diff options
13 files changed, 259 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/docs/adk15ProgGuideDB/pertypewithin.xml b/docs/adk15ProgGuideDB/pertypewithin.xml
index 8bab12b5d..4a5e9bbab 100644
--- a/docs/adk15ProgGuideDB/pertypewithin.xml
+++ b/docs/adk15ProgGuideDB/pertypewithin.xml
@@ -44,6 +44,21 @@
+ In addition, <literal>pertypewithin</literal> aspects have a
+ <literal>getWithinTypeName</literal> method that can be called
+ to return the package qualified name of the type for which the
+ aspect instance has been created.
+ </para>
+ <programlisting><![CDATA[
+ /**
+ * return the package qualified name (eg. com.foo.MyClass) of the type
+ * for which the aspect instance has been instantiated.
+ */
+ public String getWithinTypeName()
+ ]]></programlisting>
+ <para>
In common with the other per-clause instantiation models, the execution
of any advice declared within a <literal>pertypewithin</literal> aspect
is conditional upon an implicit pointcut condition. In this case, that
diff --git a/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/compiler/ast/AspectDeclaration.java b/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/compiler/ast/AspectDeclaration.java
index 5d3595273..f49ffeb07 100644
--- a/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/compiler/ast/AspectDeclaration.java
+++ b/org.aspectj.ajdt.core/src/org/aspectj/ajdt/internal/compiler/ast/AspectDeclaration.java
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class AspectDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
private AjAttribute.Aspect aspectAttribute;
public PerClause perClause;
public ResolvedMember aspectOfMethod;
- //public ResolvedMember ptwGetWithinTypeMethod;
+ public ResolvedMember ptwGetWithinTypeNameMethod;
public ResolvedMember hasAspectMethod;
@@ -368,8 +368,7 @@ public class AspectDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
generatePerTypeWithinGetInstanceMethod(classFile); // private static <aspecttype> ajc$getInstance(Class c) throws Exception
generatePerTypeWithinCreateAspectInstanceMethod(classFile); // generate public static X ajc$createAspectInstance(Class forClass) {
- // PTWIMPL getWithinType() would need this...
- //generatePerTypeWithinGetWithinTypeMethod(classFile); // generate public Class getWithinType() {
+ generatePerTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(classFile);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented");
@@ -728,6 +727,26 @@ public class AspectDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
+ private void generatePerTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(ClassFile classFile) {
+ final EclipseFactory world = EclipseFactory.fromScopeLookupEnvironment(this.scope);
+ // Code:
+ /*
+ Code:
+ Stack=1, Locals=1, Args_size=1
+ 0: aload_0
+ 1: getfield #14; //Field ajc$withinType:Ljava/lang/String;
+ 4: areturn
+ */
+ generateMethod(classFile, AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(world.fromBinding(binding),world.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()),
+ new BodyGenerator() {
+ public void generate(CodeStream codeStream) {
+ ExceptionLabel exc = new ExceptionLabel(codeStream,world.makeTypeBinding(UnresolvedType.JAVA_LANG_EXCEPTION));
+ exc.placeStart();
+ codeStream.aload_0();
+ codeStream.getfield(world.makeFieldBinding(AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinWithinTypeField(typeX,typeX)));
+ codeStream.areturn();
+ }});
+ }
// PTWIMPL Generate getInstance method
private void generatePerTypeWithinGetInstanceMethod(ClassFile classFile) {
final EclipseFactory world = EclipseFactory.fromScopeLookupEnvironment(this.scope);
@@ -1044,8 +1063,8 @@ public class AspectDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
// PTWIMPL Use these variants of aspectOf()/hasAspect()
aspectOfMethod = AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinAspectOfMethod(typeX,world.getWorld().isInJava5Mode());
hasAspectMethod = AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinHasAspectMethod(typeX,world.getWorld().isInJava5Mode());
- //ptwGetWithinTypeMethod = AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeMethod(typeX,world.getWorld().isInJava5Mode());
- //binding.addMethod(world.makeMethodBinding(ptwGetWithinTypeMethod));
+ ptwGetWithinTypeNameMethod = AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(typeX,world.getWorld().isInJava5Mode());
+ binding.addMethod(world.makeMethodBinding(ptwGetWithinTypeNameMethod));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("bad per clause: " + perClause);
diff --git a/tests/features152/synthetic/TheWholeShow.aj b/tests/features152/synthetic/TheWholeShow.aj
index 7045c8192..0fa1c6642 100644
--- a/tests/features152/synthetic/TheWholeShow.aj
+++ b/tests/features152/synthetic/TheWholeShow.aj
