path: root/weaver
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authoravasseur <avasseur>2005-04-28 09:05:44 +0000
committeravasseur <avasseur>2005-04-28 09:05:44 +0000
commitfd380fe072d2444995109658c38b1ecae390f900 (patch)
tree6dbb0ccec776447df8913b4f57ef8ef6523c1d9e /weaver
parentd8bfe7324600e51511051a9db49a2ad7e4e9d7a7 (diff)
inlining of around for @AJ works unless non public member accessed from within the advice
splitted ajc150 xml test file
Diffstat (limited to 'weaver')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
index 17f766f28..0442d8c68 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelShadow.java
@@ -1939,7 +1939,47 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
weaveAroundClosure(munger, hasDynamicTest);
+ // specific test for @AJ proceedInInners
+ if (munger.getConcreteAspect().isAnnotationStyleAspect()) {
+ // if we can't find one proceed()
+ // we suspect that the call is happening in an inner class
+ // so we don't inline it.
+ // Note: for code style, this is done at Aspect compilation time.
+ // Limitation: if there is two calls and one is done in an inner class, inlining will happen
+ // since we will see the non proceed in inner one as if it was the sole one.
+ // The one made in the inner class will never be madeXXX. Should be documented.
+ boolean canSeeProceedPassedToOther = false;
+ InstructionHandle curr = adviceMethod.getBody().getStart();
+ InstructionHandle end = adviceMethod.getBody().getEnd();
+ ConstantPoolGen cpg = adviceMethod.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPoolGen();
+ while (curr != end) {
+ InstructionHandle next = curr.getNext();
+ Instruction inst = curr.getInstruction();
+ /*if ((inst instanceof INVOKEINTERFACE)
+ && "proceed".equals(((INVOKEINTERFACE) inst).getMethodName(cpg))) {
+ canSeeProceed = true;
+ //continue since we may have a proceed in inner or pjp as arg
+ } else*/ if ((inst instanceof InvokeInstruction)
+ && ((InvokeInstruction)inst).getSignature(cpg).indexOf("Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;") > 0) {
+ // we may want to refine to exclude stuff returning jp ?
+ // does code style skip inline if i write dump(thisJoinPoint) ?
+ canSeeProceedPassedToOther = true;// we see one pjp passed around - dangerous
+ break;
+ }
+ curr = next;
+ }
+ if (canSeeProceedPassedToOther) {
+ // remember this decision to avoid re-analysis
+ adviceMethod.setCanInline(false);
+ weaveAroundClosure(munger, hasDynamicTest);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
// We can't inline around methods if they have around advice on them, this
// is because the weaving will extract the body and hence the proceed call.
//??? should consider optimizations to recognize simple cases that don't require body extraction
@@ -1954,8 +1994,9 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
- Modifier.PRIVATE,
- munger);
+ Modifier.PRIVATE,
+ munger
+ );
// now extract the advice into its own method
@@ -2164,18 +2205,22 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
Instruction inst = curr.getInstruction();
if ((inst instanceof INVOKEINTERFACE)
&& "proceed".equals(((INVOKEINTERFACE) inst).getMethodName(cpg))) {
- //TODO proceed(...varargs) will need some stuff there
- InstructionList insteadProceedIl =
- getRedoneProceedCallForAnnotationStyle(
+ final boolean isProceedWithArgs;
+ if (((INVOKEINTERFACE) inst).getArgumentTypes(cpg).length == 1) {
+ // proceed with args as a boxed Object[]
+ isProceedWithArgs = true;
+ } else {
+ isProceedWithArgs = false;
+ }
+ InstructionList insteadProceedIl = getRedoneProceedCallForAnnotationStyle(
- proceedVarList);
- //TODO optimize, a POP is added somewhere, what for non void ?
- localAdviceMethod.getBody().append(
- curr, insteadProceedIl);
+ proceedVarList,
+ isProceedWithArgs
+ );
+ localAdviceMethod.getBody().append(curr, insteadProceedIl);
Utility.deleteInstruction(curr, localAdviceMethod);
curr = next;
@@ -2242,6 +2287,7 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
* @param munger
* @param localAdviceMethod
* @param argVarList
+ * @param isProceedWithArgs
* @return
private InstructionList getRedoneProceedCallForAnnotationStyle(
@@ -2249,57 +2295,129 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
LazyMethodGen callbackMethod,
BcelAdvice munger,
LazyMethodGen localAdviceMethod,
- List argVarList)
+ List argVarList,
+ boolean isProceedWithArgs)
- //if (true) return new InstructionList();
+ // Notes:
+ // proceedingjp is on stack (since user was calling pjp.proceed(...)
