AJDEEJDEE support for XEmacs and GNU Emacs AJDE for Emacs User's Guide
This guide describes AspectJ-mode extensions of JDEE for GNU Emacs and
XEmacs, which
provides enhanced editing and management of AspectJ code via a minor
mode extension of JDE mode. AJDEE's AspectJ support builds on
aspectj-mode's extension of
java-mode, also provided with the release.
Included in this document are guidance for AJDEE's use, including an exploration of spacewar, and installation and compatibility. See
the README file in AJDEE's distribution directory for
release-specific details.
In addition to the java-mode extensions provided by
aspectj-mode, AJDEE provides
(see graphic):
Viewing and navigation of aspect structures via the
the speedbar and Classes menu.
Basic support for completion.
Integrated Javadoc support.
AJDEE Features and Usage
The AJDEE extensions of JDE require no special effort to use.
The speedbar and Classes menus provide additional sublists showing
crosscutting structure. Selecting items in those lists navigates to
the referenced item.
Aspect Structure and NavigationEnhancements to Speedbar in JDE Mode
As a minor mode of JDE mode, AJDEE enhances the speedbar to
show the location of aspect, advice, and inter-type declarations.
The affects/affected-by relationships are shown in the speedbar
rather than embedding tags in the text (available as an option),
and selecting the items in the speedbar will perform the expected
navigation. The speedbar symbols have been extended for AspectJ as
follows (see right side of figure):
Enhancements to Speedbar in JDE ModeIndicationMeaning(+) name
A class, interface, or aspect; double mouse-1 will
display its declarations
+ methodSignature
Method has an advice that applies to it; double mouse-1
will display the relevant advice.
+ adviceSignature
Advice declared by the containing aspect; double mouse-1
will display affected methods.
+ introductionSig
Inter-type declaration declared by the containing class; double
mouse-1 will display affected methods or classes.
| | methodOrFieldSig
Method or field has been declared by an aspect;
double mouse-1 on text will navigate to the declaration; a +
within the bars means that it has an advice that applies
to it.
A minus (-) is displayed on the item when the
crosscutting items are displayed. AspectJ structure information is
derived from the last compile of your AspectJ program.
Compilation and JavaDoc
The option
can be customized from the Customize options
under the AspectJ menu, changing the default
compile specification given to ajc.
See installation instructions
for examples and other customizations.
AspectJ JavaDoc support is
enabled by setting to
invoke ajdoc. These are the default settings
provided in the installation instructions.
Exploring the Spacewar Source Code
To begin exploring Spacewar within emacs using JDE and AspectJ mode:
Compile spacewar.Change into the spacewar
directory.Type emacs Ship.java.
Pull down the JDE menu and select the
Speedbar entry to show the AspectJ
files in the directory. Note that Ship.java
is shown in red to denote that it is currently shown in the main
Double-click with the left mouse button on the
+ in front of the
Ship.java entry. It should display an entry
for the class Ship.
Double-clicking on Ship will navigate to its declaration in
the buffer. Note that declarations of advice are annotated to
note the types of objects that they advise, declarations of
methods that are advised are annotated with the aspects that
advise them, and so forth.
Double-clicking on the + in front of either
will show the declared fields, methods, inter-type declarations, and
advice. A + in front of any field or method
means that it is introduced or advised; double-clicking will list
entries for the introducers/advisers; double-clicking on them
will navigate to their declarations. A + in
front of any inter-type declarations or advice will will display its
Installation and Compatibility AJDEE requires the installation of
JDE 2.2.9beta4 or
higher and small edits to your .emacs file to
configure AJDEE and enable autoloading AJDEE when a
.java file is loaded.
Installation for enhancement of JDE mode
The first and last steps, with enhancements, can be found in the
example Emacs initialization file
sample.emacs and the sample JDE project
file sample.prj in the distribution. The
latter also demonstrates a way to enable AspectJ mode on a
per-project basis.
