diff options
2 files changed, 360 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/LogicalPointcutStructure.java b/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/LogicalPointcutStructure.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74be27f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/LogicalPointcutStructure.java
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2023 Contributors
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v 2.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.txt
+ *******************************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * Test helper class reflecting nesting structure for AND ('&&'), OR ('||') and NOT ('!') pointcuts, enabling
+ * comparisons disregarding order of AND/OR pointcuts on the same nesting level. For this class, there is no difference
+ * between 'A && B && C', 'A && C && B', 'C && B '&& A' etc., i.e. the commutative law is respected.
+ *
+ * @author Alexander Kriegisch
+ */
+public class LogicalPointcutStructure {
+ private enum PointcutType { NOT, AND, OR, TEXT }
+ private final PointcutType type;
+ private final List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final Set<LogicalPointcutStructure> childrenSet = new HashSet<>();
+ private final String text;
+ private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
+ this(type, null, children);
+ }
+ private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, String text) {
+ this(type, text, (LogicalPointcutStructure[]) null);
+ }
+ private LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType type, String text, LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
+ if (type == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("pointcutType must be != null");
+ if (text == null && children == null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("either text or children must be != null");
+ if (text != null && children != null)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot have both text and children, one must be null");
+ if (text != null && type != PointcutType.TEXT)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("if text is given, type must match to be TEXT");
+ if (children != null && type == PointcutType.TEXT)
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("if children are given, type must be != TEXT");
+ this.type = type;
+ this.text = text;
+ if (children != null) {
+ this.children.addAll(Arrays.asList(children));
+ this.childrenSet.addAll(this.children);
+ }
+ }
+ public PointcutType getType() {
+ return type;
+ }
+ public List<LogicalPointcutStructure> getChildren() {
+ return children;
+ }
+ public String getText() {
+ return text;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if (this == o)
+ return true;
+ if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
+ return false;
+ LogicalPointcutStructure that = (LogicalPointcutStructure) o;
+ if (type != that.type)
+ return false;
+ if (!childrenSet.equals(that.childrenSet))
+ return false;
+ return Objects.equals(text, that.text);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hashCode() {
+ int result = type.hashCode();
+ result = 31 * result + childrenSet.hashCode();
+ result = 31 * result + (text != null ? text.hashCode() : 0);
+ return result;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String toString() {
+ return type == PointcutType.TEXT
+ ? "\"" + text + "\""
+ : type + "(" + children.toString().replaceFirst("^.(.*).$", "$1") + ")";
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure NOT(LogicalPointcutStructure child) {
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.NOT, child);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure NOT(Object childObject) {
+ LogicalPointcutStructure child;
+ if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
+ child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
+ else if (childObject instanceof String)
+ child = TEXT((String) childObject);
+ else
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.NOT, child);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure AND(LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.AND, children);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure AND(Object... childObjects) {
+ LogicalPointcutStructure[] children = new LogicalPointcutStructure[childObjects.length];
+ LogicalPointcutStructure child;
+ Object childObject;
+ for (int i = 0; i < childObjects.length; i++) {
+ childObject = childObjects[i];
+ if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
+ child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
+ else if (childObject instanceof String)
+ child = TEXT((String) childObject);
+ else
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
+ children[i] = child;
+ }
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.AND, children);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure OR(LogicalPointcutStructure... children) {
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.OR, children);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure OR(Object... childObjects) {
+ LogicalPointcutStructure[] children = new LogicalPointcutStructure[childObjects.length];
+ LogicalPointcutStructure child;
+ Object childObject;
+ for (int i = 0; i < childObjects.length; i++) {
+ childObject = childObjects[i];
+ if (childObject instanceof LogicalPointcutStructure)
+ child = (LogicalPointcutStructure) childObject;
+ else if (childObject instanceof String)
+ child = TEXT((String) childObject);
+ else
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("each child must be either LogicalPointcutStructure or String");
+ children[i] = child;
+ }
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.OR, children);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure TEXT(String text) {
+ return new LogicalPointcutStructure(PointcutType.TEXT, text);
+ }
+ public static LogicalPointcutStructure fromPointcut(Pointcut pointcut) {
+ if (pointcut instanceof NotPointcut) {
+ NotPointcut notPointcut = (NotPointcut) pointcut;
+ return NOT(fromPointcut(notPointcut.getNegatedPointcut()));
+ }
+ else if (pointcut instanceof AndPointcut) {
+ List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
+ AndPointcut andPointcut = (AndPointcut) pointcut;
+ children.add(fromPointcut(andPointcut.getRight()));
+ while (andPointcut.getLeft() instanceof AndPointcut) {
+ andPointcut = (AndPointcut) andPointcut.getLeft();
+ children.add(fromPointcut(andPointcut.getRight()));
+ }
