path: root/weaver/testsrc
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Diffstat (limited to 'weaver/testsrc')
3 files changed, 374 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PatternsTests.java b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PatternsTests.java
index 71f35d6df..f093740d9 100644
--- a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PatternsTests.java
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PatternsTests.java
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public class PatternsTests extends TestCase {
+ suite.addTestSuite(PointcutRewriterTest.class);
return suite;
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c208c621d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutRewriterTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+/* *******************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
+ * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html
+ *
+ * ******************************************************************/
+package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ * @author colyer
+ *
+ * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
+ * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates
+ */
+public class PointcutRewriterTest extends TestCase {
+ private PointcutRewriter prw;
+ public void testDistributeNot() {
+ Pointcut plain = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",plain,prw.rewrite(plain));
+ Pointcut not = getPointcut("!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",not,prw.rewrite(not));
+ Pointcut notNot = getPointcut("!!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(notNot).toString());
+ Pointcut notNotNOT = getPointcut("!!!this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("!this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(notNotNOT).toString());
+ Pointcut and = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || !this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(and).toString());
+ Pointcut or = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) || this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) && !this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(or).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedNot = getPointcut("!(this(Foo) && !this(Goo))");
+ assertEquals("(!this(Foo) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedNot).toString());
+ }
+ public void testPullUpDisjunctions() {
+ Pointcut aAndb = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Goo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",aAndb,prw.rewrite(aAndb));
+ Pointcut aOrb = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Moo)");
+ assertEquals("Unchanged",aOrb,prw.rewrite(aOrb));
+ Pointcut leftOr = getPointcut("this(Foo) || (this(Goo) && this(Boo))");
+ System.out.println(prw.rewrite(leftOr));
+ assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftOr).toString());
+ Pointcut rightOr = getPointcut("(this(Goo) && this(Boo)) || this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("(this(Foo) || (this(Boo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightOr).toString());
+ Pointcut leftAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && (this(Goo) || this(Boo))");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(leftAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut rightAnd = getPointcut("(this(Goo) || this(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) || (this(Foo) && this(Goo)))",prw.rewrite(rightAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedOrs = getPointcut("this(Foo) || this(Goo) || this(Boo)");
+ assertEquals("((this(Boo) || this(Foo)) || this(Goo))",prw.rewrite(nestedOrs).toString());
+ Pointcut nestedAnds = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && (this(Boo) && (this(Goo) || this(Moo))))");
+ // t(F) && (t(B) && (t(G) || t(M)))
+ // ==> t(F) && ((t(B) && t(G)) || (t(B) && t(M)))
+ // ==> (t(F) && (t(B) && t(G))) || (t(F) && (t(B) && t(M)))
+ assertEquals("(((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Goo)) || ((this(Boo) && this(Foo)) && this(Moo)))",
+ prw.rewrite(nestedAnds).toString());
+ }
+// public void testSplitOutWithins() {
+// Pointcut simpleExecution = getPointcut("execution(* *.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleExecution,prw.rewrite(simpleExecution));
+// Pointcut simpleWithinCode = getPointcut("withincode(* *.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("Unchanged",simpleWithinCode,prw.rewrite(simpleWithinCode));
+// Pointcut execution = getPointcut("execution(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && execution(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
+// prw.rewrite(execution).toString());
+// Pointcut withincode = getPointcut("withincode(@Foo Foo (@Goo org.xyz..*).m*(Foo,Boo))");
+// assertEquals("(within((@(Goo) org.xyz..*)) && withincode(@(Foo) Foo m*(Foo, Boo)))",
+// prw.rewrite(withincode).toString());
+// Pointcut notExecution = getPointcut("!execution(Foo BankAccount+.*(..))");
+// assertEquals("(!within(BankAccount+) || !execution(Foo *(..)))",
+// prw.rewrite(notExecution).toString());
+// Pointcut andWithincode = getPointcut("withincode(Foo.new(..)) && this(Foo)");
+// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && withincode(new(..))) && this(Foo))",
+// prw.rewrite(andWithincode).toString());
+// Pointcut orExecution = getPointcut("this(Foo) || execution(Goo Foo.moo(Baa))");
+// assertEquals("((within(Foo) && execution(Goo moo(Baa))) || this(Foo))",
+// prw.rewrite(orExecution).toString());
+// }
+ public void testRemoveDuplicatesInAnd() {
