Frequently Asked Questions about AspectJCopyright (c) 1997-2001 Xerox Corporation,
2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Last updated on the web November 26, 2002.
For a list of recently-updated FAQ entries, see
AspectJ 1.1 is currently in development, and
some answers may change after it is released;
for more information, see the
AspectJ 1.1 README.
This is a web-only distribution of the FAQ; the 1.0 documentation bundle
contains an earlier version.
OverviewWhat is AspectJ?
AspectJ(tm) is a simple and practical extension to the
Java(tm) programming
language that adds to Java aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
capabilities. AOP allows developers to reap the benefits of
modularity for concerns that cut across the natural units of
modularity. In object-oriented programs like Java, the natural unit
of modularity is the class. In AspectJ, aspects modularize concerns that
affect more than one class.
AspectJ includes a compiler (ajc), a
debugger (ajdb), a documentation generator
(ajdoc), a program structure browser
(ajbrowser), and integration
with Eclipse, Sun-ONE/Netbeans, GNU Emacs/XEmacs, JBuilder, and Ant.
You compile your program using the AspectJ compiler (perhaps using
the supported development environments) and then run it, supplying
a small (< 100K) runtime library.
What are the benefits of using AspectJ?AspectJ can be used to improve the modularity of software
Using ordinary Java, it can be difficult to modularize design
concerns such as
system-wide error-handlingcontract enforcementdistribution concernsfeature variationscontext-sensitive behaviorpersistencetestingThe code for these concerns tends to be spread out across the
system. Because these concerns won't stay inside of any one module
boundary, we say that they crosscut the
system's modularity.
AspectJ adds constructs to Java that enable the modular
implementation of crosscutting concerns. This ability is
particularly valuable because crosscutting concerns tend to be both
complex and poorly localized, making them hard to deal with.
Can AspectJ work with any Java program?AspectJ has been designed as a compatible
extension to Java. By compatible, we mean
upward compatibleAll legal Java programs are legal AspectJ
All legal AspectJ programs run on standard Java
virtual machines.
Existing tools can be extended to work with
programmer compatibleProgramming in AspectJ feels natural to Java
The AspectJ tools run on any Java 2 Platform compatible
platform. The AspectJ compiler produces classes that run
on any Java 1.1 (or later) compatible platform.
How is AspectJ licensed?The AspectJ tools are open-source software available under the
Mozilla Public License 1.1.
The documentation is available under a separate
that precludes for-profit or commercial
redistribution. Generally, we permit some usage for
internal presentations; please contact us at
for permission.
Most users only want to use AspectJ to build programs they distribute.
There are no restrictions here. When you distribute your program, be sure to
include all the runtime classes from the aspectjrt.jar for that version of AspectJ.
When distributing only the runtime classes, you need not provide any notice that
the program was compiled with AspectJ or includes binaries from the AspectJ project,
except as necessary to preserve the warranty disclaimers in our license.
Although the license does not require it, please email
if you are shipping applications built with AspectJ; knowing that is
critical for ongoing support from our sponsors.
What is the AspectJ Project?AspectJ is based on over ten years of research at
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
as funded by Xerox, a U.S. Government grant (NISTATP), and a
DARPA contract.
It has evolved through open-source releases to a strong
user community.
The AspectJ team works closely with the community
to ensure AspectJ continues to evolve as an effective
aspect-oriented programming language and tool set.
The latest release is 1.0.6
which can be downloaded from the AspectJ
download page.
Further development is focused on supporting applications,
improving performance of the 1.0 compiler,
enhancing integration with IDEs,
and building the next generations of the language.
Quick Start
What Java versions does AspectJ require and support?
The AspectJ compiler produces programs for any released version of the
Java platform (jdk1.1 and later). When running, your program classes must
be able to reach classes in the
small (< 100K) runtime library (aspectjrt.jar) from the distribution.
The tools themselves require Java 2 (jdk 1.2) or later to run,
but the compiler can be set up to target any 1.1-compliant
version of the Java platform.
How do I download and install AspectJ?Go to AspectJ's
download web
and choose which components you want download.
The jar files are installed by executing
java -jar jar file nameDo not try to extract the
jar file contents and then attempt to execute
java org.aspectj.Main. (A
NoClassDefFoundError exception will be
thrown.) The AspectJ distribution is not designed to be installed
this way. Use the java -jar form shown above.
The compressed tar files (suffix:
.tgz) are extracted by decompressing them with
tar or with WinZip.
To uninstall, remove the files the installer wrote in your
file system. In most cases, you can delete the top-level install
directory (and all contained files), after you remove any
new or updated files you want to keep. On Windows, no
registry settings were added or changed, so nothing needs to be
undone. You may install over prior versions, but if the files are
locked the installer will warn you but still complete; in this case,
remove the locked files and reinstall.
How should I start using AspectJ?Many users adopt AspectJ incrementally, first using it
to understand and validate their systems (relying on it only in
development) and then using it to implement crosscutting concerns
in production systems. AspectJ has been designed to make each
step discrete and beneficial.
In order of increasing reliance, you may use AspectJ:
In the development
Use AspectJ to trace or log
interesting information. You can do this by adding
simple AspectJ code that performs logging or tracing.
This kind of addition may be removed ("unplugged") for
the final build since it does not implement a design
requirement; the functionality of the system is unaffected by
the aspect.
As an ancillary part of your
Use AspectJ to more completely and
accurately test the system.
Add sophisticated code that can check contracts,
provide debugging support, or implement test strategies.
Like pure development aspects, this code may also be
unplugged from production builds. However, the same code
can often be helpful in diagnosing failures in deployed
production systems, so you may design the functionality
to be deployed but disabled, and enable it when debugging.
As an essential part of your
Use AspectJ to modularize
crosscutting concerns in your system by design.
This uses AspectJ to implement logic integral to a system
and is delivered in production builds.
This adoption sequence works well in practice and has been
followed by many projects.
How does AspectJ integrate with existing Java development
AspectJ products are designed to make it easy to integrate
AspectJ into an existing development process.
Each release includes
Ant taskdefs for building programs,
the AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE) for writing
aspects inside popular IDE's, and
command-line tools for compiling, documenting, and debugging.
AspectJ provides replacements for standard Java tools:
ajc, the AspectJ compiler,
runs on any Java 2 compatible platform, and produces classes
that run on any Java 1.1 (or later) compatible platform.
ajdoc works like
Sun's javadoc API documentation generator
to produce HTML describing the semantics of Java and
AspectJ source files, including entries and cross-references
for the crosscutting structure.
ajdb is an aspect-aware debugger
akin to Java's jdb.
The AspectJ Development Environment (AJDE)
enables programmers to view and navigate the crosscutting structures
in their programs, integrated with existing support in
popular Java IDE's for viewing and navigating object-oriented
structures. For many programmers this provides a deeper understanding
of how aspects work to modularize their concerns and permits them
to incrementally extend their development practices without
having to abandon their existing tools.
AJDE integrates with the following tools:
Borland's JBuilder (versions 4 and 5)Sun Microsystems' Forte for Java (versions 2 and 3),
and Netbeans 3.2
Eclipse (version 2.0)GNU Emacs (version 20.3) and XEmacs (version 21.1 on Unix
and 21.4 on Windows)
The common functionality of AJDE is also available in
the stand-alone source code browser ajbrowser,
included in the tools distribution.
AspectJ also supports building with Ant by providing
taskdef interfaces to the ajc and ajdoc tools.
Typical AspectJ programsAre aspects always optional or non-functional parts of
a program?
