path: root/build/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/scripts')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/build/scripts/compareBuildScripts.sh b/build/scripts/compareBuildScripts.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a64ecc4d..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/compareBuildScripts.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# jr4 tf jdtcore-for-aspectj.jar images/ant_logo_large.gif readme.txt
-errExit() {
- [ -n "$1" ] && echo "ERROR: $1"
- [ -n "$2" ] && exit "$2"
-[ -f build.xml.mine ] || errExit "requires build.xml.mine" 23
-[ -f build.xml.head ] || errExit "requires build.xml.head" 23
-cp build.xml build.xml.orig
-scriptDir=`dirname "${0}"`
-cd "$scriptDir/.."
-[ -n "$DEBUG"] || ant="../lib/ant/bin/ant -verbose"
-rm -rf ../aj-build/*
-[ -d ../aj-build/jars ] && exit 23
-$ant build
-mv ../aj-build/jars/build.jar ../lib/build/build.jar || exit 54
-rm -rf build-test
-[ -d build-test ] && errExit "rm build-test" 34
-mkdir build-test
-cp build.xml.head build.xml
-rm -rf ../aj-build/*
-[ -d ../aj-build/jars ] && errExit "rm aj-build" 23
-$ant aspectjtools-dist
-mv ../aj-build/dist build-test/dist-head
-mv build.xml.orig build.xml
-cp build.xml.mine build.xml
-rm -rf ../aj-build/*
-[ -d ../aj-build/jars ] && errExit "rm aj-build" 23
-$ant aspectjtools-dist
-mv ../aj-build/dist build-test/dist-mine
-mv build.xml.orig build.xml
-cd build-test
-for i in dist-mine dist-head; do
- $jr4 tf $i/tools/lib/aspectjtools.jar \
- | sort \
- > $i.txt;
-# skip
-diff dist*.txt
-wc -l dist*.txt
-grep ant_logo_large dist*.txt
-echo "rm -rf build-test"
diff --git a/build/scripts/compileTest.sh b/build/scripts/compileTest.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index e86304310..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/compileTest.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# time compile of sources to aspectjtools and aspectjrt
-# using many compilers
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
-## redirect to stdout to avoid timing errors from console
-### set for your system
-ajdir=`dirname "$0"`/../..
-ajdir=`cd "$ajdir"; pwd`
-ajdir=`echo "$ajdir" | sed 's|/cygdrive/\([a-zA-Z]\)/|\1:/|'`
-srcdirs="ajbrowser ajde asm bridge org.aspectj.ajdt.core runtime taskdefs util weaver"
-libs="lib/ant/lib/ant.jar lib/bcel/bcel.jar lib/jdtcore-aj/jdtcore-for-aspectj.jar"
-for i in $libs; do
- classpath="$classpath${PS}$ajdir/$i"
-for i in $srcdirs; do
- sourcepath="$sourcepath${sep}$ajdir/$i/src"
- [ -n "$sep" ] || sep="${PS}"
-if [ ! -f "$allfiles" ] ; then
- for i in $srcdirs; do
- find "$ajdir/$i/src" -type f -name \*.java
- done > "$allfiles"
-if [ ! -f "$onefile" ] ; then
- echo "$ajdir/util/src/org/aspectj/util/PartialOrder.java" > "$onefile"
-[ -d "$classesDir" ] || mkdir "$classesDir"
-for argfile in "$onefile" "$allfiles" ; do
-for compiler in "$jdk14"/bin/javac "$jdk13"/bin/javac "$ajc110" "$ajc111" "$jikes" ; do
- rm -rf "$classesDir"/*
- if [ "$ajc111" = "$compiler" ] ; then
- cp="$aj111/lib/aspectjrt.jar$classpath"
- elif [ "$jikes" = "$compiler" ] ; then
- cp="$aj110/lib/aspectjrt.jar$classpath${PS}$jdk14/jre/lib/rt.jar${PS}$sourcepath"
- else
- cp="$aj110/lib/aspectjrt.jar$classpath"
- fi
- echo "##################################### $compiler $cp"
- start=`date +%s`
- $compiler \
- -d "$classesDir" -classpath "$cp" @"$argfile"
- end=`date +%s`
- duration=`expr $end - $start`
- echo "$duration ($start - $end) # $compiler"
-rm -f "$allfiles" "$onefile"
diff --git a/build/scripts/jikesInc.sh b/build/scripts/jikesInc.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c8b1a54f..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/jikesInc.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# incrementally-compile AspectJ sources using Jikes
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
-### set for your system
-ajdir=`dirname "$0"`/../..