+ // the boxed args to proceed() are on stack as well (Object[]) unless
+ // the call is to pjp.proceed(<noarg>)
- //TODO I think we just don't care about the proceed map
- // since that one must be the exact same of the advice sig.
- // perhaps with custom jp ?
+ // new Object[]{new Integer(argAdvice1-1)};// arg of proceed
+ // call to proceed(..) is NOT made
+ // instead we do
+ // itar callback args i
+ // get from array i, convert it to the callback arg i
+ // if ask for JP, push the one we got on the stack
+ // invoke callback, create conversion back to Object/Integer
- // we have on stack all the arguments for the ADVICE call.
- // we have in frame somewhere all the arguments for the non-advice call.
- BcelVar[] adviceVars = munger.getExposedStateAsBcelVars();
- IntMap proceedMap = makeProceedArgumentMap(adviceVars);
+ // rest of method -- (hence all those conversions)
+ // intValue() from original code
+ // int res = .. from original code
- //System.out.println(proceedMap + " for " + this);
- //System.out.println(argVarList);
- ResolvedTypeX[] proceedParamTypes =
- world.resolve(munger.getSignature().getParameterTypes());
- //System.out.println(proceedParamTypes);
+ //Note: we just don't care about the proceed map etc
InstructionList ret = new InstructionList();
- ret.append(new POP());//the joinpoint instance is there
- for (int i=0, len=callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes().length; i < len; i++) {
- Type stateType = callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes()[i];
- ResolvedTypeX stateTypeX = BcelWorld.fromBcel(stateType).resolve(world);
- if (proceedMap.hasKey(i)) {
- ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
- //throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
- //proceedVars[proceedMap.get(i)].appendLoadAndConvert(ret, fact, stateTypeX);
- } else {
- //FIXME Alex: odd code there
- //((BcelVar) argVarList.get(i)).appendLoad(ret, fact);
- //ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+ // store the Object[] array on stack if proceed with args
+ if (isProceedWithArgs) {
+ Type objectArrayType = Type.getType("[Ljava/lang/Object;");
+ int localProceedArgArray = localAdviceMethod.allocateLocal(objectArrayType);
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(objectArrayType, localProceedArgArray));
+ Type proceedingJpType = Type.getType("Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;");
+ int localJp = localAdviceMethod.allocateLocal(proceedingJpType);
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(proceedingJpType, localJp));
+ // push on stack each element of the object array
+ // that is assumed to be consistent with the callback argument (ie munger args)
+ // TODO do we want to try catch ClassCast and AOOBE exception ?
+ // special logic when withincode is static or not
+ int startIndex = 0;
+ if (thisVar != null) {
+ startIndex = 1;
+ //TODO this logic is actually depending on target as well - test me
+ ret.append(new ALOAD(0));//thisVar
+ }
+ for (int i = startIndex, len=callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes().length; i < len; i++) {
+ Type stateType = callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes()[i];
+ ResolvedTypeX stateTypeX = BcelWorld.fromBcel(stateType).resolve(world);
if ("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;".equals(stateType.getSignature())) {
- ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+ ret.append(new ALOAD(localJp));// from localAdvice signature
} else {
- ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(objectArrayType, localProceedArgArray));
+ ret.append(Utility.createConstant(fact, i-startIndex));
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createArrayLoad(Type.OBJECT));
+ ret.append(Utility.createConversion(
+ fact,
+ Type.OBJECT,
+ stateType
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Type proceedingJpType = Type.getType("Lorg/aspectj/lang/ProceedingJoinPoint;");
+ int localJp = localAdviceMethod.allocateLocal(proceedingJpType);
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(proceedingJpType, localJp));
+ for (int i = 0, len=callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes().length; i < len; i++) {
+ Type stateType = callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes()[i];
+ ResolvedTypeX stateTypeX = BcelWorld.fromBcel(stateType).resolve(world);
+ if ("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;".equals(stateType.getSignature())) {
+ ret.append(new ALOAD(localJp));// from localAdvice signature
+ } else {
+ ret.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(stateType, i));
+ // do the callback invoke
ret.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, callbackMethod));
- ret.append(Utility.createConversion(fact, callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
- BcelWorld.makeBcelType(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())));
- ret.append(new ACONST_NULL());//will be POPed //FIXME Alex: if so clean up
- if (true) return ret;
+ // box it again. Handles cases where around advice does return something else than Object
+ if (!TypeX.OBJECT.equals(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())) {
+ ret.append(Utility.createConversion(
+ fact,
+ callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
+ ));
+ }
+ ret.append(Utility.createConversion(
+ fact,
+ callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
+ BcelWorld.makeBcelType(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())
+ ));
+ return ret;
+// if (proceedMap.hasKey(i)) {
+// ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+// //throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
+// //proceedVars[proceedMap.get(i)].appendLoadAndConvert(ret, fact, stateTypeX);
+// } else {
+// //((BcelVar) argVarList.get(i)).appendLoad(ret, fact);
+// //ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+// if ("Lorg/aspectj/lang/JoinPoint;".equals(stateType.getSignature())) {
+// ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+// } else {
+// ret.append(new ALOAD(i));
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// ret.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, callbackMethod));
+// ret.append(Utility.createConversion(fact, callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
+// BcelWorld.makeBcelType(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())));
+// //ret.append(new ACONST_NULL());//will be POPed
+// if (true) return ret;
// // we have on stack all the arguments for the ADVICE call.
