Build and Test AspectJ

This describes how to build and test AspectJ for developers working on source code for AspectJ. It covers building with Ant or Eclipse and testing with JUnit or the harness used for compiler tests. For information on how the build works and debugging failed builds, see readme-build-module.html.
  1. Quick start
  2. Requirements
  3. Standard builds
    1. Building using Ant
    2. Building with Eclipse
    3. Running the Ant build scripts from Eclipse
    4. Using Eclipse to compile but Ant to assemble
  4. Running build products
    1. Running the compiler, browser, or harness from the command-line
    2. Running the compiler, browser, or harness from Eclipse
    3. Running Ant-built jars from Eclipse
  5. Testing AspectJ
    1. Running JUnit tests in Eclipse
    2. Running JUnit tests from the command-line without Eclipse
    3. Running JUnit tests from Ant without Eclipse
    4. Using the test harness to run compiler tests
  6. Releases
    1. Release builds
    2. Release preconditions and testing
    3. Release completion

Quick start

This is a minimal introduction to building and testing AspectJ.

Command-line users use CVS to check out something like this:

  export CVS_ROOT=""
  cvs co org.aspectj/modules
If using Eclipse, check out the subdirectories of org.aspectj/modules as Java projects. Skip modules aspectj-attic if not tests and testing-*.

Build an AspectJ distribution:

  cd org.aspectj/modules/build
  ../lib/ant/bin/ant -f build.xml
To speed the build, Eclipse users can adopt the Eclipse-produced .class files:
  ../lib/ant/bin/ant -f build.xml -Dbuild.config=useEclipseCompiles
Install the distribution (e.g., into build/../aspectj-DEVELOPMENT):
  java -jar ../aj-build/dist/aspectj-DEVELOPMENT.jar
Test it by running the build script in the examples directory:
  cd ../aspectj-DEVELOPMENT/doc/examples
This should build and run the spacewar example.


To build requires only the AspectJ project modules. All necessary libraries and tools are in the lib directory. For command-line users, that usually means checking out the modules directory:
   export CVS_ROOT=""
   cvs co org.aspectj/modules
Eclipse users should check out subdirectories of org.aspectj/modules as a Java project.

Not all modules are required. The aspectj-attic module only has old code, and the tests and testing-* modules are only needed to run tests.

Standard builds

Building using Ant

To do a build, use Ant to run build.xml from this build directory. To run Ant, use the project's ../lib/ant scripts and libraries, not your own. The default target builds the AspectJ distribution; see the build.xml for other targets. Consider defining the following flag properties:

PropertyMeaning To build any module (esp. those not directly supported by a target), use the "any-module" target and define the module name. any value cause build to fail if lib/build/build.jar is out of date. (This is a built archive of the build module to avoid bootstrapping.)
build.config override default configuration in build.xml. Significant values include "verbose" for more output and "useEclipseCompiles" to assume that Eclipse has compiled modules into their bin directories, and just assemble those classes.

For example, to build everything into a release bundle, with verbose logging

  cd modules/build
To build only the asm module (and any modules it requires):
  cd modules/build
  ../lib/ant/bin/ant -f build.xml any-module
To build the test harness into ../aj-build/jars/testing-drivers-all.jar:
  cd modules/build
  ../lib/ant/bin/ant -f build.xml build-testing-drivers

Building with Eclipse

As mentioned above, the modules are Eclipse Java projects, so once checked out, they should build as-is. That will enable you to run the compiler or test harness from within Eclipse (see below), but it will not build the AspectJ release as Ant does.

Running the Ant build scripts from Eclipse

When running Ant from Eclipse, be sure to replace the Eclipse Ant libraries with ours. In the Ant configuration, remove all jars specified by Eclipse and add all the libraries in ../lib/ant/lib as well as in ../lib/junit. (Do not add ../lib/build/build.jar, which is added via a taskdef declaration.)

