path: root/ajde
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ajde')
14 files changed, 1255 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
index edf4c0972..7e89a55fa 100644
--- a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -8,61 +8,100 @@
* Contributors:
- * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.20.2003 extended for AspectJ 1.1 compiler options
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajde;
+import java.util.Set;
* When a particular option is not set its documented default is used.
public interface BuildOptionsAdapter {
+ // Version constants
+ public static final String VERSION_13 = "1.3";
+ public static final String VERSION_14 = "1.4";
+ // Warning constants
+ public static final String WARN_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "constructorName";
+ public static final String WARN_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_METHOD = "packageDefaultMethod";
+ public static final String WARN_DEPRECATION = "deprecation";
+ public static final String WARN_MASKED_CATCH_BLOCKS = "maskedCatchBlocks";
+ public static final String WARN_UNUSED_LOCALS = "unusedLocals";
+ public static final String WARN_UNUSED_ARGUMENTS = "unusedArguments";
+ public static final String WARN_UNUSED_IMPORTS = "unusedImports";
+ public static final String WARN_SYNTHETIC_ACCESS = "syntheticAccess";
+ public static final String WARN_ASSERT_IDENITIFIER = "assertIdentifier";
+ public static final String WARN_NLS = "nonExternalisedString";
+ // Debug constants
+ public static final String DEBUG_SOURCE = "source";
+ public static final String DEBUG_LINES = "lines";
+ public static final String DEBUG_VARS = "vars";
+ public static final String DEBUG_ALL = "all";
* Use javac to generate .class files. The default is "false".
+ * From -usejavac
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public boolean getUseJavacMode();
* Only relevant with Use Javac or Preprocess modes. Specify where to place
* intermediate .java files. The default is "workingdir".
+ * From -workingdir
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public String getWorkingOutputPath();
* Generate regular Java code into the Working OutputPath. Don't try to generate
* any .class files. The default is "false".
+ * From -source
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public boolean getPreprocessMode();
* Specify character encoding used by source files. The default is the current
* JVM's default.
+ * From -encoding
public String getCharacterEncoding();
* Support assertions as defined in JLS-1.4. The default is "false".
+ * @deprecated Use getComplianceLevel instead
public boolean getSourceOnePointFourMode();
* Be extra-lenient in interpreting the Java specification. The default is "false",
* i.e. "regular" mode.
+ * From -lenient
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public boolean getLenientSpecMode();
* Be extra-strict in interpreting the Java specification. The default is "false",
* i.e. "regular" mode.
+ * From -strict
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public boolean getStrictSpecMode();
* Make the use of some features from pre-1.0 versions of AspectJ be warnings to ease
* porting of old code. The default is "false".
+ * From -porting
+ * @deprecated Not supported from AspectJ 1.1 onwards
public boolean getPortingMode();
@@ -71,4 +110,48 @@ public interface BuildOptionsAdapter {
* The default is no non-standard options.
public String getNonStandardOptions();
+ // ----------------------------------
+ // New options added for AspectJ 1.1 from this point onwards
+ /**
+ * JDK Compliance level to be used by the compiler, either
+ * VERSION_13 or VERSION_14.
+ * From -1.3 / -1.4
+ */
+ public String getComplianceLevel();
+ /**
+ * Source compatibility level, either VERSION_13 or VERSION_14.
+ * From -source (eclipse option)
+ */
+ public String getSourceCompatibilityLevel();
+ /**
+ * Optional warnings, empty List is equivalent to -warn:none,
+ * returning null uses eclipse compiler default settings
+ * From -warn:xxx,yyy
+ */
+ public Set getWarnings();
+ /**
+ * Debug level. DEBUG_ALL == {SOURCE, LINES, VARS}.
+ * Empty list is equivalent to -g:none, returning
+ * non uses eclipse compiler default settings
+ * From -g:xxx
+ */
+ public Set getDebugLevel();
+ /**
+ * No errors generated for unresolved imports
+ * From -noImportError
+ */
+ public boolean getNoImportError();
+ /**
+ * Preserve all unused local variables (for debug)
+ * From -preserveAllLocals
+ */
+ public boolean getPreserveAllLocals();
diff --git a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
index e24307320..472a8425d 100644
--- a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -8,13 +8,15 @@
* Contributors:
- * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.20.2003 extended for AspectJ 1.1 compiler options
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajde;
+import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
@@ -55,4 +57,38 @@ public interface ProjectPropertiesAdapter {
public String getExecutionArgs();
public String getVmArgs();
+ // following methods added for AspectJ 1.1
+ //-----------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * Get the set of input jar files for this compilation.
+ * Set members should be of type
+ * An empty set or null is acceptable for this option.
+ * From -injars.
+ */
+ public Set getInJars();
+ /**
+ * Get the output jar file for the compilation results.
+ * Return null to leave classfiles unjar'd in output directory
+ * From -outjar
+ */
+ public String getOutJar();
+ /**
+ * Get a set of root source directories for the compilation.
+ * Set members should be of type
+ * Returning null or an empty set disables the option.
+ * From -sourceroots
+ */
+ public Set getSourceRoots();
+ /**
+ * Get the set of aspect jar files to be used for the compilation.
