG: Transforming synchronized method: "+synchronizedMethod.getName());
+ final InstructionFactory fact = synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getFactory();
+ InstructionList body = synchronizedMethod.getBody();
+ InstructionList prepend = new InstructionList();
+ Type enclosingClassType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType());
+ Type javaLangClassType = Type.getType(Class.class);
+ if (synchronizedMethod.isStatic()) {
+ // What to do here depends on the level of the class file!
+ // LDC can handle class literals in Java5 and above *sigh*
+ if (synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().isAtLeastJava5()) {
+ // MONITORENTER logic:
+ // 0: ldc #2; //class C
+ // 2: dup
+ // 3: astore_0
+ // 4: monitorenter
+ int slotForLockObject = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(enclosingClassType);
+ prepend.append(fact.createConstant(enclosingClassType));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(enclosingClassType, slotForLockObject));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER);
+ // MONITOREXIT logic:
+ // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a finally block that
+ // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally block seems to
+ // be always:
+ //
+ // E1: ALOAD_1
+ //
+ // so lets build that:
+ InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList();
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.getType(java.lang.Class.class),slotForLockObject));
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW);
+// finally -> E1
+// | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 21)
+// | LDC "hello"
+// | INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+// | ALOAD_1 (line 20)
+// finally -> E1
+// GOTO L0
+// finally -> E1
+// | E1: ALOAD_1
+// finally -> E1
+// L0: RETURN (line 23)
+ // search for 'returns' and make them jump to the aload_<n>,monitorexit
+ InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart();
+ List rets = new ArrayList();
+ while (walker!=null) {
+ if (walker.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
+ rets.add(walker);
+ }
+ walker = walker.getNext();
+ }
+ if (rets.size()>0) {
+ // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target the load instruction
+ // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic)
+ for (Iterator iter = rets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ InstructionHandle element = (InstructionHandle);
+ InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList();
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(enclosingClassType,slotForLockObject));
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ //monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element.getInstruction()));
+ //element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(element,monitorExitBlock);
+ // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of the monitorexit block
+ InstructionTargeter[] targeters = element.getTargeters();
+ if (targeters!=null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < targeters.length; i++) {
+ InstructionTargeter targeter = targeters[i];
+ // what kinds are there?
+ if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof GOTO || targeter instanceof GOTO_W) {
+ // move it...
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else if (targeter instanceof BranchInstruction) {
+ // move it
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: "+targeter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code
+ InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd();
+ body.insert(body.getStart(),prepend); // now we can put the monitorenter stuff on
+ synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition,finallyStart,null/*==finally*/,false);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart,finallyStart.getNext(),finallyStart,null,false);
+ } else {
+ // Hideous nightmare, class literal references prior to Java5
+ // YIKES! this is just the code for MONITORENTER !
+// 0: getstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class;
+// 3: dup
+// 4: ifnonnull 32
+// 7: pop
+// try
+// 8: ldc #61; //String java.lang.String
+// 10: invokestatic #44; //Method java/lang/Class.forName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
+// 13: dup
+// catch
+// 14: putstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class;
+// 17: goto 32
+// 20: new #46; //class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError
+// 23: dup_x1
+// 24: swap
+// 25: invokevirtual #52; //Method java/lang/Throwable.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+// 28: invokespecial #54; //Method java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+// 31: athrow
+// 32: dup <-- partTwo (branch target)
+// 33: astore_0
+// 34: monitorenter
+// plus exceptiontable entry!
+// 8 13 20 Class java/lang/ClassNotFoundException
+ Type classType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType());
+ Type clazzType = Type.getType(Class.class);
+ InstructionList parttwo = new InstructionList();
+ parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+ int slotForThis = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType);
+ parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(clazzType, slotForThis)); // ? should be the real type ? String or something?
