path: root/build
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diff --git a/build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html b/build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html
index 70732d7bf..575194070 100644
--- a/build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html
+++ b/build/readme-build-and-test-aspectj.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
This describes how to build and test AspectJ
for developers working on source code for AspectJ.
It covers building with Ant or Eclipse and testing with
-JUnit or the harness used for compiler tests.
+JUnit and the harness used for compiler tests.
For information on how the build works and how to
debug failed builds, see
@@ -241,11 +241,13 @@ for each package
for the module as a whole
-The AspectJ project also has custom tests in the
+<p>The AspectJ project also has <i>additional</i> custom tests in the
<a href="../tests">tests module</a>,
mainly the compiler tests run by the harness in
- <a href="../tests/ajcTests.xml">ajcTests.xml</a>.
+ <a href="../tests/ajcTests.xml">ajcTests.xml</a>. <u>It is important
+to run these additional compiler tests (not covered by the JUnit
+suite) before and after any change to the compiler.</u>
<h4>Running JUnit tests in Eclipse</h4>
JUnit tests may be run under eclipse by selecting any JUnit source file
and creating a run configuration for it.
@@ -439,6 +441,23 @@ Some build problems and fixes encountered in the past:
gets it from <code>$JAVA_HOME</code> or if the <code>bin</code>
directory is on the <code>PATH</code>.
+ <li>If using an IBM JDK at version 1.4 or higher within Eclipse,
+ then the default value of JRE_LIB will point to the jar file
+ "core.jar." Unlike the Sun JDK, IBM does not package the full
+ runtime into a single jar ("rt.jar"), but instead has multiple
+ jar files. Since core.jar does not contain the graphics libraries,
+ several of the AspectJ projects will fail to build as checked out
+ of CVS - there are missing dependencies on AWT and swing. The
+ solution is to add graphics.jar to the project classpaths... BUT
+ if this is added as an ordinary (external jar), then the main
+ ant build script will pick up the contents of graphics.jar and
+ include it in the aspectj distribution (obvious clue, the size of
+ the built aspectjtools.jar doubles to about 10MB). Instead, from the
+ Java Build Path properties page of the project, select "Add Library"
+ and add the JDK library. You now have to remove the JRE_LIB entry
+ from the project or Eclipse complains about duplicate jar files
+ in the path.
+ </li>