Build and test the AspectJ source tree. Targets: all (default) install # install distribution build build-release # build distribution build-tests # build test classes test test-sources # - requires only sources test-harness-tests # run tests/{suite}.xml's test-junit-modules # tests/junitModules.xml test-install # - requires distribution test-build-examples # install/docs/examples test-ajc-aspectj # ajc compiles aspectj Normally this builds with Java 1.3 and tests with both Java 1.3 and 1.4, so define both as properties. You can select any target (not prefixed "do-" or "init-"). The leaf targets will run with Java version set in ${java.home.file} When running non-leaf targets, if you want to test only in 1.3 or 1.4, set property "run.1[3|4].only". Properties to consider setting on the command-line: -- required java13.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.3 java14.home JAVA_HOME for latest J2SE 1.4 -- flags to control run.13.only only use Java 1.3 run.14.only only use Java 1.4 skip.cvs no CVS checkout (true) no build (done already) skip.test no tests no build of release no build of tests version set if not DEVELOPMENT(?) Ant props for ../build.xml -- locations to re-use existing tree or install aspectj.workspace location for new cvs tree aspectj.modules.dir ... for existing cvs tree ... for installed dist Example command lines for using this script: - define variable for standard properties sp="-Djava13.home=d:/j13 -Djava14.home=d:/j14" sp="$${sp} -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.." - clean first cd build ant clean - test only sources in local tree cd build/release ant test-sources $${sp} - build and install distribution: cd build/release ant install $${sp} - test installation and sources in local tree: cd build/release ant test $${sp} - do everything but checkout from cvs: cd build ant clean cd release ant all $${sp} do-run-harness ${suite.filename}.xml with options ${drho.default.options} ${harness.args} to ${harness.output.file} do-run-ant dir ${ant.dir} file/target -f ${run.ant.file} ${} options ${ant.verbose} ${} output ${ant.output.file}