diff options
-rw-r--r--ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtType.aj (renamed from ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/AnnotationTest.aj)2
19 files changed, 1411 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index db148e599..ba68dc299 100644
--- a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.aspectj.asm.AsmManager;
import org.aspectj.asm.IProgramElement;
import org.aspectj.asm.IRelationship;
+import org.aspectj.util.TypeSafeEnum;
* @author Mik Kersten
@@ -226,7 +228,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
int secondClassStartIndex = fileContents.toString().indexOf("class <B>");
if (secondClassStartIndex != -1) {
String name = decl.toSignatureString();
- int classEndIndex = fileContents.indexOf(name + "</B><DT>");
+ int classEndIndex = fileContents.indexOf(name + "</B><DT>");
if (secondClassStartIndex != -1 && classEndIndex != -1) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(fileContents.toString().
@@ -283,6 +285,21 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
insertDeclarationsSummary(fileBuffer, advice, ADVICE_SUMMARY, index);
insertDeclarationsDetails(fileBuffer, advice, ADVICE_DETAIL, index);
+ // add the 'aspect declarations' information against the type
+ List parentsDeclaredOn = StructureUtil.getDeclareInterTypeTargets(node, IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_PARENTS);
+ if (parentsDeclaredOn != null && parentsDeclaredOn.size() > 0) {
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileBuffer,index,parentsDeclaredOn,HtmlRelationshipKind.ASPECT_DECLARATIONS);
+ }
+ // add the 'annotated by' information against the type
+ List annotatedBy = StructureUtil.getTargets(node,IRelationship.Kind.DECLARE_INTER_TYPE,"annotated by");
+ if (annotatedBy != null && annotatedBy.size() > 0) {
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileBuffer,index,annotatedBy,HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY);
+ }
+ // add the 'advised by' information against the type
+ List advisedBy = StructureUtil.getTargets(node, IRelationship.Kind.ADVICE);
+ if (advisedBy != null && advisedBy.size() > 0) {
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileBuffer,index,advisedBy,HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY);
+ }
// static void addIntroductionDocumentation(IProgramElement decl,
@@ -335,7 +352,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
entry += comment + "<P>";
entry +=
- generateAffects(decl, false) + "</TD>" +
+ generateAffects(decl) + "</TD>" +
else if ( kind.equals( POINTCUT_SUMMARY ) ) {
@@ -362,7 +379,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
"<TD>" +
"<A HREF=\"#" + generateHREFName(decl) + "\">" +
"<TT>" + decl.toLabelString() + "</TT></A><P>" +
- generateAffects(decl, true);
+ generateAffects(decl);
else if ( kind.equals( ITD_FIELD_SUMMARY )
|| kind.equals( ITD_METHOD_SUMMARY)) {
@@ -456,7 +473,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
"<TT>" +
generateSignatures(decl) + "</TT>\n" + "<P>" +
generateDetailsComment(decl) + "<P>" +
- generateAffects(decl, false);
+ generateAffects(decl);
else if (kind.equals(POINTCUT_DETAIL)) {
entry +=
@@ -477,7 +494,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
if (!decl.getKind().isDeclare()) {
entry += generateSignatures(decl) + "<P>";
- entry += generateAffects(decl, true) +
+ entry += generateAffects(decl) +
@@ -530,15 +547,18 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
return index;
- static void decorateMemberDocumentation(IProgramElement node,
- StringBuffer fileContentsBuffer,
- int index ) {
- List targets = StructureUtil.getTargets(node, IRelationship.Kind.ADVICE);
+ static void decorateDocWithRel(
+ IProgramElement node,
+ StringBuffer fileContentsBuffer,
+ int index,
+ List targets,
+ HtmlRelationshipKind relKind) {
if (targets != null && !targets.isEmpty()) {
- String adviceDoc
- = "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><TR>" +
- "<TD width=\"15%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>&nbsp;Advised&nbsp;by:</font></b></td><td>";
+ String adviceDoc = "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><TR>" +
+ "<TD width=\"15%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ relKind.toString() +
+ "</font></b></td><td>";
String relativePackagePath =
@@ -546,8 +566,16 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
List addedNames = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator it = targets.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
- String currHandle = (String);
- IProgramElement currDecl = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(currHandle);
+ Object o =;
+ IProgramElement currDecl = null;
+ if (o instanceof String) {
+ String currHandle = (String)o;
+ currDecl = AsmManager.getDefault().getHierarchy().findElementForHandle(currHandle);
+ } else if (o instanceof IProgramElement){
+ currDecl = (IProgramElement)o;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
String packagePath = "";
if (currDecl.getPackageName() != null && !currDecl.getPackageName().equals("")) {
@@ -565,12 +593,16 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
hrefName = currDecl.getPackageName().replace('.', '/');
// hrefLink = "";//+ currDecl.getPackageName() + Config.DIR_SEP_CHAR;
+ // use the currDecl.toLabelString rather than currDecl.getName()
+ // because two distinct advice blocks can have the same
+ // currDecl.getName() and wouldn't both appear in the ajdoc
hrefName += Config.DIR_SEP_CHAR +
- currDecl.getParent().toLinkLabelString()
- + "." + currDecl.getName();
+ currDecl.getParent().toLinkLabelString()
+ + "." + currDecl.toLabelString();
+ // need to replace " with quot; otherwise the links wont work
hrefLink += currDecl.getParent().toLinkLabelString() + ".html"
- + "#" + currDecl.toLabelString();
+ + "#" + currDecl.toLabelString().replaceAll("\"","quot;");
if (!addedNames.contains(hrefName)) {
adviceDoc = adviceDoc +
@@ -585,6 +617,22 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
fileContentsBuffer.insert( index, adviceDoc );
+ static void decorateMemberDocumentation(IProgramElement node,
+ StringBuffer fileContentsBuffer,
+ int index ) {
+ List targets = StructureUtil.getTargets(node, IRelationship.Kind.ADVICE);
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileContentsBuffer,index,targets,HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY);
+ List warnings = StructureUtil.getTargets(node,IRelationship.Kind.DECLARE,"matches declare");
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileContentsBuffer,index,warnings,HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE);
+ List softenedBy = StructureUtil.getTargets(node,IRelationship.Kind.DECLARE,"softened by");
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileContentsBuffer,index,softenedBy,HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENED_BY);
+ List annotatedBy = StructureUtil.getTargets(node,IRelationship.Kind.DECLARE_INTER_TYPE,"annotated by");
+ decorateDocWithRel(node,fileContentsBuffer,index,annotatedBy,HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY);
+ }
* pr119453 - adding "declared by" relationship
@@ -626,20 +674,39 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
* TODO: probably want to make this the same for intros and advice.