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public class TheWholeShow {
for (Method m : ms) {
if (!m.isSynthetic()) {
String name = m.getName();
- if (name.equals("aspectOf") || name.equals("hasAspect")) continue;
+ if (name.equals("aspectOf") || name.equals("hasAspect") || name.equals("getWithinTypeName")) continue;
if ( ! (name.startsWith("ajc$before") || name.startsWith("ajc$after") || name.startsWith("ajc$around") ||
name.startsWith("ajc$interMethod$"))) {
System.err.println("Found non-synthetic method: " + m.getName() + " in " + c.getName());
diff --git a/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFive.java b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFive.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e95edddd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFive.java
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.*;
+import org.aspectj.lang.*;
+class AClass {}
+class BClass {}
+class CClass {}
+public class CaseFive {
+ public static void main(String []argv) throws Exception {
+ new Runner().run();
+ }
+class Runner {
+ public void run() throws Exception {
+ if (Aspects14.hasAspect(CaseFive.class,AClass.class)) {
+ System.out.println("AClass has an aspect instance");
+ CaseFive instance = (CaseFive)Aspects14.aspectOf(CaseFive.class,AClass.class);
+ Method m = CaseFive.class.getDeclaredMethod("getWithinTypeName",null);
+ String s = (String)m.invoke(instance,null);
+ System.out.println("The aspect instance thinks it is for type name "+s);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFour.java b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFour.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..735bbd4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseFour.java
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Types in packages
+package a.b;
+class AClass {}
+class BClass {}
+class CClass {}
+public aspect CaseFour pertypewithin(*Class) {
+ public static void main(String []argv) {
+ new Runner().run();
+ }
+class Runner {
+ public void run() {
+ CaseFour aInstance = (CaseFour.hasAspect(AClass.class)?CaseFour.aspectOf(AClass.class):null);
+ CaseFour bInstance = (CaseFour.hasAspect(BClass.class)?CaseFour.aspectOf(BClass.class):null);
+ CaseFour cInstance = (CaseFour.hasAspect(CClass.class)?CaseFour.aspectOf(CClass.class):null);
+ System.out.println("BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (bInstance==null?"<null>":bInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (cInstance==null?"<null>":cInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (aInstance==null?"<null>":aInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/features153/ptw/CaseOne.java b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseOne.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea310ae70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseOne.java
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Types not in packages
+class AClass {}
+class BClass {}
+class CClass {}
+public aspect CaseOne pertypewithin(*Class) {
+ public static void main(String []argv) {
+ new Runner().run();
+ }
+class Runner {
+ public void run() {
+ if (CaseOne.hasAspect(AClass.class)) {
+ System.out.println("AClass has an aspect instance");
+ CaseOne instance = CaseOne.aspectOf(AClass.class);
+ String name = instance.getWithinTypeName();
+ System.out.println("The aspect instance thinks it is for type name "+name);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/features153/ptw/CaseThree.java b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseThree.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a808f662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseThree.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Types not in packages - BClass won't get an aspect
+class AClass {}
+class BClass {}
+class CClass {}
+public aspect CaseThree pertypewithin(*Class && !BClass) {
+ public static void main(String []argv) {
+ new Runner().run();
+ }
+class Runner {
+ public void run() {
+ CaseThree aInstance = (CaseThree.hasAspect(AClass.class)?CaseThree.aspectOf(AClass.class):null);
+ CaseThree bInstance = (CaseThree.hasAspect(BClass.class)?CaseThree.aspectOf(BClass.class):null);
+ CaseThree cInstance = (CaseThree.hasAspect(CClass.class)?CaseThree.aspectOf(CClass.class):null);
+ System.out.println("BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (bInstance==null?"<null>":bInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (cInstance==null?"<null>":cInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (aInstance==null?"<null>":aInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/features153/ptw/CaseTwo.java b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseTwo.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08bd0ed46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/features153/ptw/CaseTwo.java
