MyEclipseIde ( aims to make it easy to develop J2EE applications using Eclipse. AJDT ( is an Eclipse plug-in that supports AspectJ.

Bugs in MyEclipseIDE

  1. After refactoring to rename a servlet, have to manually update web.xml
  2. Silent failure when unable to delete a duplicate resource during deployment.
  3. Annoyingly modal UI for deployment. Use a view.
  4. Need validation on saving Web.xml. E.g., servlet mapping names validated with declared servlet names.
  5. Deployment dirty flag not working; not updated after editing web.xml or rebuilding project.
  6. Apparantly false JSP error? using Sun page and template page, got: "Fatal error - The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed." Error persisted even after replacing the entire contents of the file with the template which worked by default.
  7. When using the exact template page, get no MyEclipseIDE error, but do get compile errors in Tomcat. Using Javac, get compile-failed stack trace with initial line number. Using ajc, just get stack trace. But precompiling using Ant seems to work.
  8. Precompiling JSP's: