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+<html> <head>
+<title>AspectJ 1.6.10 Readme</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+ P { margin-left: 20px; }
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+<div align="right"><small>
+&copy; Copyright 2010 Contributors.
+All rights reserved.
+<h1>AspectJ 1.6.10 Readme</h1>
+<p>The full list of resolved issues in 1.6.10 is available <a href=";bug_status=RESOLVED;bug_status=VERIFIED;bug_status=CLOSED;product=AspectJ;target_milestone=1.6.10;target_milestone=1.6.10M1;target_milestone=1.6.10M2;target_milestone=1.6.10RC1">here</a></h2></p>
+<p>1.6.10 is primilarily just bug fixes for AspectJ, mainly in the areas of ITDs and generic aspects. However, there are a couple
+of important changes that users ought to be aware of:</p>
+<h3>AJDT Memory usage</h3>
+<p>Type demotion has been in use during loadtime weaving for a while now, this enables the load time weavers to discard state
+and recover it at a later time (and so generally run with a smaller memory footprint). Type demotion is now supported under AJDT
+in Eclipse and will enable AJDT to run with smaller heaps. This feature is still experimental and needs turning ON if you want
+to try it out. To turn it on, open your AspectJ project properties in eclipse and in the AspectJ Compiler section, scroll down to 'Other' and
+in the non-standard compiler options setting, specify:</p>
+<p>If I can get enough positive feedback about this option, it will be made the default. For a more detailed write up, check out
+the blog post:
+<a href="">
+<h3>Runtime changes</h3>
+<p>A big thank you to Abraham Nevado and his team who have been working on some issues to optimize loadtime weaving and the
+code generated by AspectJ. 1.6.10 includes some new changes to the aspectjrt.jar. The changes are new methods that enable
+the woven code to be a little shorter/neater. As we want to continue to have compatibility with older aspectjrt.jar a user needs to
+choose to activate these optimizations by specifying the option: <tt>-Xset:targetRuntime1_6_10=true</tt>. With that option on
+you will need to ensure you run against the aspectjrt.jar from a 1.6.10 build.</p>
+<p>The changes are discussed in <a href="">bug 323438</a></p>
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diff --git a/docs/dist/doc/index.html b/docs/dist/doc/index.html
index 791418ec1..8b9588421 100644
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<tr> <td>README's
<td>Changes and porting guide for AspectJ
+ <a href="README-1610.html">1.6.10</a>,
<a href="README-169.html">1.6.9</a>,
<a href="README-168.html">1.6.8</a>,
<a href="README-167.html">1.6.7</a>,