+ * Returning null or an empty set disables this option. Set members
+ * should be of type
+ * From -aspectpath
+ */
+ public Set getAspectPath();
diff --git a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
index a52117e38..1c3e201d8 100644
--- a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
+++ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
@@ -238,19 +238,49 @@ public class AspectJBuildManager implements BuildManager {
notifyCompileFinished(configFile, lastCompileTime, succeeded, warnings);
+ // AMC - updated for AspectJ 1.1 options
private String getFormattedOptionsString(BuildOptionsAdapter buildOptions, ProjectPropertiesAdapter properties) {
return "Building with settings: "
+ "\n-> output path: " + properties.getOutputPath()
+ "\n-> classpath: " + properties.getClasspath()
+ "\n-> bootclasspath: " + properties.getBootClasspath()
+ + "\n-> -injars " + formatSet(properties.getInJars())
+ + "\n-> -outjar " + formatOptionalString(properties.getOutJar())
+ + "\n-> -sourceroots " + formatSet(properties.getSourceRoots())
+ + "\n-> -aspectpath " + formatSet(properties.getAspectPath())
+ + "\n-> -" + buildOptions.getComplianceLevel()
+ + "\n-> -source " + buildOptions.getSourceCompatibilityLevel()
+ + "\n-> -g:" + formatSet(buildOptions.getDebugLevel())
+ + "\n-> -warn:" + formatSet(buildOptions.getWarnings())
+ + "\n-> noImportError: " + buildOptions.getNoImportError()
+ + "\n-> preserveAllLocals:" + buildOptions.getPreserveAllLocals()
+ "\n-> non-standard options: " + buildOptions.getNonStandardOptions()
- + "\n-> porting mode: " + buildOptions.getPortingMode()
- + "\n-> source 1.4 mode: " + buildOptions.getSourceOnePointFourMode()
- + "\n-> strict spec mode: " + buildOptions.getStrictSpecMode()
- + "\n-> lenient spec mode: " + buildOptions.getLenientSpecMode()
- + "\n-> use javac mode: " + buildOptions.getUseJavacMode()
- + "\n-> preprocess mode: " + buildOptions.getPreprocessMode()
- + "\n-> working dir: " + buildOptions.getWorkingOutputPath();
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] porting mode: " + buildOptions.getPortingMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] source 1.4 mode: " + buildOptions.getSourceOnePointFourMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] strict spec mode: " + buildOptions.getStrictSpecMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] lenient spec mode: " + buildOptions.getLenientSpecMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] use javac mode: " + buildOptions.getUseJavacMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] preprocess mode: " + buildOptions.getPreprocessMode()
+ + "\n-> [ignored-deprecated in AspectJ1.1] working dir: " + buildOptions.getWorkingOutputPath();
+ }
+ private String formatSet( Set options ) {
+ if ( options == null ) return "<default>";
+ if ( options.isEmpty() ) return "none";
+ StringBuffer formattedOptions = new StringBuffer();
+ Iterator it = options.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ String o =;
+ if (formattedOptions.length() > 0) formattedOptions.append(", ");
+ formattedOptions.append( o );
+ }
+ return formattedOptions.toString();
+ }
+ private String formatOptionalString( String s ) {
+ if ( s == null ) { return "" ; }
+ else { return s; }
diff --git a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
index 19ede47fd..9279456a7 100644
--- a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
+++ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/internal/
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
* Contributors:
- * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.20.2003 extended to support new AspectJ 1.1 options,
+ * bugzilla #29769
* ******************************************************************/
@@ -17,10 +19,12 @@ import;
import java.util.*;
import org.aspectj.ajde.*;
+import org.aspectj.ajdt.ajc.BuildArgParser;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildConfig;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildManager;
import org.aspectj.bridge.*;
import org.aspectj.util.ConfigParser;
+import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
@@ -99,36 +103,263 @@ public class CompilerAdapter {
+ // AMC refactored into two methods to populate buildConfig from buildOptions and
+ // project properties - bugzilla 29769.
+ configureBuildOptions(buildConfig, Ajde.getDefault().getBuildManager().getBuildOptions());
+ configureProjectOptions(buildConfig, Ajde.getDefault().getProjectProperties());
+ buildConfig.setGenerateModelMode(true);
+ return buildConfig;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Populate options in a build configuration, using the Ajde BuildOptionsAdapter.
+ * Added by AMC 01.20.2003, bugzilla #29769
+ */
+ private void configureBuildOptions( AjBuildConfig config, BuildOptionsAdapter options ) {
+ Map javaOptions = config.getJavaOptions();
+ if (options.getSourceOnePointFourMode()) {
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
+ }
+ String enc = options.getCharacterEncoding();
+ if ( enc != null & (enc.length() > 0)) {
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Encoding, enc );
+ }
+ String compliance = options.getComplianceLevel();
+ if ( compliance != null && (compliance.length() > 0) ) {
+ String version = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4;
+ if ( compliance.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13 ) ) {
+ version = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3;
+ }
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, version );
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, version );
+ }
+ String sourceLevel = options.getSourceCompatibilityLevel();
+ if ( null != sourceLevel && ( sourceLevel.length() > 0 )) {
+ String slVersion = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4;
+ if ( sourceLevel.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13 ) ) {
+ slVersion = CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3;
+ }
+ // never set a lower source level than compliance level
+ String setCompliance = (String) javaOptions.get( CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance);
+ if ( ! (setCompliance.equals( CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4 )
+ && slVersion.equals(CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3)) ) {
+ javaOptions.put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source, slVersion);
+ }
+ }
+ Set warnings = options.getWarnings();
+ if ( warnings != null ) {
+ // turn off all warnings
+ disableWarnings( javaOptions );
+ // then selectively enable those in the set
+ enableWarnings( javaOptions, warnings );
+ }
+ Set debugOptions = options.getDebugLevel();
+ if ( debugOptions != null ) {
+ // default is all options off, so just need to selectively
+ // enable
+ Iterator it = debugOptions.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ String debug = (String);
+ if ( debug.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_ALL )) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ } else if ( debug.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_LINES )) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ } else if ( debug.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_SOURCE )) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ } else if ( debug.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_VARS)) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( options.getNoImportError() ) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidImport,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ }
+ if ( options.getPreserveAllLocals() ) {
+ javaOptions.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.PRESERVE);
+ }
+ config.setJavaOptions( javaOptions );
+ configureNonStandardOptions( config, options );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method for configureBuildOptions
+ */
+ private void disableWarnings( Map options ) {
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingPackageDefaultMethod,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMethodWithConstructorName,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedParameter,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportAssertIdentifier,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ options.put(
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedImport,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method for configureBuildOptions
+ */
+ private void enableWarnings( Map options, Set warnings ) {
+ Iterator it = warnings.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext() ) {
+ String thisWarning = (String);
+ if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_ASSERT_IDENITIFIER )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportAssertIdentifier,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMethodWithConstructorName,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_DEPRECATION )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_MASKED_CATCH_BLOCKS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_METHOD )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingPackageDefaultMethod,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_SYNTHETIC_ACCESS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_ARGUMENTS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedParameter,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_IMPORTS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedImport,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_LOCALS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ } else if ( thisWarning.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_NLS )) {
+ options.put( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method for configure build options
+ */
+ private void configureNonStandardOptions( AjBuildConfig config, BuildOptionsAdapter options ) {
+ String nonStdOptions = options.getNonStandardOptions();
+ if ( null == nonStdOptions || (nonStdOptions.length() == 0)) return;
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( nonStdOptions );
+ String[] args = new String[ tok.countTokens() ];
+ int argCount = 0;
+ while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
+ args[argCount++] = tok.nextToken();
+ }
+ // set the non-standard options in an alternate build config
+ // (we don't want to lose the settings we already have)
+ BuildArgParser argParser = new BuildArgParser();
+ AjBuildConfig altConfig = argParser.genBuildConfig( args, messageHandler );
+ // copy the answers across
+ config.setNoWeave( altConfig.isNoWeave() );
+ config.setXnoInline( altConfig.isXnoInline() );
+ config.setXserializableAspects( altConfig.isXserializableAspects());
+ config.setLintMode( altConfig.getLintMode() );
+ config.setLintSpecFile( altConfig.getLintSpecFile() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Populate options in a build configuration, using the ProjectPropertiesAdapter.
+ * Added by AMC 01.20.2003, bugzilla #29769
+ */
+ private void configureProjectOptions( AjBuildConfig config, ProjectPropertiesAdapter properties ) {
+ // set the classpath
String classpathString =
- Ajde.getDefault().getProjectProperties().getBootClasspath()
+ properties.getBootClasspath()
+ File.pathSeparator
- + Ajde.getDefault().getProjectProperties().getClasspath();
+ + properties.getClasspath();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(
List classpath = new ArrayList();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) classpath.add(st.nextToken());
- buildConfig.setClasspath(classpath);
+ config.setClasspath(classpath);
Ajde.getDefault().logEvent("building with classpath: " + classpath);
- if (Ajde.getDefault().getBuildManager().getBuildOptions().getSourceOnePointFourMode()) {
- buildConfig.getJavaOptions().put(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance, CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4);
- }
+ config.setOutputDir(
+ new File(properties.getOutputPath())
+ );
- // XXX problematic restriction, support multiple source roots
- List sourceRoots = new ArrayList();
- sourceRoots.add(new File(configFile).getParentFile());
- buildConfig.setSourceRoots(sourceRoots);
+ // new 1.1 options added by AMC
- buildConfig.setOutputDir(
- new File(Ajde.getDefault().getProjectProperties().getOutputPath())
- );
+ Set roots = properties.getSourceRoots();
+ if ( null != roots && !roots.isEmpty() ) {
+ List sourceRoots = new ArrayList( roots );
+ config.setSourceRoots(sourceRoots);
+ }
- buildConfig.setGenerateModelMode(true);
+ Set jars = properties.getInJars();
+ if ( null != jars && !jars.isEmpty() ) {
+ List inJars = new ArrayList( jars );
+ config.setInJars(inJars);
+ }
- return buildConfig;
+ String outJar = properties.getOutJar();
+ if ( null != outJar && (outJar.length() > 0) ) {
+ config.setOutputJar( new File( outJar ) );
+ }
+ Set aspects = properties.getAspectPath();
+ if ( null != aspects && !aspects.isEmpty() ) {
+ List aPath = new ArrayList( aspects );
+ config.setAspectpath( aPath);
+ }
private void init() {
diff --git a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/internal/ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/internal/
index 3093d09a0..da53c5c09 100644
--- a/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/internal/
+++ b/ajde/src/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/internal/
@@ -9,12 +9,19 @@
* Contributors:
* Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.20.2003 extended to support AspectJ 1.1 options,
+ * bugzilla #29769
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajde.ui.internal;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.aspectj.ajde.*;
import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.*;
@@ -33,31 +40,46 @@ public class AjcBuildOptions implements BuildOptionsAdapter {
private static final String PORTING_MODE = AJC + ".portingMode";
private static final String VERBOSE_MODE = AJC + ".verboseMode";
private static final String NONSTANDARD_OPTIONS = AJC + ".nonStandardOptions";
+ // 1.1 constants added by AMC
+ private static final String COMPLIANCE_LEVEL = AJC + ".complianceLevel";
+ private static final String SOURCE_LEVEL = AJC + ".sourceLevel";
+ private static final String WARNINGS = AJC + ".warnings";
+ private static final String DEBUG_OPTIONS = AJC + ".debugOptions";
+ private static final String NO_IMPORT_ERROR = AJC + ".noImportError";
+ private static final String PRESERVE_LOCALS = AJC + ".preserveLocals";
+ private static final String DEFAULT = "default";
public AjcBuildOptions(UserPreferencesAdapter userPreferencesAdapter) {
this.preferencesAdapter = userPreferencesAdapter;
