/* *******************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2003 Contributors.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at
 * https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.txt
 * Contributors:
 *     Wes Isberg     initial implementation
 * ******************************************************************/

// START-SAMPLE library-pointcutIdioms Standard pointcut idioms
package org.aspectj.langlib;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Library of pointcut idioms to use in combination with
 * other pointcuts.
 * @author Wes Isberg
public final class Pointcuts {

    // ------- not staticly-determinable
    public pointcut adviceCflow() : cflow(adviceexecution());

    public pointcut notInAdviceCflow() : !adviceCflow();

    public pointcut cflowMainExecution() :

    // ------- staticly-determinable

    public pointcut mainExecution() :
        execution(public static void main(String[]));

    /** staticly-determinable to never match any join point */
    public pointcut never();
       // if(false) && execution(ThreadDeath *(ThreadDeath, ThreadDeath));

    public pointcut afterAdviceSupported() : !handler(*);

    public pointcut aroundAdviceSupported() : !handler(*)
        && !initialization(new(..)) && !preinitialization(new(..));

    public pointcut anyMethodExecution() :
        execution(* *(..));

    public pointcut anyPublicMethodExecution() :
        execution(public * *(..));

    public pointcut anyNonPrivateMethodExecution() :
        execution(!private * *(..));

    public pointcut anyConstructorExecution() :

    public pointcut anyPublicConstructorExecution() :
        execution(public new(..));

    public pointcut anyNonPrivateConstructorExecution() :
        execution(!private new(..));

    public pointcut anyPublicFieldGet() :
        get(public * *);

    public pointcut anyNonPrivateFieldGet() :
        get(!private * *);

    public pointcut anyPublicFieldSet() :
        set(public * *);

    public pointcut anyNonPrivateFieldSet() :
        set(!private * *); // also !transient?

    public pointcut withinSetter() :  // require !static?
        withincode(void set*(*)); // use any return type? multiple parms?

    public pointcut withinGetter() :
        withincode(!void get*()); // permit parms? require !static?

    public pointcut anyNonPublicFieldSetOutsideConstructorOrSetter() :
        set(!public * *) && !withincode(new(..))
        && !withinSetter();

    public pointcut anyRunnableImplementation() :

    public pointcut anyGetSystemErrOut() :
        get(PrintStream System.err) || get(PrintStream System.out);

    public pointcut anySetSystemErrOut() :
        call(void System.setOut(..)) || call(void System.setErr(..));

    public pointcut withinAnyJavaCode() :
        within(java..*) || within(javax..*);

    public pointcut notWithinJavaCode() :

    public pointcut toStringExecution() :
        execution(String toString()) && !within(String);

    /** call or execution of any Thread constructor, including subclasses */
    public pointcut anyThreadConstruction() :
        call(Thread+.new(..)) || execution(Thread+.new(..));

     * Any calls to java.io classes
     * (but not methods declared only on their subclasses).
    public pointcut anyJavaIOCalls() :
        call(* java.io..*.*(..)) || call(java.io..*.new(..));

     * Any calls to java.awt or javax.swing methods or constructors
     * (but not methods declared only on their subclasses).
    public pointcut anyJavaAWTOrSwingCalls() :
        call(* java.awt..*.*(..)) || call(java.awt..*.new(..))
        || call(* javax.swing..*.*(..)) || call(javax.swing..*.new(..));

    public pointcut cloneImplementationsInNonCloneable() :
        execution(Object !Cloneable+.clone());

    public pointcut runImplementationsInNonRunnable() :
        execution(void !Runnable+.run());

    /** any calls to java.lang.reflect or Class.get* (except getName()) */
    public pointcut anySystemReflectiveCalls() :
        call(* java.lang.reflect..*.*(..))
        || (!call(* Class.getName())
            && call(* Class.get*(..)));

    /** standard class-loading calls by Class and ClassLoader
     * Note that `Foo.class` in bytecode is `Class.forName("Foo")`,
     * so 'Foo.class' will also be picked out by this pointcut.
    public pointcut anySystemClassLoadingCalls() :
        call(Class Class.forName(..))
        || call(Class ClassLoader.loadClass(..));

    public pointcut anySystemProcessSpawningCalls() :
        call(Process Runtime.exec(..))
        || call(Class ClassLoader.loadClass(..));

    /** Write methods on Collection
     * Warning: Does not pick out <code>iterator()</code>, even though
     * an Iterator can remove elements.
    public pointcut anyCollectionWriteCalls() :
        call(boolean Collection+.add(Object))
        || call(boolean Collection+.addAll(Collection))
        || call(void Collection+.clear())
        || call(boolean Collection+.remove(Object))
        || call(boolean Collection+.removeAll(Collection))
        || call(boolean Collection+.retainAll(Collection));

    public pointcut mostThrowableReadCalls() :
        call(* Throwable+.get*(..))
        || call(* Throwable+.print*(..))
        || call(String Throwable+.toString(..));

    public pointcut exceptionWrappingCalls() :
        (args(Throwable+,..) || args(.., Throwable+))
        && (set(Throwable+ Throwable+.*)
            || (call(* Throwable+.*(..))
                || call(Throwable+.new(..))));

    public pointcut anyCodeThrowingException() :
        execution(* *(..) throws Exception+)
            || execution(new(..) throws Exception+);

    private Pointcuts() {} // XXX avoid this? else pointcuts match it...
//END-SAMPLE library-pointcutIdioms

//aspect A {
//    private static aspect PointcutsOnly {
//    /** require this library to only contain pointcuts */
//    declare error : within(Pointcuts) &&
//        (Pointcuts.anyMethodExecution() || Pointcuts.anyConstructorExecution()
//            || set(* *)) : "only pointcuts permitted in Pointcuts";
//    }
//class PointcutQuestions {
//    public pointcut anyCodeThrowingException() : // XXX broken?
//        execution(* *(..) throws Exception+)
//        || execution(new(..) throws Exception+);