+ Pointcut dupAnd = getPointcut("this(Foo) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("this(Foo)",prw.rewrite(dupAnd).toString());
+ Pointcut splitdupAnd = getPointcut("(this(Foo) && target(Boo)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("(target(Boo) && this(Foo))",prw.rewrite(splitdupAnd).toString());
+ }
+ public void testNotRemoveNearlyDuplicatesInAnd() {
+ Pointcut toAndto = getPointcut("this(Object+) && this(Object)");
+ Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(toAndto);
+ }
+ public void testAAndNotAinAnd() {
+ Pointcut aAndNota = getPointcut("this(Foo)&& !this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(aAndNota).toString());
+ Pointcut aAndBAndNota = getPointcut("this(Foo) && execution(* *.*(..)) && !this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(aAndBAndNota).toString());
+ }
+ public void testIfFalseInAnd() {
+ Pointcut ifFalse = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(A)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(new AndPointcut(ifFalse,p)).toString());
+ }
+ public void testMatchesNothinginAnd() {
+ Pointcut nothing = Pointcut.makeMatchesNothing(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(A)");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(new AndPointcut(nothing,p)).toString());
+ }
+ public void testMixedKindsInAnd() {
+ Pointcut mixedKinds = getPointcut("call(* *(..)) && execution(* *(..))");
+ assertEquals("Matches nothing","",prw.rewrite(mixedKinds).toString());
+ Pointcut ok = getPointcut("call(* *(..)) && this(Foo)");
+ assertEquals(ok,prw.rewrite(ok));
+ }
+ public void testDetermineKindSetOfAnd() {
+ Pointcut oneKind = getPointcut("execution(* foo(..)) && this(Boo)");
+ AndPointcut rewritten = (AndPointcut) prw.rewrite(oneKind);
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,rewritten.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodExecution",rewritten.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfExecution() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(* foo(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodExecution));
+ p = getPointcut("execution(new(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ConstructorExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfCall() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("call(* foo(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.MethodCall",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.MethodCall));
+ p = getPointcut("call(new(..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ConstructorCall",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ConstructorCall));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfAdviceExecution() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("adviceexecution()");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.AdviceExecution",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.AdviceExecution));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfGet() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("get(* *)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.FieldGet",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.FieldGet));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfSet() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("set(* *)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.FieldSet",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.FieldSet));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfHandler() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("handler(*)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.ExceptionHandler",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.ExceptionHandler));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("initialization(new (..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.Initialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.Initialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfPreInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("preinitialization(new (..))");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.PreInitialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.PreInitialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfStaticInitialization() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("staticinitialization(*)");
+ assertEquals("Only one kind",1,p.couldMatchKinds().size());
+ assertTrue("It's Shadow.StaticInitialization",p.couldMatchKinds().contains(Shadow.StaticInitialization));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfThis() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("this(Foo)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this",kind.neverHasThis());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have this",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@this(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a this",kind.neverHasThis());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasThis()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have this",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfTarget() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("target(Foo)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target",kind.neverHasTarget());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have target",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@target(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that don't have a target",kind.neverHasTarget());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].neverHasTarget()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that do have target",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfArgs() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("args(..)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@args(..)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfAnnotation() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("@annotation(@Foo)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfWithin() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("within(*)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@within(@Foo)");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfWithinCode() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("withincode(* foo(..))");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",
