/* ******************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Xerox Corporation, * 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC). * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Xerox/PARC initial implementation * ******************************************************************/ import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.tools.ant.*; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.*; import org.apache.tools.ant.types.*; /** * Tests the Ajdoc ant task. */ public class AjdocTaskTester extends AntTaskTester { /** todo correlate with basedir, local.properties in test-ant-task */ protected final static String TEST_DOCDIR = "test-docs"; protected final static String TEST_SOURCES = "../src"; protected File docDir = null; /** * We use <code>"tests/ant/etc/ajc.xml"</code>. */ public String getAntFile() { return "tests/ant/etc/ajdoc.xml"; } /** * Put {@link #TEST_DOCDIR} and {@link #TEST_SOURCES} * into the user properties. */ protected Map getUserProperties() { Map userProps = new HashMap(); // these are in local.properties per test-ant-tasks.xml //userProps.put("ajdoc.relative.doc.dir", TEST_DOCDIR ); //userProps.put("ajdoc.relative.src.dir", TEST_SOURCES); return userProps; } ////// Begin tests ////////////////////////////////////////////// public void test_stylesheetfile() { avoid(STYLESHEET_CSS); wantFiles("One.html"); wantFiles("mystylesheet.css"); } public void test_helpfile() { avoid(HELP_DOC_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); wantFiles("myhelp.html"); } public void test_nodeprecatedlist_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_nodeprecatedlist_yes() { avoid(DEPRECATED_LIST_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_nodeprecated_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_nodeprecated_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_use_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_use_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); wantFiles("class-use/One.html"); } public void test_standard_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_standard_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_author_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_author_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_public_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_public_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_package_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_package_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_protected_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_protected_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_private_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_private_yes() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_splitindex_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_splitindex_yes() { avoid(INDEX_ALL_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_windowtitle() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_doctitle() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_bottom() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_footer() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_header() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_nohelp_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_nohelp_yes() { avoid(HELP_DOC_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_noindex_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_noindex_yes() { avoid(INDEX_ALL_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_notree_no() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test_notree_yes() { avoid(OVERVIEW_TREE_HTML); wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test985() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); wantFiles("p2/Two.html,p2/pp2/Two.html"); } public void test986() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); } public void test987() { wantFiles("p1/One.html"); wantFiles("p2/Two.html"); } public void test988() { wantFiles("p1/One.html"); } public void test989() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); wantFiles("p2/Two.html,p2/pp2/Two.html"); } public void test990() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); wantFiles("p2/Two.html,p2/pp2/Two.html"); } public void test991() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); wantFiles("p2/Two.html"); } public void test992() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p2/Two.html"); } public void test993() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); } public void test994() { wantFiles("p1/One.html,p1/pp1/One.html"); } public void test995() { wantFiles("p1/One.html"); } public void test996() { wantFiles("One.html,Two.html"); } public void test997() { wantFiles("One.html"); } public void test998() { wantFiles("One.html,Two.html"); } public void test999() { wantFiles("One.html"); } ////// End tests //////////////////////////////////////////////// private final static int OVERVIEW_TREE_HTML = 0x000001; private final static int INDEX_ALL_HTML = 0x000002; private final static int DEPRECATED_LIST_HTML = 0x000004; private final static int ALLCLASSES_FRAME_HTML = 0x000008; private final static int INDEX_HTML = 0x000010; private final static int PACKAGES_HTML = 0x000020; private final static int OVERVIEW_SUMMARY_HTML = 0x000040; private final static int PACKAGE_LIST = 0x000080; private final static int HELP_DOC_HTML = 0x000100; private final static int STYLESHEET_CSS = 0x000200; private final static int ALL = 0x0003ff; private final static int TOP = ((ALL<<1)|1)&~ALL; private final static String[] FILES = new String[] { "overview-tree.html", "index-all.html", "deprecated-list.html", "allclasses-frame.html", "index.html", "packages.html", "overview-summary.html", "package-list", "help-doc.html", "stylesheet.css", }; private void wantFiles(int mods) { mods &= (ALL | TOP); for (int c = 0; mods != 0x1; c++, mods >>= 0x1) { if ((mods & 0x1) == 0x1) { wantFiles(FILES[c]); } else { avoidFiles(FILES[c]); } } } private int MODS = ALL; private void avoid(int mods) { MODS &= ~mods; } /** * Make the doc dir -- e.g. call {@link #makeDocDir} */ protected void beforeEveryTask() { makeDocDir(); wantFiles(MODS); } /** * Assert classes and clear doc dir. * * @see #checkDocs() * @see #clearDocDir() */ protected void afterEveryTask() { checkDocs(); clearDocDir(); MODS = ALL; } protected void avoidFiles(String filesWithoutHtmlExtensions) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(filesWithoutHtmlExtensions, " ,;"); tok.hasMoreTokens();) { list.add(tok.nextToken()); } avoidFiles(list); } protected void avoidFiles(List filesWithoutHtmlExtensions) { for (Iterator iter = filesWithoutHtmlExtensions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { dont(iter.next()+""); } } protected void wantFiles(String filesWithoutHtmlExtensions) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(filesWithoutHtmlExtensions, " ,;"); tok.hasMoreTokens();) { list.add(tok.nextToken()); } wantFiles(list); } protected void wantFiles(List filesWithoutHtmlExtensions) { for (Iterator iter = filesWithoutHtmlExtensions.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { want(iter.next()+""); } } protected void checkDocs() { for (Iterator iter = wants.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String filename = iter.next() + ""; File file = new File(docDir, filename); if (file != null && file.exists()) { have(filename); } else { //System.err.println("westodo expected " + file.getPath()); } } for (Iterator iter = donts.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String filename = iter.next() + ""; File file = new File(docDir, filename); if (file != null && file.exists()) { have(filename); } else { //System.err.println("westodo avoiding " + file.getPath()); } } } /** * Create a new doc dir. */ protected void init() { docDir = new File(project.getBaseDir(), TEST_DOCDIR); } /** * Make a new doc dir using ANT. */ protected void makeDocDir() { try { Mkdir mkdir = (Mkdir)project.createTask("mkdir"); mkdir.setDir(docDir); mkdir.execute(); } catch (BuildException be) { be.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Clear the build dir using ANT. */ protected void clearDocDir() { try { Delete delete = (Delete)project.createTask("delete"); FileSet fileset = new FileSet(); fileset.setDir(docDir); fileset.setIncludes("**"); delete.addFileset(fileset); delete.execute(); } catch (BuildException be) { be.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Invoke {@link #runTests(String[])} on a * new instanceof {@link #AjdocTaskTester}. * * @param args Command line arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) { new AjdocTaskTester().runTests(args); } }