path: root/weaver/src
diff options
authorAndy Clement <aclement@pivotal.io>2017-10-20 12:35:06 -0700
committerAndy Clement <aclement@pivotal.io>2017-10-20 12:35:06 -0700
commit8dda42d0272eb4fdc157282880caf915a9e33ea1 (patch)
tree32594881b2ff51815fc3baff272d1a7b3d372c20 /weaver/src
parentc28e943df7c1d1de9300a0209ec3cd2245a951e7 (diff)
added support to avoid weaving module-info.class
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/src')
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelWeaver.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelWeaver.java
index 1a66c72b3..4306602e7 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelWeaver.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelWeaver.java
@@ -1035,10 +1035,12 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
// repaired prior to weaving
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
- if (theType != null) {
- theType.ensureConsistent();
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
+ if (theType != null) {
+ theType.ensureConsistent();
+ }
@@ -1051,22 +1053,24 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase(CompilationAndWeavingContext.WEAVING_ASPECTS, "");
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
- if (theType.isAnnotationStyleAspect()) {
- BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
- if (classType == null) {
- throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
- }
- LazyClassGen clazz = classType.getLazyClassGen();
- BcelPerClauseAspectAdder selfMunger = new BcelPerClauseAspectAdder(theType, theType.getPerClause().getKind());
- selfMunger.forceMunge(clazz, true);
- classType.finishedWith();
- UnwovenClassFile[] newClasses = getClassFilesFor(clazz);
- for (int news = 0; news < newClasses.length; news++) {
- requestor.acceptResult(newClasses[news]);
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
+ if (theType.isAnnotationStyleAspect()) {
+ BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
+ if (classType == null) {
+ throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
+ }
+ LazyClassGen clazz = classType.getLazyClassGen();
+ BcelPerClauseAspectAdder selfMunger = new BcelPerClauseAspectAdder(theType, theType.getPerClause().getKind());
+ selfMunger.forceMunge(clazz, true);
+ classType.finishedWith();
+ UnwovenClassFile[] newClasses = getClassFilesFor(clazz);
+ for (int news = 0; news < newClasses.length; news++) {
+ requestor.acceptResult(newClasses[news]);
+ }
+ wovenClassNames.add(classFile.getClassName());
- wovenClassNames.add(classFile.getClassName());
@@ -1081,17 +1085,19 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
// clear all state from files we'll be reweaving
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- BcelObjectType classType = getClassType(className);
- // null return from getClassType() means the delegate is an eclipse
- // source type - so
- // there *cant* be any reweavable state... (he bravely claimed...)
- if (classType != null) {
- ContextToken tok = CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase(
- CompilationAndWeavingContext.PROCESSING_REWEAVABLE_STATE, className);
- processReweavableStateIfPresent(className, classType);
- CompilationAndWeavingContext.leavingPhase(tok);
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ BcelObjectType classType = getClassType(className);
+ // null return from getClassType() means the delegate is an eclipse
+ // source type - so
+ // there *cant* be any reweavable state... (he bravely claimed...)