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getUseJavacMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(USE_JAVAC_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setUseJavacMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(USE_JAVAC_MODE, value);
+ /** @deprecated */
public String getWorkingOutputPath() {
return preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(WORKING_DIR);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setWorkingDir(String path) {
preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(WORKING_DIR, path);
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getPreprocessMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(PREPROCESS_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setPreprocessMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(PREPROCESS_MODE, value);
@@ -70,34 +92,42 @@ public class AjcBuildOptions implements BuildOptionsAdapter {
preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(CHARACTER_ENCODING, value);
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getSourceOnePointFourMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(SOURCE_ONE_POINT_FOUR_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setSourceOnePointFourMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(SOURCE_ONE_POINT_FOUR_MODE, value);
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getLenientSpecMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(LENIENT_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setLenientSpecMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(LENIENT_MODE, value);
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getStrictSpecMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(STRICT_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setStrictSpecMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(STRICT_MODE, value);
+ /** @deprecated */
public boolean getPortingMode() {
return getBooleanOptionVal(PORTING_MODE);
+ /** @deprecated */
public void setPortingMode(boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionVal(PORTING_MODE, value);
@@ -117,6 +147,89 @@ public class AjcBuildOptions implements BuildOptionsAdapter {
public void setNonStandardOptions(String value) {
preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(NONSTANDARD_OPTIONS, value);
+ // -------------
+ // new 1.1 compiler options start here...
+ /**
+ * JDK Compliance level to be used by the compiler, either
+ * VERSION_13 or VERSION_14.
+ * From -1.3 / -1.4
+ */
+ public String getComplianceLevel() {
+ return preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(COMPLIANCE_LEVEL);
+ }
+ public void setComplianceLevel( String value ) {
+ preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(COMPLIANCE_LEVEL,value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Source compatibility level, either VERSION_13 or VERSION_14.
+ * From -source (eclipse option)
+ */
+ public String getSourceCompatibilityLevel() {
+ return preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(SOURCE_LEVEL);
+ }
+ public void setSourceCompatibilityLevel(String value) {
+ preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(SOURCE_LEVEL, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Optional warnings, empty List is equivalent to -warn:none,
+ * returning null uses eclipse compiler default settings
+ * From -warn:xxx,yyy
+ */
+ public Set getWarnings() {
+ String warnings = preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(WARNINGS);
+ return toWarningSet( warnings );
+ }
+ public void setWarnings( Set warningSet ) {
+ String warnings = fromWarningSet( warningSet );
+ preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(WARNINGS, warnings);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Debug level. DEBUG_ALL == {SOURCE, LINES, VARS}.
+ * Empty list is equivalent to -g:none, returning
+ * non uses eclipse compiler default settings
+ * From -g:xxx
+ */
+ public Set getDebugLevel() {
+ String debug = preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(DEBUG_OPTIONS);
+ return toDebugSet( debug );
+ }
+ public void setDebugLevel( Set debugSet ) {
+ String debug = fromDebugSet( debugSet );
+ preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(DEBUG_OPTIONS, debug);
+ }
+ /**
+ * No errors generated for unresolved imports
+ * From -noImportError
+ */
+ public boolean getNoImportError() {
+ return getBooleanOptionVal(NO_IMPORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ public void setNoImportError(boolean value) {
+ setBooleanOptionVal(NO_IMPORT_ERROR, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Preserve all unused local variables (for debug)
+ * From -preserveAllLocals
+ */
+ public boolean getPreserveAllLocals() {
+ return getBooleanOptionVal(PRESERVE_LOCALS);
+ }
+ public void setPreserveAllLocals(boolean value) {
+ setBooleanOptionVal(PRESERVE_LOCALS, value);
+ }
private boolean getBooleanOptionVal(String name) {
if (preferencesAdapter.getProjectPreference(name) != null) {
@@ -133,4 +246,56 @@ public class AjcBuildOptions implements BuildOptionsAdapter {
preferencesAdapter.setProjectPreference(name, "false");
+ private Set toWarningSet( String warnings ) {
+ if ( null == warnings ) return null;
+ if ( warnings.equals(DEFAULT) ) return null;
+ Set warningSet = new HashSet();
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( warnings, "," );
+ while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
+ String warning = tok.nextToken();
+ warningSet.add( warning );
+ }
+ return warningSet;
+ }
+ private String fromWarningSet( Set warningSet ) {
+ if ( warningSet == null ) return DEFAULT;
+ StringBuffer warnings = new StringBuffer();
+ Iterator it = warningSet.iterator();
+ while ( it.hasNext() ) {
+ String w = (String);
+ if (warnings.length() > 0 ) warnings.append(',');
+ warnings.append( w );
+ }
+ return warnings.toString();
+ }
+ private Set toDebugSet( String debugOptions ) {
+ if ( null == debugOptions ) return null;
+ if ( debugOptions.equals(DEFAULT) ) return null;
+ Set debugSet = new HashSet();
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( debugOptions, "," );
+ while ( tok.hasMoreTokens() ) {
+ String debug = tok.nextToken();
+ debugSet.add( debug );
+ }
+ return debugSet; }
+ private String fromDebugSet( Set debugSet ) {
+ if ( debugSet == null ) return DEFAULT;
+ StringBuffer debugOptions = new StringBuffer();
+ Iterator it = debugSet.iterator();
+ while ( it.hasNext() ) {
+ String d = (String);
+ if (debugOptions.length() > 0 ) debugOptions.append(',');
+ debugOptions.append( d );
+ }
+ return debugOptions.toString();
+ }
diff --git a/ajde/testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/ b/ajde/testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/
index 9bf5e0f8b..e7f5da0c8 100644
--- a/ajde/testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/
+++ b/ajde/testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package figures;
-//import figures.primitives.planar.Point;
+import figures.primitives.planar.Point;
import java.awt.Canvas;
@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@ aspect Figure {
declare parents: Point implements java.util.Observable;
- declare soft: Point: call(* *(..));
+ // AMC - this next line doesn't make sense!! Can these tests ever
+ // have been run???
