path: root/lib/jython/Lib/xml/sax/writer.py
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1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/jython/Lib/xml/sax/writer.py b/lib/jython/Lib/xml/sax/writer.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc37396c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/jython/Lib/xml/sax/writer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+"""SAX document handlers that support output generation of XML, SGML,
+and XHTML.
+This module provides three different groups of objects: the actual SAX
+document handlers that drive the output, DTD information containers,
+and syntax descriptors (of limited public use in most cases).
+Output Drivers
+The output drivers conform to the SAX C<DocumentHandler> protocol.
+They can be used anywhere a C<DocumentHandler> is used. Two drivers
+are provided: a `basic' driver which creates a fairly minimal output
+without much intelligence, and a `pretty-printing' driver that
+performs pretty-printing with nice indentation and the like. Both can
+optionally make use of DTD information and syntax objects.
+DTD Information Containers
+Each DTD information object provides an attribute C<syntax> which
+describes the expected output syntax; an alternate can be provided to
+the output drivers if desired.
+Syntax Descriptors
+Syntax descriptor objects provide several attributes which describe
+the various lexical components of XML & SGML markup. The attributes
+have names that reflect the shorthand notation from the SGML world,
+but the values are strings which give the appropriate characters for
+the markup language being described. The one addition is the
+C<empty_stagc> attribute which should be used to end the start tag of
+elements which have no content. This is needed to properly support
+__version__ = '$Revision: 1.4 $'
+import string
+import xml.parsers.xmlproc.dtdparser
+import xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp
+from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
+class Syntax:
+ com = "--" # comment start or end
+ cro = "&#" # character reference open
+ refc = ";" # reference close
+ dso = "[" # declaration subset open
+ dsc = "]" # declaration subset close
+ ero = "&" # entity reference open
+ lit = '"' # literal start or end
+ lita = "'" # literal start or end (alternative)
+ mdo = "<!" # markup declaration open
+ mdc = ">" # markup declaration close
+ msc = "]]" # marked section close
+ pio = "<?" # processing instruciton open
+ stago = "<" # start tag open
+ etago = "</" # end tag open
+ tagc = ">" # tag close
+ vi = "=" # value indicator
+ def __init__(self):
+ if self.__class__ is Syntax:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Syntax must be subclassed to be used!"
+class SGMLSyntax(Syntax):
+ empty_stagc = ">"
+ pic = ">" # processing instruction close
+ net = "/" # null end tag
+class XMLSyntax(Syntax):
+ empty_stagc = "/>"
+ pic = "?>" # processing instruction close
+ net = None # null end tag not supported
+class XHTMLSyntax(XMLSyntax):
+ empty_stagc = " />"
+class DoctypeInfo:
+ syntax = XMLSyntax()
+ fpi = None
+ sysid = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__empties = {}
+ self.__elements_only = {}
+ self.__attribs = {}
+ def is_empty(self, gi):
+ return self.__empties.has_key(gi)
+ def get_empties_list(self):
+ return self.__empties.keys()
+ def has_element_content(self, gi):
+ return self.__elements_only.has_key(gi)
+ def get_element_containers_list(self):
+ return self.__elements_only.keys()
+ def get_attributes_list(self, gi):
+ return self.__attribs.get(gi, {}).keys()
+ def get_attribute_info(self, gi, attr):
+ return self.__attribs[gi][attr]
+ def add_empty(self, gi):
+ self.__empties[gi] = 1
+ def add_element_container(self, gi):
+ self.__elements_only[gi] = gi
+ def add_attribute_defn(self, gi, attr, type, decl, default):
+ try:
+ d = self.__attribs[gi]
+ except KeyError:
+ d = self.__attribs[gi] = {}
+ if not d.has_key(attr):
+ d[attr] = (type, decl, default)
+ else:
+ print "<%s> attribute %s already defined" % (gi, attr)
+ def load_pubtext(self, pubtext):
+ raise NotImplementedError, "sublasses must implement load_pubtext()"
+class _XMLDTDLoader(xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp.DTDConsumer):
+ def __init__(self, info, parser):
+ self.info = info
+ xml.parsers.xmlproc.xmlapp.DTDConsumer.__init__(self, parser)
+ self.new_attribute = info.add_attribute_defn
+ def new_element_type(self, gi, model):
+ if model[0] == "|" and model[1][0] == ("#PCDATA", ""):
+ # no action required
+ pass
+ elif model == ("", [], ""):
+ self.info.add_empty(gi)
+ else:
+ self.info.add_element_container(gi)
+class XMLDoctypeInfo(DoctypeInfo):
+ def load_pubtext(self, sysid):
+ parser = xml.parsers.xmlproc.dtdparser.DTDParser()
+ loader = _XMLDTDLoader(self, parser)
+ parser.set_dtd_consumer(loader)
+ parser.parse_resource(sysid)
+class XHTMLDoctypeInfo(XMLDoctypeInfo):
+ # Bogus W3C cruft requires the extra space when terminating empty elements.
