path: root/weaver/testsrc
diff options
authoracolyer <acolyer>2004-12-15 20:51:01 +0000
committeracolyer <acolyer>2004-12-15 20:51:01 +0000
commit1b6e9edfacf5f3d2732d164b15bc26022835c6ac (patch)
tree120b839c6f1760e266f56acf6aea89723d7b1f07 /weaver/testsrc
parent1575a175b511eadbae03fc760b0cd20edde6ae4e (diff)
partial fix for bug 61568.
These changes are both (a) a performance optimization, and (b) an improvement on the binding across || rules that we implemented in 1.2.1. Instead of saying the the first binding in a left-to-right traversal of the pointcuts DNF is the one that you get (too much to ask users to do DNF rewriting in their heads), this version implements the rule that every || branch in the DNF must bind all formals, and if two || branches can have any join points in common (can match join points of the same kind), then both must bind all formals identically. So it allows things like execution(* *(..)) && args(x) || call(* *(..)) && this(x) which previously we used to forbid. But primarily it turned out to be a performance optimization.
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/testsrc')
3 files changed, 374 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
index 71f35d6df..f093740d9 100644
--- a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class PatternsTests extends TestCase {
+ suite.addTestSuite(PointcutRewriterTest.class);
return suite;
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c208c621d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * ******************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ * @author colyer
+ *
+ * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
+ * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+ */
+public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
+ private PointcutRewriter prw;
+ public void testDistributeNot() {
+ Pointcut plain = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",plain,prw.rewrite(plain));
+ Pointcut not = getPointcut("!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",not,prw.rewrite(not));
+ Pointcut notNot = getPointcut("!!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(notNot).toString());
+ Pointcut notNotNOT = getPointcut("!!!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("!this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(notNotNOT).toString());
+ Pointcut and = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || !this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(and).toString());
+ Pointcut or = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) || this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) && !this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(or).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedNot = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && !this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedNot).toString());
+ }
+ public void testPullUpDisjunctions() {
+ Pointcut aAndb = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",aAndb,prw.rewrite(aAndb));
+ Pointcut aOrb = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",aOrb,prw.rewrite(aOrb));
+ Pointcut leftOr = getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))");
+ System.out.println(prw.rewrite(leftOr));
+ assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftOr).toString());
+ Pointcut rightOr = getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightOr).toString());
+ Pointcut leftAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut rightAnd = getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedOrs = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) || this(Foo)) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedOrs).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedAnds = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))");
+ // t(F) && (t(B) && (t(G) || t(M)))
+ // ==> t(F) && ((t(B) && t(G)) || (t(B) && t(M)))
+ // ==> (t(F) && (t(B) && t(G))) || (t(F) && (t(B) && t(M)))
+ assertEquals("(((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Goo)) || ((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Moo)))",
+ prw.rewrite(nestedAnds).toString());
+ }
+// public void testSplitOutWithins() {
+// Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleExecution,prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
+// Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleWithinCode,prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
+// Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
+// prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
+// Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo)*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
+// prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
+// Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))",
+// prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
+// Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode( && this(Foo)");
+// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))",
+// prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
+// Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
+// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))",
+// prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());
+// }
+ public void testRemoveDuplicatesInAnd() {
+ Pointcut dupAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(dupAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut splitdupAnd = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && target(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("(target(Boo) && this(Foo))",prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd).toString());
+ }
+ public void testNotRemoveNearlyDuplicatesInAnd() {
+ Pointcut toAndto = getPointcut("this(Object+) && this(Object)");
+ Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(toAndto);
+ }
+ public void testAAndNotAinAnd() {
+ Pointcut aAndNota = getPointcut("this(Foo)&& !this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(aAndNota).toString());
+ Pointcut aAndBAndNota = getPointcut("this(Foo) && execution(* *.*(..)) && !this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(aAndBAndNota).toString());
+ }
+ public void testIfFalseInAnd() {
+ Pointcut ifFalse = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(A)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(new AndPointcut(ifFalse,p)).toString());
+ }
+ public void testMatchesNothinginAnd() {
+ Pointcut nothing = Pointcut.makeMatchesNothing(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(A)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(new AndPointcut(nothing,p)).toString());
+ }
+ public void testMixedKindsInAnd() {
+ Pointcut mixedKinds = getPointcut("call(* *(..)) && execution(* *(..))");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(mixedKinds).toString());
+ Pointcut ok = getPointcut("call(* *(..)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals(ok,prw.rewrite(ok));
+ }
+ public void testDetermineKindSetOfAnd() {
+ Pointcut oneKind = getPointcut("execution(* foo(..)) && this(Boo)");
+ AndPointcut rewritten = (AndPointcut) prw.rewrite(oneKind);
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,rewritten.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodExecution",rewritten.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfExecution() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(* foo(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodExecution));
+ p = getPointcut("execution(new(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ConstructorExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfCall() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("call(* foo(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodCall",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodCall));