- static String generateAffects(IProgramElement decl, boolean isIntroduction) {
+ static String generateAffects(IProgramElement decl) {
List targets = null;
- if (isIntroduction) {
- targets = StructureUtil.getDeclareTargets(decl);
- } else {
- targets = StructureUtil.getTargets(decl, IRelationship.Kind.ADVICE);
- }
+ if (decl.getKind().isDeclare() || decl.getKind().isInterTypeMember()) {
+ targets = StructureUtil.getDeclareTargets(decl);
+ } else {
+ targets = StructureUtil.getTargets(decl, IRelationship.Kind.ADVICE);
+ }
if (targets == null) return "";
String entry = "<TABLE WIDTH=\"100%\" BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF><TR>";
- if (!isIntroduction) {
- entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>&nbsp;Advises:</b></font></td><td>";
- } else {
- entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>&nbsp;Declared&nbsp;on:</b></font></td><td>";
- }
+ IProgramElement.Kind kind = decl.getKind();
+ if (kind.equals(IProgramElement.Kind.ADVICE)) {
+ entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISES.toString() +
+ "</b></font></td><td>";
+ } else if (kind.equals(IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_WARNING)
+ || kind.equals(IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_ERROR)) {
+ entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY.toString() +
+ "</b></font></td><td>";
+ } else if (kind.isDeclareAnnotation()) {
+ entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATES.toString() +
+ "</b></font></td><td>";
+ } else if (kind.equals(IProgramElement.Kind.DECLARE_SOFT)) {
+ entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENS.toString() +
+ "</b></font></td><td>";
+ } else {
+ entry += "<TD width=\"10%\" bgcolor=\"#FFD8B0\"><B><FONT COLOR=000000>" +
+ HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON.toString() +
+ "</b></font></td><td>";
+ }
String relativePackagePath =
@@ -867,4 +934,48 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
return formattedComment;
+ /**
+ * TypeSafeEnum for the entries which need to be put in the html doc
+ */
+ public static class HtmlRelationshipKind extends TypeSafeEnum {
+ public HtmlRelationshipKind(String name, int key) {
+ super(name, key);
+ }
+ public static HtmlRelationshipKind read(DataInputStream s) throws IOException {
+ int key = s.readByte();
+ switch(key) {
+ case 1: return ADVISES;
+ case 2: return ADVISED_BY;
+ case 3: return MATCHED_BY;
+ case 4: return MATCHES_DECLARE;
+ case 5: return DECLARED_ON;
+ case 6: return ASPECT_DECLARATIONS;
+ case 7: return SOFTENS;
+ case 8: return SOFTENED_BY;
+ case 9: return ANNOTATES;
+ case 10: return ANNOTATED_BY;
+ case 11: return USES_POINTCUT;
+ case 12: return POINTCUT_USED_BY;
+ }
+ throw new Error("weird relationship kind " + key);
+ }
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind ADVISES = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Advises:", 1);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind ADVISED_BY = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Advised&nbsp;by:", 2);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind MATCHED_BY = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Matched&nbsp;by:", 3);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind MATCHES_DECLARE = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Matches&nbsp;declare:", 4);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind DECLARED_ON = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Declared&nbsp;on:", 5);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind ASPECT_DECLARATIONS = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Aspect&nbsp;declarations:", 6);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind SOFTENS = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Softens:", 7);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind SOFTENED_BY = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Softened&nbsp;by:", 8);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind ANNOTATES = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Annotates:", 9);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind ANNOTATED_BY = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Annotated&nbsp;by:", 10);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind USES_POINTCUT = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Uses&nbsp;pointcut:", 11);
+ public static final HtmlRelationshipKind POINTCUT_USED_BY = new HtmlRelationshipKind("&nbsp;Pointcut&nbsp;used&nbsp;by:", 12);
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 42568837b..df063f2bd 100644
--- a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -25,21 +25,58 @@ import org.aspectj.asm.IRelationship;
public class StructureUtil {
+ * Calculate the targets for a given IProgramElement (and it's
+ * immediate children if its not a type or if the child is
+ * CODE) and relationship kind
+ *
* @return null if a relationship of that kind is not found
public static List /*String*/ getTargets(IProgramElement node, IRelationship.Kind kind) {
- List relations = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap().get(node);
+ return getTargets(node,kind,null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Calculate the targets for a given IProgramElement (and it's immediate
+ * children if its not a type or if the child is CODE) and relationship
+ * kind with the specified relationship name.