Make sure AJDEE, aspectj-mode, JDE, and supporting packages are on
your load-path and are ``required''. This is an
example for the 1.0 release:
;; I keep my emacs packages in C:/Emacs
(setq load-path
"C:/Emacs/aspectj-emacsMode-1.0" ; for AJDEE
"C:/Emacs/elib-1.0" ; for JDEE
"C:/Emacs/speedbar-0.14beta2" ; for JDEE
"C:/Emacs/semantic-1.4beta12" ; for JDEE/speedbar
"C:/Emacs/eieio-0.17beta3" ; for JDEE
(require 'jde)
(require 'ajdee) ; can also appear in prj.el[Optional] add -emacssym
switch to the ajc and ajc.bat
files in your AspectJ tools installations (in the
/bin directory). If you invoke the compiler
outside Emacs, this will
ensure that your compiles always generate information for annotations
and the jump menu in the form of .ajesym files.
Customize AJDEE's compile options by
putting a version of the following in your
.emacs file or in a JDE project file
prj.el in your project's hierarchy (see the
option for the latter).
Here is a simple example:
;; A default version for simple projects, maybe good for
;;; .emacs file.
'(jde-compiler '("ajc" "ajc"))
'(jde-javadoc-command-path "ajdoc")
;; ajc requires all files to be named for a compile
'(aspectj-compile-file-specification "*.java"))
Here is an example for spacewar, in
;;; These options are for the spacewar, in examples/spacewar.
'(jde-compiler '("ajc" "ajc"))
'(jde-javadoc-command-path "ajdoc")
;; ajc provides an ``argfile'' mechanism for specifying all files.
'(aspectj-compile-file-specification "-argfile demo.lst")
;; *if* compiling packages, name root dir for package hierarchy
;; to tell ajc where .class files should go.
'(jde-compile-option-directory "..")
'(jde-run-working-directory ".."))
'(jde-run-application-class "spacewar.Game")[XEmacs only] If you're installing JDE
yourself, be sure to closely follow the JDE installation
directions for XEmacs, otherwise you may get out of date JDE
.jar files.
Customizing Options
Selecting Customize options from the
AspectJ menu displays a number of options that
customize AspectJ mode. These control whether annotations are shown
by default, and whether the bovinator set up by JDE runs.
, specifies a
compilation argument as
an alternative to the current buffer's file or the run class's file.
Example customizations are shown above and in the sample files
discussed above.
Usage and Upgrade Problems
Please see the documentation for
aspectj-mode for problems not
specific to AJDEE's features.
Symptom: Get
standard speedbar menus in JDE; no annotations display. Message:
AspectJ Mode Warning: Can't find declarations file for...
AspectJ file has not been compiled with ajc and the -emacssym
or was compiled with an obsolete version of ajc. After compilation,
there should be a <file>.ajesym for every <file>.java in the
build. If .ajsym files are present but error persists, recompile. Note
that aspectj-mode for JDE has a fallback view for uncompiled files.
Symptom: Navigations via the speedbar and
the jump menu are off, annotations are misplaced in the code. AspectJ mode operates by querying data
derived from the most recent compile that includes the
-emacssym flag. Recompile the entire program with
ajc including the switch. Consider permanently installing the switch
by editing the ajc and ajc.bat files in the /bin file in your
distribution.Symptom: Java files that are part of a Java project not written
in AspectJ come up in aspectj-mode. Emacs uses the file suffix (.java) to
determine which mode to invoke. You can either globally toggle the
AspectJ features from the AspectJ menu, or you can prevent AJDEE
from coming up by moving the (require 'ajdee) expression from
your .emacs file to a prj.el file in each AspectJ project's directory
(see sample.prj in the distribution).
Symptom: Reported bug fixes and new features
to AJDEE are not seen, or ajdee.el cannot be found or loaded, with
Error in init file: File error: "Cannot open load file", "ajdee"
Your load-path variable (set in your .emacs)
is referring to an old release. Change your load-path to
point at the directory for the current release. See the sample.emacs
files in the distribution, for example.