+ children.add(fromPointcut(andPointcut.getLeft()));
+ return AND(children.toArray(new LogicalPointcutStructure[0]));
+ }
+ else if (pointcut instanceof OrPointcut) {
+ List<LogicalPointcutStructure> children = new ArrayList<>();
+ OrPointcut orPointcut = (OrPointcut) pointcut;
+ children.add(fromPointcut(orPointcut.getRight()));
+ while (orPointcut.getLeft() instanceof OrPointcut) {
+ orPointcut = (OrPointcut) orPointcut.getLeft();
+ children.add(fromPointcut(orPointcut.getRight()));
+ }
+ children.add(fromPointcut(orPointcut.getLeft()));
+ return OR(children.toArray(new LogicalPointcutStructure[0]));
+ }
+ else {
+ return TEXT(pointcut.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ // true
+ System.out.println(verifyToString(
+ OR("A", NOT(OR("B", "C"))),
+ "OR(\"A\", NOT(OR(\"B\", \"C\")))"
+ ));
+ // true
+ System.out.println(verifyToString(
+ OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
+ "OR(AND(\"A\", NOT(OR(\"B\", \"C\")), \"D\"), NOT(OR(\"E\", \"F\")))"
+ ));
+ // true
+ System.out.println(verifyEquals(
+ OR("A", NOT(OR("B", "C"))),
+ OR(NOT(OR("C", "B")), "A")
+ ));
+ // true
+ System.out.println(verifyEquals(
+ OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
+ OR(NOT(OR("F", "E")), AND("A", NOT(OR("C", "B")), "D"))
+ ));
+ // false
+ System.out.println(verifyEquals(
+ OR(AND("A", NOT(OR("B", "C")), "D"), NOT(OR("E", "F"))),
+ OR(NOT(OR("F", "E")), AND(NOT(OR("C", "B", "D")), "A"))
+ ));
+ }
+ private static boolean verifyToString(LogicalPointcutStructure structure, String toStringExpected) {
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println("Expected: " + toStringExpected);
+ System.out.println("Actual: " + structure);
+ return toStringExpected.equals(structure.toString());
+ }
+ private static boolean verifyEquals(LogicalPointcutStructure structure1, LogicalPointcutStructure structure2) {
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println("Structure 1: " + structure1);
+ System.out.println("Structure 2: " + structure2);
+ return structure1.equals(structure2);
+ }
diff --git a/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java b/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java
index 66106de3e..5342092ef 100644
--- a/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java
+++ b/org.aspectj.matcher/src/test/java/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java
@@ -10,17 +10,19 @@
package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
+import static org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.LogicalPointcutStructure.*;
* Testing the pointcut rewriter.
* @author Adrian Colyer
* @author Andy Clement
+ * @author Alexander Kriegisch
public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
@@ -60,157 +62,112 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
Pointcut notNotNOT = getPointcut("!!!this(Foo)");
assertEquals("!this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(notNotNOT).toString());
Pointcut and = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && this(Goo))");
- assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || !this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(and, true).toString());
+ assertEquals(OR(NOT("this(Foo)"), NOT("this(Goo)")), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(and, true)));
Pointcut or = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) || this(Goo))");
- assertEquals("(!this(Foo) && !this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(or, true).toString());
+ assertEquals(AND(NOT("this(Foo)"), NOT("this(Goo)")), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(or, true)));
Pointcut nestedNot = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && !this(Goo))");
- assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || this(Goo))", prw.rewrite(nestedNot, true).toString());
+ assertEquals(OR(NOT("this(Foo)"), "this(Goo)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(nestedNot, true)));
public void testPullUpDisjunctions() {
- Pointcut aAndb = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)");
- assertEquals("Unchanged", aAndb, prw.rewrite(aAndb));
- Pointcut aOrb = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)");
- assertEquals("Unchanged", aOrb, prw.rewrite(aOrb));
- Pointcut leftOr = getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))");
- assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(leftOr));
- // assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftOr).toString());
- Pointcut rightOr = getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)");
- // assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightOr).toString());
- assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Goo)%this(Boo)", prw.rewrite(rightOr));
- Pointcut leftAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))");
- // assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftAnd).toString());
- assertEquals("or%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Foo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(leftAnd));
- Pointcut rightAnd = getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
- // assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightAnd).toString());
- assertEquals("or%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%and%anyorder%this(Foo)%this(Goo)", prw.rewrite(rightAnd));
- Pointcut nestedOrs = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)");
- // assertEquals("((this(Boo) || this(Foo)) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedOrs).toString());
- assertEquals("or%anyorder%this(Goo)%or%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(nestedOrs));
- Pointcut nestedAnds = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))");
- // t(F) && (t(B) && (t(G) || t(M)))
- // ==> t(F) && ((t(B) && t(G)) || (t(B) && t(M)))
- // ==> (t(F) && (t(B) && t(G))) || (t(F) && (t(B) && t(M)))
- // assertEquals("(((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Goo)) || ((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Moo)))",
- // prw.rewrite(nestedAnds).toString());
- "or%anyorder%and%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%this(Goo)%and%anyorder%and%anyorder%this(Boo)%this(Foo)%this(Moo)",
- prw.rewrite(nestedAnds));
- }
+ AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ OR("this(Foo)", "this(Moo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)")))
+ );
- /**
- * spec is reverse polish notation with operators and, or , not, anyorder, delimiter is "%" (not whitespace).
