<refentry id="aspectj-mode">
    <refpurpose>support for XEmacs and GNU Emacs

    <title>AspectJ-mode User's Guide</title>
      This guide describes aspectj-mode for GNU Emacs and XEmacs, which
      provides enhanced editing and management of AspectJ code via a minor
      mode extension of java-mode. Included in this document
      are guidance for aspectj-mode's <link
      linkend="ajmode-featuresandusage">use</link>, and
      <link  linkend="ajmode-installationetc">installation and compatibility</link>.
      See the README file in the aspectj-mode's distribution directory for
      release-specific details.

      AspectJ minor mode provides (see graphic):
    	Viewing and navigation of aspect structures, permitting
    	navigation between aspect code and the code that it affects, via
    	a `jump' menu (and in the speedbar and Classes menu for JDE

    	Source code annotation of inter-type and advice declarations,
    	as well as the code they affect.

    	AspectJ-style compilation, using .lst files to generate a
	compilation submenu.

    	Highlighting of AspectJ keywords and declaration names.


      The first two are derived from ajc's last build of the AspectJ program.
      An example usage is given below.

      <inlinemediaobject id="aspectjmodescreenshot">
          <imagedata fileref="aspectj-mode.gif"/>

  <refsect1 id="ajmode-featuresandusage"><!-- Features and Usage -->
    <title>Features and Usage</title>
      All commands governing AspectJ mode are available from the AspectJ menu
      on the toolbar. Besides those described below, there is a menu item
      <guimenuitem>Customize options</guimenuitem> for viewing and customizing
      the options of the mode and <guimenuitem>AJ Mode user guide</guimenuitem>
      to view this file. Keyword and declaration highlighting is enabled above
      the minimal level of highlighting.

      By default, AspectJ mode is automatically turned on when a buffer
      named with a <filename>.java</filename> suffix is entered.
      The command
      <command>M-x aspectj-mode-in-force-toggle</command> globally toggles
      the features of the mode, easing quickly moving between
      AspectJ and Java projects (also available as <guimenuitem>AspectJ mode
      extensions</guimenuitem> in the AspectJ menu).

      <title>Aspect Structure and Navigation</title>

        AspectJ minor mode highlights aspect relationships in the text with
        textual annotations on the program source (optionally can be turned
        off), such as the <literal>[Player, Robot, Ship]</literal> marking after the advice in EnsureShipIsAlive
        at the bottom of the <link linkend="aspectjmodescreenshot">figure</link>,
        which indicates that the advice refers to join points within Ship
        objects. The following commands (also available from the menu) manage
        annotations and navigation:

      <table id="minormodecommands">
          AspectJ Minor Mode Commands for Annotations and Navigation
        <tgroup cols="2" colsep="1" rowsep="1" align="left">
    	  <entry>Command (keyboard shortcut)</entry>

    	  <entry>M-x aspectj-jump-menu (C-x C-j)</entry>
    	    Display popup menu of advisers, advisees, and inter-type declarations.
    	    Navigate to item by selecting with mouse 
            (see <link linkend="aspectjmodescreenshot2">figure</link> below).
    	  <entry>M-x aspectj-show-annotations</entry>
    	    Add crosscut annotations on the text on current buffer.

    	  <entry>M-x aspectj-dont-show-annotations</entry>
    	    Remove crosscut annotations from text on current buffer.

        The default for whether annotations are shown or not can be
        customized by selecting <guimenuitem>Customize options</guimenuitem>
        from the <guimenu>AspectJ</guimenu> menu.

      <inlinemediaobject id="aspectjmodescreenshot2">
          <imagedata fileref="aspectj-mode2.gif"/>



        The <guisubmenu>Compile</guisubmenu> submenu
        accessible from the <guimenu>AspectJ</guimenu> menu presents the
        known<filename> .lst</filename> files for the project. Selecting
        one compiles the project with that <filename>.lst</filename> file
        and remembers that for future compiles. The
        <guimenuitem>Compile...</guimenuitem> command accessible from the
        Emacs <guimenu>Tools</guimenu> menu is customized through the
        project customization option <option>Aspectj Tools Compile
          Command</option>, customizable from the
        <guimenu>AspectJ</guimenu> menu.