+ syntax = XHTMLSyntax()
+class SGMLDoctypeInfo(DoctypeInfo):
+ syntax = SGMLSyntax()
+ import re
+ __element_prefix_search = re.compile("<!ELEMENT", re.IGNORECASE).search
+ __element_prefix_len = len("<!ELEMENT")
+ del re
+ def load_pubtext(self, sysid):
+ #
+ # Really should build a proper SGML DTD parser!
+ #
+ pubtext = open(sysid).read()
+ m = self.__element_prefix_search(pubtext)
+ while m:
+ pubtext = pubtext[m.end():]
+ if pubtext and pubtext[0] in string.whitespace:
+ pubtext = string.lstrip(pubtext)
+ else:
+ continue
+ gi, pubtext = string.split(pubtext, None, 1)
+ pubtext = string.lstrip(pubtext)
+ # maybe need to remove/collect tag occurance specifiers
+ # ...
+ raise NotImplementedError, "implementation incomplete"
+ #
+ m = self.__element_prefix_search(pubtext)
+class XmlWriter:
+ """Basic XML output handler."""
+ def __init__(self, fp, standalone=None, dtdinfo=None,
+ syntax=None, linelength=None):
+ self._offset = 0
+ self._packing = 0
+ self._flowing = 1
+ self._write = fp.write
+ self._dtdflowing = None
+ self._prefix = ''
+ self.__stack = []
+ self.__lang = None
+ self.__pending_content = 0
+ self.__pending_doctype = 1
+ self.__standalone = standalone
+ self.__dtdinfo = dtdinfo
+ if syntax is None:
+ if dtdinfo:
+ syntax = dtdinfo.syntax
+ else:
+ syntax = XMLSyntax()
+ self.__syntax = syntax
+ self.indentation = 0
+ self.indentEndTags = 0
+ if linelength is None:
+ self.lineLength = DEFAULT_LINELENGTH
+ else:
+ self.lineLength = linelength
+ def setDocumentLocator(self, locator):
+ self.locator = locator
+ def startDocument(self):
+ if self.__syntax.pic == "?>":
+ lit = self.__syntax.lit
+ s = '%sxml version=%s1.0%s encoding%s%siso-8859-1%s' % (
+ self.__syntax.pio, lit, lit, self.__syntax.vi, lit, lit)
+ if self.__standalone:
+ s = '%s standalone%s%s%s%s' % (
+ s, self.__syntax.vi, lit, self.__standalone, lit)
+ self._write("%s%s\n" % (s, self.__syntax.pic))
+ def endDocument(self):
+ if self.__stack:
+ raise RuntimeError, "open element stack cannot be empty on close"
+ def startElement(self, tag, attrs={}):
+ if self.__pending_doctype:
+ self.handle_doctype(tag)
+ self._check_pending_content()
+ self.__pushtag(tag)
+ self.__check_flowing(tag, attrs)
+ if attrs.has_key("xml:lang"):
+ self.__lang = attrs["xml:lang"]
+ del attrs["xml:lang"]
+ if self._packing:
+ prefix = ""
+ elif self._flowing:
+ prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation]
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ stag = "%s%s%s" % (prefix, self.__syntax.stago, tag)
+ prefix = "%s %s" % (prefix, (len(tag) * " "))
+ lit = self.__syntax.lit
+ vi = self.__syntax.vi
+ a = ''
+ if self._flowing != self.__stack[-1][0]:
+ if self._dtdflowing is not None \
+ and self._flowing == self._dtdflowing:
+ pass
+ else:
+ a = ' xml:space%s%s%s%s' \
+ % (vi, lit, ["default", "preserve"][self._flowing], lit)
+ if self.__lang != self.__stack[-1][1]:
+ a = '%s xml:lang%s%s%s%s' % (a, vi, lit, self.lang, lit)
