path: root/docs/examples/coordination/Coordinator.java
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diff --git a/docs/examples/coordination/Coordinator.java b/docs/examples/coordination/Coordinator.java
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+++ b/docs/examples/coordination/Coordinator.java
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+/* -*- Mode: Java; -*-
+Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.
+Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based
+upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or
+derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export control
+This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no warranty
+about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification.
+|<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->|
+|<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->|
+|<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->|
+package coordination;
+import java.util.*; //!!!
+ * The Coordinator class provides the basic functionality for synchronizing
+ * and coordinating different threads upon entering and exiting methods.
+ * It can be used in two different ways:
+ * 1) by instantiating regular coordinator objects that are used by aspects; or
+ * 2) by extending it (sub-classing) with coordinator aspects.
+ * <P>
+ * Method invocations are the smallest units for defining critical sections
+ * and pre-conditions. The use of coordinators, either regular objects or aspect
+ * instances, should always end up by invoking guardedEntry(...) in a
+ * before weave and guardedExit(...) in an after weave for all methods that
+ * need coordination. guardedEntry and guardedExit are the methods that
+ * actually manage the synchronization and coordination constraints given
+ * by their parameters and by pre-existent exclusion markers.
+ * <P>
+ * The synchronization of threads for the execution of critical section
+ * methods in an object is done by marking those methods as self- and/or
+ * mutually-exclusive (addSelfex, addMutex).
+ * Just by itself, addSelfex("M") does not enforce the self-exclusion
+ * of method M - enforcement is done by invoking guardedEntry before
+ * M is executed. Similarly, addMutex(new String[] {"M1", "M2"}) does
+ * not enforce the mutual exclusion between methods M1 and M2.
+ * <P>
+ * A guardedEntry on a method that has been marked as self-exclusive
+ * ensures that the method is executed in the invoked object by only one thread
+ * at a time. A guardedEntry on a method that has been marked has mutually-
+ * exclusive with other methods ensures that the execution of that method
+ * by a thread in the invoked object temporarily blocks the execution by
+ * other threads of the methods that are in the same mutex set.
+ * <P>
+ * The coordination of threads, i.e. their explicit suspension and
+ * resumption, is done through the use of pre-conditions and coordination
+ * actions that are passed as parameters to guardedEntry and guardedExit
+ * with the form of anonymous classes.
+ */
+public abstract aspect Coordinator {
+ private Hashtable methods = null;
+ private Vector exclusions = null;
+ abstract protected pointcut synchronizationPoint();
+ public Coordinator() {
+ methods = new Hashtable();
+ exclusions = new Vector(5);
+ }
+ before (): synchronizationPoint() {
+ this.guardedEntry(thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature().getName());
+ }
+ after (): synchronizationPoint() {
+ this.guardedExit(thisJoinPointStaticPart.getSignature().getName());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes a multi-part method name (eg "BoundedBuffer.put")
+ * and marks that method as self-exclusive.
+ * No checks are made with respect to the existence of the method
+ * whose name is given.
+ */
+ public synchronized void addSelfex(String methName) {
+ Selfex sex = new Selfex (methName);
+ // update db of all exclusions in this coordinator
+ exclusions.addElement(sex);
+ // update local info in method
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methName);
+ aMeth.addExclusion(sex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes a multi-part method name (e.g. "BoundedBuffer.put")
+ * and removes that method from the list of self-exclusive methods.
+ */
+ public synchronized void removeSelfex(String methName) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < exclusions.size(); i++) {
+ Exclusion sex = (Exclusion)exclusions.elementAt(i);
+ if ((sex instanceof Selfex) &&
+ (((Selfex)sex).methodName.equals(methName))) {
+ // update db of all exclusions in this coordinator
+ exclusions.removeElementAt(i);
+ // update local info in method
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methName);
+ aMeth.removeExclusion(sex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes an array of multi-part method names and marks those
+ * methods as mutually exclusive.
+ * No checks are made with respect to the existence of the methods
+ * whose names are given.
+ */
+ public synchronized void addMutex(String[] methNames) {
+ Mutex mux = new Mutex(methNames);
+ // update db of all exclusions in this coordinator
+ exclusions.addElement(mux);
+ // update local info in each method
+ for (int i = 0; i < methNames.length; i++) {
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methNames[i]);
+ aMeth.addExclusion(mux);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Takes an array of multi-part method names that correspond
+ * to an existing mutex set and remove the mutual exclusion constraint.
