path: root/weaver
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authoraclement <aclement>2005-10-25 11:17:21 +0000
committeraclement <aclement>2005-10-25 11:17:21 +0000
commite638a272e0d7e886bdcac33d7ca9fafa69c1b278 (patch)
treecfd4d38e96c9ca4e4f1598ed55d303a0e2b02775 /weaver
parent76ebbc76add2abd815b3a8b5ea0beb11c94c8c49 (diff)
some bridge method testcases and impl for 108101
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
index 36b65d381..3af5d3c98 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/
@@ -735,13 +735,15 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
ResolvedMember memberHoldingAnyAnnotations = interMethodDispatcher;
ResolvedType onType = weaver.getWorld().resolve(unMangledInterMethod.getDeclaringType(),munger.getSourceLocation());
- LazyClassGen gen = weaver.getLazyClassGen();
- boolean mungingInterface = gen.isInterface();
+ LazyClassGen gen = weaver.getLazyClassGen();
+ boolean mungingInterface = gen.isInterface();
if (onType.isRawType()) onType = onType.getGenericType();
boolean onInterface = onType.isInterface();
+ // Simple checks, can't ITD on annotations or enums
if (onType.isAnnotation()) {
return false;
@@ -752,22 +754,26 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
return false;
if (onInterface && gen.getLazyMethodGen(unMangledInterMethod.getName(), unMangledInterMethod.getSignature(),true) != null) {
// this is ok, we could be providing the default implementation of a method
// that the target has already declared
return false;
+ // If we are processing the intended ITD target type (might be an interface)
if (onType.equals(gen.getType())) {
ResolvedMember mangledInterMethod =
AjcMemberMaker.interMethod(unMangledInterMethod, aspectType, onInterface);
- LazyMethodGen mg = makeMethodGen(gen, mangledInterMethod);
+ LazyMethodGen newMethod = makeMethodGen(gen, mangledInterMethod);
if (mungingInterface) {
// we want the modifiers of the ITD to be used for all *implementors* of the
// interface, but the method itself we add to the interface must be public abstract
- mg.setAccessFlags(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT);
+ newMethod.setAccessFlags(Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.ABSTRACT);
// pr98901
@@ -787,7 +793,7 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
AnnotationX annotationX = annotationsOnRealMember[i];
Annotation a = annotationX.getBcelAnnotation();
AnnotationGen ag = new AnnotationGen(a,weaver.getLazyClassGen().getConstantPoolGen(),true);
- mg.addAnnotation(new AnnotationX(ag.getAnnotation(),weaver.getWorld()));
+ newMethod.addAnnotation(new AnnotationX(ag.getAnnotation(),weaver.getWorld()));
// the below loop fixes the very special (and very stupid)
@@ -797,14 +803,15 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
for (Iterator i = allDecams.iterator(); i.hasNext();){
DeclareAnnotation decaMC = (DeclareAnnotation);
if (decaMC.matches(unMangledInterMethod,weaver.getWorld())
- && mg.getEnclosingClass().getType() == aspectType) {
- mg.addAnnotation(decaMC.getAnnotationX());
+ && newMethod.getEnclosingClass().getType() == aspectType) {
+ newMethod.addAnnotation(decaMC.getAnnotationX());
+ // If it doesn't target an interface and there is a body (i.e. it isnt abstract)
if (!onInterface && !Modifier.isAbstract(mangledInterMethod.getModifiers())) {
- InstructionList body = mg.getBody();
+ InstructionList body = newMethod.getBody();
InstructionFactory fact = gen.getFactory();
int pos = 0;
@@ -822,6 +829,11 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
+ if (weaver.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()) { // Don't need bridge methods if not in 1.5 mode.
+ createAnyBridgeMethodsForCovariance(weaver, munger, unMangledInterMethod, onType, gen, paramTypes);
+ }
} else {
//??? this is okay
//if (!(mg.getBody() == null)) throw new RuntimeException("bas");
@@ -829,8 +841,8 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
// XXX make sure to check that we set exceptions properly on this guy.
- weaver.addLazyMethodGen(mg);
- weaver.getLazyClassGen().warnOnAddedMethod(mg.getMethod(),getSignature().getSourceLocation());
+ weaver.addLazyMethodGen(newMethod);
+ weaver.getLazyClassGen().warnOnAddedMethod(newMethod.getMethod(),getSignature().getSourceLocation());
addNeededSuperCallMethods(weaver, onType, munger.getSuperMethodsCalled());
@@ -896,6 +908,90 @@ public class BcelTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
return false;
+ /**
+ * Create any bridge method required because of covariant returns being used. This method is used in the case
+ * where an ITD is applied to some type and it may be in an override relationship with a method from the supertype - but
+ * due to covariance there is a mismatch in return values.