If you find on rebuilding that the build products are not being regenerated, you may need to manually delete them or restart eclipse (the files are not being closed); see readme-build-module.html for more information.

Using Eclipse to compile but Ant to assemble

Assuming Eclipse is compiling the AspectJ modules successfully, you can use Ant to assemble the eclipse-build .class files into a product by including useEclipseCompiles in the build.config variable as described above. That reduces the build process to product assembly, which can be completed in a couple minutes. (And of course you can run Ant from Eclipse as described above.)

Running the compiler, browser, or harness from the command-line

The build produces jar files in ../aj-build/jars/, some of which have manifests specifying the main class, so they can be run using java -jar {file} {arguments}.

To run the compiler from the command-line, use the ajbrowser jar file:

   java -jar aj-build/jars/ajbrowser-all.jar {compile arguments}
This will run ajbrowser if you provide no arguments or only (unflagged) .lst file arguments. To run the test harness, use the testing-drivers jar file:
   java -jar aj-build/jars/testing-drivers-all.jar tests/ajcTests.xml ...

Running the compiler, browser, or harness from Eclipse

To run things within Eclipse, create a run configuration from the defining module using the main class:

Test harnesstesting-driversorg.aspectj.testing.drivers.Harness

Running Ant-built jars from Eclipse

You can run build products (built jars) from Eclipse in two ways: You might do this to run the installer or test the browser as built. However, doing so might prevent those jar files from being recreated in the next build. It appears that sometimes these jar files are not close during the Eclipse session, which means they cannot be overwritten in new builds, even those run from a different Ant process. If you find that builds are silently failing, try deleting the build products.

Testing AspectJ

Each module has a tree of JUnit tests in the testsrc directory. These parallel the src directories and contain roll-up suites for each package ({module}/testsrc/{packagePath}/{package} and for the module as a whole ({module}/testsrc/{module} The AspectJ project also has custom tests in the tests module, mainly the compiler tests run by the harness in ajcTests.xml.

Running JUnit tests in Eclipse

JUnit tests may be run under eclipse by selecting any JUnit source file and creating a run configuration for it. To run all the JUnit tests, use Ant to "build" ../tests/junitModules.xml. This file uses the eclipse module bin directories as its classpath, so it will not work for someone not compiling with Eclipse.

Running JUnit tests from the command-line without Eclipse

The AspectJ project committers do not do this, but it should work fine. The trick is to build the modules with their associated test code (which happens by default) and put the resulting jars on the classpath with the JUnit harness.

Running JUnit tests from Ant without Eclipse

This entails editing ../tests/junitModules.xml to use a classpath containing the built module jars as described above. [todo: update junitModules.xml with non-eclipse variant]

Using the test harness to run compiler tests

The build-testing-drivers target builds a single jar with the AspectJ binaries and a test harness as the main class. It reads test suite files like ../tests/ajcTests.xml; use the -help flag to see available options. For more information, see ../tests/readme-tests-module.html.


Release builds

Committers do official release builds to create the distribution released in binary form from the web site. Release builds differ only in running from a clean, up-to-date tree and with correct build version values in build-properties.xml, which will update org.aspectj.bridge.Version. See Version synchronization below for more details on how the version is updated.

Release preconditions and testing

Normally, we do releases only after fixing all high-priority (P1 and P2) bugs in the bug database (a href=""> All open AspectJ bugs with P1 and P2). For bug fixes, associated tests in tests/ajcTestsFailing.xml are fixed and moved to tests/ajcTests.xml.

Before a release, run the following tests:

Release completion

When the release build is accepted, tag the tree with the release version so others can do diffs or create patches based on the release code. E.g., from the command line:
   cd org.aspectj/
   cvs tag -R -c v1_1_0

Pushing the release out to the web involves manually updating aspectj-home/ with the release files (and documentation, if it is not a preview release), verifying the downloads and pages, and sending any release notifications.