This script builds and tests an AspectJ release. Use the info target to emit details. At the bottom is a bash script to run it. ---- Evaluating the results of a build cycle There is a ../release-checklist.txt which has steps for a release, some of which are automated in this script. Try the others ;). Known issues with these tests - ajc compile of tjp example as part of nonGui target runs out of memory. Reproducible on the command-line: [ajc] Running in-process using -verbose -d R:\home\wes\ec\aj- build\install\doc\examples\classes -classpath R:\home\wes\ec\aj-buil d\install\lib\aspectjrt.jar -argfile R:\home\wes\ec\aj-build\install \doc\examples\tjp\files.lst Exception reading component R:\home\wes\ec\aj-build\install\lib\aspe ctjtools.jar java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError <> This target is run without failonerror="true" to complete the testing. Known imperfect results in the AspectJ 1.1 release: - ajdeCompiler tests will have five known fails, listed in releases/aspectj1.1/ajcTests-ajdeCompiler-FAIL.txt - under 1.4, the junit module test output for the weaver module is corrupted - the last two characters are duplicated, which cause the junit reporting task to not pick up the weaver tests. Verify that the weaver XML file lists no JUnit failures or errors. ------ untested bash/sh script #!/bin/bash [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && set -vx scriptDir=`dirname "${0}"` scriptDir=`cd "$scriptDir"; pwd | sed 's|/cygdrive/c/|c:/|'` sp="-Dskip.cvs=true -Daspectj.modules.dir=../.." sp="${sp} -Djava13.home=c:/home/apps/jdk13" sp="${sp} -Djava14.home=c:/home/apps/jdk14" sp="${sp} -Djava15.home=c:/home/apps/jdk15" #sp="${sp} -Drun.14.only=true" #alias myant="$scriptDir/../../lib/ant/bin/ant" myant="$scriptDir/../../lib/ant/bin/ant" # clean cd `dirname "$0"` cd .. "$myant" clean # build local tree and install distribution: cd release "$myant" install ${sp} # test installation and sources in local tree: [ -z "$skipTest" ] && "$myant" test ${sp} # check 1.1 runtime - compile will fail, # but should only be in known 1.2-dependent classes #export JAVA_HOME=c:/home/apps/jdk13 #"$myant" compile-runtime-11 ${sp}