  <refsect1 id="ajmode-installationetc"><!-- Installation and Compatibility -->
    <title>Installation and Compatibility</title>

    <para> AspectJ mode requires the installation of <ulink
        url="http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">GNU Emacs 20.3.1</ulink>
      or <ulink url="http://www.xemacs.org/">XEmacs 21.1.14 (Unix/Linux)</ulink>,
      or <ulink url="http://www.xemacs.org/">XEmacs 21.4 (Windows)</ulink>,
      or higher.  In general, the most recent non-alpha/beta versions of these
      are recommended.  A web browser is required to view this documentation
      via Emacs.  Small modifications to the <filename>.emacs</filename> file
      configures AspectJ mode and enables autoloading AspectJ mode when a
      <filename>.java</filename> file is loaded.


<!--        <note> -->
          Step 1, with enhancements, can be found in the example Emacs
          initialization file <filename>sample.emacs</filename> in the
<!--        </note> -->

    	The files in this package need to be in the load-path and
    	``required''. For example, for the 1.0 release:
    	  ;; I keep my emacs packages in C:/Emacs
    	  (setq load-path (cons "C:/Emacs/aspectj-emacsMode-1.0" load-path))
    	  (require 'aspectj-mode)</programlisting>

    	<emphasis>[Optional]</emphasis> add <literal>-emacssym</literal>
	switch to the <filename>ajc</filename> and <filename>ajc.bat</filename>
	files in your AspectJ tools installations (in the
	<filename>/bin</filename> directory).  If you invoke the compiler
	outside Emacs, this will
	ensure that your compiles always generate information for annotations
	and the jump menu in the form of <literal>.ajesym</literal> files.

    	<!-- TBD: Change to something less bogus. -->
    	<emphasis>[XEmacs only]</emphasis> Go to the
    	<filename>xemacs-packages/lisp</filename> directory of your
    	XEmacs distribution and move the <filename>jde</filename>
    	directory to someplace harmless. Otherwise, Java files will come
    	up in JDE mode.


      <title>Customizing Options</title>
        Selecting <guimenuitem>Customize options</guimenuitem> from the
        <guimenu>AspectJ</guimenu> menu displays a number of options that
        customize AspectJ mode. These control whether annotations are shown
        by default, as well as a
        number of options controlling compilation and beanshell for
        Example customizations are given in the file
	<filename>sample.emacs</filename> in the distribution.


    <title>Usage and Upgrade Problems</title>


        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: No annotations show.  Message:

AspectJ Mode Warning: Can't find declarations file for...


        <para>AspectJ file has not been compiled with ajc and the <literal>-emacssym</literal>
        or was compiled with an obsolete version of ajc. After compilation,
        there should be a &lt;file&gt;.ajesym for every &lt;file&gt;.java in the
        build. If .ajsym files are present but error persists, recompile. Note
        that aspectj-mode for JDE has a fallback view for uncompiled files.

        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: Annotations are misplaced in the
	code. </para>

        <para>AspectJ mode operates by querying data
        derived from the most recent compile that includes the
	<literal>-emacssym</literal> flag.  Recompile the entire program with
        ajc including the switch.  Consider permanently installing the switch
	by editing the ajc and ajc.bat files in the /bin file in your

        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: New customization option settings were saved
        for future sessions, but do not show up when Emacs is restarted.

        <para>You may have two sets of saved settings in
        your .emacs file, and Emacs updated the first one, which may be shadowed
        by the second.</para>

        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: Java files that are part of a Java project not written
        in AspectJ come up in aspectj-mode.     </para>

        <para>Emacs uses the file suffix (.java) to
        determine which mode to invoke.  You can either globally toggle the
	AspectJ features from the AspectJ menu.

        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: Reported bug fixes and new features
	to aspectj-mode are not seen, or aspectj-mode.el cannot be found or
	loaded, with message:

Error in init file: File error: "Cannot open load file", "aspectj-mode"

        <para>Your load-path variable (set in your .emacs)
	is referring to an old release. Change your load-path to
        point at the directory for the current release. See the sample.emacs
	files in the distribution, for example.</para>

        <para><emphasis>Symptom</emphasis>: When trying to get a jump menu,
       I get the message "No crosscut elements at point" even though 
       there is a [list] on the same line.

        <para>The caret (point) is probably on or after the list.
        To see the crosscut elements you need to hit the jump menu 
        on the same line that the annotated elements appear as a list 
        of items surrounded by '[' and ']' on the same line as the 
        affected declaration.  If the caret is on the same line as the 
        elements and before the list (i.e. not at the end of the 
        list of elements) the jump menu should work. 

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