+ parttwo.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER);
+ String fieldname = synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().allocateField("class$");
+ System.err.println("Going to use field name "+fieldname);
+ Field f = new FieldGen(Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PRIVATE,
+ Type.getType(Class.class),fieldname,synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPoolGen()).getField();
+ synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().addField(f, null);
+// 10: invokestatic #44; //Method java/lang/Class.forName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;
+// 13: dup
+// 14: putstatic #59; //Field class$1:Ljava/lang/Class;
+// 17: goto 32
+// 20: new #46; //class java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError
+// 23: dup_x1
+// 24: swap
+// 25: invokevirtual #52; //Method java/lang/Throwable.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+// 28: invokespecial #54; //Method java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError."<init>":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+// 31: athrow
+ prepend.append(fact.createGetStatic("C", fieldname, Type.getType(Class.class)));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFNONNULL, parttwo.getStart()));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.POP);
+ prepend.append(fact.createConstant("C"));
+ InstructionHandle tryInstruction = prepend.getEnd();
+ prepend.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.Class", "forName", clazzType,new Type[]{ Type.getType(String.class)}, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
+ InstructionHandle catchInstruction = prepend.getEnd();
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+ prepend.append(fact.createPutStatic(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType().getName(), fieldname, Type.getType(Class.class)));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, parttwo.getStart()));
+ // start of catch block
+ InstructionList catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail = new InstructionList();
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createNew((ObjectType)Type.getType(NoClassDefFoundError.class)));
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.createDup_1(1));
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.SWAP);
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.Throwable", "getMessage", Type.getType(String.class),new Type[]{}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(fact.createInvoke("java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", "<init>", Type.VOID,new Type[]{ Type.getType(String.class)}, Constants.INVOKESPECIAL));
+ catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.append(InstructionFactory.ATHROW);
+ InstructionHandle catchBlockStart = catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail.getStart();
+ prepend.append(catchBlockForLiteralLoadingFail);
+ prepend.append(parttwo);
+ // pseudocode: load up 'this' (var0), dup it, store it in a new local var (for use with monitorexit) and call monitorenter:
+// prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,0));
+// prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+// int slotForThis = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType);
+// prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(classType, slotForThis));
+// prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER);
+ // here be dragons
+ // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a finally block that
+ // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally block seems to
+ // be always:
+ //
+ // E1: ALOAD_1
+ //
+ // so lets build that:
+ InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList();
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.getType(java.lang.Class.class),slotForThis));
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW);
+// finally -> E1
+// | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 21)
+// | LDC "hello"
+// | INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+// | ALOAD_1 (line 20)
+// finally -> E1
+// GOTO L0
+// finally -> E1
+// | E1: ALOAD_1
+// finally -> E1
+// L0: RETURN (line 23)
+ //frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, thisSlot);
+ // search for 'returns' and make them to the aload_<n>,monitorexit
+ InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart();
+ List rets = new ArrayList();
+ while (walker!=null) { //!walker.equals(body.getEnd())) {
+ if (walker.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
+ rets.add(walker);
+ }
+ walker = walker.getNext();
+ }
+ if (rets.size()>0) {
+ // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target the load instruction
+ // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic)
+ for (Iterator iter = rets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ InstructionHandle element = (InstructionHandle);
+// System.err.println("Adding monitor exit block at "+element);
+ InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList();
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ //monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element.getInstruction()));
+ //element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(element,monitorExitBlock);
+ // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of the monitorexit block
+ InstructionTargeter[] targeters = element.getTargeters();
+ if (targeters!=null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < targeters.length; i++) {
+ InstructionTargeter targeter = targeters[i];
+ // what kinds are there?
