== AspectJ 5 _© Copyright 2005 Contributors. All rights reserved._ AspectJ 5 introduces several important changes to the language and tools in order to support Java 5 and extend the capabilities of AspectJ in general. For language changes, see xref:../../adk15ProgGuideDB/adk15notebook.adoc[AspectJ 5 Developer's Notebook]. For tools changes, see the link:devguide/index.html[AspectJ Development Environment Guide], especially the section on link:devguide/ltw.html[Load-time weaving]. The changes are summarized in the faq.html#q:aspectj5features[FAQ entry on AspectJ 5]. Some of the other documentation has not been updated for AspectJ 5. For the latest documentation, see http://eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/next/index.html, linked off http://eclipse.org/aspectj/docs.php[the AspectJ documentation home page]. For information on bug fixes in AspectJ 5 v1.5.0, see the link:changes.html[changes] document.