+ //declare soft: Point: call(* *(..));
aspect Checks {
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index d2cd8fe9f..4a0140e90 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ public class AjdeTests extends TestCase {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(AjdeTests.class.getName());
+ suite.addTestSuite(BuildConfigurationTests.class);
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a59320966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+Copyright (c) 2003 IBM Corporation and others.
+All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+Adrian Colyer - initial version
+package org.aspectj.ajde;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.internal.CompilerAdapter;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.IdeUIAdapter;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.UserPreferencesAdapter;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.internal.AjcBuildOptions;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.internal.UserPreferencesStore;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.swing.AjdeUIManager;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.swing.BasicEditor;
+import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.swing.IconRegistry;
+import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildConfig;
+import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
+ * Tests that a correctly populated AjBuildConfig object is created
+ * in reponse to the setting in BuildOptionsAdapter and
+ * ProjectPropretiesAdapter
+ */
+public class BuildConfigurationTests extends AjdeTestCase {
+ private CompilerAdapter compilerAdapter;
+ private AjBuildConfig buildConfig = null;
+ private AjcBuildOptions buildOptions = null;
+ private UserPreferencesAdapter preferencesAdapter = null;
+ private NullIdeProperties projectProperties = null;
+ private static final String configFile =
+ "testdata/examples/figures-coverage/all.lst";
+ public BuildConfigurationTests( String name ) {
+ super( name );
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ }
+ public static TestSuite suite() {
+ TestSuite result = new TestSuite();
+ result.addTestSuite(BuildConfigurationTests.class);
+ return result;
+ }
+ // The tests...
+ public void testCharacterEncoding() {
+ buildOptions.setCharacterEncoding( "12345" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String encoding = (String) options.get( CompilerOptions.OPTION_Encoding );
+ assertEquals( "character encoding", "12345", encoding );
+ }
+ public void testComplianceLevel() {
+ buildOptions.setComplianceLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_14 );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String compliance = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance);
+ String sourceLevel = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source);
+ assertEquals( "compliance level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4, compliance);
+ assertEquals( "source level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4, sourceLevel );
+ }
+ public void testSourceCompatibilityLevel() {
+ buildOptions.setComplianceLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13);
+ buildOptions.setSourceCompatibilityLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_14);
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String compliance = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance);
+ String sourceLevel = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source);
+ assertEquals( "compliance level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_3, compliance);
+ assertEquals( "source level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4, sourceLevel );
+ }
+ public void testSourceIncompatibilityLevel() {
+ // this config should "fail" and leave source level at 1.4
+ buildOptions.setComplianceLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_14);
+ buildOptions.setSourceCompatibilityLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13);
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String compliance = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Compliance);
+ String sourceLevel = (String) options.get(CompilerOptions.OPTION_Source);
+ assertEquals( "compliance level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4, compliance);
+ assertEquals( "source level", CompilerOptions.VERSION_1_4, sourceLevel );
+ }
+ public void testNullWarnings() {
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( null );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with the default warnings
+ assertOptionEquals( "report overriding package default",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingPackageDefaultMethod,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report method with cons name",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMethodWithConstructorName,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report deprecation",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report hidden catch block",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused local",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused param",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedParameter,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report synthectic access",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report non-externalized string literal",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report assert identifer",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportAssertIdentifier,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ }
+ public void testEmptyWarnings() {
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( new HashSet() );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with the user specifiable warnings
+ // turned off
+ assertOptionEquals( "report overriding package default",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingPackageDefaultMethod,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report method with cons name",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMethodWithConstructorName,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report deprecation",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report hidden catch block",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused local",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused param",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedParameter,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report synthectic access",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report non-externalized string literal",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report assert identifer",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportAssertIdentifier,
+ CompilerOptions.IGNORE);
+ }
+ public void testSetOfWarnings() {
+ HashSet warnings = new HashSet();
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_ASSERT_IDENITIFIER );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_DEPRECATION );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_MASKED_CATCH_BLOCKS );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_PACKAGE_DEFAULT_METHOD );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_SYNTHETIC_ACCESS );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_ARGUMENTS );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_IMPORTS );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_UNUSED_LOCALS );
