path: root/docs/sandbox/trails/debugging.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sandbox/trails/debugging.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sandbox/trails/debugging.html b/docs/sandbox/trails/debugging.html
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index b49cc79d8..000000000
--- a/docs/sandbox/trails/debugging.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<title>Debugging AspectJ Programs
-<h2>Debugging AspectJ Programs
-<h3>Debugging AspectJ 1.0 Programs
-<!-- @author Wes Isberg -->
-<!-- START-SAMPLE trails-debugging-aspectj10 Debugging AspectJ 1.0 Programs -->
-The AspectJ 1.0 compiler produces .class files that have the
-normal source file attribute and line information as well
-as the information specified by JSR-045 required to debug
-.class files composed of multiple source files.
-This permits the compiler to inline advice code
-into the .class files of the target classes;
-the advice code in the target class can have source
-attributes that point back to the aspect file.
-Support for JSR-45 varies.
-At the time of this writing, Sun's VM supports it,
-but not some others, which means that the Sun VM
-must be used as the runtime VM.
-Because the VM does all the work of associating the
-source line with the code being debugged,
-debuggers should be able to operate normally with
-AspectJ 1.0 source files even if they weren't written
-with that in mind, if they use the correct
-API's to the debugger. Unfortunately, some debuggers
-take shortcuts based on the default case of one file
-per class in order to avoid having the VM calculate
-the file suffix or package prefix. These debuggers
-do not support JSR-45 and thus AspectJ.
-<!-- END-SAMPLE trails-debugging-aspectj10 -->
-<h3>Debugging AspectJ 1.1 Programs
-<!-- @author Wes Isberg -->
-<!-- START-SAMPLE trails-debugging-aspectj11 Debugging AspectJ 1.1 Programs -->
-The AspectJ 1.1 compiler usually implements advice as
-call-backs to the aspect, which means that most
-AspectJ programs do not require JSR-45 support in
-order to be debugged. However, it does do a limited
-amount of advice inlining; to avoid this, use the
-<code>-XnoInline</code> flag.
-Because inlined advice can be more efficient, we
-plan to support JSR-45 as soon as feasible.
-This will require upgrading the BCEL library we
-use to pass around the correct source attributes.
-Sometimes debuggers correctly get the source line information,
-but fail when they attempt to parse AspectJ source files
-expected to contain Java code. For these it might be possible
-to step into AspectJ code, but not to set breakpoints, or to
-work around the parse errors by using <code>.aj</code> rather
-than <code>.java</code> as a file extension.
-<!-- END-SAMPLE trails-debugging-aspectj11 -->