+ *
+ * @return null if a relationship of that kind is not found
+ */
+ public static List /*String*/ getTargets(IProgramElement node, IRelationship.Kind kind, String relName) {
+ List relations = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap().get(node);
+ for (Iterator iter = node.getChildren().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ IProgramElement child = (IProgramElement);
+ // if we're not a type, or if we are and the child is code, then
+ // we want to get the relationships for this child - this means that the
+ // correct relationships appear against the type in the ajdoc
+ if (!node.getKind().isType()
+ || child.getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CODE) ) {
+ List childRelations = AsmManager.getDefault().getRelationshipMap().get(child);
+ if (childRelations != null) {
+ if (relations == null) {
+ relations = childRelations;
+ } else {
+ relations.addAll(childRelations);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
List targets = null;
- if (relations == null) return null;
+ if (relations == null || relations.isEmpty()) return null;
for (Iterator it = relations.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
IRelationship rtn = (IRelationship);
- if (rtn.getKind().equals(kind)) {
- targets = rtn.getTargets();
+ if (rtn.getKind().equals(kind)
+ && ((relName != null && relName.equals(rtn.getName()))
+ || relName == null)){
+ if (targets == null) {
+ targets = rtn.getTargets();
+ } else {
+ targets.addAll(rtn.getTargets());
+ }
- return targets;
+ return targets;
static List /*IProgramElement */ getDeclareInterTypeTargets(IProgramElement node, IProgramElement.Kind kind) {
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/foo/ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/foo/
index b05d7bc72..695026642 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/foo/
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/foo/
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ import java.util.List;
interface I { }
+ * doc about the Point class........
+ *
+ */
class Point {
int x;
static int sx;
@@ -28,7 +32,8 @@ class Point {
public int changeX(int x) {
- this.x = x;
+ //this.x = x;
+ setX(x);
return x;
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c720c670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package pkg;
+public aspect A {
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A2.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A2.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f876dc65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/A2.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package pkg;
+public aspect A2 {
+ pointcut p() : execution(* C2.amethod(..));
+ pointcut p2() : execution(* C2.amethod(..));
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+ before() : p2() {
+ }
+class C2 {
+ public void amethod() {
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e817b5163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+package pkg;
+public class C {
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/A.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/A.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..947d9d2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/A.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+package foo;
+public aspect A {
+ pointcut p() : execution(* C.amethod(..));
+ declare warning : p() : "warning";
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+class C {
+ public void amethod() {
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtConstructor.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtConstructor.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d43cac39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtConstructor.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package foo;
+@interface MyAnnotation {
+public aspect DeclareAtConstructor {
+ declare @constructor : : @MyAnnotation;
+class C {
+ public C(String s) {
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtField.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtField.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea5230a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtField.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+package foo;
+@interface MyAnnotation {
+public aspect DeclareAtField {
+ declare @field : int C.* : @MyAnnotation;
+class C {
+ int x = 1;
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtMethod.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtMethod.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dc6ca739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtMethod.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+package foo;
+@interface MyAnnotation {
+public aspect DeclareAtMethod {
+ declare @method : public * C.*(..) : @MyAnnotation;
+class C {
+ public void amethod() {
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/AnnotationTest.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtType.aj
index 28a72736a..44f60b633 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/AnnotationTest.aj
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareAtType.aj
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package foo;
@interface MyAnnotation {
-public aspect AnnotationTest {
+public aspect DeclareAtType {
declare @type : C : @MyAnnotation;
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareCoverage2.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareCoverage2.aj
index 6300298e9..1ea6b6322 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareCoverage2.aj
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareCoverage2.aj
@@ -2,20 +2,23 @@ package foo;
public aspect DeclareCoverage2 {
- pointcut illegalNewFigElt(): call( && !withincode(* *.doIt(..));
+ pointcut illegalNewFigElt(): call( && !withincode(* *.doIt(..));
declare error: illegalNewFigElt(): "Illegal constructor call.";
- declare warning: call(* Point.setX(..)): "Illegal call.";
+ declare warning: call(* Point2.setX(..)): "Illegal call.";
+ declare warning : execution(* Point2.setX(..)) : "blah";
- declare parents: Point extends;
- declare parents: Line implements java.util.Observable;
- declare soft: SizeException : call(* Point.getX());
- declare precedence: DeclareCoverage2, InterTypeDecCoverage, *;
+ declare parents: Point2 implements;
+ declare soft: SizeException2 : call(* Point2.getX());
+ declare precedence: DeclareCoverage2, InterTypeDecCoverage2, *;
-aspect InterTypeDecCoverage {}
+aspect InterTypeDecCoverage2 {}
-class Point {
+ * comment about class Point2
+ */
+class Point2 {
int x = 2;
public void setX(int x) {
@@ -27,18 +30,18 @@ class Point {
-class Line {
+class Line2 {
-class SizeException extends Throwable { }
+class SizeException2 extends Throwable { }
-class Main {
+class Main2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void doIt() {
- Point p = new Point();
+ Point2 p = new Point2();
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareParents.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareParents.aj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c86784690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/declareForms/DeclareParents.aj
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+package foo;
+public aspect DeclareParents {
+ declare parents: Class1 implements;
+ declare parents: Class2 extends java.util.Observable;
+class Class1 {
+class Class2 {
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/pr119453/src/pack/A.aj b/ajdoc/testdata/pr119453/src/pack/A.aj
index 21517b07f..1741b6165 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testdata/pr119453/src/pack/A.aj
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/pr119453/src/pack/A.aj
@@ -18,4 +18,7 @@ public aspect A {
before() : p() {
+ pointcut p1() : execution(public String C.method1(..));
+ after() returning : p1() {
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 0022265e1..d46b2a4af 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -130,31 +130,104 @@ public class AjdocOutputChecker {
return missingStrings;
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the class data section has the expected
+ * relationship and target i.e. have the relationships been
+ * applied to the type.