+ line = stag + a
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(line)
+ a = ''
+ for k, v in attrs.items():
+ if v is None:
+ continue
+ a = ' %s%s%s%s%s' % (k, vi, lit, escape(str(v)), lit)
+ if (self._offset + len(a)) > self.lineLength:
+ self._write(line + "\n")
+ line = prefix + a
+ self._offset = len(line)
+ else:
+ line = line + a
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(a)
+ self._write(line)
+ self.__pending_content = 1
+ if ( self.__dtdinfo and not
+ (self.__dtdinfo.has_element_content(tag)
+ or self.__dtdinfo.is_empty(tag))):
+ self._packing = 1
+ def endElement(self, tag):
+ if self.__pending_content:
+ if self._flowing:
+ self._write(self.__syntax.empty_stagc)
+ if self._packing:
+ self._offset = self._offset \
+ + len(self.__syntax.empty_stagc)
+ else:
+ self._write("\n")
+ self._offset = 0
+ else:
+ self._write(self.__syntax.empty_stagc)
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(self.__syntax.empty_stagc)
+ self.__pending_content = 0
+ self.__poptag(tag)
+ return
+ depth = len(self.__stack)
+ if depth == 1 or self._packing or not self._flowing:
+ prefix = ''
+ else:
+ prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] \
+ + (" " * self.indentEndTags)
+ self.__poptag(tag)
+ self._write("%s%s%s%s" % (
+ prefix, self.__syntax.etago, tag, self.__syntax.tagc))
+ if self._packing:
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(tag) + 3
+ else:
+ self._write("\n")
+ self._offset = 0
+ def characters(self, data, start, length):
+ data = data[start: start+length]
+ if data:
+ data = escape(data)
+ if "\n" in data:
+ p = string.find(data, "\n")
+ self._offset = len(data) - (p + 1)
+ else:
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(data)
+ self._write(data)
+ def comment(self, data, start, length):
+ data = data[start: start+length]
+ self._check_pending_content()
+ s = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (self.__syntax.mdo, self.__syntax.com,
+ data, self.__syntax.com, self.__syntax.mdc)
+ p = string.rfind(s, "\n")
+ if self._packing:
+ if p >= 0:
+ self._offset = len(s) - (p + 1)
+ else:
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(s)
+ else:
+ self._write("%s%s\n" % (self._prefix, s))
+ self._offset = 0
+ def ignorableWhitespace(self, data, start, length):
+ pass
+ def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
+ s = "%s%s %s%s" % (self.__syntax.pio, target, data, self.__syntax.pic)
+ prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation] \
+ + (" " * self.indentEndTags)
+ if "\n" in s:
+ pos = string.rfind(s, "\n")
+ if self._flowing and not self._packing:
+ self._write(prefix + s + "\n")
+ self._offset = 0
+ else:
+ self._write(s)
+ self._offset = len(s) - (p + 1)
+ elif self._flowing and not self._packing:
+ self._write(prefix + s + "\n")
+ self._offset = 0
+ else:
+ self._write(s)
+ self._offset = len(s) - (p + 1)
+ # This doesn't actually have a SAX equivalent, so we'll use it as
+ # an internal helper.
