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    <title>The AspectJ<superscript>tm</superscript> Development Environment Guide</title>

        <othername>the AspectJ Team</othername>

        <para>Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Xerox Corporation, 
         2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated,
         2003-2005 Contributors.  
         All rights reserved.

        This guide describes how to build and deploy AspectJ programs
          using the AspectJ tools and facilities.  See also 
              <ulink url="../progguide/index.html">The
        				AspectJ Programming Guide</ulink>,       				
              the documentation available with the AspectJ support available for
		        various integrated development environments (e.g., 
              <ulink url="http://eclipse.org/AJDT">Eclipse AJDT</ulink>), 
              and the most-recent documentation available from 
              the AspectJ project page, at
              	<ulink url="http://eclipse.org/aspectj">

<chapter id="command-line-tools" xreflabel="AspectJ command-line tools">
    <title>AspectJ command-line tools</title>
    <sect1 id="ajc-ref-top">
        <title><literal>ajc</literal>, the AspectJ compiler/weaver</title>
    <sect1 id="ajdoc-ref-top">
        <title><literal>ajdoc</literal>, the AspectJ documentation tool</title>
        <para><literal>ajdoc</literal> produces JavaDoc-style documentation
        including crosscutting information.</para>
    <sect1 id="aj-ref-top">
        <title><literal>aj</literal>, the AspectJ load-time weaving script</title>
        <para><literal>aj</literal> launches programs,
            configuring basic load-time weaving.</para>
