AspectJ docs
This module contains the sources for the documentation
delivered with the AspectJ distribution and
for various internal, teaching, and online works:
- devGuideDB: DocBook sources
for the AspectJ Development Environment Guide
- progGuideDB: DocBook sources
for the AspectJ Programming Language Guide
- faq: DocBook sources
for the AspectJ Frequently Asked Questions
- sandbox: a collection of sample
AspectJ programs, tools built on the AspectJ API's,
script snippets, and instructional trails, all intended
to serve as sources for documentation.
- teaching: Teaching materials, esp.
for the AspectJ tutorials.
- quick.doc: The Microsoft Word
source file for the .pdf Quick Reference guides
dist/doc/quick.pdf and
- build.xml: Ant build script for
the doc distribution
- developer: Docs for AspectJ developers.
See the overview.html
Build: build.xml assembles a local
distribution which is gathered into the product distribution by
the master build script,
Dependencies outside this directory:
- .xml files refer to their docbook dtds using relative
path, for the moment ../../lib/docbook/...
- When building docbook, uses ../lib/saxon libraries.
- When building installer, using ../lib/build/build.jar
and the ../build/installer-resources.
- dist/doc/quick.pdf
is generated manually from quick.doc.