+ def handle_doctype(self, root):
+ self.__pending_doctype = 0
+ if self.__dtdinfo:
+ fpi = self.__dtdinfo.fpi
+ sysid = self.__dtdinfo.sysid
+ else:
+ fpi = sysid = None
+ lit = self.__syntax.lit
+ isxml = self.__syntax.pic == "?>"
+ if isxml and sysid:
+ s = '%sDOCTYPE %s\n' % (self.__syntax.mdo, root)
+ if fpi:
+ s = s + ' PUBLIC %s%s%s\n' % (lit, fpi, lit)
+ s = s + ' %s%s%s>\n' % (lit, sysid, lit)
+ else:
+ s = s + ' SYSTEM %s%s%s>\n' % (lit, sysid, lit)
+ self._write(s)
+ self._offset = 0
+ elif not isxml:
+ s = "%sDOCTYPE %s" % (self.__syntax.mdo, root)
+ if fpi:
+ s = '%s\n PUBLIC %s%s%s' % (s, lit, fpi, lit)
+ if sysid:
+ s = '%s\n SYSTEM %s%s%s' % (s, lit, sysid, lit)
+ self._write("%s%s\n" % (s, self.__syntax.mdc))
+ self._offset = 0
+ def handle_cdata(self, data):
+ self._check_pending_content()
+ # There should be a better way to generate '[CDATA['
+ start = self.__syntax.mdo + "[CDATA["
+ end = self.__syntax.msc + self.__syntax.mdc
+ s = "%s%s%s" % (start, escape(data), end)
+ if self._packing:
+ if "\n" in s:
+ rpos = string.rfind(s, "\n")
+ self._offset = len(s) - (rpos + 1) + len(end)
+ else:
+ self._offset = self.__offset + len(s) + len(start + end)
+ self._write(s)
+ else:
+ self._offset = 0
+ self._write(s + "\n")
+ # Internal helper methods.
+ def __poptag(self, tag):
+ state = self.__stack.pop()
+ self._flowing, self.__lang, expected_tag, \
+ self._packing, self._dtdflowing = state
+ if tag != expected_tag:
+ raise RuntimeError, \
+ "expected </%s>, got </%s>" % (expected_tag, tag)
+ self._prefix = self._prefix[:-self.indentation]
+ def __pushtag(self, tag):
+ self.__stack.append((self._flowing, self.__lang, tag,
+ self._packing, self._dtdflowing))
+ self._prefix = self._prefix + " " * self.indentation
+ def __check_flowing(self, tag, attrs):
+ """Check the contents of attrs and the DTD information to determine
+ whether the following content should be flowed.
+ tag -- general identifier of the element being opened
+ attrs -- attributes dictionary as reported by the parser or
+ application
+ This sets up both the _flowing and _dtdflowing (object) attributes.
+ """
+ docspec = dtdspec = None
+ if self.__dtdinfo:
+ try:
+ info = self.__dtdinfo.get_attribute_info(tag, "xml:space")
+ except KeyError:
+ info = None
+ if info is not None:
+ self._flowing = info[2] != "preserve"
+ self._dtdflowing = self._flowing
+ if attrs.has_key("xml:space"):
+ self._flowing = attrs["xml:space"] != "preserve"
+ del attrs["xml:space"]
+ def _check_pending_content(self):
+ if self.__pending_content:
+ s = self.__syntax.tagc
+ if self._flowing and not self._packing:
+ s = s + "\n"
+ self._offset = 0
+ else:
+ self._offset = self._offset + len(s)
+ self._write(s)
+ self.__pending_content = 0
+class PrettyPrinter(XmlWriter):
+ """Pretty-printing XML output handler."""
+ def __init__(self, fp, standalone=None, dtdinfo=None,
+ syntax=None, linelength=None,
+ indentation=2, endtagindentation=None):
+ XmlWriter.__init__(self, fp, standalone=standalone, dtdinfo=dtdinfo,
+ syntax=syntax, linelength=linelength)
+ self.indentation = indentation
+ if endtagindentation is not None:
+ self.indentEndTags = endtagindentation
+ else:
+ self.indentEndTags = indentation
+ def characters(self, data, start, length):
+ data = data[start: start + length]
+ if not data:
+ return
+ self._check_pending_content()
+ data = escape(data)
+ if not self._flowing:
+ self._write(data)
+ return
+ words = string.split(data)
+ begspace = data[0] in string.whitespace
+ endspace = words and (data[-1] in string.whitespace)
+ prefix = self._prefix
+ if len(prefix) > 40:
+ prefix = " "
+ offset = self._offset
+ L = []
+ append = L.append
+ if begspace:
+ append(" ")
+ offset = offset + 1
+ ws = ""
+ ws_len = 0
+ while words:
+ w = words[0]
+ del words[0]
+ if (offset + ws_len + len(w)) > self.lineLength:
+ append("\n")
+ append(prefix)
+ append(w)
+ offset = len(prefix) + len(w)
+ else:
+ append(ws)
+ ws, ws_len = " ", 1
+ append(w)
+ offset = offset + 1 + len(w)
+ if endspace:
+ append(" ")
+ offset = offset + 1
+ self._offset = offset
+ self._write(string.join(L, ""))