+ *
+ * @param the ajdoc html file
+ * @param the detail sectionHeader, for example "DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY"
+ * @param the source of the relationship, for example "Point()"
+ * @param the relationship, for example HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY
+ * @param the expected target, for example "HREF=\"../foo/Main.html#doIt()\""
+ * @return true if the section contains the expected source/relationship/target,
+ * false otherwise
+ */
+ public static boolean classDataSectionContainsRel(File htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind relationship,
+ String target) throws Exception {
+ if (((htmlFile == null) || !htmlFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("html"))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(htmlFile));
+ String line = reader.readLine();
+ while (line != null) {
+ if (line.indexOf("START OF CLASS DATA") != -1) {
+ // found the required class data section
+ String subLine = reader.readLine();
+ while(subLine != null
+ && (subLine.indexOf("========") == -1)){
+ int relIndex = subLine.indexOf(relationship.toString());
+ int targetIndex = subLine.indexOf(target);
+ if ((relIndex != -1) && (targetIndex != -1)) {
+ reader.close();
+ if (relIndex < targetIndex) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ subLine = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ reader.close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ line = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ reader.close();
+ return false;
+ }
- * Checks whether the given strings appear one after the other in the
- * ajdoc html file
+ * Returns whether the supplied source has the expected
+ * relationship and target within the given detail section
- * @param htmlFile
- * @param firstString
- * @param secondString expected to follow the firstString
- * @return true if secondString appears after firstString, false otherwise
- * @throws Exception
+ * @param the ajdoc html file
+ * @param the detail sectionHeader, for example "DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY"
+ * @param the source of the relationship, for example "Point()"
+ * @param the relationship, for example HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY
+ * @param the expected target, for example "HREF=\"../foo/Main.html#doIt()\""
+ * @return true if the section contains the expected source/relationship/target,
+ * false otherwise
- public static boolean fileContainsConsecutiveStrings(File htmlFile,
- String firstString, String secondString ) throws Exception {
- if ((htmlFile == null) || !htmlFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("html")) {
+ public static boolean detailSectionContainsRel(File htmlFile,
+ String sectionHeader, String source,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind relationship,
+ String target) throws Exception {
+ if (((htmlFile == null) || !htmlFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("html"))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (sectionHeader.indexOf("DETAIL") == -1) {
return false;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(htmlFile));
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
- if (line.indexOf(firstString) != -1) {
- if ( (line.indexOf(secondString) != -1
- && line.indexOf(secondString) > line.indexOf(firstString))
- || reader.readLine().indexOf(secondString) != -1) {
- reader.close();
- return true;
+ if (line.indexOf(sectionHeader) != -1) {
+ // found the required main section
+ String nextLine = reader.readLine();
+ while (nextLine != null && (nextLine.indexOf("========") == -1)) {
+ if (nextLine.indexOf("NAME=\""+source+"\"") != -1) {
+ // found the required subsection
+ String subLine = reader.readLine();
+ while(subLine != null
+ && (subLine.indexOf("========") == -1)
+ && (subLine.indexOf("NAME") == -1)) {
+ int relIndex = subLine.indexOf(relationship.toString());
+ int targetIndex = subLine.indexOf(target);
+ if ((relIndex != -1) && (targetIndex != -1)) {
+ reader.close();
+ if (relIndex < targetIndex) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ subLine = reader.readLine();
+ }
+ reader.close();
+ return false;
+ }
+ nextLine = reader.readLine();
return false;
@@ -164,36 +237,57 @@ public class AjdocOutputChecker {
return false;
- * Checks whether the given strings appear one after the other in the
- * given section of the ajdoc html file
+ * Returns whether the supplied source has the expected
+ * relationship and target within the given summary section
- * @param htmlFile
- * @param firstString
- * @param secondString expected to follow the firstString
- * @param sectionHeader
- * @return true if secondString appears after firstString, false otherwise
- * @throws Exception
+ * @param the ajdoc html file
+ * @param the detail sectionHeader, for example "DECLARE SUMMARY"
+ * @param the source of the relationship, for example "Point()"
+ * @param the relationship, for example HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY
+ * @param the expected target, for example "HREF=\"../foo/Main.html#doIt()\""
+ * @return true if the section contains the expected source/relationship/target,
+ * false otherwise
- public static boolean sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(File htmlFile,
- String firstString, String secondString, String sectionHeader) throws Exception {
+ public static boolean summarySectionContainsRel(
+ File htmlFile,
+ String sectionHeader,
+ String source,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind relationship,
+ String target) throws Exception {
if (((htmlFile == null) || !htmlFile.getAbsolutePath().endsWith("html"))) {
return false;
+ if (sectionHeader.indexOf("SUMMARY") == -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(htmlFile));
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
if (line.indexOf(sectionHeader) != -1) {
+ // found the required main section
String nextLine = reader.readLine();
while (nextLine != null && (nextLine.indexOf("========") == -1)) {
- if (nextLine.indexOf(firstString) != -1) {
- if ( (nextLine.indexOf(secondString) != -1
- && nextLine.indexOf(secondString) > nextLine.indexOf(firstString))
- || reader.readLine().indexOf(secondString) != -1) {
- reader.close();
- return true;
+ if (nextLine.indexOf(source) != -1) {
+ // found the required subsection
+ String subLine = nextLine;
+ while(subLine != null
+ && (subLine.indexOf("========") == -1)
+ && (subLine.indexOf("<TR BGCOLOR=\"white\" CLASS=\"TableRowColor\">") == -1)) {
+ int relIndex = subLine.indexOf(relationship.toString());
+ int targetIndex = subLine.indexOf(target);
+ if ((relIndex != -1) && (targetIndex != -1)) {
+ reader.close();
+ if (relIndex < targetIndex) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ subLine = reader.readLine();
+ reader.close();
+ return false;
nextLine = reader.readLine();
@@ -205,4 +299,5 @@ public class AjdocOutputChecker {
return false;
diff --git a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 4b57d4978..33a97d486 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -82,6 +82,35 @@ public class CoverageTestCase extends AjdocTestCase {
+ * Test that the ajdoc for an aspect has the title "Aspect"
+ */
+ public void testAJdocHasAspectTitle() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/A.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/A.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()+ " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " should have Aspect A as it's title",
+ AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"Aspect A"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the ajdoc for a class has the title "Class"
+ */
+ public void testAJdocHasClassTitle() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()+ " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " should have Class C as it's title",
+ AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"Class C"));
+ }
+ /**
* Test that the ajdoc for an inner aspect is entitled "Aspect" rather
* than "Class", but that the enclosing class is still "Class"
@@ -171,44 +200,50 @@ public class CoverageTestCase extends AjdocTestCase {
String[] strings = {
- "<B>before(): methodExecutionP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#setX(int)\"",
- "<B>before(): constructorExecutionP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"",
- "<B>before(): callConstructorP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#doIt()\"",
- "<B>before(): getP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#getX()\"",
