= Where to find AspectJ sample code _Last updated: 2004-04-19 by wisberg_ This contains links to other instances of AspectJ sample code. It doesn't contain links to all articles that have AspectJ sample code, but arguably it should. For a list of publications about AspectJ that might contain sample code, see the publications link off the AspectJ web site at https://eclipse.org/aspectj *"AspectJ in Action"* by Ramnivas Laddad has sample code including four patterns: the worker object creation pattern, the exception introduction pattern, the participant pattern, and the wormhole pattern. Find the code at https://www.manning.com/laddad/. In the OOPSLA 2002 paper *"Design Pattern Implementation in Java and AspectJ"*, Jan Hannemann and Gregor Kiczales discuss the implementation in AspectJ of 23 of the traditional "gang of four" design patterns (from the book "Design Patterns: elements of reusable object-oriented software" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides). Their paper and the code for those patterns are available from https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~jan/AODPs/. The code is also available from the AspectJ web site as ubc-design-patterns.zip. The latest version is checked into the CVS repository along with other sample code at `org.aspectj/modules/docs/sandbox/ubc-design-patterns`. For instructions on downloading code from the CVS repository, see the FAQ entry xref:../../faq/faq.adoc#buildingsource[How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ?]. The https://atrack.dev.java.net/[*aTrack project*] aims to create an open source bug tracking application that demonstrates use of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with AspectJ. It uses AOP pragmatically to provide systematic support for technical, middleware, and business concerns. The https://sourceforge.net/projects/cricketcage/[*CricketCage project*] automatically creates JUnit TestCases for repeatable bugs and test scenarios. Include Cricket Cage's AspectJ code to install a code generator, then run the program to generate the TestCase.