- *
- * @param spec
- * @param pc
- */
- private void assertEquals(String spec, Pointcut pc) {
- StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(spec, "%");
- String[] tokens = new String[strTok.countTokens()];
- for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
- tokens[i] = strTok.nextToken();
- }
- tokenIndex = 0;
- assertTrue(spec, equals(pc, tokens));
- }
+ assertEquals(
+ OR("this(Foo)", AND("this(Goo)", "this(Boo)")),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ OR(AND("this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"), "this(Foo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)")))
+ );
+ // The previous two are semantically identical
+ assertEquals(
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))"))),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)")))
+ );
- private int tokenIndex = 0;
+ assertEquals(
+ OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)")),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)")),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)")))
+ );
+ // The previous two are semantically identical
+ assertEquals(
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))"))),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)")))
+ );
- private boolean equals(Pointcut pc, String[] tokens) {
- if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("and")) {
- tokenIndex++;
- if (!(pc instanceof AndPointcut)) {
- return false;
- }
- AndPointcut apc = (AndPointcut) pc;
- Pointcut left = apc.getLeft();
- Pointcut right = apc.getRight();
- if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("anyorder")) {
- tokenIndex++;
- int restorePoint = tokenIndex;
- boolean leftMatchFirst = equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
- if (leftMatchFirst) {
- return true;
- }
- tokenIndex = restorePoint;
- boolean rightMatchFirst = equals(right, tokens) && equals(left, tokens);
- return rightMatchFirst;
- } else {
- return equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
- }
- } else if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("or")) {
- tokenIndex++;
- if (!(pc instanceof OrPointcut)) {
- return false;
- }
- OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) pc;
- Pointcut left = opc.getLeft();
- Pointcut right = opc.getRight();
- if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("anyorder")) {
- tokenIndex++;
- int restorePoint = tokenIndex;
- boolean leftMatchFirst = equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
- if (leftMatchFirst) {
- return true;
- }
- tokenIndex = restorePoint;
- boolean rightMatchFirst = equals(right, tokens) && equals(left, tokens);
- return rightMatchFirst;
- } else {
- return equals(left, tokens) && equals(right, tokens);
- }
+ assertEquals(
+ OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) || this(Goo) || this(Foo)")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ OR("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) || this(Foo) || this(Goo)")))
+ );
- } else if (tokens[tokenIndex].equals("not")) {
- if (!(pc instanceof NotPointcut)) {
- return false;
- }
- tokenIndex++;
- NotPointcut np = (NotPointcut) pc;
- return equals(np.getNegatedPointcut(), tokens);
- } else {
- return tokens[tokenIndex++].equals(pc.toString());
- }
- }
+ assertEquals(
+ AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo) && this(Boo)")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) && this(Goo) && this(Foo)")))
+ );
+ assertEquals(
+ AND("this(Foo)", "this(Goo)", "this(Boo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("this(Boo) && this(Foo) && this(Goo)")))
+ );
- // public void testSplitOutWithins() {
- // Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
- // assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleExecution,prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
- // Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
- // assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleWithinCode,prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
- // Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
- // assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
- // prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
- // Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
- // assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
- // prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
- // Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
- // assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))",
- // prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
- // Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode(Foo.new(..)) && this(Foo)");
- // assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))",
- // prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
- // Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
- // assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))",
- // prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());
- // }
+ assertEquals(
+ OR(AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)", "this(Moo)"), AND("this(Foo)", "this(Boo)", "this(Goo)")),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))")))
+ );
+ }
+ public void testSplitOutWithins() {
+ Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged", simpleExecution, prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
+ Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged", simpleWithinCode, prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
+ Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+ assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))", prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
+ Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+ assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))", prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
+ Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
+ assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))", prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
+ Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode(Foo.new(..)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
+ Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
+ assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());
+ }
public void testRemoveDuplicatesInAnd() {
Pointcut dupAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Foo)");
assertEquals("this(Foo)", prw.rewrite(dupAnd).toString());
Pointcut splitdupAnd = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && target(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
- assertEquals("(target(Boo) && this(Foo))", prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd).toString());
+ assertEquals(AND("target(Boo)", "this(Foo)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd)));
public void testNotRemoveNearlyDuplicatesInAnd() {