- "<B>before(): setP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html\"><tt>foo.Point</tt></A>, <A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"><tt>foo.Point.Point()</tt></A>, <A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#setX(int)\"><tt>foo.Point.setX</tt></A>, <A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#changeX(int)\"",
- "<B>before(): initializationP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"",
- "<B>before(): staticinitializationP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html\"",
- "<B>before(): handlerP..</B>",
- "Advises:</b></font></td><td><A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#doIt()\""};
+ "before(): methodExecutionP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#setX(int)\"",
+ "before(): constructorExecutionP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"",
+ "before(): callMethodP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#changeX(int)\"",
+ "before(): callConstructorP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#doIt()\"",
+ "before(): getP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#getX()\"",
+ "before(): setP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html\"><tt>foo.Point</tt></A>, <A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"><tt>foo.Point.Point()</tt></A>, <A HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#setX(int)\"",
+ "before(): initializationP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#Point()\"",
+ "before(): staticinitializationP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html\"",
+ "before(): handlerP..",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Point.html#doIt()\""
+ };
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i = i+2) {
- boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(htmlFile,strings[i],
- strings[i+1],"ADVICE DETAIL SUMMARY");
- assertTrue(strings[i] + " should have relationship " + strings[i+1] +
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"ADVICE DETAIL SUMMARY",strings[i],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISES,
+ strings[i+1]);
+ assertTrue(strings[i] + " should advise " + strings[i+1] +
" in the Advice Detail section", b);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i = i+2) {
- boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(htmlFile,strings[i],
- strings[i+1],"ADVICE SUMMARY");
- assertTrue(strings[i] + " should have relationship " + strings[i+1] +
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"ADVICE SUMMARY",strings[i],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISES,
+ strings[i+1]);
+ assertTrue(strings[i] + " should advise " + strings[i+1] +
" in the Advice Summary section", b);
- * Test that all the advised by relationships appear in the
- * various detail and summary sections in the ajdoc for the
- * affected class and that the links are correct
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a method execution pointcut
- public void testAdvisedByRelationshipCoverage() throws Exception {
+ public void testAdvisedByMethodExecution() throws Exception {
File[] files = {file4};
@@ -217,33 +252,344 @@ public class CoverageTestCase extends AjdocTestCase {
fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
- String[] constructorStrings = {
- "Advised&nbsp;by:",
- "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): constructorExecutionP..\""};
- String[] methodStrings = {
- "Advised&nbsp;by:",
+ String[] strings = {
+ "setX(int)",
"HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): methodExecutionP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a constructor execution pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByConstructorExecution() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "Point()",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): constructorExecutionP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Constructor Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Constructor Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a method call pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByMethodCall() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "changeX(int)",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): callMethodP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a constructor call pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByConstructorCall() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "doIt()",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): callConstructorP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a get pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByGet() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "getX()",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): getP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a set pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedBySet() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String href = "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): setP..\"";
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "setX(int)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have setX(int) advised by " + href,b);
- boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(
- htmlFile,constructorStrings[0],
- constructorStrings[1],"CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY");
- assertTrue("the Constructor Summary should have the advised by relationship",b);
- b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(
- htmlFile,constructorStrings[0],
- constructorStrings[1],"CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL");
- assertTrue("the Constructor Detail should have the advised by relationship",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "setX(int)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have setX(int) advised by " + href,b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL",
+ "Point()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("the Constructor Detail should have advised by " + href,b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ "Point()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("the Constructor Summary should have advised by " + href,b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("The class data section should have 'advised by " + href + "'",b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with an initialization pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByInitialization() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "Point()",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): initializationP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL",strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have 'setX(int) advised by ... before()'",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY",strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have 'setX(int) advised by ... before()'",b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a staticinitialization pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByStaticInitialization() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String href = "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): staticinitializationP..\"";
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertTrue("The class data section should have 'advised by " + href + "'",b);
+ }
- b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(
- htmlFile,methodStrings[0],
- methodStrings[1],"=== METHOD SUMMARY");
- assertTrue("the Method Summary should have the advised by relationship",b);
+ /**
+ * Test that the advised by relationship appears in the ajdoc when the
+ * advice is associated with a handler pointcut
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByHandler() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "doIt()",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html#before(): handlerP..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ }
- b = AjdocOutputChecker.sectionContainsConsecutiveStrings(
- htmlFile,methodStrings[0],
- methodStrings[1],"=== METHOD DETAIL");
- assertTrue("the Method Detail should have the advised by relationship",b);
+ /**
+ * Test that if have two before advice blocks from the same
+ * aspect affect the same method, then both appear in the ajdoc
+ */
+ public void testTwoBeforeAdvice() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/A2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/C2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "amethod()",
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/A2.html#before(): p..\"",
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/A2.html#before(): p2..\""};