No. Although AspectJ can be used in a way that allows AspectJ
code to be removed for the final build, aspect-oriented code is not
always optional or non-functional. Consider
what AOP really does: it makes the modules in a program correspond
to modules in the design. In any given design, some modules are
optional, and some are not.
The examples directory included in the AspectJ distribution
contains some examples of the use aspects that are not optional.
Without aspects,
beanPoint objects would not be JavaBeans.introductionPoint objects would not be cloneable, comparable or
spacewarNothing would be displayed.telecomNo calls would be billed.
What is the difference between development and production aspects?
Production aspects are delivered with the finished product,
while development aspects are used during the development process.
Often production aspects are also used during development.
What are some common development aspects?
Aspects for logging, tracing, debugging, profiling
or performance monitoring, or testing.
What are some common production aspects?
Aspects for performance monitoring and diagnostic systems,
display updating or notifications generally, security,
context passing, and error handling.
Basic AOP and AspectJ ConceptsWhat are scattering, tangling, and crosscutting?
"Scattering" is when similar code is distributed throughout many
program modules. This differs from a component being used by
many other components since
it involves the risk of misuse at each point and of inconsistencies
across all points. Changes to the implementation may require
finding and editing all affected code.
"Tangling" is when two or more concerns are implemented in
the same body of code or component, making it more difficult to understand.
Changes to one implementation may cause unintended changes
to other tangled concerns.
"Crosscutting" is how to characterize a concern than spans
multiple units of OO modularity - classes and objects. Crosscutting
concerns resist modularization using normal OO constructs, but
aspect-oriented programs can modularize crosscutting concerns.
What are join points?Join points are well-defined points in the execution of a
program. Not every execution point is a join point: only those
points that can be used in a disciplined and principled manner are.
So, in AspectJ, the execution of a method call is a join point, but
"the execution of the expression at line 37 in file" is
The rationale for restricting join points is similar to the
rationale for restricting access to memory (pointers) or
restricting control flow expressions (goto) in
Java: programs are easier to understand, maintain and extend
without the full power of the feature.
AspectJ join points include reading or writing a field; calling
or executing an exception handler, method or constructor.
What is a pointcut?
A pointcut picks out
join points
. These join points are described by the pointcut
declaration. Pointcuts can be defined in classes or in aspects,
and can be named or be anonymous.
What is advice?Advice is code that executes at each
join point picked out by a
pointcut. There are three
kinds of advice: before advice, around advice and after advice. As
their names suggest, before advice runs before the join point
executes; around advice executes before and after the join point;
and after advice executes after the join point. The power of
advice comes from the advice being able to access values in the
execution context of a pointcut.
What are inter-type declarations?AspectJ enables you to declare members and supertypes of another class
in an aspect, subject to Java's type-safety and access rules. These are
visible to other classes only if you declare them as accessible.
You can also declare compile-time errors and warnings based on pointcuts.
What is an aspect?Aspects are a new class-like language element that has been
added to Java by AspectJ. Aspects are how developers encapsulate
concerns that cut across classes, the natural unit of modularity in
Aspects are similar to classes because...
aspects have type
aspects can extend classes and other aspects
aspects can be abstract or concrete
non-abstract aspects can be instantiated
aspects can have static and non-static state and
aspects can have fields, methods, and types
as members
the members of non-privileged aspects follow the
same accessibility rules as those of classes
Aspects are different than classes because...
aspects can additionally include as members pointcuts,
advice, and inter-type declarations;
aspects can be qualified by specifying the
context in which the non-static state is available
aspects can't be used interchangeably with
aspects don't have constructors or finalizers,
and they cannot be created with the new operator;
they are automatically available as needed.
privileged aspects can access private members of
other types
Why AOP?Are crosscutting concerns induced by flaws in parts of the
system design, programming language, operating system, etc. Or is
there something more fundamental going on?
AOP's fundamental assumption is that in any sufficiently
complex system, there will inherently be some crosscutting
So, while there are some cases where you could re-factor a
system to make a concern no longer be crosscutting, the AOP idea
is that there are many cases where that is not possible, or where
doing so would damage the code in other ways.
Does it really make sense to define aspects in terms of
Yes.The short summary is that it is right to define AOP in terms of
crosscutting, because well-written AOP programs have clear
crosscutting structure. It would be a mistake to define AOP in
terms of "cleaning up tangling and scattering", because that isn't
particular to AOP, and past programming language innovations also
do that, as will future developments.
Slides for a long talk on this topic are at
Is AOP restricted to domain-specific
No. Some implementations of AOP are domain-specific, but
AspectJ was specifically designed to be general-purpose.
Why do I need AOP if I can use interceptors
(or JVMPI or ref
There are many mechanisms people use now to implement
some crosscutting concerns. But they don't have a way to express
the actual structure of the program so you (and your tools)
can reason about it. Using a language enables you to express the
crosscutting in first-class constructs. You can not only avoid the
maintenance problems and structural requirements of some other
mechanisms, but also combine forms of crosscutting so that all
the mechanisms for a particular concern are one piece of code.
Related Technology
How does AspectJ compare to other new forms of programming?
There are many recent proposals for programming languages that
provide control over crosscutting concerns. Aspect-oriented
programming is an overall framework into which many of these
approaches fit. AspectJ is one particular instance of AOP,
distinguished by the fact that it was designed from the ground up
to be compatible with Java.
See the
page of the AspectJ web site for more
How do you compare the features of AspectJ with
reflective systems?
Reflective and aspect-oriented languages have an important
similarity: both provide programming support for dealing with
crosscutting concerns. In this sense reflective systems proved
that independent programming of crosscutting concerns is
But the control that reflection provides tends to be low-level
and extremely powerful. In contrast, AspectJ provides more
carefully controlled power, drawing on the rules learned from
object-oriented development to encourage a clean and understandable
program structure.
How do AspectJ features compare with those of mixin-based
Some features of AspectJ, such as introduction, are related to
mixin-based inheritance. But, in order to
support crosscutting, a core goal for AspectJ, AspectJ goes beyond
mixin-based inheritance.
Firstly, an aspect imposes behavior on a class, rather than a
class requesting behavior from an aspect. An aspect can modify a
class without needing to edit that class. This property is
sometimes called reverse inheritance.
Secondly, a single aspect can affect multiple classes in
different ways. A single paint aspect can add different paint
methods to all the classes that know how to paint, unlike mixin
So mixin-based inheritance doesn't have the reverse inheritance
property, and mixins affect every class that mixes them in the same.
If I want to do something like SubjectObserverProtocol, I need two
mixins, SubjectPartofSubjectObserverProtocol and ObserverPartof...
In AspectJ, both halves of the protocol can be captured in a single
What is the relationship between AOP and
XP (extreme programming AKA agile methods)?
From a question on the user list:
> Anyone know the connections between AOP and Extreme Programming?
> I am really confused. It seems AOP is a programming paradigm, which
> is the next level of abstraction of OOP. Extreme Programming, however,
> this is a lightweight software development process. One of the common
> motivations of AOP and XP is designed to adopt to the requirement
> changes, so that it can save the cost of software development.
This is Raymond Lee's answer:
You're not really that confused. AOP and XP are orthogonal concepts,
although AOP can be used to help accomplish XP goals.
One of the goals of XP is to respond to changing requirements.
Another is to reduce the overall cost of development. These are
not necessarily the same thing.
One of the principles of XP that contribute to meeting those goals
is to maintain clean, simple designs. One of the criteria for clean,
simple designs is to factor out duplication from the code. Benefits
of removing duplication include the code being easier to understand,
better modularity of the design, lower costs of code changes, less
chance of conflicting changes when practicing collective code
ownership, etc.
