// START-SAMPLE tracing-traceJoinPoints Trace join points executed to log
/* TraceJoinPoints.java */
package tracing;
import org.aspectj.lang.*;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.*;
import java.io.*;
* Print join points being executed in context to a log.xml file.
* To use this, define the abstract pointcuts in a subaspect.
* @author Jim Hugunin, Wes Isberg
public abstract aspect TraceJoinPoints
extends TraceJoinPointsBase {
// abstract protected pointcut entry();
PrintStream out;
int logs = 0;
int depth = 0;
boolean terminal = false;
* Emit a message in the log, e.g.,
TraceJoinPoints tjp = TraceJoinPoints.aspectOf();
* if (null != tjp) tjp.message("Hello, World!");
public void message(String s) {
out.println("" + prepareMessage(s) + "");
protected void startLog() {
protected void completeLog() {
protected void logEnter(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) {
if (terminal) out.println(">");
out.print("<" + jp.getKind());
depth += 1;
terminal = true;
protected void logExit(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) {
depth -= 1;
if (terminal) {
} else {
getOut().println("" + jp.getKind() + ">");
terminal = false;
protected PrintStream getOut() {
if (null == out) {
String m = "not in the control flow of entry()";
throw new IllegalStateException(m);
return out;
protected void makeLogStream() {
try {
String name = "log" + logs++ + ".xml";
out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(name));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
out = System.err;
protected void closeLogStream() {
PrintStream out = this.out;
if (null != out) {
// this.out = null;
/** @return input String formatted for XML */
protected String prepareMessage(String s) { // XXX unimplemented
return s;
void message(String sink, String s) {
if (null == sink) {
} else {
getOut().println("" + prepareMessage(s) + "");
void writeSig(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) {
PrintStream out = getOut();
out.print(" sig=");
void writePos(JoinPoint.StaticPart jp) {
SourceLocation loc = jp.getSourceLocation();
if (loc == null) return;
PrintStream out = getOut();
out.print(" pos=");
out.print(quoteXml(loc.getFileName() +
":" + loc.getLine() +
":" + loc.getColumn()));
protected String quoteXml(String s) { // XXX weak
return "\"" + s.replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_') + "\"";
protected void indent(int i) {
PrintStream out = getOut();
while (i-- > 0) out.print(" ");
// END-SAMPLE tracing-traceJoinPoints