+ (kind.isEnclosingKind() && kind != Shadow.ConstructorExecution && kind != Shadow.Initialization));
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that are not enclosing",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ assertTrue("Need cons-exe for inlined field inits",matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ assertTrue("Need init for inlined field inits",matches.contains(Shadow.Initialization));
+ // + @
+ p = getPointcut("@withincode(@Foo)");
+ matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ for (Iterator iter = matches.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ Shadow.Kind kind = (Shadow.Kind) iter.next();
+ assertFalse("No kinds that are themselves enclosing",kind.isEnclosingKind());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS.length; i++) {
+ if (!Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i].isEnclosingKind()) {
+ assertTrue("All kinds that are not enclosing",matches.contains(Shadow.SHADOW_KINDS[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfIf() {
+ Pointcut p = new IfPointcut(null,0);
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ p = IfPointcut.makeIfTruePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ p = IfPointcut.makeIfFalsePointcut(Pointcut.CONCRETE);
+ assertTrue("Nothing",p.couldMatchKinds().isEmpty());
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfCflow() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ // [below]
+ p = getPointcut("cflowbelow(this(Foo))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetInNegation() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("!execution(new(..))");
+ assertTrue("All kinds",p.couldMatchKinds().containsAll(Shadow.ALL_SHADOW_KINDS));
+ }
+ public void testKindSetOfOr() {
+ Pointcut p = getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
+ Set matches = p.couldMatchKinds();
+ assertEquals("2 kinds",2,matches.size());
+ assertTrue("ConstructorExecution",matches.contains(Shadow.ConstructorExecution));
+ assertTrue("FieldGet",matches.contains(Shadow.FieldGet));
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInAnd() {
+ Pointcut bigLongPC = getPointcut("cflow(this(Foo)) && @args(@X) && args(X) && @this(@Foo) && @target(@Boo) && this(Moo) && target(Boo) && @annotation(@Moo) && @withincode(@Boo) && withincode(new(..)) && set(* *)&& @within(@Foo) && within(Foo)");
+ Pointcut rewritten = prw.rewrite(bigLongPC);
+ assertEquals("((((((((((((within(Foo) && @within(@Foo)) && set(* *)) && withincode(new(..))) && @withincode(@Boo)) && @annotation(@Moo)) && target(Boo)) && this(Moo)) && @target(@Boo)) && @this(@Foo)) && args(X)) && @args(@X)) && cflow(this(Foo)))",rewritten.toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInSimpleOr() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("execution(new(..)) || get(* *)");
+ assertEquals("reordered","(get(* *) || execution(new(..)))",prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInNestedOrs() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("(execution(new(..)) || get(* *)) || within(abc)");
+ assertEquals("reordered","((within(abc) || get(* *)) || execution(new(..)))",
+ prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ public void testOrderingInOrsWithNestedAnds() {
+ OrPointcut opc = (OrPointcut) getPointcut("get(* *) || (execution(new(..)) && within(abc))");
+ assertEquals("reordered","((within(abc) && execution(new(..))) || get(* *))",
+ prw.rewrite(opc).toString());
+ }
+ private Pointcut getPointcut(String s) {
+ return new PatternParser(s).parsePointcut();
+ }
+ /*
+ * @see TestCase#setUp()
+ */
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+ super.setUp();
+ prw = new PointcutRewriter();
+ }
diff --git a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutTestCase.java b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutTestCase.java
index a640a07d5..039bf89d5 100644
--- a/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutTestCase.java
+++ b/weaver/testsrc/org/aspectj/weaver/patterns/PointcutTestCase.java
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ package org.aspectj.weaver.patterns;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Set;
import org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.Signature;
@@ -30,11 +31,15 @@ public class PointcutTestCase extends TestCase {
public void testMatchJP() {
Pointcut p = new Pointcut() {
+ public Set couldMatchKinds() {
+ return null;
+ }
public FuzzyBoolean fastMatch(FastMatchInfo info) {
return null;
- public FuzzyBoolean match(Shadow shadow) {
+ protected FuzzyBoolean matchInternal(Shadow shadow) {
return null;
@@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ public class PointcutTestCase extends TestCase {
return null;
- public Test findResidue(Shadow shadow, ExposedState state) {
+ protected Test findResidueInternal(Shadow shadow, ExposedState state) {
return null;