Different types of duplication lend themselves to being addressed by
different design paradigms and language features. Duplicate snippets
of code can be factored out into methods. Duplicate methods can be
factored out to common classes, or pushed up to base classes.
Duplicate patterns of methods and their use can be factored out to
mechanisms of classes and methods (i.e. instantiations of design
AOP addresses a type of duplication that is very difficult to handle
in the other common paradigms, namely cross-cutting concerns. By
factoring out duplicate cross-cutting code into aspects, the target
code becomes simpler and cleaner, and the cross-cutting code becomes
more centralized and modular.
So, AOP as a paradigm, and the associated tools, gives an XPer, or
anyone wanting to remove duplication from the code base, a powerful
way to remove a form of duplication not easily addressed until now.
Will you support C#?Not at this time. Although the resemblances between C# and Java
means it would probably be a fairly straightforward matter to take
the AspectJ language design and produce AspectC#, our current focus
is only on supporting effective uses of AspectJ.
Deciding to adopt AspectJ
Is it safe to use AspectJ in my product plans?
You may use AspectJ in your product or project with little
risk. Several factors play a role in reducing the risk of adopting
this new technology:
AspectJ is an addition to
Java, and can be incrementally introduced into a project
in a way that limits risk.
See for
some suggestions on how to do this.
The AspectJ compiler accepts standard Java as
input and produces standard Java bytecode as output. An
optional mode produces standard Java source code which may
then be compiled with any compliant Java compiler, e.g. Sun's
javac compiler
or IBM's jikes compiler.
AspectJ is available under the
Mozilla Public License,
a non-proprietary, open source license. This ensures that
AspectJ will continue to evolve and be available, regardless
of the fate of any particular organization involved with
Removing AspectJ from your program is not
difficult, although you will lose the flexibility and
economy that AspectJ provided.
What is the effect of using AspectJ on the source code
size of programs?
Using aspects reduces, as a side effect, the number of source
lines in a program. However, the major benefit of using aspects
comes from improving the modularity of a
program, not because the program is smaller. Aspects gather into a
module concerns that would otherwise be scattered across or
duplicated in multiple classes.
Does AspectJ add any performance overhead?
The issue of performance overhead is an important one. It is
also quite subtle, since knowing what to measure is at least as
important as knowing how to measure it, and neither is always
There is currently no benchmark suite for AOP languages in
general nor for AspectJ in particular. It is probably too early to
develop such a suite because AspectJ needs more maturation of the
language and the coding styles first. Coding styles really drive
the development of the benchmark suites since they suggest what is
important to measure.
In the absence of a benchmark suite, AspectJ probably has an
acceptable performance for everything except non-static advice.
Introductions and static advice should have extremely small
performance overheads compared to the same functionality
implemented by hand.
The ajc compiler will use static typing information
to only insert those checks that are absolutely necessary. Unless you use
'thisJoinPoint' or 'if', then the only dynamic checks that will be
inserted by ajc will be 'instanceof' checks which are generally quite fast.
These checks will only be inserted when they can not be inferred from
the static type information.
If you'd like to measure the performance be sure to write code
fragments in AspectJ and compare them to the performance of the
corresponding code written without AspectJ. For example, don't
compare a method with before/after advice that grabs a lock to just
the method. That would be comparing apples and oranges. Also be
sure to watch out for JIT effects that come from empty method
bodies and the like. Our experience is that they can be quite
misleading in understanding what you've measured.
I've heard that AspectJ leads to modularity violations. Does it?
Well I haven't yet seen a language in which you can't write bad code!
But seriously, most AspectJ users find that just like when they learned
OO, it takes a while to really get the hang of it. They tend to start
in the usual way, by copying canonical examples and experimenting with
variations on them.
But users also find that rather than being dangerous, AspectJ helps them
write code that is more clear and has better encapsulation -- once they
understand the kind of modularity AspectJ supports. There are several
good papers that talk about this (see below), but here's a basic point
to keep in mind: when properly used, AspectJ makes it possible program
in a modular way, something that would otherwise be spread throughout
the code. Consider the following code, adapted from the AspectJ tutorial:
aspect PublicErrorLogging {
Log log = new Log();
pointcut publicInterface(Object o):
call(public **.*(..)) && target(o);
after(Object o) throwing (Error e): publicInterface(o) {
log.write(o, e);
The effect of this code is to ensure that whenever any public method of
an interface or class in the package
throws an error, that error is logged before being thrown to its caller.
Of course in the alternative implementation a large number of methods
have a try/catch around their body.
The AspectJ implementation of this crosscutting concern is clearly
modular, whereas the other implementation is not. As a result, if you
want to change it, its easier in the AspectJ implementation. For
example, if you also want to pass the name of the method, or its
arguments to log.write, you only have to edit
one place in the AspectJ code.
This is just a short example, but I hope it shows how what happens
with AOP and AspectJ is that the usual benefits of modularity are
achieved for crosscutting concerns, and that leads to better code,
not more dangerous code.
One paper someone else just reminded me of that talks some more
about this is:
Why does AspectJ permit aspects to access and add members of another type?
Isn't that violating OO encapsulation?
In the spirit of Smalltalk, we have decided to give more power
to the language in order to let the user community experiment and
discover what is right. To date this has proven to be a successful
strategy because it has permitted the construction of many useful
aspects that crosscut the internal state of an object, and as such
need access the its private members. However, we are not
discounting that some sort of restrictions are useful, rather, we
are seeking input from the community in order to decide on what
these restrictions should be.
In that light, our position on encapsulation is :
we respect Java's visibility ruleswe also provide open-classes, a mature OO technologywe provide "privileged" access if you really need it.
Introducing parents or members to classes is a well-studied OO technique
known as open classes.
Open classes have been used in many languages prior to AspectJ,
including CLOS, Python, Smalltalk, Objective-C, and others.
Building from Java, introduction in AspectJ provides better
name hygiene and access control than prior languages.
Introduced code obeys all of Java's normal accessibility rules
for its lexical location in the aspect that it is introduced from.
Such code can not even see, much less access, private members of
the class it is introduced into. Further, introductions can be
declared private to the aspect, so they are not visible to
other clients of the class.
Privileged aspects do permit access to private members of another
class. They are a response to the very few cases where developers
genuinely need such access (typically for testing purposes where it
access is necessary), but it would be more risky to open access by
putting the aspect in the same package, adding test code, or changing
access in the target class. We recommend using privileged aspects
only as necessary, and believe that marking them "privileged" makes
any potential misuse apparent.
Can I use AspectJ with J2EE?
Consider the component types in J2EE:
Servlet: AspectJ works well within servlets
JSP: It is possible to use AspectJ to affect code in JSPs by precompiling
them into Java sources and compiling these with ajc. This can be used, e.g., to
customize displays by turning on and off custom JSP taglibs. The mapping from a
given jsp source to java package and class name is not standardized, which means
doing this imposes dependencies on specific container versions.
EJB: AspectJ supports a wide variety of aspects for EJBs. It can be used for
logging, tracing, debugging, error handling by layers, correlated method-level
interception (e.g., chargebacks), metering, fine-grained transactions, etc.
Indeed, it can be used to enforce adherence to coding restrictions within an
EJB (e.g., not using, creating a class loader, or listening on
sockets) using declare error.
The basic limitations are that there is no built-in support for writing J2EE
analogs for AspectJ extensions to Java, like distributed aspects, distributed
cflow, or managing state between invocations. These don't prevent one from using
AspectJ to do useful intra-container implementation, nor need they prevent one
from building distributed support, state management, and inter-component
implementations that leverage AspectJ. It just takes some work. In more detail:
All AspectJ implementations may define "code the implementation controls".