-ajdir=`cd "$ajdir"; pwd`
-ajdir=`echo "$ajdir" | sed 's|/cygdrive/\([a-zA-Z]\)/|\1:/|'`
-srcdirs="ajbrowser ajde asm bridge org.aspectj.ajdt.core runtime taskdefs util weaver"
-libs="lib/ant/lib/ant.jar lib/bcel/bcel.jar lib/jdtcore-aj/jdtcore-for-aspectj.jar"
-[ -f "$allfiles" ] && rm "$allfiles"
-for i in $srcdirs; do
- sourcepath="$sourcepath${PS}$ajdir/$i/src"
- find "$ajdir/$i/src" -type f -name \*.java
-done > "$allfiles"
-for i in $libs; do
- classpath="$classpath${PS}$ajdir/$i"
-[ -d "$classesDir" ] || mkdir "$classesDir"
-rm -rf "$classesDir"/*
-set -vx
-exec "$jikes" -d "$classesDir" -classpath "$classpath" @"$allfiles" ++
diff --git a/build/scripts/lcp.bat b/build/scripts/lcp.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 24eee9b3d..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/lcp.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-set LCP=%LCP%;%1
diff --git a/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt b/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b2b738334..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/localSetup.bat.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-rem sample local setup, e.g., for quicklook.bat
-rem set values and change filename to localSetup.bat
-rem -- picked up by ant scripts
-set JAVA_HOME=c:\apps\jdk1.3.1
-rem -- quicklook.bat adds the following to command line
-rem setup from/to for result email
-set userEmail=isberg@parc.com
-set mailHost=dagobah.parc.xerox.com
-rem setup ant cvs task, which execs cvs
-set HOME=c:\home\wes
-set CVSROOT=:ext:isberg@aspectj.org:/aspectj-home/cvsroot
-set CVS_RSH=c:\apps\ssh\ssh
-set PATH=c:\home\apps\cygwin\bin;c:\WIN2000\system32;c:\WIN2000
diff --git a/build/scripts/makeAspectjtoolsLstFile.sh b/build/scripts/makeAspectjtoolsLstFile.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c453ef06..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/makeAspectjtoolsLstFile.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# generate .lst file for aspectjtools.jar
-# by compile all non-testing src dirs
-# todo: copy ajbrowser manifest
-[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
-usage() {
- name=`basename "$0"`
- cat<<EOF
- Usage: $name { build | manifest }
-For compiling aspectjtools-aj.jar using ajc, generate build/aspectjtools.lst
-and files it refers to, aspectjtools-sources.lst and aspectj-resources.jar.
