      AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) support for Forte
      Module extension to Sun's <ulink url="http://www.sun.com/forte/ffj">Forte
      for Java</ulink> and
        <ulink url="http://netbeans.org">NetBeans</ulink> IDEs.

        For release-specific documentation refer to the <ulink
        url="http://aspectj.org/doc/dist/changes.html"> changes file</ulink>.

      AJDE for Forte will allow you to:

        <listitem><para>compile AspectJ and Java files within the

        <listitem><para>browse the structure of your AspectJ

        <listitem><para>set up a compile configuration that determine which
        files will be passed to the compiler</para></listitem>



          <listitem><para>use the installer to place the "ajdeForForte.jar" and
          "aspectjrt.jar" into the modules directory.  This will also install
          the two html files "LICENCE-AJDEFORTE.html" and

          <listitem><para>start up, and in the "Tools" menu select "Global
          Options" </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>right-click the "Modules" item and select "New Module
          from File..."  </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>find the ajdeForForte.jar in the directory that you
          installed into (e.g.  c:/forte4j/modules) and select it

         To uninstall follow Forte's documentation on un-installing modules, or
         simply remove the file modules/aspectjForForte.jar from Forte's
         install directory.

    <title>Running AJDE for Forte</title>
        <emphasis role="strong">3.1 Setting up the AspectJ Examples (in
        NetBeans 3.3.1)</emphasis>

       <imagedata fileref="netbeans-building.gif"/>


          <listitem><para>in the "Project" menu select "Project Manager"

          <listitem><para>Click "New..." and enter "AspectJ Examples" as the
          projects' name and click "OK".  </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>In the "Filesystems" Explorer tab right click
          "Filesystems", then select "Mount -&gt; Local Directory".

          <listitem><para>browse into the AspectJ install directory (e.g.
          "C:/apps/aspectj1.0") </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>select "examples" and click "Finish"

          <listitem><para>In the "Tools" menu select "AspectJ -&gt; Start AJDE"
          or just click on the "AJDE"
             <imagedata fileref="startAjde.gif"/>
           button (shown as label 1 of the screenshot).  	  

        <emphasis role="strong">3.2 Compiling the Spacewar Example</emphasis>


	  <listitem><para>After AJDE is started, a new "AspectJ" tab is added
	  to the explorer window.  Click it.  The next thing to do is to choose
	  a particular build, since there are many in the examples
	  distribution.  To the right of the "Build" button
                              <imagedata fileref="build.gif"/>
          there is a downward arrow.  Click it, and select "spacewar/demo.lst"
          (as in label 2 of the screenshot).  This will start a build of the
          demo configuration of spacewar.  Clicking the "Build" button will
          rebuild.  </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>When the compile is finished and the "AspectJ
          Explorer" structure is present navigate the structure by clicking
          nodes (as shown in label 3 of the screenshot).  Note that
          associations between nodes appear with UML-style arrow icons and
          italicized names and reperesent how a particular node in the
          structure relates to others.  In order to navigate these associations
          expand the notes and click the corresponding links (in blue).  These
          links represent structure nodes elsewhere in the tree.

          <listitem><para>If there are compilation errors, clickable messages
          will appear (as in label 4 of the screenshot). 



        <emphasis role="strong">3.3 Running the Spacewar Example</emphasis>
                  In the "Filesystems" Explorer tab open the "spacewar"
                  directory, right click "spacewar/Game.java", and the select

          <listitem><para>When finished executing switch back to the "Editing"

          <listitem><para>Select and build the "debug.lst" configuration as
          described in 3.2 and execute again--you will notice that the debug
          configuration adds a debug window used for tracing by including the
          "Debug.java" aspect in the compile.</para></listitem>


        <emphasis role="strong">3.4 Debugging the Spacewar Example</emphasis>

                        You must first add the filesystem to the project so
                        that the debugger can see the main class.  Do this in
                        the "Project AspectJ Examples" tab in the explorer by
                        right clicking the root node and selecting "Add

        <listitem><para>You may now need to add the AspectJ Runtime to the
        project so that the debugger can see it.  In the same way as described
        in 3.1 select "Mount -&gt; Archive (JAR, Zip)".  </para></listitem>

          <listitem><para>Browse to the your lib/ext/aspectjrt.jar file within
          your NetBeans install directory and click "Finish".</para></listitem>

                        Select "Project -&gt; Set Project Main Class..." in the
                        menu bar, browse to "spacewar/Game.java" in the
                        examples directory that you created and click "OK".

                        In the "Filesystems" Explorer tab open the "spacewar"
                        directory, click "Game.java", and the select "Debug
                        -&gt; Strat" from the menu bar.

	  AspectJ-related options can be modified in the AJDE settings window.
       <imagedata fileref="netbeans-buildOptions.gif"/>


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