+ * If the given mutex set does not exist, removeMutex does nothing.
+ */
+ public synchronized void removeMutex(String[] methNames) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < exclusions.size(); i++) {
+ Exclusion mux = (Exclusion)exclusions.elementAt(i);
+ if (mux instanceof Mutex) {
+ boolean same = true;
+ for (int j = 0; j < methNames.length; j++)
+ if (!methNames[j].equals(((Mutex)mux).methodNames[j]))
+ same = false;
+ if (same) {
+ // update db of all exclusions in this coordinator
+ exclusions.removeElementAt(i);
+ // update local info in each method involved
+ for (int j = 0; j < methNames.length; j++) {
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methNames[j]);
+ aMeth.removeExclusion(mux);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is the guard for enforcing all synchronization and
+ * coordination constraints of a given method, and it should be called
+ * just before the method is executed.
+ * In this form, only the method name is given. The only constraints
+ * checked are the exclusion constraints.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as selfex (through addSelfex),
+ * guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing it.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as being in one or more mutex
+ * sets, guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing any of the methods with which the give method is
+ * mutexed.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntry(String methName) {
+ guardedEntry(methName, new Condition() {
+ public boolean checkit() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just like guardedEntry(String methName), but the given method is executed
+ * only when the given condition is true.
+ * guardedEntry is the guard for enforcing all synchronization and
+ * coordination constraints of a given method, and it should be called
+ * just before the method is executed.
+ * In this form, the method name is given along with a condition.
+ * The constraints checked are the exclusion constraints and whether
+ * the given condition is true.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as selfex (through addSelfex),
+ * guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing it.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as being in one or more mutex
+ * sets, guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing any of the methods with which the give method is
+ * mutexed.
+ * If the condition is false, guardedEntry suspends the current thread.
+ * That thread remains suspended until the condition becomes true, in
+ * which case all constraints are rechecked before the method is executed.
+ * When all exclusion constraints are checked and the given condition is
+ * true, the given method is executed.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntry(String methName, Condition condition) {
+ guardedEntry(methName, condition, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just like guardedEntry(String methName), but with an additional
+ * coordination action that is executed before the given method is
+ * executed.
+ * guardedEntry is the guard for enforcing all synchronization and
+ * coordination constraints of a given method, and it should be called
+ * just before the method is executed.
+ * In this form, the method name is given along with a coordination action.
+ * The only constraints checked are the exclusion constraints.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as selfex (through addSelfex),
+ * guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing it.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as being in one or more mutex
+ * sets, guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing any of the methods with which the give method is
+ * mutexed.
+ * The given coordination action is executed just before the given method
+ * is executed.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntry(String methName,
+ CoordinationAction action) {
+ guardedEntry(methName, new Condition() {
+ public boolean checkit() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ action);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just like guardedEntry(String methName), but the given method is executed
+ * only when the given condition is true; the additional
+ * coordination action that is executed before the given method is
+ * executed.
+ * guardedEntry is the guard for enforcing all synchronization and
+ * coordination constraints of a given method, and it should be called
+ * just before the method is executed.
+ * In this form, the method name is given along with a condition and
+ * a coordination action.
+ * The constraints checked are the exclusion constraints and whether the
+ * given condition is true.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as selfex (through addSelfex),
+ * guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing it.
+ * If the method was previousely marked as being in one or more mutex
+ * sets, guardedEntry ensures that the method is executed only when no other
+ * thread is executing any of the methods with which the give method is
+ * mutexed.
+ * If the condition is false, guardedEntry suspends the current thread.
+ * That thread remains suspended until the condition becomes true, in
+ * which case all constraints are rechecked before the method is executed.
+ * When all exclusion constraints are checked and the given condition is
+ * true, the given method is executed.
+ * The given coordination action is executed just before the given method
+ * is executed.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntry(String methName,
+ Condition condition,
+ CoordinationAction action) {
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methName);
+ boolean canGo = false;
+ // test pre-conditions for entering the method
+ while (!canGo) {
+ canGo = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < aMeth.exes.size() && canGo; i++)
+ if (!((Exclusion)aMeth.exes.elementAt(i)).testExclusion(aMeth.name)) {
+ canGo = false;
+ }
+ if (canGo && !condition.checkit()) {
+ canGo = false;
+ }
+ if (!canGo)
+ try {
+ wait();
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
+ }
+ // OK.
