diff options
2 files changed, 71 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tests/multiIncremental/AspectPathOne/inc1/src/ b/tests/multiIncremental/AspectPathOne/inc1/src/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10df0557a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/multiIncremental/AspectPathOne/inc1/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+public aspect Asp2 {
+before(): staticinitialization(C*) {}
+ before(): execution(* fo*(..)) {}
diff --git a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
index ed09a5090..1ed8f2669 100644
--- a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
+++ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/incremental/tools/
@@ -426,13 +426,64 @@ public class MultiProjectIncrementalTests extends AbstractMultiProjectIncrementa
configureAspectPath(bug2, getProjectRelativePath(bug, "bin"));
+ dumptree(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().getRoot(), 0);
+ PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);
+ AsmManager.getDefault().dumprels(pw);
+ pw.flush();
+ IProgramElement root = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().getRoot();
+ assertEquals("=AspectPathTwo/binaries<pkg(Asp.class}Asp&before", findElementAtLine(root, 5).getHandleIdentifier());
+ assertEquals("=AspectPathTwo/binaries<(Asp2.class}Asp2&before", findElementAtLine(root, 16).getHandleIdentifier());
+ }
+ /**
+ * A change is made to an aspect on the aspectpath (staticinitialization() advice is added) for another project.
+ * <p>
+ * Managing the aspectpath is hard. We want to do a minimal build of this project which means recognizing what kind of changes
+ * have occurred on the aspectpath. Was it a regular class or an aspect? Was it a structural change to that aspect?
+ * <p>
+ * The filenames for .class files created that contain aspects is stored in the AjState.aspectClassFiles field. When a change is
+ * detected we can see who was managing the location where the change occurred and ask them if the .class file contained an
+ * aspect. Right now a change detected like this will cause a full build. We might improve the detection logic here but it isn't
+ * trivial:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Around advice is inlined. Changing the body of an around advice would not normally be thought of as a structural change
+ * (as it does not change the signature of the class) but due to inlining it is a change we would need to pay attention to as it
+ * will affect types previously woven with that advice.
+ * <li>Annotation style aspects include pointcuts in strings. Changes to these are considered non-structural but clearly they do
+ * affect what might be woven.
+ * </ul>
+ */
+ public void testAspectPath_pr249212_c1() throws IOException {
+ String p1 = "AspectPathOne";
+ String p2 = "AspectPathTwo";
+ addSourceFolderForSourceFile(p2, getProjectRelativePath(p2, "src/"), "src");
+ initialiseProject(p1);
+ initialiseProject(p2);
+ configureAspectPath(p2, getProjectRelativePath(p1, "bin"));
+ build(p1);
+ build(p2);
+ AjdeInteractionTestbed.VERBOSE = true;
+ alter(p1, "inc1");
+ build(p1); // Modify the aspect Asp2 to include staticinitialization() advice
+ checkWasFullBuild();
+ Set s = AsmManager.getDefault().getModelChangesOnLastBuild();
+ assertTrue("Should be empty as was full build:" + s, s.isEmpty());
+ // prod the build of the second project with some extra info to tell it more precisely about the change:
+ addClasspathEntryChanged(p2, getProjectRelativePath(p1, "bin").toString());
+ build(p2);
+ checkWasFullBuild();
// dumptree(AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().getRoot(), 0);
// PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(System.out);
// AsmManager.getDefault().dumprels(pw);
// pw.flush();
- IProgramElement root = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().getRoot();
- assertEquals("=AspectPathTwo/binaries<pkg(Asp.class}Asp&before", findElementAtLine(root, 5).getHandleIdentifier());
- assertEquals("=AspectPathTwo/binaries<(Asp2.class}Asp2&before", findElementAtLine(root, 16).getHandleIdentifier());
+ // Not incremental
+ assertTrue("Should be empty as was full build:" + s, s.isEmpty());
+ // Set s = AsmManager.getDefault().getModelChangesOnLastBuild();
+ // checkIfContainsFile(AsmManager.getDefault().getModelChangesOnLastBuild(), "", true);
// public void testAspectPath_pr242797_c41() {