Pointcut toAndto = getPointcut("this(Object+) && this(Object)");
- // Pointcut rewritten =
- prw.rewrite(toAndto);
+ assertEquals(AND("this(Object+)", "this(Object)"), fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(toAndto)));
public void testAAndNotAinAnd() {
@@ -308,10 +265,9 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
public void testKindSetOfThis() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
- Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object o : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
- assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", kind.neverHasThis());
+ Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
+ for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", o.neverHasThis());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
@@ -321,9 +277,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@this(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object match : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
- assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", kind.neverHasThis());
+ for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this", match.neverHasThis());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
@@ -334,10 +289,9 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
public void testKindSetOfTarget() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("target(Foo)");
- Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object o : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
- assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", kind.neverHasTarget());
+ Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
+ for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", o.neverHasTarget());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
@@ -347,9 +301,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@target(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object match : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
- assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", kind.neverHasTarget());
+ for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target", match.neverHasTarget());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
@@ -360,32 +313,31 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
public void testKindSetOfArgs() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("args(..)");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// + @
p = getPointcut("@args(..)");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetOfAnnotation() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("@annotation(Foo)");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetOfWithin() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("within(*)");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// + @
p = getPointcut("@within(Foo)");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetOfWithinCode() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("withincode(* foo(..))");
- Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object o : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) o;
+ Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
+ for (Shadow.Kind o : matches) {
assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",
- (kind.isEnclosingKind() && kind != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && kind != Shadow.Initialization));
+ (o.isEnclosingKind() && o != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && o != Shadow.Initialization));
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
@@ -397,9 +349,8 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
// + @
p = getPointcut("@withincode(Foo)");
matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
- for (Object match : matches) {
- Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) match;
- assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing", kind.isEnclosingKind());
+ for (Shadow.Kind match : matches) {
+ assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing", match.isEnclosingKind());
for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
@@ -410,41 +361,41 @@ public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
public void testKindSetOfIf() {
Pointcut p = new IfPointcut(null, 0);
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
p = IfPointcut.makeIfTruePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
p = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
- assertTrue("Nothing", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.NO_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("Nothing", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.NO_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetOfCflow() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo))");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
// [below]
p = getPointcut("cflowbelow(this(Foo))");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetInNegation() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("!execution(new(..))");
- assertTrue("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds() == Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
+ assertEquals("All kinds", p.couldMatchKinds(), Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS_BITS);
public void testKindSetOfOr() {
Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
- Set matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
+ Set<Shadow.Kind> matches = Shadow.toSet(p.couldMatchKinds());
assertEquals("2 kinds", 2, matches.size());
assertTrue("ConstructorExecution", matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
assertTrue("FieldGet", matches.contains(Shadow.FieldGet));
public void testOrderingInAnd() {
- Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(X) && args(X) && @this(Foo) && @target(Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(Moo) && @withincode(Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *)&& @within(Foo) && within(Foo)");
+ Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(X) && args(X) && @this(Foo) && @target(Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(Moo) && @withincode(Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *) && @within(Foo) && within(Foo)");
- Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(bigLongPC);
- "((((((((((((within(Foo) && @within(Foo)) && set(* *)) && withincode(new(..))) && @withincode(Boo)) && target(Boo)) && this(Moo)) && @annotation(Moo)) && @this(Foo)) && @target(Boo)) && args(X)) && @args(X)) && cflow(this(Foo)))",
- rewritten.toString());
+ AND("cflow(this(Foo))", "@args(X)", "args(X)", "@target(Boo)", "@this(Foo)", "@annotation(Moo)", "this(Moo)", "target(Boo)", "@withincode(Boo)", "withincode(new(..))", "set(* *)", "@within(Foo)", "within(Foo)"),
+ fromPointcut(prw.rewrite(bigLongPC))
+ );
public void testOrderingInSimpleOr() {