The AspectJ 1.0 implementation defines this as the files passed to the compiler
(AspectJ 1.1 will also support bytecode weaving).
Some advice on EJB operations will generate methods that confuse ejb compilers.
To avoid this problem, you can use the -XaddSafePrefix flag when compiling with ajc.
EJB components may be invoked remotely, and containers may passivate and
pool EJB's. Servlets have similar limitations, and in both cases the
lifespan of the defining class loader is implementation-dependent
(though it must span the operation of a particular request).
Being limited by lifecycle and namespace, the AspectJ 1.0 implementation
supports aspects that operate through non-remote invocations during the lifetime
of the namespace for a particular
deployment unit compiled in its entirety by the ajc compiler.
This means AspectJ supports common aspects only within a single local runtime
namespace (usually implemented as a class loader hierarchy).
Further, AspectJ recognizes language-level join points (object initialization,
method calls, etc.), not their EJB analogs (ejb find or create methods...).
These lead to the following consequences:
Issingleton aspects (the default) are limited to the lifetime of
the defining class loader, which in some implementations may not span
multiple invocations of the same application or EJB component.
EJB lifecycles are different from object lifecycles, so perthis
and pertarget aspects will make little sense. They do not work
in the current implementation, which uses synchronized methods
to ensure a correct association in threaded environments
(EJB's may not have synchronized methods).
Percflow or percflowbelow aspects are restricted to a chain of
non-remote invocations. While EJB 2.0 permits declaring an interface
local, this information is not available to the AspectJ compiler today.
For same reasons as stated above fore perthis, these will not work even
in the EJB container.
Evaluation of cflow or cflowbelow pointcuts will be valid only
with respect to a chain of non-remote invocations.
In addition, any AspectJ code should respect EJB operations:
The EJB container accesses EJB component fields directly, i.e.,
in code outside the control of the compiler. There is no join point for
these accesses, and hence no way to write a pointcut to advise that access.
The EJB container may pool EJB components, so any initialization
join points may run once per component constructed, not once per
component initialized for purposes of a client call.
The EJB container is permitted to change class loaders, even
between invocations of a particular EJB component (by passivating and
activating with a new class loader). In this case, instances of singleton
aspects will not operate over multiple invocations of the component, or that
static initialization join point recur for a given class as it is re-loaded.
This behavior depends on the container implementation.
Can I use AspectJ with Generic Java?At this time, unfortunately not. The two compilers are just not
at all compatible. In an ideal world, there would be a wonderful
Open Source extensible compiler framework for Java that both GJ and
AspectJ would be built on top of, and they would seamlessly
interoperate along with all other extensions to Java that you might
be interested in, but that's not the case (yet?).
However, on 09 October 2000, the Java Community Process
approved a proposal to add generic types to Java that is largely
based on GJ (JSR 14). A draft specification was submitted for
public review, which closed on 01 August 2001, and a
prototype implementation
has been released.
We are committed to moving very rapidly to add support for
generic types in AspectJ when generic types become part of the Java
language specification. Everyone on the AspectJ team is looking
forward to this, because we too would really like to be able to
write code that includes both aspects and generic types.
Are you working to put AOP into Java?
It seems that every AOP toolset currently uses proprietary mechanisms
to describe point-cuts, etc.
We are working on standardization, but it's
a question of timing/ripeness (imagine going from thousands of users
to millions). (See .) We believe
AspectJ addresses this question in the best way possible now:
It's open-source. Rather than being proprietary or controlled by a
vendor, it's available for anybody to use and build upon, forever.
AspectJ is not a set of mechanisms, it's a language. It is currently
implemented using certain techniques, but there's nothing that prevents
it from being implemented with other techniques. That means users can
adopt the language with confidence that implementations will get better.
There is no engineering need to change Java. The AspectJ language uses
the join point model already in Java, so there is no need to extend the
programming model. Our implementation produces valid Java bytecode, which
runs in any compliant J2SE VM and supports standard debuggers for those VM's
that support JSR-45 (debugging support for multi-language/multi-file sources).
This is a huge benefit to Sun since Sun must be extremely cautious
about extensions to the language or VM; before adopting AOP, Sun should
demand the kind of actual-proof that AspectJ implementations offer.
On the issue of "proprietary mechanisms to describe pointcuts, etc.": Any AOP
has to have some language to describe pointcuts and the like ("pointcuts"
of course being the AspectJ term). Users would like to have one language
(to avoid having to learn or transform between many languages) and the
choice of multiple implementations (tailored for a configuration, subject
to competitive pressure, etc.). That's what AspectJ offers.
That said, we believe the AspectJ extensions to Java could form the basis
for bringing AOP to Java; when that happens, there will be engineering
opportunities to make the implementation and tool support better.
What kind of support is available?
The AspectJ users mailing list provides an
informal network of AspectJ experts. To subscribe,
visit the Mailing Lists
page of the AspectJ web site.
If you have a problem that is not a bug, you may email
the AspectJ team at
You may view and submit bug reports and feature requests at
Members of the AspectJ team are available to work with users in
more depth on both program design and implementation issues.
The team also presents educational courses and speakers for
interested groups and offers commercial support
and consulting for businesses.
Please contact the
AspectJ team.
with your request.
Using the AspectJ compiler
What files do I need to include when compiling AspectJ programs?
You need to specify to the compiler the source files that
contain your aspects and the source files that contain the
types affected by your aspects.
See .
The AspectJ compiler will not search the source path for types
that may be affected (unlike Javac and Jikes), and it only uses
aspects in source form.
In some cases you should compile your entire system all at once.
If this is too slow, then you can try to make reasonable divisions
between sets of source files whose aspects do not interact to
achieve a shorter compile cycle (particularly for development
aspects). However, if you get any problems
or if you wish to run tests or do a release, you should recompile
the entire system.
I have to list many files in the command line to
compile with ajc. Is there any other way to
provide the file names to ajc?
Yes, use the argfile option to ajc. List source
files in a line-delimited text file and direct ajc to that
file using -argfile or @:
ajc @sources.lst
ajc -argfile sources.lst
For more information, see the ajc tool
section of the
Development Environment Guide
What Java virtual machine (JVM) do I use to run the
AspectJ compiler?
Use the latest, greatest, fastest JVM you can get your hands on
for your platform. The compiler's performance is dependent on the
performance of the JVM it is running on, so the faster a JVM you
can find to run it on, the shorter your compile times will be. At a
minimum you need to use a Java 2 or later JVM to run the compiler.
We realize that this constraint can be a problem for users who
don't currently have a Java 2 JVM available. We're sorry for the
inconvenience, but we had to make the hard decision that the
advantages of being able to rely on Java 2 were worth the cost of
losing a number of developers who are working on platforms without
Java 2 support. Here is a list of starting places where you might
find support for your system.
Java 2
Platform, Standard Edition
developerWorks : J
ava technology : Tools and products - Developer kits
developerWorks : Open Source - Jikes Project
Platform Ports
The requirement of Java 2 support is only for
running the AspectJ compiler. The AspectJ
compiler can be used to build programs that will run on Java 1.1
(or probably even on Java 1.0) systems. This means that it can
build programs that will run on Macintosh, FreeBSD, and applets
that will run in Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator that are
still not yet Java 2 compliant.