+ p = getPointcut("call(new(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ConstructorCall",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ConstructorCall));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfAdviceExecution() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("adviceexecution()");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.AdviceExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.AdviceExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfGet() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("get(* *)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.FieldGet",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.FieldGet));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfSet() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("set(* *)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.FieldSet",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.FieldSet));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfHandler() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("handler(*)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ExceptionHandler",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ExceptionHandler));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("initialization(new (..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.Initialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.Initialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfPreInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("preinitialization(new (..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.PreInitialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.PreInitialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfStaticInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("staticinitialization(*)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.StaticInitialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.StaticInitialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfThis() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this",kind.neverHasThis());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have this",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@this(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this",kind.neverHasThis());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have this",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfTarget() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("target(Foo)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target",kind.neverHasTarget());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have target",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@target(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target",kind.neverHasTarget());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have target",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfArgs() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("args(..)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@args(..)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfAnnotation() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("@annotation(@Foo)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfWithin() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("within(*)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@within(@Foo)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfWithinCode() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("withincode(* foo(..))");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",
+ (kind.isEnclosingKind() && kind != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && kind != Shadow.Initialization));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that are not enclosing",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ assertTrue("Need cons-exe for inlined field inits",matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ assertTrue("Need init for inlined field inits",matches.contains(Shadow.Initialization));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@withincode(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind);
+ assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",kind.isEnclosingKind());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that are not enclosing",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfIf() {
+ Pointcut p = new IfPointcut(null,0);
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ p = IfPointcut.makeIfTruePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ p = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ assertTrue("Nothing",p.couldMatchKinds().isEmpty());
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfCflow() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // [below]
+ p = getPointcut("cflowbelow(this(Foo))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetInNegation() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("!execution(new(..))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfOr() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ assertEquals("2 kinds",2,matches.size());
+ assertTrue("ConstructorExecution",matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ assertTrue("FieldGet",matches.contains(Shadow.FieldGet));
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInAnd() {
+ Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(@X) && args(X) && @this(@Foo) && @target(@Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(@Moo) && @withincode(@Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *)&& @within(@Foo) && within(Foo)");
+ Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(bigLongPC);
+ assertEquals("((((((((((((within(Foo) && @within(@Foo)) && set(* *)) && withincode(new(..))) && @withincode(@Boo)) && @annotation(@Moo)) && target(Boo)) && this(Moo)) && @target(@Boo)) && @this(@Foo)) && args(X)) && @args(@X)) && cflow(this(Foo)))",rewritten.toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInSimpleOr() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
+ assertEquals("reordered","(get(* *) || execution(new(..)))",prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInNestedOrs() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("(execution(new(..)) || get(* *)) || within(abc)");
+ assertEquals("reordered","((within(abc) || get(* *)) || execution(new(..)))",
+ prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInOrsWithNestedAnds() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("get(* *) || (execution(new(..)) && within(abc))");
+ assertEquals("reordered","((within(abc) && execution(new(..))) || get(* *))",
+ prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ private Pointcut getPointcut(String s) {
+ return new PatternParser(s).parsePointcut();
+ }
+ /*
+ * @see TestCase#setUp()
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ prw = new PointcutRewriter();
+ }
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
index a640a07d5..039bf89d5 100644
--- a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
+import java.util.Set;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.Signature;
@@ -30,11 +31,15 @@ public class PointcutTestCase extends TestCase {
public void testMatchJP() {
Pointcut p = new Pointcut() {
+ public Set couldMatchKinds() {
+ return null;
+ }
public FuzzyBoolean fastMatch(FastMatchInfo info) {
return null;
- public FuzzyBoolean match(Shadow shadow) {
+ protected FuzzyBoolean matchInternal(Shadow shadow) {
return null;
@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ public class PointcutTestCase extends TestCase {
return null;
- public Test findResidue(Shadow shadow, ExposedState state) {
+ protected Test findResidueInternal(Shadow shadow, ExposedState state) {
return null;