+ warnings.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_NLS );
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( warnings );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with all the user specifiable warnings
+ // turned on
+ assertOptionEquals( "report overriding package default",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportOverridingPackageDefaultMethod,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report method with cons name",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportMethodWithConstructorName,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report deprecation",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportDeprecation,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report hidden catch block",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportHiddenCatchBlock,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused local",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedLocal,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report unused param",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportUnusedParameter,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report synthectic access",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportSyntheticAccessEmulation,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report non-externalized string literal",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportNonExternalizedStringLiteral,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ assertOptionEquals( "report assert identifer",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportAssertIdentifier,
+ CompilerOptions.WARNING);
+ }
+ public void testNoDebugOptions() {
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( null );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with the default debug settings
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug source",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug lines",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug vars",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ }
+ public void testEmptyDebugOptions() {
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( new HashSet() );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with the debug off
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug source",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug lines",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug vars",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ }
+ public void testDebugAll() {
+ HashSet debugOpts = new HashSet();
+ debugOpts.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_ALL );
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( debugOpts );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with all debug on
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug source",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug lines",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug vars",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ }
+ public void testDebugSet() {
+ HashSet debugOpts = new HashSet();
+ debugOpts.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_SOURCE );
+ debugOpts.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_VARS );
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( debugOpts );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ // this should leave us with all debug on
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug source",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_SourceFileAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug lines",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LineNumberAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.DO_NOT_GENERATE);
+ assertOptionEquals( "debug vars",
+ options,
+ CompilerOptions.OPTION_LocalVariableAttribute,
+ CompilerOptions.GENERATE);
+ }
+ public void testNoImport() {
+ buildOptions.setNoImportError( true );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String noImport = (String) options.get( CompilerOptions.OPTION_ReportInvalidImport );
+ assertEquals( "no import", CompilerOptions.WARNING, noImport );
+ buildOptions.setNoImportError( false );
+ }
+ public void testPreserveAllLocals() {
+ buildOptions.setPreserveAllLocals( true );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ Map options = buildConfig.getJavaOptions();
+ String preserve = (String) options.get( CompilerOptions.OPTION_PreserveUnusedLocal );
+ assertEquals( "preserve unused", CompilerOptions.PRESERVE, preserve );
+ }
+ public void testNonStandardOptions() {
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-XnoWeave" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertTrue( "XnoWeave", buildConfig.isNoWeave() );
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-XserializableAspects" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertTrue( "XserializableAspects", buildConfig.isXserializableAspects() );
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-XnoInline" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertTrue( "XnoInline", buildConfig.isXnoInline());
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-Xlint" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertEquals( "Xlint", AjBuildConfig.AJLINT_DEFAULT,
+ buildConfig.getLintMode());
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-Xlint:error" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertEquals( "Xlint", AjBuildConfig.AJLINT_ERROR,
+ buildConfig.getLintMode());
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-Xlintfile testdata/AspectJBuildManagerTest/" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertEquals( "Xlintfile", new File( "testdata/AspectJBuildManagerTest/" ).getAbsolutePath(),
+ buildConfig.getLintSpecFile().toString());
+ // and a few options thrown in at once
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-Xlint -XnoInline -XserializableAspects" );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertEquals( "Xlint", AjBuildConfig.AJLINT_DEFAULT,
+ buildConfig.getLintMode());
+ assertTrue( "XnoInline", buildConfig.isXnoInline());
+ assertTrue( "XserializableAspects", buildConfig.isXserializableAspects() );
+ }
+ public void testSourceRoots() {
+ Set roots = new HashSet();
+ projectProperties.setSourceRoots( roots );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List configRoots = buildConfig.getSourceRoots();
+ assertTrue( "no source dirs", configRoots.isEmpty() );
+ File f = new File( "testdata/examples/figures/figures-coverage" );
+ roots.add( f );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List configRoots2 = buildConfig.getSourceRoots();
+ assertTrue( "one source dir", configRoots2.size() == 1 );
+ assertTrue( "source dir", configRoots2.contains(f) );
+ File f2 = new File( "testdata/examples/figures/figures-demo" );
+ roots.add( f2 );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List configRoots3 = buildConfig.getSourceRoots();
+ assertTrue( "two source dirs", configRoots3.size() == 2 );
+ assertTrue( "source dir 1", configRoots3.contains(f) );