How can I use ajc to compile
programs for a JVM that is different from the one used to run it?
ajc can be used to develop programs that are
targeted at the Java 1.1 platform, even though the
ajc compiler won't run on that platform. Here's
an example of using ajc in this sort of
cross-compilation mode (assuming a Windows platform with all the
default installation directories):
ajc -target 1.1 -bootclasspath c:\jdk1.1.7\lib\ \
-classpath c:\aspectj1.0\lib\aspectjrt.jar -extdirs "" \
-argfile jdk11system.lst
This same technique can be used if you want to run
ajc on a JDK 1.3 JVM (highly recommended) but
need to generate code for JDK 1.2. That would look something
ajc -bootclasspath c:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar \
-classpath c:\aspectj1.0\lib\aspectjrt.jar \
-extdirs c:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\ext
-argfile jdk12system.lst
Does the ajc compiler support
the assert keyword in Java 1.4?
Yes. As with Javac,
use the -source 1.4 option as described
in the ajc tool section
of the
Development Environment Guide
Are there any issues using AspectJ with the Microsoft
Since AspectJ requires Java 2 or later, it will not run on the
Microsoft JVM, which does not support Java 2.
Does ajc rely
on javac for generating Java bytecode
(.class) files?
No. Some previous versions of AspectJ had this requirement,
and javac can still be used as
ajc back end by using the
-usejavac flag. You can also run ajc
in preprocessor mode to generate Java source
(.java) files to be compiled using
javac or another java compiler.
I noticed the AspectJ compiler doesn't use a parser generator. Why is that?
The PARSER for ajc is written by hand. This choice was made with full
awareness of the generator tools out there. (Jim had for example used
the excellent javacc tool for building the parser for JPython (now Jython)).
One of the reasons that AspectJ uses a hand-written parser is that using
javacc taught Jim about the LL-k design for parsers (pioneered by antlr).
As opposed to the state-machine parsers produced by yacc, these parsers are
very readable and writable by humans.
Antlr and javacc did not really suit the project:
Antlr's support for unicode in the lexer is still immature and this makes
using it with Java challenging. This was an even bigger issue 3 years ago
when we started on the Java implementation of ajc.
While javacc is freely available, it is not Open Source. Depending on a
closed-source tool to build an Open Source compiler would reduce some
of the transparency and control of open-source.
There were also several things that were easier to implement with
a hand-written parser than with any of the exiting tools.
Semi-keywords -- it's important to us that
"every legal Java program is also a legal AspectJ program."
This wouldn't be true if we made 'before' and 'call' full keywords in
AspectJ. It is easier to support these sorts of semi-keywords with a
hand-written parser. (Note: ajc-1.0.x handles 'aspect' and 'pointcut'
slightly specially which can break a few unusual pure Java programs.
This is a compiler limitation that will be fixed in a future release.)
Deprecated syntax warnings -- the syntax of AspectJ
changed many times from version 0.2 to the 1.0 release. It was easier
to provide helpful warning messages for these changes with our
hand-written parser.
Grammar modularity -- We like being able to have
AspectJParser extend JavaParser.
Part of the grammar for AspectJ is extremely hard for existing tools to
capture. This is the type pattern syntax, i.e. "*.*(..)".
The sort of case that gives standard parser generators fits is something
like "*1.f(..)" which no one would ever write, but which must be
supported for a consistent language.
Integrating AspectJ into your development environmentHow do I know which aspects affect a class when looking
at that class's source code?
When you are working with the IDE support, you can get an
understanding of which aspects affect any class.
This enables AspectJ programmers to get the benefits of
modularizing crosscutting concerns while still having immediate
access to what aspects affect a class.
For example, the
Development Environment Guide
on ajbrowser shows that you can list or navigate
between method and advice affecting that method and between a type
and declarations in an aspect on that type. (The IDE support may
have more features than ajbrowser, depending
on the IDE.)
When you are looking at documentation,
ajdoc will provide links from aspects and
advice to the affected code, but it provides less information
than the IDE support because it only parses declarations.
When you are running your program,
you can trace advice as it executes. This
enables you to identify advice on join points picked out
dynamically, which cannot be reflected precisely by IDE support.
See for more
information on which Java development environments are
What kind of IDE support is available for developing
AspectJ programs?
See I want the aspects for development builds but
remove them for production builds. How can I set up the build
system so they are unpluggable? And so I use javac
in my production build?
If you are using development-time-only aspects - aspects that only
exist when you are developing the code, not when you ship it -
you can use implement a hybrid build process by listing
the production source files into a javac-compliant argfile,
and the development source files in another ajc argfiles:
-- file "production.lst":
-- file "tracing.lst":
-- file "development.lst":
Then your development build can use ajc:
ajc @development.lst
And your development build can use
ajc or javac
or jikes:
jikes @production.lst
What plans are there to support my IDE?
The AspectJ team directly provides components for JBuilder, Forte,
and Emacs. We also support the open-source AspectJ plugin project
which uses the AJDE API support for IDE's. We
are interested in supporting other developers as they use AJDE
to provide components for the following IDE's (roughly in
order of interest and viability).
IDEA/IntelliJ has an enthusiastic community and
the developers are working on an extensibility API
- http://intellij.comjEdit comes from a very active open-source community.
Oracle JDeveloper has an Extension SDK unfamiliar to us.
Together extensibility API is too limited
VisualCafe may have a difficult extensibility API
IBM's VisualAge for Java is to be replaced with Eclipse
Some have suggested Codeguide from Omnicore SlickEdit ??Kawa has been discontinuedVIM has been suggested.
If you would like to build support for an IDE, contact us so we can help.
To contribute or propose new IDE's, please
mail us.
Can I port AJDE support to my development environment?Yes. The core AJDE API is extensible and the source code is
available for download. Start by studying the sources
for the existing IDE support.
Programming notes and tipsIs it possible to change methods by introducing keywords (like
synchronized), adding parameters,
or changing the "throws" clause?
AspectJ does not enable you to change the signature of a method,
but you can (by express declaration) work around some
limits imposed by the signature. You can convert a checked exception to
unchecked using declare soft, privileged aspects
have access to private methods, and you can use a percflow aspect to
ferry additional state to a callee without changing intervening
signatures. For more details, see
The AspectJ Programming Guide.
In the case of synchronized,
we have what we consider a better solution that uses
around advice instead of introduction. This solution is described
this thread
on the AspectJ users list, with some
additional comments
I don't understand what join points exist. How can I see them?
Try using an aspect posted to the user's list called
For example, you can start logging at a particular method call and
see what join points occur after the call and before it returns.
What is the difference between call and execution join points?
Consider method execution in Java as (1) the initial call from
this object to some method on the target object with a
particular signature; and (2) the execution of the actual code
in the particular method dispatched in the target object.
The call join point starts with the initial call and ends
when control returns to the call (by return or perhaps
thrown exception). The execution join point starts with
the method body and ends when the body completes (again
by return or throwing an exception), so the execution join
point always happens within the bounds of the corresponding
call join point. You can see this if you use the
join-point tracing aspect in
as described above.
As you would expect, the context differs
in advice on pointcuts picking out execution and call join
points; for call, this refers to the caller, whereas
for execution this refers to the called
(executing) object.
There are some subtle interactions with other AspectJ semantics.
First, the meaning of the signature in the
execution() and call()
pointcut designators (PCD's) differ: the call type depends upon
the type of the reference making the call, while the execution
type depends on the enclosing class.
Second, you may choose one over another if you cannot bring all
your sources within the code the compiler controls
(described in the appendix
to the Programming Guide).
For example, to trace calls into a
method from classes which are outside the code the compiler controls
at compile time, then using execution() will work
while using call()may not. Finally, since
super invocations are not considered method calls,
to trace would require using
In most cases you should use the call()
pointcut designator unless you have a good reason to use
What is the difference between cflow and cflowbelow?
