diff options
4 files changed, 281 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 87dc9d72c..d491694a1 100644
--- a/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/src/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -204,7 +204,18 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
// addIntroductionDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
// addAdviceDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
// addPointcutDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
- addAspectDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
+ String fullname = "";
+ if (decl.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.ASPECT)
+ || decl.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CLASS)) {
+ fullname += decl.getParent().toSignatureString().concat(".").concat(decl.toSignatureString());
+ } else {
+ fullname += decl.toSignatureString();
+ }
+ // only add aspect documentation if we're in the correct
+ // file for the given IProgramElement
+ if (file.getName().indexOf(fullname + ".html") != -1) {
+ addAspectDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
+ }
else {
decorateMemberDocumentation(decl, fileContents, index);
@@ -215,12 +226,36 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
// the case with an inner aspect not having the title "Aspect"
&& file.getName().indexOf(decl.toSignatureString()) != -1) {
+ // only want to change "Class" to "Aspect" if we're in the
+ // file corresponding to the IProgramElement
+ String fullname = "";
+ if (decl.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.ASPECT)
+ || decl.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.CLASS)) {
+ fullname += decl.getParent().toSignatureString().concat(".").concat(decl.toSignatureString());
+ } else {
+ fullname += decl.toSignatureString();
+ }
+ if (file.getName().indexOf(fullname + ".html") == -1) {
+ // we're still in the file for a parent IPE
+ continue;
+ }
+ boolean br = true;
int classStartIndex = fileContents.toString().indexOf("<BR>\nClass ");
+ if (classStartIndex == -1) {
+ classStartIndex = fileContents.toString().indexOf("<H2>\nClass ");
+ br = false;
+ }
if (classStartIndex != -1) {
int classEndIndex = fileContents.toString().indexOf("</H2>", classStartIndex);
if (classStartIndex != -1 && classEndIndex != -1) {
String classLine = fileContents.toString().substring(classStartIndex, classEndIndex);
- String aspectLine = "<BR>\n" + "Aspect " + classLine.substring(11, classLine.length());
+ String aspectLine = "";
+ if (br) {
+ aspectLine += "<BR>\n" + "Aspect " + classLine.substring(11, classLine.length());
+ } else {
+ aspectLine += "<H2>\n" + "Aspect " + classLine.substring(11, classLine.length());
+ }
fileContents.delete(classStartIndex, classEndIndex);
fileContents.insert(classStartIndex, aspectLine);
@@ -593,11 +628,33 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
hrefName = currDecl.getPackageName().replace('.', '/');
// hrefLink = "";//+ currDecl.getPackageName() + Config.DIR_SEP_CHAR;
+ // in the case of nested classes, in order for the links to work,
+ // need to have the correct file name which is something of the
+ // form parentClass.nestedAspect.html
+ List names = new ArrayList();
+ IProgramElement parent = currDecl;
+ while (parent != null
+ && parent.getParent() != null
+ && (!parent.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.FILE_JAVA)
+ && !parent.getParent().getKind().equals(IProgramElement.Kind.FILE_ASPECTJ))) {
+ parent = parent.getParent();
+ names.add(parent.toLinkLabelString());
+ }
+ StringBuffer sbuff = new StringBuffer();
+ for (int i = names.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ String element = (String)names.get(i);
+ if (i == 0) {
+ sbuff.append(element);
+ } else {
+ sbuff.append(element + ".");
+ }
+ }
// use the currDecl.toLabelString rather than currDecl.getName()
// because two distinct advice blocks can have the same
// currDecl.getName() and wouldn't both appear in the ajdoc
hrefName += Config.DIR_SEP_CHAR +
- currDecl.getParent().toLinkLabelString()
+ sbuff.toString()
+ "." + currDecl.toLabelString();
// need to replace " with quot; otherwise the links wont work
@@ -609,8 +666,7 @@ class HtmlDecorator {
nextQuote = sb.toString().indexOf("\"");
- hrefLink += currDecl.getParent().toLinkLabelString() + ".html"
- + "#" + sb.toString();
+ hrefLink += sbuff.toString() + ".html" + "#" + sb.toString();
if (!addedNames.contains(hrefName)) {
adviceDoc = adviceDoc +
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..153fd86bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package pkg;
+public class ClassWithNestedAspect {
+ public void amethod() {
+ }
+ static aspect NestedAspect {
+ pointcut p() : execution(* ClassWithNestedAspect.amethod(..));
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a4650a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajdoc/testdata/coverage/pkg/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+package pkg;
+public class ClassWithNestedAspect2 {
+ public void amethod() {
+ }
+ class InnerClass {
+ aspect NestedAspect {
+ pointcut p() : execution(* ClassWithNestedAspect.amethod(..));
+ before() : p() {
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
index 33a97d486..f0d86072d 100644
--- a/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
+++ b/ajdoc/testsrc/org/aspectj/tools/ajdoc/
@@ -597,6 +597,191 @@ public class CoverageTestCase extends AjdocTestCase {
+ /**
+ * Test that nested aspects appear with "aspect" in their title
+ * when the ajdoc file is written slightly differently (when it's
+ * written for this apsect, it's different than for testInnerAspect())
+ */
+ public void testNestedAspect() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {file9};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ // ensure that the file is entitled "Aspect PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect" rather
+ // than "Class PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect"
+ String[] strings = { "Aspect PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect",
+ "<PRE>static aspect <B>PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>",
+ "Class PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect",
+ "<PRE>static class <B>PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"};
+ List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInFile(htmlFile,strings);
+ assertEquals("There should be 2 missing strings",2,missing.size());
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getName() + " should not have Class as it's title",missing.contains("Class PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect"));
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getName() + " should not have class in its subtitle",missing.contains("<PRE>static class <B>PkgVisibleClass.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"));
+ // get the html file for the enclosing class
+ File htmlFileClass = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/PkgVisibleClass.html");
+ if (htmlFileClass == null || !htmlFileClass.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFileClass.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ // ensure that the file is entitled "Class PkgVisibleClass" and
+ // has not been changed to "Aspect PkgVisibleClass"
+ String[] classStrings = { "Class PkgVisibleClass</H2>",
+ "class <B>PkgVisibleClass</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>",
+ "Aspect PkgVisibleClass</H2>",
+ "aspect <B>PkgVisibleClass</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object<DT>"};
+ List classMissing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInFile(htmlFileClass,classStrings);
+ assertEquals("There should be 2 missing strings",2,classMissing.size());
+ assertTrue(htmlFileClass.getName() + " should not have Aspect as it's title",classMissing.contains("Aspect PkgVisibleClass</H2>"));
+ assertTrue(htmlFileClass.getName() + " should not have aspect in its subtitle",classMissing.contains("aspect <B>PkgVisibleClass</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object<DT>"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that in the case when you have a nested aspect whose
+ * name is part of the enclosing class, for example a class called
+ * ClassWithNestedAspect has nested aspect called NestedAspect,
+ * that the titles for the ajdoc are correct.