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[1]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[1],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[2]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[2],b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ strings[2]);
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have " + strings[0]+" advised by " + strings[2],b);
+ /**
+ * Test that there are no spurious "advised by" entries
+ * against the aspect in the ajdoc
+ */
+ public void testNoSpuriousAdvisedByRels() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file4};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/AdvisesRelationshipCoverage.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String href = "foo.Point.setX(int)";
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ href);
+ assertFalse("The class data section should not have 'advised by " + href + "'",b);
+ }
public void testCoverage() {
File[] files = {aspect1,file0,file1,file2,file3,file4,file5,file6,
diff --git a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 35a7ed298..611b31b01 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -20,32 +20,47 @@ import java.util.List;
public class DeclareFormsTest extends AjdocTestCase {
+ private String declareError = "declare error: quot;Illegal construct..quot";
+ private String declareWarningQuotes = "declare warning: quot;Illegal call.quot;";
+ private String declareWarning = "declare warning: \"Illegal call.\"";
+ private String declareParentsImpl = "declare parents: implements Serializable";
+ private String declareSoft = "declare soft: foo.SizeException2";
+ private String declarePrecedence = "declare precedence: foo.DeclareCoverage2, foo.InterTypeDecCoverage2";
+ private String doItHref = "HREF=\"../foo/Main2.html#doIt()\"";
+ private String pointHref = "HREF=\"../foo/Point2.html\"";
+ private String cHref = "HREF=\"../foo/C.html\"";
+ private String doIt = "doIt()";
public void testCoverage() {
File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "")};
+ /**
+ * Test that the declare statements appear in the Declare Detail
+ * and Declare Summary sections of the ajdoc
+ */
public void testDeclareStatments() throws Exception {
File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
- // Aspect DeclareCoverage2 should contain within it's declare
- // detail and summary the 6 different declare statements.
- // Check for this....
File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareCoverage2.html");
if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ " - were there compilation errors?");
// check the contents of the declare detail summary
- String[] strings = { "declare error: quot;Illegal construct..quot",
- "declare warning: quot;Illegal call.quot;",
- "declare parents: implements Serializable",
- "declare parents: extends Observable",
- "declare soft: foo.SizeException",
- "declare precedence: foo.DeclareCoverage2, foo.InterTypeDecCoverage"};
+ String[] strings = {
+ declareError,
+ declareWarning,
+ declareParentsImpl,
+ declareSoft,
+ declarePrecedence};
List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(
htmlFile,strings,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY");
@@ -60,36 +75,483 @@ public class DeclareFormsTest extends AjdocTestCase {
"the Declare Summary section",missing.isEmpty());
+ /**
+ * Declare warning's should have the 'matched by' relationship
+ * in the ajdoc for the declaring aspect
+ */
+ public void testDeclareWarning() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareCoverage2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ declareWarningQuotes,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY,
+ doItHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + declareWarningQuotes + " matched by " + doItHref +
+ "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ declareWarning,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHED_BY,
+ doItHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + declareWarning + " matched by " + doItHref +
+ "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare warning should have the 'matches
+ * declare' relationship in the ajdoc - test the case when
+ * the declare warning matches a call join point
+ */
+ public void testMatchesDeclareCall() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Main2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ doIt,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ declareWarningQuotes);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " matches declare " +
+ declareWarningQuotes + "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ doIt,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ declareWarningQuotes);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " matches declare " +
+ declareWarningQuotes + "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare warning should have the 'matches
+ * declare' relationship in the ajdoc - test the case when
+ * the declare warning matches an execution join point
+ */
+ public void testMatchesDeclareExecution() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "setX(int)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ "declare warning: quot;blahquot;");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'setX(int) matches declare declare warning: quot;blahquot;" +
+ "' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "setX(int)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ "declare warning: quot;blahquot;");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'setX(int) matches declare declare warning: quot;blahquot;" +
+ "' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Declare parents's should have the 'declared on' relationship
+ * in the ajdoc for the declaring aspect
+ */
+ public void testDeclareParents() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareCoverage2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ declareParentsImpl,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ pointHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have ' " + declareParentsImpl + " declared on " +
+ pointHref + "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ declareParentsImpl,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ pointHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have ' " + declareParentsImpl + " declared on " +
+ pointHref + "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare parent should have the 'aspect
+ * declarations' relationship in the ajdoc
+ */
+ public void testAspectDeclarations() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Point2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ASPECT_DECLARATIONS,
+ "declare parents: implements Serializable");
+ assertTrue("The class data section should have 'aspect declarations" +
+ " declare parents: implements Serializable'",b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Declare soft's should have the 'softens' relationship
+ * in the ajdoc for the declaring aspect
+ */
+ public void testDeclareSoft() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareCoverage2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ declareSoft,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENS,
+ doItHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + declareSoft + " softens " + doItHref +
+ "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ declareSoft,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENS,
+ doItHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + declareSoft + " softens " + doItHref +
+ "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare soft should have the 'softened
+ * by' relationship in the ajdoc
+ */
+ public void testSoftenedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareCoverage2.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/Main2.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ doIt,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENED_BY,
+ declareSoft);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " softened by " + declareSoft +
+ "' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ doIt,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.SOFTENED_BY,
+ declareSoft);
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " softened by " + declareSoft +
+ "' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Declare annotation should have the 'annotates' relationship
+ * in the ajdoc for the declaring aspect
+ */
public void testDeclareAnnotation() throws Exception {
- File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "AnnotationTest.aj")};
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareAtType.aj")};
// Aspect AnnotationTest should contain within it's declare
// detail and summary the declare annotation statement.