Both pick out all the join points in the control flow of
the specified join points.
They differ only in that the cflowbelow()
pointcut designator does not pick out the join points
specified, while cflow() does.
What is the difference between call and execution?
There are two interesting times when a constructor or method is
run. Those times are when it is called, and when it actually
The main difference is that a call join point happens outside of
the object (for non-static methods) or class (for static methods
and constructors), and that an execution join point happens inside
the object or class. This means that the within
and withincode pointcuts pick them out
differently: A call join point is picked out within the caller,
while an execution join point is picked
out where it is actually defined.
A call join point is the ``outermost'' join point for a particular
call. Once a call join point proceeds, then a number of different
things happen. For non-static methods, for example, method
dispatch happens, which will cause one method execution join point
-- perhaps more, if there are super calls. For constructors, the
super constructor is called, and fields are initialized, and then
various constructor execution join points will occur.
A call join point matches only the ``external'' calls of a method
or constructor, based on a signature, and it does not pick out
calls made with super, or
this constructor calls.
How do I say that I want the topmost entrypoint in a
recursive call? How about the most-recent prior entrypoint?
This is best seen by way of example.
Given a recursive call to int factorial(int)
you can print the arguments for
(a) the current and most-recent recursive call
or (b) the current and original recursive call:
aspect LogFactorial {
pointcut f(int i) : call(int factorial(int)) && args(i);
// most-recent
before(int i, final int j) : f(i) && cflowbelow(f(j)) {
System.err.println(i + "-" + j);
// original
before(int i, final int j) : f(i)
&& cflowbelow(cflow(f(j)) && !cflowbelow(f(int))) {
System.err.println(i + "@" + j);
What is the difference between constructor call,
constructor execution, initialization, and static
initialization join points?
Static initialization pertains to initialization of
a class or interface type. Constructor call and execution
are akin to method call, and initialization generalizes this and
picks out the first constructor called.
Their relations are best
demonstrated by tracing the join points. Below is the class
Test which implements an interface and extends a class
along with a trace of the join points below and including
the constructor call obtained using (linked above).
Ordinarily, using a call pointcut designator
is best because the call join point surrounds the others, but in
the case of constructors there is no target object for
the call (because it has not been constructed yet), so you
might prefer to use the initialization
pointcut designator.
I want advice to run at two pointcuts, but it doesn't run at all. What gives?
This reflects both a conceptual error and a programming mistake.
Most likely you want to do something like "run the advice for all
public and private calls," and the code looks something like this:
within(*) && call(public * *(..)) && call(private * *(..))
A pointcut picks out join points; it is evaluated at each join point.
The expression above would never pick out any call join point,
because no method signature has both public and private access.
In a pointcut, pc1() && pc2() means both
must be true at a given join point for advice to run at that join point.
The correct pointcut would use || as follows:
within(*) && (call(public * *(..)) || call(private * *(..)))
Then the advice will run at the join point.
How do I refer to a static field when my advice crosscuts multiple classes?
There is no way in advice to refer to the type of the
code executing in a static context except by specification.
This makes it impossible to refer to static members using
runtime information.
I would like to reuse a type pattern, e.g., to
write advice that is limited to a certain set of classes.
Do I have to retype it each time?
No. You can declare that all the types implement
an interface you define, and then use the interface type in
your program. For example:
* Example of using an interface to represent a type pattern.
* sub-aspects use declare parents to add to traced types, e.g.,
* declare parents: com.mycompany.whatever..* implements Marked;
abstract aspect MarkerExample {
/** marker interface for types that we want to trace */
interface Marked {}
/** calls to an instance of Marked not from an instance of Marked */
pointcut dynamicCallsIn(): call(* *(..)) && target(Marked) && !this(Marked);
/** calls to methods defined by a subtype of Marked
* that don't come from the body of a subtype of Marked
pointcut staticCallsIn(): call(* Marked+.*(..)) && !within(Marked+);
/** print dynamic calls */
before(): dynamicCallsIn() { System.out.println("before " + thisJoinPoint); }
aspect MyMarker extends MarkerExample {
declare parents: com.mycompany.whatever..* implements Marked;
Where do I find example programs?Some examples are distributed in the documentation release,
and you can find other code in the discussions on the users list.
Are aspect libraries available?Some libraries are distributed in the release under the
examples folder in the distribution. If you develop a library and
want to make it available to other users, make sure to
contact us
How does ajc interact with the
The current version of ajc can change the
serialVersionUID of generated
.class files as a result of weaving in advice.
This is an important fact that developers using both aspects and
serialization should be aware of. It is likely that a future
version of the compiler will be better behaved regarding the
However, changes to the serialVersionUID
attribute are typically only important when using serialization for
the long-term persistence of objects. Using standard Java
serialization for long-term persistence has a number of drawbacks
and many developers already use alternative solutions. For one
possibly standard solution, see
g-Term Persistence for JavaBeans Specification
How can I use AspectJ with applets?
Just include the aspectjrt.jar as a required archive.
For example, here is the HTML code for an HTML editor
applet that contains some debugging aspects:
The above markup has worked reliably with the Java Plugin
(included in the JRE 1.4.x) in IE 6, Mozilla 1.1 (Win32),
and Mozilla 1.0.1 (Red Hat Linux 8.0).
The following link describes how to configure Mozilla/Netscape
6.x/7.x to use the Java Plugin from a JRE/SDK installation:
(Thanks to Chris Bartling for this answer.)
How can I specify types for advice that captures primitives, void, etc.?
In some cases, AspectJ allows conversion from values of primitive types to Object,
so that highly polymorphic advice may be written. This works if an advice parameter
or the return type for around is typed to Object. So:
class Test {
static int i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
i = 37;
aspect TraceSet {
before(Object val): set(* Test.*) && args(val) {
will print out
For more information, see the Programming Guide
semantics section "Context Exposure"
Common ProblemsWhen I run, I get a StackOverflowError
(or a long stack trace or no output whatsoever)
Most likely this is a case of infinite recursion,
where advice is advising itself. It presents as a
or silence as the VM exhausts itself in the recursion.
Of course, infinite recursion is possible in Java:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
} finally {
If you compile and run this program, and it will fail silently, trying
to process the finally clause even after throwing the StackOverflowError.
Here's a similar AspectJ program where the recursion is
not so obvious:
aspect A {
after(): call(* *(..)) { System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint); }
This re-invokes itself because it advises any call.
It invokes itself even after an exception is thrown, since
after advice, like a finally clause, runs even
after exceptions are thrown. You can fix this by following two practices:
(1) Use after returning to advise normal completions
or after throwing to advise abrupt completions.
If you use after or after throwing,
write the advice with the same care you would a finally clause,
understanding that it may run after some failure.
(2) Avoid writing advice that advises itself. One simple way to
do so is to exclude the code within the current aspect:
aspect A {
after() returning: !within(A) && call(* *(..)) {
System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint);
A better way is often to re-write the pointcut.
If the advice is advising itself accidentally, that's a sign that
the pointcut is not saying what you mean.
aspect A {
pointcut withinTargetClasses() : within(A+) || within(B+);
after() returning: withinTargetClasses() && call(* *(..)) {
System.out.println("after " + thisJoinPoint);
I've declared a field on every class in
my package; how do I use it in advice?
aspect A {
after (Object target) returning
: target(target) && call(**.set*(..)) {
target.dirtyFlag = true; // compile fails here
You need a type to refer to any member, field or method.