+ */
+ public void testNestedAspectWithSimilarName() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ // ensure that the file is entitled "Aspect ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect"
+ // rather than "Class ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect"
+ String[] strings = { "Aspect ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect",
+ "<PRE>static aspect <B>ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>",
+ "Class ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect",
+ "<PRE>static class <B>ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"};
+ List missing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInFile(htmlFile,strings);
+ assertEquals("There should be 2 missing strings",2,missing.size());
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getName() + " should not have Class as it's title",missing.contains("Class ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect"));
+ assertTrue(htmlFile.getName() + " should not have class in its subtitle",missing.contains("<PRE>static class <B>ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"));
+ // get the html file for the enclosing class
+ File htmlFileClass = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html");
+ if (htmlFileClass == null || !htmlFileClass.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFileClass.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ // ensure that the file is entitled "Class ClassWithNestedAspect" and
+ // has not been changed to "Aspect ClassWithNestedAspect"
+ String[] classStrings = { "Class ClassWithNestedAspect</H2>",
+ "public class <B>ClassWithNestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>",
+ "Aspect ClassWithNestedAspect</H2>",
+ "public aspect <B>ClassWithNestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"};
+ List classMissing = AjdocOutputChecker.getMissingStringsInFile(htmlFileClass,classStrings);
+ assertEquals("There should be 2 missing strings",2,classMissing.size());
+ assertTrue(htmlFileClass.getName() + " should not have Aspect as it's title",
+ classMissing.contains("Aspect ClassWithNestedAspect</H2>"));
+ assertTrue(htmlFileClass.getName() + " should not have aspect in its subtitle",
+ classMissing.contains("public aspect <B>ClassWithNestedAspect</B><DT>extends java.lang.Object</DL>"));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that everythings being decorated correctly within the ajdoc
+ * for the aspect when the aspect is a nested aspect
+ */
+ public void testAdviceInNestedAspect() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ "before(): p..",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISES,
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html#amethod()\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'before(): p.. advises HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html#amethod()\"" +
+ "' in the Advice Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"ADVICE SUMMARY",
+ "before(): p..",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISES,
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html#amethod()\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'before(): p.. advises HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html#amethod()\"" +
+ "' in the Advice Summary section", b);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test that everythings being decorated correctly within the ajdoc
+ * for the advised class when the aspect is a nested aspect
+ */
+ public void testAdvisedByInNestedAspect() throws Exception {
+ File[] files = {new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/pkg/")};
+ runAjdoc("private","1.4",files);
+ File htmlFile = new File(getAbsolutePathOutdir() + "/pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.html");
+ if (htmlFile == null || !htmlFile.exists()) {
+ fail("couldn't find " + htmlFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " - were there compilation errors?");
+ }
+ boolean b = AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"POINTCUT SUMMARY ");
+ assertFalse(htmlFile.getName() + " should not contain a pointcut summary section",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"ADVICE SUMMARY ");
+ assertFalse(htmlFile.getName() + " should not contain an adivce summary section",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"POINTCUT DETAIL ");
+ assertFalse(htmlFile.getName() + " should not contain a pointcut detail section",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.containsString(htmlFile,"ADVICE DETAIL ");
+ assertFalse(htmlFile.getName() + " should not contain an advice detail section",b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html#before(): p..\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() advised by " +
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html#before(): p..\"" +
+ "' in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD DETAIL",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "pkg.ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.NestedAspect.before(): p..");
+ assertFalse("Should not have the label " +
+ "pkg.ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.NestedAspect.before(): p.." +
+ " in the Method Detail section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.summarySectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html#before(): p..\"");
+ assertTrue("Should have 'amethod() advised by " +
+ "HREF=\"../pkg/ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.html#before(): p..\"" +
+ "' in the Method Summary section", b);
+ b = AjdocOutputChecker.detailSectionContainsRel(
+ htmlFile,"=== METHOD SUMMARY",
+ "amethod()",
+ HtmlDecorator.HtmlRelationshipKind.ADVISED_BY,
+ "pkg.ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.NestedAspect.before(): p..");
+ assertFalse("Should not have the label " +
+ "pkg.ClassWithNestedAspect.NestedAspect.NestedAspect.before(): p.." +
+ " in the Method Summary section", b);
+ }
private void createFiles() {
file0 = new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/");
file1 = new File(getAbsoluteProjectDir() + "/foo/");