+ if (classType != null) {
+ ContextToken tok = CompilationAndWeavingContext.enteringPhase(
+ CompilationAndWeavingContext.PROCESSING_REWEAVABLE_STATE, className);
+ processReweavableStateIfPresent(className, classType);
+ CompilationAndWeavingContext.leavingPhase(tok);
+ }
@@ -1112,7 +1118,9 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
List<String> typesToProcess = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> iter = input.getClassFileIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile clf = iter.next();
- typesToProcess.add(clf.getClassName());
+ if (clf.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ typesToProcess.add(clf.getClassName());
+ }
while (typesToProcess.size() > 0) {
weaveParentsFor(typesToProcess, typesToProcess.get(0), null);
@@ -1120,8 +1128,10 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- addNormalTypeMungers(className);
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ addNormalTypeMungers(className);
+ }
@@ -1131,28 +1141,30 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
// first weave into aspects
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
- if (theType.isAspect()) {
- BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
- if (classType == null) {
- // Sometimes.. if the Bcel Delegate couldn't be found then a
- // problem occurred at compile time - on
- // a previous compiler run. In this case I assert the
- // delegate will still be an EclipseSourceType
- // and we can ignore the problem here (the original compile
- // error will be reported again from
- // the eclipse source type) - pr113531
- ReferenceTypeDelegate theDelegate = ((ReferenceType) theType).getDelegate();
- if (theDelegate.getClass().getName().endsWith("EclipseSourceType")) {
- continue;
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
+ if (theType.isAspect()) {
+ BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
+ if (classType == null) {
+ // Sometimes.. if the Bcel Delegate couldn't be found then a
+ // problem occurred at compile time - on
+ // a previous compiler run. In this case I assert the
+ // delegate will still be an EclipseSourceType
+ // and we can ignore the problem here (the original compile
+ // error will be reported again from
+ // the eclipse source type) - pr113531
+ ReferenceTypeDelegate theDelegate = ((ReferenceType) theType).getDelegate();
+ if (theDelegate.getClass().getName().endsWith("EclipseSourceType")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
- throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
+ weaveAndNotify(classFile, classType, requestor);
+ wovenClassNames.add(className);
- weaveAndNotify(classFile, classType, requestor);
- wovenClassNames.add(className);
@@ -1163,25 +1175,27 @@ public class BcelWeaver {
// then weave into non-aspects
for (Iterator<UnwovenClassFile> i = input.getClassFileIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
UnwovenClassFile classFile = i.next();
- String className = classFile.getClassName();
- ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
- if (!theType.isAspect()) {
- BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
- if (classType == null) {
- // bug 119882 - see above comment for bug 113531
- ReferenceTypeDelegate theDelegate = ((ReferenceType) theType).getDelegate();
- // TODO urgh - put a method on the interface to check this,
- // string compare is hideous
- if (theDelegate.getClass().getName().endsWith("EclipseSourceType")) {
- continue;
+ if (classFile.shouldBeWoven()) {
+ String className = classFile.getClassName();
+ ResolvedType theType = world.resolve(className);
+ if (!theType.isAspect()) {
+ BcelObjectType classType = BcelWorld.getBcelObjectType(theType);
+ if (classType == null) {
+ // bug 119882 - see above comment for bug 113531
+ ReferenceTypeDelegate theDelegate = ((ReferenceType) theType).getDelegate();
+ // TODO urgh - put a method on the interface to check this,
+ // string compare is hideous
+ if (theDelegate.getClass().getName().endsWith("EclipseSourceType")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
- throw new BCException("Can't find bcel delegate for " + className + " type=" + theType.getClass());
+ weaveAndNotify(classFile, classType, requestor);
+ wovenClassNames.add(className);
- weaveAndNotify(classFile, classType, requestor);
- wovenClassNames.add(className);
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/UnwovenClassFile.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/UnwovenClassFile.java
index d02c90130..7076316f7 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/UnwovenClassFile.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/UnwovenClassFile.java
@@ -30,19 +30,27 @@ public class UnwovenClassFile implements IUnwovenClassFile {
// protected byte[] writtenBytes = null;
protected List<ChildClass> writtenChildClasses = Collections.emptyList();
protected String className = null;
+ protected boolean isModule = false;
public UnwovenClassFile(String filename, byte[] bytes) {
this.filename = filename;
+ this.isModule = filename.toLowerCase().endsWith("module-info.java");
this.bytes = bytes;
/** Use if the classname is known, saves a bytecode parse */
public UnwovenClassFile(String filename, String classname, byte[] bytes) {
this.filename = filename;
+ this.isModule = filename.toLowerCase().endsWith("module-info.class");
this.className = classname;
this.bytes = bytes;
+ public boolean shouldBeWoven() {
+ // Skip module-info files for now, they aren't really types
+ return !isModule;
+ }
public String getFilename() {
return filename;