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diff --git a/docs/faq/faq.xml b/docs/faq/faq.xml
index 05ddbc903..7f5664dfc 100644
--- a/docs/faq/faq.xml
+++ b/docs/faq/faq.xml
@@ -4275,6 +4275,33 @@ java -javaagent:aspectjweaver.jar -classpath "aspects.jar:${CLASSPATH}" ..
+ <question id="q:ltwAppServers"
+ xreflabel="Q:How do I get load-time weaving to work in my chosen application server?">
+ <para>How do I get load-time weaving to work in my chosen application server?
+ </para>
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>You have two choices based on how wide you want the weaving to take effect: application-server wide and application-specific weaving.
+ You choose between the two by loading aspect artifacts--aspects, associated types, and aop.xml--through the right classloader.
+ The aop.xml must be in the META-INF directory on the classpath for the chosen classloader. In either case, you modify the
+ startup script to specify the -javaagent:path-to/aspectjweaver.jar option to the Java virtual machine. Note that it is not
+ essential that all the artifacts be placed in a single jar.
+ </para>
+ <para>For application-server wide weaving, you make aspect artifacts accessible to the server's classloader. Typically, you
+ achieve such access by putting these artifacts in the server's lib directory. For example, for Tomcat, you will place
+ the aspect artifacts in the TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory.</para>
+ <para>For application-specific weaving, you make aspect artifacts accessible to application classloader by bundling
+ them along with application's classes. For example, for a web application, you will place the aspect artifacts in
+ the MY_APP/WEB-INF/lib and/or MY_APP/WEB-INF/classes directory.</para>
+ <para>
+ We recommend that you start with application-specific weaving.
+ Note that you have an additional option if your application is based on the Spring framework. If you deploy in one of
+ the supported web servers or application servers, you can avoid modifications to the startup script. Please
+ see <ulink url=""></ulink> for more details.
+ </para>
+ </answer>
+ </qandaentry>
+ <qandaentry>
<question id="q:reflection"
xreflabel="Q:Does AspectJ use reflection at runtime?">
<para>Does AspectJ use reflection at runtime?