// Check for this....
- File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/AnnotationTest.html");
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareAtType.html");
if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ " - were there compilation errors?");
- // check the contents of the declare detail summary
- String[] strings = { "declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation",
- "declare declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation"};
+ // check there's no return type for the declare annotation
+ // statement in the declare summary section
+ String[] returnType = {"[]"};
List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(
- htmlFile,strings,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY");
- assertEquals("there should be one missing string ",1,missing.size());
- assertEquals("The declare statement shouldn't contain two 'declare's ",
- "declare declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation",missing.get(0));
+ htmlFile,returnType,"DECLARE SUMMARY");
+ assertEquals("there should be no return type for declare annotation" +
+ " in the ajdoc",1,missing.size());
+ assertEquals("there shouldn't be the '[]' return type for declare annotation" +
+ " in the ajdoc","[]",missing.get(0));
+ // check that the 'annotates' relationship is there
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ "declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATES,
+ cHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have 'declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation annotates "
+ + cHref + "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ "declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATES,
+ cHref);
+ assertTrue("Should have 'declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation annotates "
+ + cHref + "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare method annotation should have the
+ * 'annotated by' relationship in the ajdoc within the method
+ * information
+ */
+ public void testMethodAnnotatedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareAtMethod.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.5",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @method: public * foo.C.*(..) : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() annotated by " +
+ "declare @method: public * foo.C.*(..) : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @method: public * foo.C.*(..) : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() annotated by " +
+ "declare @method: public * foo.C.*(..) : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare method annotation should have the
+ * 'annotated by' relationship in the ajdoc within the method
+ * information
+ */
+ public void testConstructorAnnotatedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareAtConstructor.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.5",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL",
+ "C(java.lang.String)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @constructor: : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " annotated by " +
+ "declare @constructor: : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ "C(java.lang.String)",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @constructor: : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " annotated by " +
+ "declare @constructor: : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare method annotation should have the
+ * 'annotated by' relationship in the ajdoc within the method
+ * information
+ */
+ public void testFieldAnnotatedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareAtField.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.5",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== FIELD DETAIL",
+ "x",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @field: int foo.C.* : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " annotated by " +
+ "declare @field: int foo.C.* : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Field Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== FIELD SUMMARY",
+ "x",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @field: int foo.C.* : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("Should have '" + doIt + " annotated by " +
+ "declare @field: int foo.C.* : @MyAnnotation" +
+ "' in the Field Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The target of a declare method annotation should have the
+ * 'annotated by' relationship in the ajdoc within the method
+ * information
+ */
+ public void testTypeAnnotatedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareAtType.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.5",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ANNOTATED_BY,
+ "declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation");
+ assertTrue("The class data section should have 'annotated by" +
+ " declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation'",b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that info for both "matches declare" and "advised by"
+ * appear in the ajdoc for a method when the method is affected
+ * by both.
+ */
+ public void testMatchesDeclareAndAdvisedBy() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "A.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/C.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ "declare warning: quot;warningquot;");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() matches declare declare warning: " +
+ "quot;warningquot;' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.MATCHES_DECLARE,
+ "declare warning: quot;warningquot;");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() matches declare declare warning: " +
+ "quot;warningquot;' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "before(): p..");
+ assertTrue("the Method Detail should have amethod() advised by before(): p..",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "before(): p..");
+ assertTrue("the Method Summary should have amethod() advised by before(): p..",b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that if there are two declare parents statements within
+ * an aspect, one which extends and one which implements, that the
+ * ajdoc shows the correct information
+ */
+ public void testTwoDeclareParents() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("declareForms");
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + File.separatorChar + "DeclareParents.aj")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/foo/DeclareParents.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ String[] strings = {
+ "declare parents: implements Serializable",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Class1.html\"",
+ "declare parents: extends Observable",
+ "HREF=\"../foo/Class2.html\""};
+ // check that the correct declare statements are there
+ for (int i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i = i+2) {
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY",strings[i],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ strings[i+1]);
+ assertTrue("Should have ' " + strings[i] + " declared on " + strings[i+1] +
+ "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < strings.length - 1; i = i+2) {
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ strings[i],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ strings[i+1]);
+ assertTrue("Should have ' " + strings[i] + " declared on " + strings[i+1] +
+ "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ }
+ // check that we don't have declare statements for those that don't
+ // exist in the code
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY",strings[0],
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ strings[3]);
+ assertFalse("Should not have ' " + strings[0] + " declared on " + strings[3] +
