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But we finally got this in 1.0.<br> <br> (2) Pointcuts support composition and abstraction. Abelson and Sussman say that composition and abstraction are the key elements of a real language. Clearly the pointcut mechanism is the new thing in AspectJ, and so it was critical that it support composition and abstraction. The fact that someone can write:</p> <blockquote> <p><font face="Courier">/* define an abstraction called stateChange */<br> pointcut stateChange(): call(void FigureElement+.set*(*));<br> <br> /* compose pointcuts to get other pointcuts */<br> pointcut topLevelStateChange(): stateChange() `<br> && !cflowbelow(stateChange());</font></p> </blockquote> <p>is what makes it possible for people to really work with crosscutting structure and make their code more clear.<br> <br> (3) Statically type checked. The efficiency, code quality and programmer productivity arguments for this have been made elsewhere, so I won't repeat them. <br> <br> (4) Efficient. AspectJ code is as fast as the equivalent functionality, written by hand, in a scattered and tangled way.<br> <br> (5) Simple kernel. I've heard some people say that AspectJ is too big and too complex. In the most important sense of simple AspectJ is simple. I can reason about any AspectJ program with a simple model. The kernel of AspectJ is simple, and the orthogonality described above means that its easy to start with just the kernel and slowly add to that.</p> <p>Its pretty clear to pull out this kernel of AspectJ. I would argue that the right idea for a standard AOP API<br> is this kernel, packaged in a way that allows building more sophisticated tools on top of it.<br> <br> (6) Supports multiple weave times. AspectJ is neutral on whether weaving happens at pre-process, compile, post-process, load, JIT or runtime. This neutrality is critical. Its why there are serious JVM experts who are already thinking about JVM support for AspectJ.</p> <p>There's more, but I think these are the most important ones. I think any functionality this group comes up with should also meet these criteria.<br> </p> </body> </html>