// // we have in frame somewhere all the arguments for the non-advice call.
@@ -2311,36 +2429,36 @@ public class BcelShadow extends Shadow {
// ResolvedTypeX[] proceedParamTypes =
// world.resolve(munger.getSignature().getParameterTypes());
- // remove this*JoinPoint* as arguments to proceed
- if (munger.getBaseParameterCount()+1 < proceedParamTypes.length) {
- int len = munger.getBaseParameterCount()+1;
- ResolvedTypeX[] newTypes = new ResolvedTypeX[len];
- System.arraycopy(proceedParamTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, len);
- proceedParamTypes = newTypes;
- }
- //System.out.println("stateTypes: " + Arrays.asList(stateTypes));
- BcelVar[] proceedVars =
- Utility.pushAndReturnArrayOfVars(proceedParamTypes, ret, fact, localAdviceMethod);
- Type[] stateTypes = callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes();
-// System.out.println("stateTypes: " + Arrays.asList(stateTypes));
- for (int i=0, len=stateTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
- Type stateType = stateTypes[i];
- ResolvedTypeX stateTypeX = BcelWorld.fromBcel(stateType).resolve(world);
- if (proceedMap.hasKey(i)) {
- //throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
- proceedVars[proceedMap.get(i)].appendLoadAndConvert(ret, fact, stateTypeX);
- } else {
- ((BcelVar) argVarList.get(i)).appendLoad(ret, fact);
- }
- }
- ret.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, callbackMethod));
- ret.append(Utility.createConversion(fact, callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
- BcelWorld.makeBcelType(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())));
- return ret;
+// // remove this*JoinPoint* as arguments to proceed
+// if (munger.getBaseParameterCount()+1 < proceedParamTypes.length) {
+// int len = munger.getBaseParameterCount()+1;
+// ResolvedTypeX[] newTypes = new ResolvedTypeX[len];
+// System.arraycopy(proceedParamTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, len);
+// proceedParamTypes = newTypes;
+// }
+// //System.out.println("stateTypes: " + Arrays.asList(stateTypes));
+// BcelVar[] proceedVars =
+// Utility.pushAndReturnArrayOfVars(proceedParamTypes, ret, fact, localAdviceMethod);
+// Type[] stateTypes = callbackMethod.getArgumentTypes();
+//// System.out.println("stateTypes: " + Arrays.asList(stateTypes));
+// for (int i=0, len=stateTypes.length; i < len; i++) {
+// Type stateType = stateTypes[i];
+// ResolvedTypeX stateTypeX = BcelWorld.fromBcel(stateType).resolve(world);
+// if (proceedMap.hasKey(i)) {
+// //throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
+// proceedVars[proceedMap.get(i)].appendLoadAndConvert(ret, fact, stateTypeX);
+// } else {
+// ((BcelVar) argVarList.get(i)).appendLoad(ret, fact);
+// }
+// }
+// ret.append(Utility.createInvoke(fact, callbackMethod));
+// ret.append(Utility.createConversion(fact, callbackMethod.getReturnType(),
+// BcelWorld.makeBcelType(munger.getSignature().getReturnType())));
+// return ret;
public void weaveAroundClosure(