+ * Example of when required:
+ Super defines: Object m(String s)
+ Sub defines: String m(String s)
+ then we need a bridge method in Sub called 'Object m(String s)' that forwards to 'String m(String s)'
+ */
+ private void createAnyBridgeMethodsForCovariance(BcelClassWeaver weaver, NewMethodTypeMunger munger, ResolvedMember unMangledInterMethod, ResolvedType onType, LazyClassGen gen, Type[] paramTypes) {
+ // PERFORMANCE BOTTLENECK? Might need investigating, method analysis between types in a hierarchy just seems expensive...
+ // Algorithm: Step1. Check in this type - has someone already created the bridge method?
+ // Step2. Look above us - do we 'override' a method and yet differ in return type (i.e. covariance)
+ // Step3. Create a forwarding bridge method
+ ResolvedType superclass = onType.getSuperclass();
+ boolean quitRightNow = false;
+ String localMethodName = unMangledInterMethod.getName();
+ String localParameterSig = unMangledInterMethod.getParameterSignature();
+ String localReturnTypeESig = unMangledInterMethod.getReturnType().getErasureSignature();
+ // Step1
+ boolean alreadyDone = false; // Compiler might have done it
+ ResolvedMember[] localMethods = onType.getDeclaredMethods();
+ for (int i = 0; i < localMethods.length; i++) {
+ ResolvedMember member = localMethods[i];
+ if (member.getName().equals(localMethodName)) {
+ // Check the params
+ if (member.getParameterSignature().equals(localParameterSig)) alreadyDone = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Step2
+ if (!alreadyDone) {
+ // Use the iterator form of 'getMethods()' so we do as little work as necessary
+ for (Iterator iter = onType.getSuperclass().getMethods();iter.hasNext() && !quitRightNow;) {
+ ResolvedMember aMethod = (ResolvedMember);
+ if (aMethod.getName().equals(localMethodName) && aMethod.getParameterSignature().equals(localParameterSig)) {
+ // check the return types, if they are different we need a bridging method.
+ if (!aMethod.getReturnType().getErasureSignature().equals(localReturnTypeESig)) {
+ // Step3
+ createBridgeMethod(weaver.getWorld(), munger, unMangledInterMethod, gen, paramTypes, aMethod);
+ quitRightNow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void createBridgeMethod(BcelWorld world, NewMethodTypeMunger munger,
+ ResolvedMember unMangledInterMethod, LazyClassGen gen, Type[] paramTypes, ResolvedMember aMethod) {
+ InstructionList body;
+ InstructionFactory fact;
+ int pos = 0;
+ LazyMethodGen bridgeMethod = makeMethodGen(gen,aMethod); // The bridge method in this type will have the same signature as the one in the supertype
+ bridgeMethod.setAccessFlags(bridgeMethod.getAccessFlags() | 0x00000040 /*BRIDGE = 0x00000040*/ );
+ UnresolvedType[] newParams = munger.getSignature().getParameterTypes();
+// paramTypes = BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(bridgingSetter.getParameterTypes());
+// Type[] bridgingToParms = BcelWorld.makeBcelTypes(unMangledInterMethod.getParameterTypes());
+ Type returnType = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(aMethod.getReturnType());
+ body = bridgeMethod.getBody();
+ fact = gen.getFactory();
+ if (!unMangledInterMethod.isStatic()) {
+ body.append(InstructionFactory.createThis());
+ pos++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0, len = paramTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
+ Type paramType = paramTypes[i];
+ body.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(paramType, pos));
+// if (!bridgingSetter.getParameterTypes()[i].getErasureSignature().equals(unMangledInterMethod.getParameterTypes()[i].getErasureSignature())) {
+// System.err.println("Putting in cast from "+paramType+" to "+bridgingToParms[i]);
+// body.append(fact.createCast(paramType,bridgingToParms[i]));
+// }
+ pos+=paramType.getSize();
+ }
+ body.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, world,unMangledInterMethod));
+ body.append(InstructionFactory.createReturn(returnType));
+ gen.addMethodGen(bridgeMethod);
+ }
private boolean mungeMethodDelegate(BcelClassWeaver weaver, MethodDelegateTypeMunger munger) {
ResolvedMember introduced = munger.getSignature();