+ enterMethod(aMeth, action);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is similar to guardedEntry, but it takes
+ * an additional parameter - the milliseconds after which any suspension
+ * will abort with a timeout.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntryWithTimeout(String methName,
+ long millis)
+ throws TimeoutException {
+ guardedEntryWithTimeout(methName, new Condition() {
+ public boolean checkit() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }, null, millis);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is similar to guardedEntry, but it takes
+ * an additional parameter - the milliseconds after which any suspension
+ * will abort with a timeout.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntryWithTimeout(String methName,
+ Condition condition,
+ long millis)
+ throws TimeoutException {
+ guardedEntryWithTimeout(methName, condition, null, millis);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is similar to guardedEntry, but it takes
+ * an additional parameter - the milliseconds after which any suspension
+ * will abort with a timeout.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntryWithTimeout(String methName,
+ CoordinationAction action,
+ long millis)
+ throws TimeoutException {
+ guardedEntryWithTimeout(methName, new Condition() {
+ public boolean checkit() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }, action, millis);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is similar to guardedEntry, but it takes
+ * an additional parameter - the milliseconds after which any suspension
+ * will abort with a timeout.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedEntryWithTimeout(String methName,
+ Condition condition,
+ CoordinationAction action,
+ long millis)
+ throws TimeoutException {
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methName);
+ boolean canGo = false;
+ long waitTime = millis;
+ long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ // test pre-conditions for entering the method
+ while (!canGo) {
+ canGo = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < aMeth.exes.size() && canGo; i++)
+ if ((!((Exclusion)aMeth.exes.elementAt(i)).testExclusion(aMeth.name)) ||
+ (!condition.checkit())) {
+ canGo = false;
+ }
+ if (!canGo) {
+ try {
+ wait(waitTime);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
+ long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long timeSoFar = now - startTime;
+ if (timeSoFar >= millis) // timeout!
+ throw new TimeoutException(timeSoFar);
+ else // adjust time
+ waitTime = millis - timeSoFar;
+ }
+ }
+ // OK.
+ enterMethod(aMeth, action);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method provides the means for updating all synchronization and
+ * coordination state after the execution of a given method, and it should be
+ * called after the method is executed.
+ * In this form, only the method name is given.
+ * The synchronization state for self- and mutual-exclusion is
+ * automatically upadted.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedExit(String methName) {
+ guardedExit(methName, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just like guardedExit(String methName) but with an additional
+ * coordination action that is executed.
+ * guardedExit provides the means for updating all synchronization and
+ * coordination state after the execution of a given method, and it should be
+ * called after the method is executed.
+ * In this form, the method name is given along with a coordination action.
+ * The synchronization state for self- and mutual-exclusion is
+ * automatically upadted.
+ * The given coordination action is executed.
+ */
+ public synchronized void guardedExit(String methName,
+ CoordinationAction action) {
+ Method aMeth = getOrSetMethod(methName);
+ for (int i = 0; i < aMeth.exes.size(); i++)
+ ((Exclusion)aMeth.exes.elementAt(i)).exitExclusion(methName);
+ if (action != null) action.doit();
+ notifyAll();
+ }
+ private Method getOrSetMethod(String methName) {
+ Method aMeth = null;
+ if (!methods.containsKey(methName)) {
+ methods.put(methName, (aMeth = new Method(methName)));
+ }
+ else {
+ aMeth = (Method) methods.get(methName);
+ }
+ return aMeth;
+ }
+ private void enterMethod(Method aMeth, CoordinationAction action) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < aMeth.exes.size(); i++)
+ ((Exclusion)aMeth.exes.elementAt(i)).enterExclusion(aMeth.name);
+ if (action != null) action.doit();
+ }
+class Method {
+ String name;
+ Vector exes = new Vector(3);
+ Method(String n) {
+ name = n;
+ }
+ void addExclusion(Exclusion ex) {
+ exes.addElement(ex);
+ }
+ void removeExclusion(Exclusion ex) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < exes.size(); i++) {
+ if (exes.elementAt(i) == ex)
+ exes.removeElementAt(i);
+ }
+ }