path: root/weaver
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authorjhugunin <jhugunin>2003-05-02 20:36:06 +0000
committerjhugunin <jhugunin>2003-05-02 20:36:06 +0000
commitbcdbd68f76629692a5e780702086bff96cdc4c7c (patch)
treef34261e11877f35a765cc5c10e570eab1af9b6d3 /weaver
parentfafdaa404c28c821c3349e7d950afb6a4c8dd790 (diff)
fix and better tests for
Bugzilla Bug 37152 java.lang.VerifyError:
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver')
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelAdvice.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelAdvice.java
index a62bbd927..8666df8f5 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelAdvice.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelAdvice.java
@@ -77,6 +77,15 @@ public class BcelAdvice extends Advice {
pointcutTest = getPointcut().findResidue(shadow, exposedState);
+ // these initializations won't be performed by findResidue, but need to be
+ // so that the joinpoint is primed for weaving
+ if (getKind() == AdviceKind.PerThisEntry) {
+ shadow.getThisVar();
+ } else if (getKind() == AdviceKind.PerTargetEntry) {
+ shadow.getTargetVar();
+ }
// make sure thisJoinPoint parameters are initialized
if ((getExtraParameterFlags() & ThisJoinPointStaticPart) != 0) {
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
index 04b785dc8..c91731e0e 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ import org.aspectj.weaver.ast.Var;
* do have a target of sorts, just one that needs to be pushed on the stack,
* dupped, and not touched otherwise until the constructor runs.
+ * @author Jim Hugunin
+ * @author Erik Hilsdale
+ *
public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
@@ -1176,8 +1179,8 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
* It extracts the instructions of the original shadow into a method.
- * Then it inlines the instructions of the advice in its place, taking care
- * to treat the closure argument specially (it doesn't exist).
+ * Then it extracts the instructions of the advice into a new method defined on
+ * this enclosing class. This new method can then be specialized as below.
* Then it searches in the instructions of the advice for any call to the
* proceed method.
@@ -1192,6 +1195,11 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
* If only one call to proceed is made, we can re-inline the original shadow.
* We are not doing that presently.
+ *
+ * If the body of the advice can be determined to not alter the stack, or if
+ * this shadow doesn't care about the stack, i.e. method-execution, then the
+ * new method for the advice can also be re-lined. We are not doing that
+ * presently.
@@ -1229,35 +1237,30 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
getEnclosingClass()) + "$advice";
- List paramTypeList = new ArrayList();
List argVarList = new ArrayList();
List proceedVarList = new ArrayList();
int extraParamOffset = 0;
- //TODO paramTypeList not needed any more
- // start w/ stuff
+ // Create the extra parameters that are needed for passing to proceed
+ // This code is very similar to that found in makeCallToCallback and should
+ // be rationalized in the future
if (thisVar != null) {
- paramTypeList.add(thisVar.getType());
proceedVarList.add(new BcelVar(thisVar.getType(), extraParamOffset));
extraParamOffset += thisVar.getType().getSize();
if (targetVar != null && targetVar != thisVar) {
- paramTypeList.add(targetVar.getType());
proceedVarList.add(new BcelVar(targetVar.getType(), extraParamOffset));
extraParamOffset += targetVar.getType().getSize();
for (int i = 0, len = getArgCount(); i < len; i++) {
- paramTypeList.add(argVars[i].getType());
proceedVarList.add(new BcelVar(argVars[i].getType(), extraParamOffset));
extraParamOffset += argVars[i].getType().getSize();
if (thisJoinPointVar != null) {
- paramTypeList.add(thisJoinPointVar.getType());
proceedVarList.add(new BcelVar(thisJoinPointVar.getType(), extraParamOffset));
extraParamOffset += thisJoinPointVar.getType().getSize();
@@ -1270,10 +1273,6 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
System.arraycopy(extractedMethodParameterTypes, 0, parameterTypes, parameterIndex, extractedMethodParameterTypes.length);
parameterIndex += extractedMethodParameterTypes.length;
-// for (Iterator i = paramTypeList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
-// ResolvedTypeX t = (ResolvedTypeX)i.next();
-// parameterTypes[parameterIndex++] = BcelWorld.makeBcelType(t);
-// }
parameterTypes[parameterIndex++] =
System.arraycopy(adviceParameterTypes, 0, parameterTypes, parameterIndex, adviceParameterTypes.length);
@@ -1289,6 +1288,10 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
+ // create a map that will move all slots in advice method forward by extraParamOffset
+ // in order to make room for the new proceed-required arguments that are added at
+ // the beginning of the parameter list
int nVars = adviceMethod.getMaxLocals() + extraParamOffset;
IntMap varMap = IntMap.idMap(nVars);
for (int i=extraParamOffset; i < nVars; i++) {
@@ -1350,11 +1353,7 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
- // now the range contains everything we need. We now inline the advice method.
- //BcelClassWeaver.inlineMethod(adviceMethod, enclosingMethod, adviceMethodInvocation);
// now search through the advice, looking for a call to PROCEED.
// Then we replace the call to proceed with some argument setup, and a
@@ -1391,31 +1390,7 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
// we have on stack all the arguments for the ADVICE call.
// we have in frame somewhere all the arguments for the non-advice call.
-// List argVarList = new ArrayList();
-// // start w/ stuff
-// if (thisVar != null) {
-// argVarList.add(thisVar);
-// }
-// if (targetVar != null && targetVar != thisVar) {
-// argVarList.add(targetVar);
-// }
-// for (int i = 0, len = getArgCount(); i < len; i++) {
-// argVarList.add(argVars[i]);
-// }
-// if (thisJoinPointVar != null) {
-// argVarList.add(thisJoinPointVar);
-// }
BcelVar[] adviceVars = munger.getExposedStateAsBcelVars();
- //??? this is too easy
-// for (int i=0; i < adviceVars.length; i++) {
-// if (adviceVars[i] != null)
-// adviceVars[i].setPositionInAroundState(i);
-// }
IntMap proceedMap = makeProceedArgumentMap(adviceVars);
// System.out.println(proceedMap + " for " + this);