package declares; import*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; /** * @author Wes Isberg */ aspect A { // START-SAMPLE declares-threadFactoryRequired Error when not using Thread factory /** signal error if Thread constructor called outside our Thread factory */ declare error : call( && within(*) && !withincode(Thread : "constructing threads prohibited - use Factory.makeThread(..)"; // END-SAMPLE declares-threadFactoryRequired } // XXX platform invariants: J2ME, J2EE, AWT thread, ... /* @author Wes Isberg */ aspect TypeConstraints { // START-SAMPLE declares-typeConstraints Using declare to enforce type constraints protected interface SoughtException {} // XXX ajc broken here? /** * Require that any SoughtException implementation be * a subclass of Throwable. This picks out the mistake * of declaring SoughtException a parent of something * that is not an exception at all. */ declare error : staticinitialization(SoughtException+) && ! staticinitialization(SoughtException) && ! staticinitialization(Throwable+) : "all SoughtException must be subclasses of Throwable"; // END-SAMPLE declares-typeConstraints } // START-SAMPLE declares-exceptionSpelunking Using declare warning to find Exception-related code /** * List AppException catch blocks and callers as a way * of investigating a possibly-large code base. */ aspect SeekAppExceptions { pointcut withinScope() : within(*); /** * Find calls to stuff that throws AppException. */ declare warning : withinScope() && (call(* *(..) throws AppException+) || call(new(..) throws AppException+)) : "fyi, another call to something that can throw IOException"; /** * Find catch clauses handling AppException */ declare warning : withinScope() && handler(AppException+): "fyi, code that handles AppException"; } // END-SAMPLE declares-exceptionSpelunking /** @author Jim Hugunin, Wes Isberg */ class RuntimeRemoteException extends RuntimeException { RuntimeRemoteException(RemoteException e) {} } // XXX untested sample declares-softenRemoteException // START-SAMPLE declares-softenRemoteException /** * Convert RemoteExceptions to RuntimeRemoteException * and log them. Enable clients that don't handle * RemoteException. */ aspect HandleRemoteException { /** * Declare RemoteException soft to enable use by clients * that are not declared to handle RemoteException. */ declare soft: RemoteException: throwsRemoteException(); /** * Pick out join points to convert RemoteException to * RuntimeRemoteException. * This implementation picks out * execution of any method declared to throw RemoteException * in our library. */ pointcut throwsRemoteException(): within(*) && execution(* *(..) throws RemoteException+); /** * This around advice converts RemoteException to * RuntimeRemoteException at all join points picked out * by throwsRemoteException(). * That means *no* RemoteException will be thrown from * this join point, and thus that none will be converted * by the AspectJ runtime to SoftException. */ Object around(): throwsRemoteException() { try { return proceed(); } catch (RemoteException re) { re.printStackTrace(System.err); throw new RuntimeRemoteException(re); } } } //END-SAMPLE declares-softenRemoteException /* XXX another declare-soft example from Jim: aspect A { pointcut check(): within(*) && executions(* *(..)); declare soft: SQLException: check(); after () throwing (SQLException sqlex): check() { if (sql.getSQLCode().equals("SZ001")) { throw new AppRuntimeException("Non-fatal Database error occurred.", "cache refresh failure", sqlex); } else { throw new AppFatalRuntimeException( "Database error occurred - contact support", sqlex); } } } */