path: root/docs/teaching/demos/oopsla2001-script.html
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1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<title>AspectJ Installation Note</title>
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+<BODY BGCOLOR="white">
+<h3 align="center">AspectJ Demo</h3>
+<h4>1. Installing the Demo</h4>
+ <li>Extract the contents of &quot;aspectj-demo.zip&quot; to
+ &quot;C:\aspectj-demo&quot;, resulting in the following directory structure:
+ <ul>
+ <li>C:\aspectj-demo
+ <ul>
+ <li>apps</li>
+ <li>bin</li>
+ <li>examples</li>
+ <li>slides</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Verify that JBuilder 4 is using the correct project by opening it, closing
+ all of the current projects
+ <ul>
+ <li>Under the &quot;File&quot; menu select &quot;Close Projects...&quot;,
+ select all of the open projects and close them</li>
+ <li>Under the &quot;File&quot; menu select &quot;Open Project...&quot;,
+ and open &quot;C:\aspectj-demo\examples\jbuilder\Spacewar.jpr&quot;</li>
+ <li>You should now be able to compile &quot;Spacewar&quot;.&nbsp; If
+ ajdeForJBuilder reports any problems refer to
+ &quot;C:\aspectj-demo\apps\aspectj0.8\doc\primer\tools\ajdeForJBuilder.html&quot;</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Set up your &quot;Windows Taskbar&quot; to be permanently visible by
+ right-clicking the bar, selecting &quot;Properties&quot;, and un-checking
+ &quot;Auto hide&quot;</li>
+ <li>From your &quot;Windows Explorer&quot; drag the
+ &quot;C:\aspectj-demo\bin\Demo&quot; folder to the &quot;Windows
+ Taskbar&quot;.&nbsp; This will have the effect of placing the demo buttons
+ on the taskbar.&nbsp; To remove the buttons drag off the &quot;Demo&quot;
+ toolbar and close the resulting floating toolbar window.</li>
+ <li>It is useful to have the &quot;Task Manager&quot; running in the
+ &quot;System Tray&quot; during the demo in order to see when the debugger is
+ loading since it is slow.&nbsp; To launch it right-click the &quot;Windows
+ Taskbar&quot; and select &quot;Task Manager&quot;, then minimize the window.
+ </li>
+<h4>2. Initial Setup</h4>
+ <li>Emacs Setup
+ <ul>
+ <li>Click &quot;Emacs&quot;, and move the cursor to the beginning of the
+ &quot;spacewar.Ship.fire&quot; method</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>JBuilder Setup
+ <ul>
+ <li>Click &quot;JBuilder&quot;, open the &quot;AspectJ Structure
+ View&quot;, and bring the editor to the &quot;spacewar.Ship.fire&quot;
+ method</li>
+ <li>under the &quot;Spacewar.jpr&quot; node in the &quot;Project
+ Explorer&quot; (left pane of main window) expand the &quot;spacewar&quot;
+ package to see its classes</li>
+ <li>ensure that the last compile was done without &quot;Debug.java&quot;
+ in the build configuration</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Forte Setup
+ <ul>
+ <li>Click &quot;Forte&quot;, click the &quot;AspectJ Structure View&quot;
+ button, and navigate the editor to the &quot;spacewar.EnsureShipIsAlive&quot;
+ class </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>AJDoc Setup
+ <ul>
+ <li>click &quot;AJDoc&quot;, browse to the &quot;spacewar/Ship.java&quot;
+ class</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+<h4>3. Running the Demo</h4>
+ <li>Emacs
+ <ul>
+ <li>At the declaration of the &quot;spacewar.Ship.fire&quot; method hit
+ &quot;&lt;cntrl&gt;x, &lt;cntrl&gt;j&quot;</li>
+ <li>Follow the resulting popup menu to the &quot;EnsureShipIsAlive&quot;
+ advice</li>
+ <li>Navigate back to &quot;spacewar.Ship.fire&quot; using the same method</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>JBuilder
+ <ul>
+ <li>Navigation
+ <ul>
+ <li>In the &quot;Structure View&quot; select the &quot;fire&quot;
+ method and expand it's children to reveal &quot;EnsureShipIsAlive:
+ around...&quot;</li>
+ <li>Double-click &quot;EnsureShipIsAlive: around...&quot; to navigate
+ to that advice declaration</li>
+ <li>Navigate back using the same method, or using the
+ &quot;Back&quot;, then &quot;Forward&quot; method in conjuntion with
+ the structure tree (this navigation can also be done by
+ right-clicking the inline advice icons in the editor's gutter)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Compilation
+ <ul>
+ <li>In &quot;EnsureShipIsAlive&quot; remove &quot;ship&quot; from the
+ &quot;proceed(ship)&quot; call and recompile.</li>
+ <li>When the error message pops up fix it by replacing
+ &quot;ship&quot;</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Build Configuration
+ <ul>
+ <li>Double-click &quot;Default.lst&quot; and select the &quot;lst
+ Designer&quot; tab at the bottom of the editor pane</li>
+ <li>Expand the &quot;spacewar&quot; node</li>
+ <li>Click &quot;Debug.java&quot; in order to add it to the
+ configuration</li>
+ <li>Navigate to the &quot;Ship.java&quot; class so that the effects of
+ the new compilation are visible in the &quot;Structure View&quot;
+ when the compilation completes</li>
+ <li>Compile &quot;Default.lst&quot;</li>
+ <li>Run the project (top the execution of the project by clicking the
+ red stop button in the run messages pane)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Debugging
+ <ul>
+ <li>Start the debugger</li>
+ <li>When the &quot;Please select launch parameters...&quot; dialog
+ pops up click &quot;OK&quot;</li>
+ <li>Select the &quot;Classes&quot; tab (4th tab from the top)</li>
+ <li>When the game starts, expand &quot;spacewar&quot;, expand &quot;Ship.java&quot;</li>
+ <li>Browse to the &quot;fire&quot; method and expand it</li>
+ <li>Right-click on the &quot;fire&quot; method and select &quot;stop
+ in spaceawar.Ship.fire&quot;</li>
+ <li>Wait for the breakpoint to be hit</li>
+ <li>Use the &quot;Step Into&quot; button (5th button on the bottom
+ from the left) to single step the file until you step through the
+ advice and into the body of the fire method</li>
+ <li>Click the red stop button (1st button) in order to stop the
+ debugging</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>Forte
+ <ul>
+ <li>Currently no Forte demo (fyi: navigate the structure the same way as
+ in JBuilder, and right-click the LST files to compile them, right click
+ &quot;Game.java&quot; to execute it)</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>AJDoc
+ <ul>
+ <li>Scroll down to the &quot;fire&quot; method, and follow it's
+ &quot;Advised by: &quot; link to get to the &quot;EnsureShipIsAlive&quot;
+ aspect</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>