+ "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
- // check the contents of the declare summary - should contain
- // the declare @type statement without a return type
- String[] summaryStrings = { "declare @type: foo.C : @MyAnnotation","[]"};
- missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(
- htmlFile,summaryStrings,"DECLARE SUMMARY");
- assertEquals("there should be one missing string ",1,missing.size());
- assertEquals("The declare statement shouldn't have '[]' as it's return type",
- "[]",missing.get(0));
diff --git a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index edc1b51a6..849718e04 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -14,11 +14,62 @@ import;
import java.util.List;
public class ITDTest extends AjdocTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Test for pr119453
+ */
+ public void testITDDeclaredOn() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("pr119453");
+ File[] files = {
+ new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/src/pack/"),
+ new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/src/pack/A.aj")
+ };
+ runAjdoc("private",files);
+ File htmlA = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pack/A.html");
+ if (htmlA == null || !htmlA.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pack/A.html - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ // check field itd appears
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ "C.y",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ "HREF=\"../pack/C.html\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'C.y declared on HREF=\"../pack/C.html\"" +
+ "' in the Declare Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ "C.y",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.DECLARED_ON,
+ "HREF=\"../pack/C.html\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'C.y declared on HREF=\"../pack/C.html\"" +
+ "' in the Declare Summary section", b);
+ // check the modifiers are correct in the declare detail summary
+ String[] stringsA = { "private&nbsp;int",
+ "public&nbsp;java.lang.String",
+ "<H3>C.y</H3>",
+ "public&nbsp;</TT><B>C.C",
+ "package&nbsp;void"};
+ List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlA,stringsA,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY");
+ assertEquals("There should be one missing string ",1,missing.size());
+ assertEquals("the 'package' and 'void' modifiers shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Detail' section of the ajdoc",
+ "package&nbsp;void", missing.get(0));
+ // check the modifiers are correct in the declare summary
+ String[] stringsA2 = {"private", "int", "public", "String", "package&nbsp;void"};
+ missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlA,stringsA2,"DECLARE SUMMARY");
+ assertEquals("There should be two missing strings ",2,missing.size());
+ assertTrue("the public modifier shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Summary' section of the ajdoc", missing.contains("public"));
+ assertTrue("the 'package' and 'void' modifiers shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Summary' section of the ajdoc", missing.contains("package&nbsp;void"));
+ }
* Test for pr119453
- public void testITDShownInDoc() throws Exception {
+ public void testITDMatchesDeclare() throws Exception {
File[] files = {
new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/src/pack/"),
@@ -32,9 +83,7 @@ public class ITDTest extends AjdocTestCase {
fail("couldn't find " + getAbsolutePathOutdir()
+ "/pack/C.html - were there compilation errors?");
- // check that C is a class
- assertTrue(htmlC.getAbsolutePath() + " should have Class C as it's title",
- AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlC,"Class C"));
// check that the required sections exist
assertTrue(htmlC.getAbsolutePath() + " should contain an "
@@ -46,7 +95,7 @@ public class ITDTest extends AjdocTestCase {
AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlC,"INTER-TYPE CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY"));
- // check the contents of the sections is correct
+ // check the modifier information in the sections is correct
String[] stringsC = { "public", "String", "pack.A" };
List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlC,stringsC,"INTER-TYPE METHOD SUMMARY");
assertEquals("There should be one missing string",1,missing.size());
@@ -56,33 +105,33 @@ public class ITDTest extends AjdocTestCase {
String[] stringsC2 = { "private" };
missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlC,stringsC2,"INTER-TYPE FIELD SUMMARY");
assertTrue("the private modifier for itd methods should appear in the ajdoc ",missing.size() == 0);
- // check the contents of A.html
- File htmlA = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pack/A.html");
- if (htmlA == null || !htmlA.exists()) {
- fail("couldn't find " + getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pack/A.html - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that the ITD's do not appear in as 'aspect declarations' in the
+ * class data information.
+ */
+ public void testNoAspectDeclarations() throws Exception {
+ initialiseProject("pr119453");
+ File[] files = {
+ new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/src/pack/"),
+ new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/src/pack/A.aj")
+ };
+ runAjdoc("private",files);
+ File htmlC = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pack/C.html");
+ if (htmlC == null || !htmlC.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + getAbsolutePathOutdir()
+ + "/pack/C.html - were there compilation errors?");
- // check that A is an Aspect
- assertTrue(htmlA.getAbsolutePath() + " should have Aspect A as it's title",
- AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlA,"Aspect A"));
- // check the contents of the declare detail summary
- String[] stringsA = { "private&nbsp;int",
- "public&nbsp;java.lang.String",
- "<H3>C.y</H3>",
- "public&nbsp;</TT><B>C.C",
- "package&nbsp;void"};
- missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlA,stringsA,"DECLARE DETAIL SUMMARY");
- assertEquals("There should be one missing string ",1,missing.size());
- assertEquals("the 'package' and 'void' modifiers shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Detail' section of the ajdoc",
- "package&nbsp;void", missing.get(0));
- // check the contents of the declare summary
- String[] stringsA2 = {"private", "int", "public", "String", "package&nbsp;void"};
- missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInSection(htmlA,stringsA2,"DECLARE SUMMARY");
- assertEquals("There should be two missing strings ",2,missing.size());
- assertTrue("the public modifier shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Summary' section of the ajdoc", missing.contains("public"));
- assertTrue("the 'package' and 'void' modifiers shouldn't appear in the 'Declare Summary' section of the ajdoc", missing.contains("package&nbsp;void"));
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.classDataSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlC,
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ASPECT_DECLARATIONS,
+ "pack.A.C.y");
+ assertFalse("The class data section should not have 'aspect declarations" +
+ " pack.A.C.y' since this is an ITD",b);
diff --git a/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/ b/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
index d1175df74..8223c176b 100644
--- a/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
+++ b/asm/src/org/aspectj/asm/
@@ -351,6 +351,10 @@ public interface IProgramElement extends Serializable {
return name.startsWith("declare");
+ public boolean isDeclareAnnotation() {
+ return name.startsWith("declare @");
+ }
// The 4 declarations below are necessary for serialization
private static int nextOrdinal = 0;
private final int ordinal = nextOrdinal++;