+ if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof GOTO || targeter instanceof GOTO_W) {
+ // move it...
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else if (targeter instanceof BranchInstruction) {
+ // move it
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: "+targeter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// body = rewriteWithMonitorExitCalls(body,fact,true,slotForThis,classType);
+// synchronizedMethod.setBody(body);
+ // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code
+ InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd();
+ body.insert(body.getStart(),prepend); // now we can put the monitorenter stuff on
+ synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition,finallyStart,null/*==finally*/,false);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryInstruction, catchInstruction,catchBlockStart,(ObjectType)Type.getType(ClassNotFoundException.class),true);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart,finallyStart.getNext(),finallyStart,null,false);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Type classType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(synchronizedMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType());
+ // pseudocode: load up 'this' (var0), dup it, store it in a new local var (for use with monitorexit) and call monitorenter:
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,0));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createDup(1));
+ int slotForThis = synchronizedMethod.allocateLocal(classType);
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(classType, slotForThis));
+ prepend.append(InstructionFactory.MONITORENTER);
+// body.insert(body.getStart(),prepend);
+ // We basically need to wrap the code from the method in a finally block that
+ // will ensure monitorexit is called. Content on the finally block seems to
+ // be always:
+ //
+ // E1: ALOAD_1
+ //
+ // so lets build that:
+ InstructionList finallyBlock = new InstructionList();
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ finallyBlock.append(InstructionConstants.ATHROW);
+// finally -> E1
+// | GETSTATIC java.lang.System.out Ljava/io/PrintStream; (line 21)
+// | LDC "hello"
+// | INVOKEVIRTUAL (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+// | ALOAD_1 (line 20)
+// finally -> E1
+// GOTO L0
+// finally -> E1
+// | E1: ALOAD_1
+// finally -> E1
+// L0: RETURN (line 23)
+ //frameEnv.put(donorFramePos, thisSlot);
+ // search for 'returns' and make them to the aload_<n>,monitorexit
+ InstructionHandle walker = body.getStart();
+ List rets = new ArrayList();
+ while (walker!=null) { //!walker.equals(body.getEnd())) {
+ if (walker.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
+ rets.add(walker);
+ }
+ walker = walker.getNext();
+ }
+ if (rets.size()>0) {
+ // need to ensure targeters for 'return' now instead target the load instruction
+ // (so we never jump over the monitorexit logic)
+ for (Iterator iter = rets.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ InstructionHandle element = (InstructionHandle);
+// System.err.println("Adding monitor exit block at "+element);
+ InstructionList monitorExitBlock = new InstructionList();
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ monitorExitBlock.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ //monitorExitBlock.append(Utility.copyInstruction(element.getInstruction()));
+ //element.setInstruction(InstructionFactory.createLoad(classType,slotForThis));
+ InstructionHandle monitorExitBlockStart = body.insert(element,monitorExitBlock);
+ // now move the targeters from the RET to the start of the monitorexit block
+ InstructionTargeter[] targeters = element.getTargeters();
+ if (targeters!=null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < targeters.length; i++) {
+ InstructionTargeter targeter = targeters[i];
+ // what kinds are there?
+ if (targeter instanceof LocalVariableTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof LineNumberTag) {
+ // ignore
+ } else if (targeter instanceof GOTO || targeter instanceof GOTO_W) {
+ // move it...
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else if (targeter instanceof BranchInstruction) {
+ // move it
+ targeter.updateTarget(element, monitorExitBlockStart);
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected targeter encountered during transform: "+targeter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // now the magic, putting the finally block around the code
+ InstructionHandle finallyStart = finallyBlock.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle tryPosition = body.getStart();
+ InstructionHandle catchPosition = body.getEnd();
+ body.insert(body.getStart(),prepend); // now we can put the monitorenter stuff on
+ synchronizedMethod.getBody().append(finallyBlock);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(tryPosition, catchPosition,finallyStart,null/*==finally*/,false);
+ synchronizedMethod.addExceptionHandler(finallyStart,finallyStart.getNext(),finallyStart,null,false);
+ // also the exception handling for the finally block jumps to itself
+ // max locals will already have been modified in the allocateLocal() call
+// synchronized bit is removed on LazyMethodGen.pack()
+ }
+ // gonna have to go through and change all aload_0s to load the var from a variable,
+ // going to add a new variable for the this var
+ }
/** generate the instructions to be inlined.
@@ -1584,6 +2029,137 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
return ret;
+ static InstructionList rewriteWithMonitorExitCalls(InstructionList sourceList,InstructionFactory fact,boolean keepReturns,int monitorVarSlot,Type monitorVarType)