It's generally better to introduce onto an interface and
declare classes to implement the interface, which permits you
to use the interface type in advice formals.
aspect A {
interface TrackingSets {}
boolean TrackingSets.dirtyFlag;
declare parents :* implements TrackingSets;
after (TrackingSets target) returning
: target(target) && call(**.set*(..)) {
target.dirtyFlag = true;
The AspectJ compiler aborts with an OutOfMemoryError when
compiling many classes. How can I fix this?
The command ajc is actually a script that
launches a Java virtual machine with the correct classpath. You
should make a copy of this script, rename it, and then edit it.
Change the -Xmx option, size of memory allocation pool (heap). You
might try -Xmx128M or even
ajc recompiles all files every time.
How can I make it recompile only the files that have changed?
ajc 1.0 does not currently support incremental
compilation, but we are working on this for the 1.1 release.
As a limited workaround, many build systems enable you to avoid
doing a compile if no sources have changed. (See, e.g., Ant's
"uptodate" task.)
ajc is using the wrong JVM. How do I
fix it?
The easiest way to fix this is to re-install
ajc (using the same .class or
.exe file that you originally downloaded) and
this time make sure to tell it to use the desired JDK (typically
the JDK versions 1.2 or 1.3 from Sun).
If you are familiar with DOS batch files or shell programming,
you could also fix this by simply editing the
bin\ajc.bat or bin/ajc
My IDE is trying to parse AspectJ files which makes my project unusable.
What can I do?
When working with an unsupported IDE that objects to the syntax of
AspectJ source files (and, e.g., automatically gathers them
in a source tree as Java files based on the .java extension),
you can use the .aj extension for your AspectJ files.
The ajc compiler accepts both .java and .aj files, and you can
set up your build scripts to include the correct list of
source files. (You will have to find another editor for
editing AspectJ files; you can use the ajbrowser to view
edit your AspectJ files and navigate the crosscutting structure.)
I used to be able to compile my program in my IDE, but when I
use AJDE, I run out of memory (or it goes really slow).
The ajc compiler does more analysis than (e.g.,) javac,
and AJDE may in some IDE's hold a copy of the structure tree until the
next tree is available from the compile process. Both mean that you may
need extra memory to compile the same program. However, increasing
available memory to the point that you are swapping to disk can
slow the process considerably.
If you are having problems and would like to find the optimal memory
allocation, iteratively decrease the amount of memory available until
AJDE or ajc signals out-of-memory errors, and then increase that
amount by 5-10%.
To increase memory for the ajc compiler, see .
For your IDE, do something similar or follow the provider's instructions.
For example, to increase memory in JBuilder, edit the
file to have an entry like:
vmparam -Xmx384m
If it turns out that your project is too big to use with AJDE, your IDE
may nonetheless support external commands or Ant build processes, which
run outside the IDE memory space. For an Ant taskdef, see
. For a JBuilder Ant plugin, some
people have directed us to .
My stack traces don't make sense. What gives?
Unless you are using the ajdb debugger,
stack traces may
have synthetic methods in the stack, and the line numbers may
not track your source code. The
Development Environment Guide.
discusses how to interpret stack at the end of the section
on the ajc compiler.
My advice is not running (or running twice), and I don't know why.
When advice is not running, it is probably a problem in the
pointcut. Sometimes users specify pointcuts that do not mean what they intend -
most often when they misspell a type name. Run the compiler in
-Xlint mode, which will flag some likely mistakes,
like the type name. If that does not work, use
to see if your join points are executing at all.
When advice is running more than it should, it may be that your
pointcut picks out more join points than you intend.
If you are using IDE support, you should be able to trace back from
the pointcut or advice to the join points which can be statically
determined to be affected. To identify advised dynamic join points,
you can try using
, but often it is easier to update the advice to
print the source location of the join point.
This will show if the advice applies to code that you did
not consider.
If you've done this and convinced yourself it's not working,
it may be a bug. See .
I declared a member on a class with package access, but other classes in the package cannot see it.
When declaring parents on other types from an aspect, package access only
applies to code the implementation controls. For AspectJ 1.0, that is the set of files
passed to the compiler. That means other classes not compiled with the aspect will not
be able to access the aspect-declared members even if they are in the same package.
The only way for classes outside the control of the implementation to access aspect-declared
members is to declare them public.
ajc complains that it can't find
javac. What's wrong?
ajc does not try to locate
javac in your path: it uses the
javac classes directly. In JDK 1.2 and 1.3 these
classes are found in tools.jar (in the
lib directory of the JDK distribution), which
must be on your classpath to make
ajc work with javac.
Inspect the java command that launches ajc to make sure that
tools.jar is on the classpath for ajc;
the -classpath option only applies to the sources compiled.
I'm running under 1.4, but ajdoc asks for 1.3
(or throws IllegalAccessError for HtmlWriter.configuration)
The current implementation of ajdoc uses
specific javadoc classes in the J2SE 1.3 tools.jar.
We are working on addressing this limitation, but in the interim
it is best to run ajdoc under 1.3.
When running from the command-line scripts, edit the scripts directly
to put the 1.3 tools.jar first on the classpath. (The installer does
not know about this limitation of ajdoc.)
When running from Ant, users often have tools.jar in ${ant.classpath}
(to make javac, et al work). That makes it impossible to run the ajdoc
taskdef (which does not currently support forking), so you'll need to
run a separate ant process, either from the command-line or via Ant's
exec task (the Ant task will propagate the classpath).
If the wrong tools.jar is not on the ant classpath, then it should work
to put the 1.3 tools.jar in the taskdef classpath.
I set up different files to my compiles to change what
the aspects see, but now I don't
understand how the aspects are working.
It is a bad practice to use the compilation unit
to control crosscutting. Aspects and pointcuts especially
should be written to specify crosscutting precisely.
Aspects will behave the same when you add files if
you initially included all files affected by your aspects.
If you use the compilation unit, then your code will behave
differently in AspectJ implementations that do not limit
themselves to specified files.
I'm reading the code generated by ajc
in -preprocess mode, and it seems like it would not
work (or "like it works this way").
The generated code can be difficult for a human to read and
understand. The compiler uses implementation techniques which might
not be apparent. To determine if the code is behaving correctly, you
should write and run a program that attempts to provoke the error you
suspect. Similarly, you should not rely on invariants you infer from
the generated code (especially naming conventions for generated members).
Please rely only on the semantics stated in the appendix of the
AspectJ Programming Guide.
I've heard AspectJ can generate or inject code into my code.
Is this true?
This is a misconception spawned from the early implementation.
AspectJ does not "inject" or "generate" code. In AspectJ the
pointcut constructs allow the programmer to identify join points,
and the advice constructs define additional code to run at those
join points.
So the semantic model of advice is like the semantic model of a
method -- it says "when any of these things happen, do this".
People who worked with earlier versions of AspectJ, in which ajc
was very explicitly a pre-processor, sometimes thought of AspectJ
as injecting code. But that was an artifact of the implementation,
not the underlying language semantics.
This distinction is important for two reasons. One is that thinking
about it this way will make more sense at the implementation continues
to evolve towards load-time or runtime weaving. The other is that
it makes it much easier to understand the semantics of advice on
cflow pointcuts.
What are the bugs now most affecting users?813
- Ajdoc requires J2SE 1.3 tools.jar, not that of 1.2 or 1.4.
Getting Help
How do I find out more about AspectJ?
Visit the AspectJ project web site:
How do I submit a bug report?You can submit a bug using the web interface
(preferred), or you may send email to directly.
See also
If it seems to be a bug in the compiler,
please include in the body of the email source code to reproduce the problem.
How do I submit comments and feature requests?