-To add to aspectjtools.jar a meta-inf/manifest.mf with a main-class,
-specify a single argument: "manifest"
-To create the .lst file, use ajc to build, and add the manifest,
-define ASPECTJ_HOME and specify a single argument: "build"
-canonicalPath() {
- cygpath -ma "$@"
-filterOutNonsourceDirs() {
- sed '/\/build\//d;/\/testing/d'
-listSourceDirs() {
- for i in ../*/testsrc; do
- p=`echo $i \
- | filterOutNonsourceDirs \
- | sed 's|../\(.*\)/testsrc|\1|'`;
- p=`canonicalPath "../$p"`
- [ -d "$p/src" ] && echo "$p/src"
- done
-generateSourcesLstFiles() {
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- rm -f aspectjtools-sources.lst;
- for i in `listSourceDirs` ; do
- find "$i" -type f -name \*.java \
- | sed 's|/[^/]*.java|/*.java|' \
- | sort -u ;
- done > aspectjtools-sources.lst;
- # head aspectjtools-sources.lst
-genResourceJar() { # slow, but hey
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- jarFile=`canonicalPath "$1"`
- [ -n "$jarFile" ] || exit 43
- "${JAVA_HOME:-c:/home/apps/jdk14}/bin/"jar \
- cfM "$jarFile" build.xml
- curDir=`pwd`;
- for i in `listSourceDirs` ; do
- cd "$i"
- "${JAVA_HOME:-c:/home/apps/jdk14}/bin/"jar \
- ufM "$jarFile" `find . -type f | sed '/CVS/d;/\.java/d'`
- cd "$curDir"
- done
- cd "$curDir"
-# mf=`canonicalPath "grj_manifest.txt"`
-# sed 's|@build.version.short@|1.1.1|;s|@company.name@|na|' \
-# ../ajbrowser/ajbrowser.mf.txt > "$mf"
-# "${JAVA_HOME:-c:/home/apps/jdk14}/bin/"jar \
-# ufm "$jarFile" "$mf" build.xml
-# rm "$mf"
-addManifest() {
- outjar="$1"
- mf=`canonicalPath "grj_manifest.txt"`
- sed 's|@build.version.short@|1.1.1|;s|@company.name@|na|' \
- ../ajbrowser/ajbrowser.mf.txt > "$mf"
- echo "nothing" > am_nothing
- "${JAVA_HOME:-c:/home/apps/jdk14}/bin/"jar \
- ufm "$outjar" "$mf" am_nothing
- rm "$mf" am_nothing
-getClasspath() {
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- ajrt=`canonicalPath "${ASPECTJ_HOME:-c:/home/apps/aspectj-1.1.1}/lib/aspectjrt.jar"`
- echo "${ajrt};`cygpath -ma ../lib/ant/lib/ant.jar`"
-getInjars() {
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- cp=""
- sep=""
- for i in "$1" ../lib/bcel/bcel.jar \
- ../lib/jdtcore-aj/jdtcore-for-aspectj.jar \
- ; do
- cp="${cp}${sep}`canonicalPath "$i"`"
- [ -z "${sep}" ] && sep=";"
- done
- echo "$cp"
-setupManifest() {
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- midir="../ajbrowser/src/META-INF"
- [ -d "$midir" ] || mkdir ../ajbrowser/src/META-INF
- sed 's|@build.version.short@|1.1.1|;s|@company.name@|na|' \
- ../ajbrowser/ajbrowser.mf.txt > "$1"
-generateFile() {
- resourceJar="$1"
- outputJar="$2"
- [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx
- [ -f "$resourceJar" ] || exit 98
- [ -n "$outputJar" ] || exit 98
- rm -f "$outputJar"
- PS=";"
- #sourceroots=`getSourceroots`
- classpath=`getClasspath`
- injars=`getInjars "$resourceJar"`
- cat<<EOF
-# generated `date` by $0
-# remove this line if modifying this file
-`canonicalPath aspectjtools-sources.lst`
-errExit() {
- [ -n "$1" ] && echo "## error: $1"
- [ -n "$2" ] && exit "$2"
-scriptDir=`dirname "$0"`
-scriptDir=`cd "$scriptDir"; pwd`
-script=`canonicalPath "$0"`
-export PS=";" ### XXX platform
-export ASPECTJ_HOME=`cygpath -m "${ASPECTJ_HOME}"`
-cd "$scriptDir/.."