+ assertTrue( "source dir 2", configRoots3.contains(f2) );
+ }
+ public void testInJars() {
+ Set jars = new HashSet();
+ projectProperties.setInJars( jars );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List inJars = buildConfig.getInJars();
+ assertTrue( "no in jars", inJars.isEmpty() );
+ File f = new File( "jarone.jar" );
+ jars.add( f );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List inJars2 = buildConfig.getInJars();
+ assertTrue( "one in jar", inJars2.size() == 1 );
+ assertTrue( "in jar", inJars2.contains(f) );
+ File f2 = new File( "jartwo.jar" );
+ jars.add( f2 );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List inJars3 = buildConfig.getInJars();
+ assertTrue( "two in jars", inJars3.size() == 2 );
+ assertTrue( "in jar 1", inJars3.contains(f) );
+ assertTrue( "in jar 2", inJars3.contains(f2) );
+ }
+ public void testAspectPath() {
+ Set aspects = new HashSet();
+ projectProperties.setAspectPath( aspects );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List aPath = buildConfig.getAspectpath();
+ assertTrue( "no aspect path", aPath.isEmpty() );
+ File f = new File( "jarone.jar" );
+ aspects.add( f );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List aPath2 = buildConfig.getAspectpath();
+ assertTrue( "one jar in path", aPath2.size() == 1 );
+ assertTrue( "1 aspectpath", aPath2.contains(f) );
+ File f2 = new File( "jartwo.jar" );
+ aspects.add( f2 );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ List aPath3 = buildConfig.getAspectpath();
+ assertTrue( "two jars in path", aPath3.size() == 2 );
+ assertTrue( "1 aspectpath", aPath3.contains(f) );
+ assertTrue( "2 aspectpath", aPath3.contains(f2) );
+ }
+ public void testOutJar() {
+ String outJar = "mybuild.jar";
+ projectProperties.setOutJar( outJar );
+ buildConfig = compilerAdapter.genBuildConfig( configFile );
+ assertEquals( "out jar", outJar, buildConfig.getOutputJar().toString() );
+ }
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ preferencesAdapter = new UserPreferencesStore();
+ buildOptions = new AjcBuildOptions(preferencesAdapter);
+ compilerAdapter = new CompilerAdapter();
+ projectProperties = new NullIdeProperties( "" );
+ init();
+ }
+ protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+ super.tearDown();
+ buildOptions.setCharacterEncoding("");
+ }
+ public void init() {
+ try {
+ Ajde.init(
+ null,
+ null,
+ null,
+ projectProperties,
+ buildOptions,
+ null,
+ null,
+ null);
+ //Ajde.getDefault().enableLogging( System.out );
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ t.printStackTrace();
+ Ajde.getDefault().getErrorHandler().handleError(
+ "Ajde failed to initialize.",
+ t);
+ }
+ }
+ private void assertOptionEquals( String reason, Map options, String optionName, String value) {
+ String mapValue = (String) options.get(optionName);
+ assertEquals( reason, value, mapValue );
+ }
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index 5f5df1329..f30b4f308 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -8,11 +8,16 @@
* Contributors:
* Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.21.2003 extended to cover new AspectJ1.1 options
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajde;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.aspectj.ajde.ui.UserPreferencesAdapter;
@@ -47,6 +52,97 @@ public class BuildOptionsTest extends AjdeTestCase {
assertTrue("porting mode", buildOptions.getPortingMode());
+ public void testVerboseMode() {
+ buildOptions.setVerboseMode(true);
+ assertTrue("verbose mode", buildOptions.getVerboseMode());
+ }
+ public void testNonStandardOptions() {
+ buildOptions.setNonStandardOptions( "-Xlint" );
+ assertEquals( "non std options", "-Xlint",
+ buildOptions.getNonStandardOptions());
+ }
+ public void testComplianceLevel() {
+ buildOptions.setComplianceLevel( BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_14 );
+ assertEquals( "compliance level",
+ BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_14,
+ buildOptions.getComplianceLevel());
+ }
+ public void testSourceCompatibilityLevel() {
+ buildOptions.setSourceCompatibilityLevel(BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13);
+ assertEquals( "source level",
+ BuildOptionsAdapter.VERSION_13,
+ buildOptions.getSourceCompatibilityLevel());
+ }
+ public void testWarnings() {
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( null );
+ assertNull( "null warning set", buildOptions.getWarnings());
+ HashSet s = new HashSet();
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( s );
+ Set s2 = buildOptions.getWarnings();
+ assertTrue( "empty warning set", s2.isEmpty() );
+ s.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_ASSERT_IDENITIFIER );
+ s.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_MASKED_CATCH_BLOCKS );
+ buildOptions.setWarnings( s );
+ s2 = buildOptions.getWarnings();
+ assertTrue( "two warnings", s2.size() == 2 );
+ boolean warn_assert_found = false;
+ boolean warn_catch_found = false;
+ Iterator it = s2.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ String option = (String);
+ if ( option.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_ASSERT_IDENITIFIER ) ) {
+ warn_assert_found = true;
+ }
+ if ( option.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.WARN_MASKED_CATCH_BLOCKS ) ) {
+ warn_catch_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ assertTrue( "assert warning found", warn_assert_found );
+ assertTrue( "catch waning found", warn_catch_found );
+ }
+ public void testDebugLevel() {
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( null );
+ assertNull( "null debug set", buildOptions.getDebugLevel());
+ HashSet s = new HashSet();
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( s );
+ Set s2 = buildOptions.getDebugLevel();
+ assertTrue( "empty debug set", s2.isEmpty() );
+ s.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_LINES );
+ s.add( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_SOURCE );
+ buildOptions.setDebugLevel( s );
+ s2 = buildOptions.getDebugLevel();
+ assertTrue( "two warnings", s2.size() == 2 );
+ boolean debug_lines_found = false;
+ boolean debug_source_found = false;
+ Iterator it = s2.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ String option = (String);
+ if ( option.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_LINES ) ) {
+ debug_lines_found = true;
+ }
+ if ( option.equals( BuildOptionsAdapter.DEBUG_SOURCE ) ) {
+ debug_source_found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ assertTrue( "debug lines found", debug_lines_found );
+ assertTrue( "debug source found", debug_source_found );
+ }
+ public void testNoImportError() {
+ buildOptions.setNoImportError(true);
+ assertTrue("no import error", buildOptions.getNoImportError());
+ }
+ public void testPreserveLocals() {
+ buildOptions.setPreserveAllLocals(true);
+ assertTrue("preserve all locals", buildOptions.getPreserveAllLocals());
+ }
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index 2269fcaba..c3a09e8dc 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public class NullIdeManager {
new IconRegistry(),
+ //Ajde.getDefault().enableLogging( System.out );
} catch (Throwable t) {
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index 0369954f8..03173f33b 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Contributors:
* Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 01.20.2003 extended to support AspectJ 1.1 options
* ******************************************************************/
@@ -24,6 +25,11 @@ public class NullIdeProperties implements ProjectPropertiesAdapter {
private String testProjectPath = "";
private List buildConfigFiles = new ArrayList();
+ private Set inJars;
+ private Set sourceRoots;
+ private Set aspectPath;
+ private String outJar;
public NullIdeProperties(String testProjectPath) {
this.testProjectPath = testProjectPath;
@@ -58,7 +64,10 @@ public class NullIdeProperties implements ProjectPropertiesAdapter {
public String getClasspath() {
- return testProjectPath + System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + "../../../runtime/bin";
+ // AMC - added in path separator since absence was causing
+ // build failures with invalid classpath
+ return testProjectPath + File.pathSeparator +
+ System.getProperty("sun.boot.class.path") + File.pathSeparator + "../runtime/bin";
public String getOutputPath() {
@@ -84,4 +93,28 @@ public class NullIdeProperties implements ProjectPropertiesAdapter {
public String getVmArgs() {
return null;
+ public void setInJars( Set jars ) { this.inJars = jars; }
+ public Set getInJars( ) {
+ return inJars;
+ }
+ public void setOutJar( String jar ){ this.outJar = jar; }
+ public String getOutJar() {
+ return outJar;
+ }
+ public void setSourceRoots( Set roots ) { this.sourceRoots = roots; }
+ public Set getSourceRoots() {
+ return sourceRoots;
+ }
+ public void setAspectPath( Set path ) { this.aspectPath = path; }
+ public Set getAspectPath() {
+ return aspectPath;
+ }
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index be06bdf20..d3c4b1041 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -14,10 +14,12 @@
package org.aspectj.ajde;
+import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import org.aspectj.asm.StructureModel;
+import org.aspectj.asm.StructureNode;
public class StructureModelRegressionTest extends AjdeTestCase {
@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ public class StructureModelRegressionTest extends AjdeTestCase {
public void test() {
- String testLstFile = "StructureModelRegressionTest/example.lst";
+ String testLstFile = "testdata/StructureModelRegressionTest/example.lst";
File f = new File(testLstFile);
assertTrue(testLstFile, f.canRead());
assertTrue("saved model: " + testLstFile, verifyAgainstSavedModel(testLstFile));
@@ -52,7 +54,14 @@ public class StructureModelRegressionTest extends AjdeTestCase {
StructureModel savedModel = Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel();
//System.err.println( savedModel.getRoot().getClass() + ", " + savedModel.getRoot());
- return savedModel.getRoot().equals(model.getRoot());
+ // AMC This test will not pass as written until StructureNode defines
+ // equals. The equals loic is commented out in the StructureNode
+ // class - adding it back in could have unforeseen system-wide
+ // consequences, so I've defined a structureNodesEqual( ) helper
+ // method here instead.
+ StructureNode rootNode = model.getRoot();
+ StructureNode savedRootNode = savedModel.getRoot();
+ return structureNodesEqual( rootNode, savedRootNode );
} else {
return true;
@@ -60,6 +69,30 @@ public class StructureModelRegressionTest extends AjdeTestCase {
//return true;
+ private boolean structureNodesEqual( StructureNode s1, StructureNode s2 ) {
+ final boolean equal = true;
+ if ( s1 == s2 ) return equal;
+ if ( null == s1 || null == s2 ) return !equal;
+ if (!s1.getName( ).equals(s2.getName())) return !equal;
+ if (!s1.getKind( ).equals(s2.getKind())) return !equal;
+ // check child nodes
+ List s1Kids = s1.getChildren();
+ List s2Kids = s2.getChildren();
+ if ( s1Kids != null && s2Kids != null ) {
+ if (s1Kids == null || s2Kids == null) return !equal;
+ if (s1Kids.size() != s2Kids.size() ) return !equal;
+ for ( int k=0; k<s1Kids.size(); k++ ) {
+ StructureNode k1 = (StructureNode) s1Kids.get(k);
+ StructureNode k2 = (StructureNode) s2Kids.get(k);
+ if (!structureNodesEqual( k1, k2 )) return !equal;
+ }
+ }
+ return equal;
+ }
private StructureModel getModelForFile(String lstFile) {
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
index 244a26b25..cd3e3db57 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
* Contributors:
* Xerox/PARC initial implementation
+ * AMC 21.01.2003 fixed for new source location in
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajde;
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ public class StructureModelTest extends AjdeTestCase {
public void testFieldInitializerCorrespondence() throws IOException {
- File testFile = createFile("../examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
+ File testFile = createFile("testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
StructureNode node = Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel().findNodeForSourceLine(
testFile.getCanonicalPath(), 28);
assertTrue("find result", node != null) ;
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ public class StructureModelTest extends AjdeTestCase {
assertTrue("find associated node", foundNode != null) ;
- File pointFile = createFile("../examples/figures-coverage/figures/primitives/planar/");
+ File pointFile = createFile("testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/primitives/planar/");
StructureNode fieldNode = Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel().findNodeForSourceLine(
pointFile.getCanonicalPath(), 12);
assertTrue("find result", fieldNode != null);
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ public class StructureModelTest extends AjdeTestCase {
public void testFileNodeFind() throws IOException {
- File testFile = createFile("../examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
+ File testFile = createFile("testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
StructureNode node = Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel().findNodeForSourceLine(
testFile.getCanonicalPath(), 1);
assertTrue("find result", node != null) ;
@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ public class StructureModelTest extends AjdeTestCase {
public void testMainClassNodeInfo() throws IOException {
assertTrue("root exists", Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel().getRoot() != null);
- File testFile = createFile("../examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
+ File testFile = createFile("testdata/examples/figures-coverage/figures/");
StructureNode node = Ajde.getDefault().getStructureModelManager().getStructureModel().findNodeForSourceLine(
testFile.getCanonicalPath(), 11);
assertTrue("find result", node != null);
diff --git a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/
index e6b7f8ae9..4c3351f57 100644
--- a/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/
+++ b/ajde/testsrc/org/aspectj/ajde/ui/
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ public class StructureViewManagerTest extends AjdeTestCase {
assertTrue("notified", renderer.getHasBeenNotified());
//System.err.println(">>>>>> " + currentView.getRootNode().getStructureNode());
+ StructureNode n = currentView.getRootNode().getStructureNode();
"no structure",