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// Types not in packages, and multiple mixed up instances
+class AClass {}
+class BClass {}
+class CClass {}
+public aspect CaseTwo pertypewithin(*Class) {
+ public static void main(String []argv) {
+ new Runner().run();
+ }
+class Runner {
+ public void run() {
+ CaseTwo aInstance = (CaseTwo.hasAspect(AClass.class)?CaseTwo.aspectOf(AClass.class):null);
+ CaseTwo bInstance = (CaseTwo.hasAspect(BClass.class)?CaseTwo.aspectOf(BClass.class):null);
+ CaseTwo cInstance = (CaseTwo.hasAspect(CClass.class)?CaseTwo.aspectOf(CClass.class):null);
+ System.out.println("BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (bInstance==null?"<null>":bInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (cInstance==null?"<null>":cInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ System.out.println("AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of "+
+ (aInstance==null?"<null>":aInstance.getWithinTypeName()));
+ }
diff --git a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/Ajc153Tests.java b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/Ajc153Tests.java
index 88435cf39..0f1f79025 100644
--- a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/Ajc153Tests.java
+++ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/Ajc153Tests.java
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ public class Ajc153Tests extends org.aspectj.testing.XMLBasedAjcTestCase {
// public void testCFlowXMLAspectLTW_pr149096() { runTest("cflow xml concrete aspect"); }
// public void testAmbiguousBinding_pr121805() { runTest("ambiguous binding");}
// public void testNegatedAnnotationMatchingProblem_pr153464() { runTest("negated annotation matching problem");}
+ public void testPTWgetWithinTypeName_pr123423_1() { runTest("basic usage of getWithinTypeName");}
+ public void testPTWgetWithinTypeName_pr123423_2() { runTest("basic usage of getWithinTypeName - multiple types");}
+ public void testPTWgetWithinTypeName_pr123423_3() { runTest("basic usage of getWithinTypeName - non matching types");}
+ public void testPTWgetWithinTypeName_pr123423_4() { runTest("basic usage of getWithinTypeName - types in packages");}
+ public void testPTWgetWithinTypeName_pr123423_5() { runTest("basic usage of getWithinTypeName - annotation style");}
public void testTurningOffBcelCaching_pr160674() { runTest("turning off bcel caching");}
public void testNoIllegalStateExceptionWithGenericInnerAspect_pr156058() { runTest("no IllegalStateException with generic inner aspect"); }
public void testNoIllegalStateExceptionWithGenericInnerAspect_pr156058_2() { runTest("no IllegalStateException with generic inner aspect - 2"); }
diff --git a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/ajc153.xml b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/ajc153.xml
index b428413d6..d7e0cd677 100644
--- a/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/ajc153.xml
+++ b/tests/src/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc153/ajc153.xml
@@ -51,6 +51,59 @@
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/ptw" title="basic usage of getWithinTypeName">
+ <compile files="CaseOne.java"/>
+ <run class="CaseOne">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="AClass has an aspect instance"/>
+ <line text="The aspect instance thinks it is for type name AClass"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/ptw" title="basic usage of getWithinTypeName - annotation style">
+ <compile files="CaseFive.java" options="-1.5"/>
+ <run class="CaseFive">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="AClass has an aspect instance"/>
+ <line text="The aspect instance thinks it is for type name AClass"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/ptw" title="basic usage of getWithinTypeName - multiple types">
+ <compile files="CaseTwo.java"/>
+ <run class="CaseTwo">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of BClass"/>
+ <line text="CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of CClass"/>
+ <line text="AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of AClass"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/ptw" title="basic usage of getWithinTypeName - non matching types">
+ <compile files="CaseThree.java"/>
+ <run class="CaseThree">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of &lt;null&gt;"/>
+ <line text="CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of CClass"/>
+ <line text="AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of AClass"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="features153/ptw" title="basic usage of getWithinTypeName - types in packages">
+ <compile files="CaseFour.java"/>
+ <run class="a.b.CaseFour">
+ <stdout>
+ <line text="BClass aspect instance gives a within type name of a.b.BClass"/>