You can email comments to all users at,
email the AspectJ team at
You can view and submit bug reports and feature requests at
If you think you might simply be making a mistake, you might
email some source code to
How do I communicate with other AspectJ users?
You can reach other AspectJ users by using the
aspectj-users mailing list. To subscribe to the list or view the
list archives go to the user community page:
How can I search the email archives or the web site?
There is a search entry box on the left navigation bar of the web site,
but it is generally more effective to do a google search of the form, pointcuts%22
How should I write email queries?
Here's the big picture of what I'm trying to do...
Here's what I think it takes, in AspectJ terms
(concepts, syntax, and semantics) from the
Programming Guide...
Here's the AspectJ code I'm using, the output it
produces when run, and what I expect...
The big picture helps others redirect you to other approaches.
Using AspectJ terms helps others correct mistakes in thinking
about the problem (the most common being to confuse join points
and pointcuts).
The code is key to clarifying your question and getting a good
response. On the mail list, someone can reply by fixing your
code. In bugs, the developers can reproduce the problem immediately
and start analyzing the fix.
For the mail lists, we try to follow the conventions for open-source
discussions that help avoid "the tragedy of the commons."
For example conventions, see
How do I write bugs for IDE support?
Bugs appearing in the IDE's may apply to the affected IDE
or to the compiler. Compiler stack traces in IDE message windows
are prefixed "Internal Compiler Error" and should be written up
as compiler bugs. If you are unsure, try redoing the compile
from the command line.
Bug reports for the Eclipse support go to the Eclipse
Bug reports on other IDE support should have version
information for both Java and the IDE, and
(most importantly) clear steps for reproducing the bug.
You may submit the bugs via the web form
or via email
One of the benefits of open-source is that you can
find and fix the bug for yourself; when you submit
the fix back to us, we can validate the fix for you
and incorporate it into the next release. Email
for instructions on submitting a patch.
How do I write bugs for the AspectJ compiler?
The best compiler bug report is a reproducible test case,
standalone code that demonstrates the problem.
Sometimes with aspects, a test case requires several
files, if not some way to capture the behavior.
Here's how we recommend submitting test cases:
Write the test case so that when the compiler bug
is fixed, the test completes normally without output
(e.g., expected compiler errors are issued,
or classes produced run correctly). This usually
means writing one or more source files.
In the bug report, briefly summarize the bug.
If it is not obvious, be sure to specify
the expected output/behavior (e.g., compiler error on line 32)
and, if the compile should complete, the main class to run.
At the end of the report, append each source file,
separated with a line and the file name.
(Include all sources, and do not send attachments.)
Submit the bugs via the web form
or via email
Can you recommend reading or teaching material for AspectJ?
The documentation available on this site is a primary source of
material on AspectJ:
Selected AspectJ Papers and Presentations
Papers presented at various conferences; tutorial
slide presentations.
Aspect-Oriented Programming
The seminal AOP/AspectJ paper
The AspectJ Programming Guide
A practical guide for programmers.
Includes a number of examples, some quite
The AspectJ TutorialSlides from a day-long tutorial presentation on
Where can our group get consulting and support?
Beyond what's available on the web site,
the AspectJ team does a limited amount of consulting
and support for qualified groups. For more information,
see .
What has changed since the last FAQ version?
Entries changed since the earlier September 13 version:
About the AspectJ ProjectWhat does the fact that AspectJ is an Open Source
Project mean to me?
Open source protects your interest in a correct, long-lived,
up-to-date, and widely-accepted implementation of AspectJ.
With the source code, you control your own destiny
in perpetuity. You can continue to use the implementation
and update it as necessary to fix bugs and add things you need.
Because the code is available to all, anyone can find
and fix bugs. There is no need to hope for it to be fixed
in the next product release. Those who encounter the bugs
are motivated to fix them, and there are more eyeballs on
the code than in closed-source, so the quality tends to be high.
This can be particularly true for the AspectJ community,
which tends to be highly skilled.
The same is true of new features or behavior, so the
implementation should be up-to-date. This is important as
the field of AOP develops, to capture the latest solutions.
For a programming language which forms the basis of
an entire solution stack, open source facilitates the kind
of adoption -- tool integrations and significant projects --
that develop and prove the technology for wider adoption. This
limits delays caused by waiting for the completion of standards
process or promulgation by industry leaders, and also provides
the proofs necessary for such adoption.
What are your plans to make AspectJ a general feature
of Java supported by Sun and the other key players in the Java
Although we are committed to making AspectJ available to a wide
range of users, it is too early to decide on a strategy. Some
options include continuing AspectJ as a stand-alone product,
integrating it into IDEs, or possibly incorporating it into
standard Java with Sun's blessing.
We currently focus on developing for the 1.1 implementation
which improves AspectJ in key areas: rapid
incremental compilation, bytecode weaving, and IDE integration.
Through all of this our goal is to make AspectJ integrate as
seamlessly as possible with the Java programming language. The
AspectJ language design is becoming more integrated, the compiler
is becoming faster and more integrated, the IDE extensions are
becoming more integrated. All of this is designed to help users
really use AspectJ and give us feedback on it.
As the system is improved and we work more closely
with users, we will be in good position to explore the best path
for AspectJ in the long term.
When will AspectJ work from class files?
When will it work at class-loading time?
Bytecode weaving is scheduled for AspectJ 1.1. We believe it
will work as described in an email to the users list by Jim Hugugin:
The AspectJ language was designed to support weaving at many different times:
compile, load, or even run-time in the JVM. Weaving into bytecodes at both
compile and load-time will definitely be provided in a future release. This
will allow weaving at compile-time into libraries for which source code is
not available. It will also support aspect-aware class loaders that can
perform weaving at load time on arbitrary classes. One advantage of a
language like AspectJ, rather than an explicit meta-tool like jiapi, is
that it separates the specification of a crosscutting concern from any
particular implementation strategy for weaving.
...AspectJ provides a language that can cleanly
capture crosscutting concerns while preserving the static type checking,
modularity, and composability of Java.
If you have an application for using aspects and bytecode,
please let the AspectJ team know of your requirements.
What are the differences between the current and
previously released versions of AspectJ?
The AspectJ team aims to keep the implementation up-to-date
and bug-free, but to limit language changes to those that
are carefully considered, compelling, and backwards-compatible,
and to deliver those language changes only in significant releases (1.0, 1.1).
VersionDescriptionAspectJ 1.0Many language changes, fixes, cleanup and
clarifications, some significant.
AspectJ 0.8More cleanup of the syntax and semantics.AspectJ 0.7Clean up of the semantics, 0.7 beta 4 is the first
open source release.
AspectJ 0.6Advice and crosscuts get explicit type signatures
which describe the values that are available to advice at a
AspectJ 0.5Improved tool support: better Emacs environment
support and ajdoc to parallel
javadoc. around advice is added, and the
aspect keyword is removed and replaced
by the Java keyword class.
AspectJ 0.4Clear separation of crosscuts and crosscut actions
makes it possible to define extensible library
AspectJ 0.3First all Java implementation, also includes many
small language improvements.
AspectJ 0.2General-purpose support for crosscutting. Users could
program any kind of aspects, not just coordination. This
release dropped COOL.
AspectJ 0.1A single domain-specific aspect language, called COOL,
for programming coordination in multi-threaded
More detailed comments are available in the
doc/changes.html file in the
What is the AspectJ development schedule?
The AspectJ Development ScheduleVersionDescription1.0Final syntax and semantic changes. Standalone structure
browser. Complete documentation.
1.1Faster incremental compilation, bytecode weaving,
and a small number of language changes.2.0New, dynamic crosscuts (bytecode-only)
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