+ {
+ InstructionList footer = new InstructionList();
+ InstructionHandle end = footer.append(InstructionConstants.NOP);
+ InstructionList newList = new InstructionList();
+ Map srcToDest = new HashMap();
+ // first pass: copy the instructions directly, populate the srcToDest map,
+ // fix frame instructions
+ for (InstructionHandle src = sourceList.getStart(); src != null; src = src.getNext()) {
+ Instruction fresh = Utility.copyInstruction(src.getInstruction());
+ InstructionHandle dest;
+ if (src.getInstruction() == Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION) {
+ dest = newList.append(Range.RANGEINSTRUCTION);
+ } else if (fresh instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
+ if (keepReturns) {
+ newList.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(monitorVarType,monitorVarSlot));
+ newList.append(InstructionConstants.MONITOREXIT);
+ dest = newList.append(fresh);
+ } else {
+ dest =
+ newList.append(InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.GOTO, end));
+ }
+ } else if (fresh instanceof BranchInstruction) {
+ dest = newList.append((BranchInstruction) fresh);
+ } else if (
+ fresh instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || fresh instanceof RET) {
+ IndexedInstruction indexed = (IndexedInstruction) fresh;
+ int oldIndex = indexed.getIndex();
+ int freshIndex;
+// if (!frameEnv.hasKey(oldIndex)) {
+// freshIndex = recipient.allocateLocal(2);
+// frameEnv.put(oldIndex, freshIndex);
+// } else {
+ freshIndex = oldIndex;//frameEnv.get(oldIndex);
+// }
+ indexed.setIndex(freshIndex);
+ dest = newList.append(fresh);
+ } else {
+ dest = newList.append(fresh);
+ }
+ srcToDest.put(src, dest);
+ }
+ // second pass: retarget branch instructions, copy ranges and tags
+ Map tagMap = new HashMap();
+ Map shadowMap = new HashMap();
+ for (InstructionHandle dest = newList.getStart(), src = sourceList.getStart();
+ dest != null;
+ dest = dest.getNext(), src = src.getNext()) {
+ Instruction inst = dest.getInstruction();
+ // retarget branches
+ if (inst instanceof BranchInstruction) {
+ BranchInstruction branch = (BranchInstruction) inst;
+ InstructionHandle oldTarget = branch.getTarget();
+ InstructionHandle newTarget =
+ (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldTarget);
+ if (newTarget == null) {
+ // assert this is a GOTO
+ // this was a return instruction we previously replaced
+ } else {
+ branch.setTarget(newTarget);
+ if (branch instanceof Select) {
+ Select select = (Select) branch;
+ InstructionHandle[] oldTargets = select.getTargets();
+ for (int k = oldTargets.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
+ select.setTarget(
+ k,
+ (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldTargets[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //copy over tags and range attributes
+ InstructionTargeter[] srcTargeters = src.getTargeters();
+ if (srcTargeters != null) {
+ for (int j = srcTargeters.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ InstructionTargeter old = srcTargeters[j];
+ if (old instanceof Tag) {
+ Tag oldTag = (Tag) old;
+ Tag fresh = (Tag) tagMap.get(oldTag);
+ if (fresh == null) {
+ fresh = oldTag.copy();
+ tagMap.put(oldTag, fresh);
+ }
+ dest.addTargeter(fresh);
+ } else if (old instanceof ExceptionRange) {
+ ExceptionRange er = (ExceptionRange) old;
+ if (er.getStart() == src) {
+ ExceptionRange freshEr =
+ new ExceptionRange(newList/*recipient.getBody()*/,er.getCatchType(),er.getPriority());
+ freshEr.associateWithTargets(
+ dest,
+ (InstructionHandle)srcToDest.get(er.getEnd()),
+ (InstructionHandle)srcToDest.get(er.getHandler()));
+ }
+ }
+/*else if (old instanceof ShadowRange) {
+ ShadowRange oldRange = (ShadowRange) old;
+ if (oldRange.getStart() == src) {
+ BcelShadow oldShadow = oldRange.getShadow();
+ BcelShadow freshEnclosing =
+ oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow() == null
+ ? null
+ : (BcelShadow) shadowMap.get(oldShadow.getEnclosingShadow());
+ BcelShadow freshShadow =
+ oldShadow.copyInto(recipient, freshEnclosing);
+ ShadowRange freshRange = new ShadowRange(recipient.getBody());
+ freshRange.associateWithShadow(freshShadow);
+ freshRange.associateWithTargets(
+ dest,
+ (InstructionHandle) srcToDest.get(oldRange.getEnd()));
+ shadowMap.put(oldRange, freshRange);
+ //recipient.matchedShadows.add(freshShadow);
+ // XXX should go through the NEW copied shadow and update
+ // the thisVar, targetVar, and argsVar
+ // ??? Might want to also go through at this time and add
+ // "extra" vars to the shadow.
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!keepReturns) newList.append(footer);
+ return newList;
+ }
/** generate the argument stores in preparation for inlining.
* @param donor the method we will inline from. Used to get the signature.
@@ -1953,6 +2529,17 @@ class BcelClassWeaver implements IClassWeaver {
// match(arrayLoadShadow,shadowAccumulator);
// } else if (i instanceof AASTORE) {
// // ... magic required
+ } else if ( world.isJoinpointSynchronizationEnabled() &&
+ ((i instanceof MONITORENTER) || (i instanceof MONITOREXIT))) {
+ // if (canMatch(Shadow.Monitoring)) {
+ if (i instanceof MONITORENTER) {
+ BcelShadow monitorEntryShadow = BcelShadow.makeMonitorEnter(world,mg,ih,enclosingShadow);
+ match(monitorEntryShadow,shadowAccumulator);
+ } else {
+ BcelShadow monitorExitShadow = BcelShadow.makeMonitorExit(world,mg,ih,enclosingShadow);
+ match(monitorExitShadow,shadowAccumulator);
+ }
+ // }
// performance optimization... we only actually care about ASTORE instructions,
// since that's what every javac type thing ever uses to start a handler, but for