+ <line text="CClass aspect instance gives a within type name of a.b.CClass"/>
+ <line text="AClass aspect instance gives a within type name of a.b.AClass"/>
+ </stdout>
+ </run>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs153/pr158126" title="annotations, call and constructors problem">
<compile files="A.java,B.java,MyAnnotation.java,MyAspect.java" options="-1.5 -showWeaveInfo">
<message kind="weave" text="Join point 'constructor-call(void B.&lt;init&gt;())' in Type 'A' (A.java:5) advised by before advice from 'MyAspect' (MyAspect.java:3)"/>
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/AjcMemberMaker.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/AjcMemberMaker.java
index 382780014..8ca2c511b 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/AjcMemberMaker.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/AjcMemberMaker.java
@@ -189,6 +189,20 @@ public class AjcMemberMaker {
return rm;
+ // PTWIMPL ResolvedMember for getWithinTypeName() method
+ public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(UnresolvedType declaringType, boolean inJava5Mode) {
+ // public String getWithinTypeName()
+ ResolvedMemberImpl rm = new ResolvedMemberImpl(
+ Member.METHOD,
+ declaringType,
+ Modifier.PUBLIC,
+ UnresolvedType.JAVA_LANG_STRING, // return value
+ UnresolvedType.NONE
+ );
+ return rm;
+ }
public static ResolvedMember perTypeWithinCreateAspectInstance(UnresolvedType declaringType) {
// public static a.X ajc$createAspectInstance(java.lang.String)
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/NameMangler.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/NameMangler.java
index faf06df83..47531910a 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/NameMangler.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/NameMangler.java
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public class NameMangler {
public static final String PERTYPEWITHIN_GETINSTANCE_METHOD = PREFIX + "getInstance";
public static final String PERTYPEWITHIN_CREATEASPECTINSTANCE_METHOD = PREFIX + "createAspectInstance";
public static final String PERTYPEWITHIN_WITHINTYPEFIELD = PREFIX + "withinType";
+ public static final String PERTYPEWITHIN_GETWITHINTYPENAME_METHOD = "getWithinTypeName";
public static final String AJC_PRE_CLINIT_NAME = PREFIX + "preClinit";
diff --git a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelPerClauseAspectAdder.java b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelPerClauseAspectAdder.java
index 38d385691..a3aa3926d 100644
--- a/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelPerClauseAspectAdder.java
+++ b/weaver/src/org/aspectj/weaver/bcel/BcelPerClauseAspectAdder.java
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ public class BcelPerClauseAspectAdder extends BcelTypeMunger {
+ generatePerTWGetWithinTypeNameMethod(gen);
} else {
throw new Error("should not happen - not such kind " + kind.getName());
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ public class BcelPerClauseAspectAdder extends BcelTypeMunger {
// pr144602 - don't need to do this, PerObjectInterface munger will do it
// } else if (kind == PerClause.PEROBJECT) {
// ResolvedMember perObjectFieldInfo = AjcMemberMaker.perObjectField(aspectType, aspectType);
-// classGen.addField(makeFieldGen(classGen, perObjectFieldInfo).getField(), null);
+// classGen.addField(makeFieldGen(classGen, perObjectFieldInfo).(), null);
// // if lazy generation of the inner interface MayHaveAspect works on LTW (see previous note)
// // it should be done here.
} else if (kind == PerClause.PERCFLOW) {
@@ -471,6 +472,21 @@ public class BcelPerClauseAspectAdder extends BcelTypeMunger {
+ // Create 'public String getWithinTypeName() { return ajc$withinType;}'
+ private void generatePerTWGetWithinTypeNameMethod(LazyClassGen classGen) {
+ InstructionFactory factory = classGen.getFactory();
+ LazyMethodGen method = makeMethodGen(classGen, AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinGetWithinTypeNameMethod(aspectType,classGen.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()));
+ flagAsSynthetic(method, false);
+ classGen.addMethodGen(method);
+ // 0: aload_0
+ // 1: getfield #14; //Field ajc$withinType:Ljava/lang/String;
+ // 4: areturn
+ InstructionList il = method.getBody();
+ il.append(InstructionConstants.ALOAD_0);
+ il.append(Utility.createGet(factory, AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinWithinTypeField(aspectType, aspectType)));
+ il.append(InstructionConstants.ARETURN);
+ }
private void generatePerTWHasAspectMethod(LazyClassGen classGen) {
InstructionFactory factory = classGen.getFactory();
LazyMethodGen method = makeMethodGen(classGen, AjcMemberMaker.perTypeWithinHasAspectMethod(aspectType,classGen.getWorld().isInJava5Mode()));