-outjar=`canonicalPath aspectjtools-aj.jar`
-if [ -f aspectjtools.lst ] ; then
- grep -q "remove this line" aspectjtools.lst \
- && rm -f aspectjtools.lst \
- || exit 23
-set -e
-if [ "$1" = "manifest" ] ; then
- addManifest "$outjar"
-elif [ "build" = "$1" ] ; then
- [ "$script" -ot aspectjtools.lst ] || "$script"
- [ -d "$ASPECTJ_HOME" ] || errExit "define ASPECTJ_HOME" 49
- "$ASPECTJ_HOME"/bin/ajc -argfile aspectjtools.lst
- "$script" manifest
-elif [ -n "$1" ] ; then
- usage
- generateSourcesLstFiles
- resourceJar=`canonicalPath aspectjtools-resources.jar`
- [ -f "$resourceJar" ] || genResourceJar "$resourceJar"
- outjar=`canonicalPath aspectjtools-aj.jar`
- rm -f aspectjtools.lst
- generateFile "$resourceJar" "$outjar" > aspectjtools.lst
- ls -ald "$resourceJar" aspectjtools.lst
diff --git a/build/scripts/quicklook.bat b/build/scripts/quicklook.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fdff74e0..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/quicklook.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-rem be verbose, no @echo off
-rem requires existing ajhome install for ant scripts, libs
-rem beware - withou DOS linefeeds, DOS won't interpret...
-rem ------ read variables from local setup
-set scriptPath=%~dp0
-set scriptDir=%scriptPath:\quicklook.bat=%
-if not exist %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat goto ERR_SETUP
-call %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat
-if "x" == "x%userEmail%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
-if "x" == "x%mailHost%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
-if "x" == "x%HOME%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
-if "x" == "x%CVS_RSH%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
-if "x" == "x%CVSROOT%" goto ERR_VARIABLE
-set buildDir=%scriptDir:\scripts=%
-set antScript=%buildDir:\build=%\lib\ant\bin\ant.bat
-if not exist %antScript% goto ERR_ANT
-if not exist %buildDir% goto ERR_BUILDDIR
-if not exist %JDKDIR% goto ERR_JDKDIR
-rem XXX redo these when web building
-rem if exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto RUN
-rem net use %SQEDRIVE% \\samba\aop /persistent:no
-rem if not exist %SQEDIRPATH% goto ERR_MOUNT
-rem set mountedDrive=yes
-goto RUN
-rem build update.tree, quicklook
-if not "x" == "x%DEBUG%" set verbose=-verbose
-chdir %buildDir% || goto ERR_CD
-rem fyi, normal ant.bat script loses any internal "=", so we rely on a patched script
-set MAIL_OPTIONS=-logger org.apache.tools.ant.listener.MailLogger -DMailLogger.mailhost=%mailHost% -DMailLogger.success.to=%userEmail% -DMailLogger.failure.to=%userEmail% -DMailLogger.from=%userEmail%
-rem cannot use "|| goto ERR_ANT_UPDATE" b/c ant script returns non-zero for valid builds
-call %antScript% -f build.xml update.tree %verbose% %options%
-set options=%MAIL_OPTIONS% -Duser.email=%userEmail% -Daop.dir=%SQEDRIVE%
-set options=%options% -Drun.ajcTests=runAjcTests -Drun.junit.tests=runJUnitTests
-call %antScript% -f build.xml quicklook %verbose% %options%
-if "ok%mountedDrive%" == "okyes" net use %SQEDRIVE% /delete
-goto QUIT
-rem ---------- errors
-echo "unable to cd to build directory: %buildDir%"
-goto QUIT
-echo "expected local setup in %scriptDir%\localSetup.bat"
-goto QUIT
-echo "expected build dir: %buildDir%"
-goto QUIT
-echo "local setup is incorrect - missing variables"
-goto QUIT
-echo "expected ant script: %antScript%"
-goto QUIT
-echo "no JDKDIR=%JDKDIR%"
-goto QUIT
-echo "unable to mount or use SQEDIRPATH=%SQEDIRPATH%"
-goto QUIT
-echo "unable to find quicklook source after running setup build"
-goto QUIT
-echo "FAIL ant create.source failed"
-goto QUIT
-echo "FAIL ant update.source failed"
-goto QUIT
-echo "FAIL ant quicklook failed"
-goto QUIT
-echo "FAIL ant destroy.source failed"
-goto QUIT
diff --git a/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat b/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 841bb57ea..000000000
--- a/build/scripts/runQuicklook.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-rem @echo off
-rem %~dp0 is name of current script
-set scriptPath=%~dp0
-set scriptDir=%scriptPath:\runQuicklook.bat=%
-call %scriptDir%quicklook.bat > %scriptDir%quicklook.out 2>&1