= MyEclipseIde _Last updated: 2003-07-08 by wisberg_ MyEclipseIde (https://www.myeclipseide.com/[https://www.myeclipseide.com]) aims to make it easy to develop J2EE applications using Eclipse. AJDT (https://eclipse.org/ajdt) is an Eclipse plug-in that supports AspectJ. == Getting started * To install AJDT with MyEclipseIDE, direct the Eclipse update manager to https://download.eclipse.org/technology/ajdt/dev/update, install the plug-in, and follow any post-install instructions. * To enable a project to use aspects, first select `Convert to AspectJ project` from the project's context menu (select project, right click). (XXX Bug: AJDT reverts perspective to Java; go back to MyEclipseIDE) Note that you must convert each project; converting the master J2EE project will not affect the child components (XXX RFE: option to convert child if parent). * To build, select the menu item `Project > Rebuild Project`. AJDT creates `default.lst` which lists all source files and compiles them. You can also recompile by clicking the AJDT build button. (XXX Bug: only available in the Java perspective) * To deploy, first add `aspectjrt.jar` to the project's library directory. For servlets and JSP's, that is in `{Web Root}/WEB-INF/lib`. For EJB's, it's XXX todo. Then deploy as usual for your application server. * If you are using AspectJ in more than one project, you might instead deploy `aspectjrt.jar` whereever shared libraries belong for your server. == Bugs in MyEclipseIDE . After refactoring to rename a servlet, have to manually update web.xml . Silent failure when unable to delete a duplicate resource during deployment. . Annoyingly modal UI for deployment. Use a view. . Need validation on saving Web.xml. E.g., servlet mapping names validated with declared servlet names. . Deployment dirty flag not working; not updated after editing web.xml or rebuilding project. . Apparantly false JSP error? using Sun page and template page, got: "Fatal error - The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed." Error persisted even after replacing the entire contents of the file with the template which worked by default. . When using the exact template page, get no MyEclipseIDE error, but do get compile errors in Tomcat. Using Javac, get compile-failed stack trace with initial line number. Using ajc, just get stack trace. But precompiling using Ant seems to work. . Precompiling JSP's: * MyEclipseIDE has a command to compile all JSP's, but I don't see (where or how) the updated servlet mappings get into the deployed web.xml. It would be great to get this working with AJDT. * I adapted the Tomcat precompile script to use AspectJ's iajc. This works fine, but like all Jasper2 solutions required the generated servlet mappings be copied manually into the web.xml file. See xref:../scripts/precompile-jsp.build.xml[the Ant build script].