Support for JSR-45 varies. At the time of this writing, Sun's VM supports it, but not some others, which means that the Sun VM must be used as the runtime VM. Because the VM does all the work of associating the source line with the code being debugged, debuggers should be able to operate normally with AspectJ 1.0 source files even if they weren't written with that in mind, if they use the correct API's to the debugger. Unfortunately, some debuggers take shortcuts based on the default case of one file per class in order to avoid having the VM calculate the file suffix or package prefix. These debuggers do not support JSR-45 and thus AspectJ.
Because inlined advice can be more efficient, we plan to support JSR-45 as soon as feasible. This will require upgrading the BCEL library we use to pass around the correct source attributes.
Sometimes debuggers correctly get the source line information,
but fail when they attempt to parse AspectJ source files
expected to contain Java code. For these it might be possible
to step into AspectJ code, but not to set breakpoints, or to
work around the parse errors by using .aj
than .java
as a file extension.