2001-08-09  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* component.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl: 
	Support colophon

	* graphics.xsl: Forgot curly braces in AVT for height/width

	* inline.xsl: Remark|comment must be formatted as a block in case it appears at the paragraph-level in a component

2001-08-05  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* callout.xsl, param.xsl: Removed the FormatDingbatCallout classes, they were the same as the FormatUnicodeCallout classes but with a font wrapper. Added a callout.unicode.font parameter to wrap Unicode callouts

2001-08-02  Robert Stayton <bobstayton@users.sourceforge.net>

	* xref.xsl: Changed <xref> with endterm to process the children nodes
	and not just the text by calling a new mode="endterm" template.
	Also changed <link> to process its endterm if the element content
	is empty.
	Also changed the first use of name() to local-name() to
	match the others in the file and in html/xref.xsl.

2001-08-01  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* graphics.xsl: Use mediaobject.filename to calculate graphic reference

	* inline.xsl: Changed vertical-align to baseline-shift; vertical-align is a shortcut

	* sections.xsl: Added templates to suppress titleabbrev

	* table.xsl: Support table widths

	* titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl: Present othercredit on titlepages

2001-07-31  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* fop.xsl, xep.xsl: Fixes for PDF bookmarks by Pavel Zampach

2001-07-21  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* block.xsl, param.xsl: Fix title-end punctuation problems on formalparas

2001-07-16  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* table.xsl: Process thead/tbody/tfoot in the right order (thead/tfoot/tbody)

	* table.xsl: Add template for tfoot

2001-07-15  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* graphics.xsl: Fixed graphic height/width calculations

	* table.xsl: Output column number when namest is used

	* titlepage.xsl: Fix duplicate template bug

2001-07-08  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* qandaset.xsl: Improve QandA formatting; make question bold if defaultlabel=none (FR #419315)

	* sections.xsl, xref.xsl: Support xref to bridgehead

2001-07-05  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* lists.xsl, param.xsl: Added format.variablelist.as.list parameter

2001-07-04  <uid48421@users.sourceforge.net>

	* biblio.xsl, param.xsl, xref.xsl: Support an external bibliography collection

	* docbook.xsl: Turn of indentation

	* fo.xsl, param.xsl: Added dingbat.font.family

	* qandaset.xsl: Bug #426166, fix duplicate id on qandaentry formatting

	* qandaset.xsl, xref.xsl: Bug #429011, fix xref to qandset elements

	* sections.xsl: Removed debugging messages; added prio for section title template

	* titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl: Remove internal references to *.titlepage.recto.mode and *.titlepage.verso.mode

2001-06-22  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* docbook.xsl, ebnf.xsl: Support EBNF

	* docbook.xsl, xep.xsl: Fix XEP support for pdf bookmarks

	* inline.xsl: Support linkend to glossentry on glossterm

	* param.xsl, xep.xsl: Initial cut at bookmark and info support for RenderX's XEP--doesn't work yet

	* synop.xsl: Support SBR

	* xref.xsl: Support anchor

2001-06-21  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* lists.xsl, param.xsl, xref.xsl: Use common code to calculate step numbers; support xref to procedures and steps; added formal.procedures parameter

2001-06-20  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* refentry.xsl: Bug 434102: fix refentry inside of chapter and fix refsynopsisdiv formatting in both FO and HTML

	* titlepage.xsl, xref.xsl: Use person.name.list to generate author lists; put IDs on authors and author groups if appropriate; support xref to authorgroup

2001-06-19  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* formal.xsl, param.xsl: Fix formatting of formal object titles.

2001-06-15  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* graphics.xsl: Remove file:; why was I doing this?

2001-06-14  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* sections.xsl: Bug fix: section autolabelling wasn't working in division bodies

	* titlepage.templates.xml: Changed text-alignment on centered titles to be 'center' rather than 'justify'

	* xref.xsl: Added anchor template

2001-06-13  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* graphics.xsl, param.xsl: Support Arbortext extensions--at the moment, just to turn off the url() stuff in external graphic references

	* titlepage.xsl: Bug fix: make a single author in an authorgroup work correctly

2001-06-08  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* callout.xsl, inline.xsl, synop.xsl: Fixed some unparameterized references to specific font families

2001-06-04  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* block.xsl: Made blockquote indent more reasonable

	* graphics.xsl: Omit the url() wrapper around external-graphic srcs for FOP and PT

2001-05-23  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* graphics.xsl: Fix dup. template bug with is.graphic.*

	* titlepage.xsl: Add template for publisher

2001-05-21  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* callout.xsl, verbatim.xsl: Move calculation of linenumber.* parameters into the number.rtf.lines template

	* titlepage.templates.xml: Reworked titlepage template processing to support use of more interesting
	Note: in previous versions, at most one title, subtitle, or titleabbrev
	element would be processed for each title page. In the new design, if you
	have multiple title, subtitle, or titleabbrev elements inside an info
	wrapper (you shouldn't!), they will all be processed.

2001-05-18  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* sections.xsl: Fix subtitle bug

2001-05-12  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* sections.xsl: Calculate the heading level for bridgeheads

2001-05-04  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* docbook.xsl: Replace hardcoded values on fo:root with parameters

2001-05-03  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* biblio.xsl: Render author names correctly in bibliomixed mode

	* graphics.xsl: Tweak available graphics formats

	* inline.xsl: Added support for class="xmlpi" and "emptytag".
	Rendering of attributes is in sync with HTML stylesheet (monospace instead of normal).

	* param.xsl, verbatim.xsl: Created verbatim and monospace.verbatim property sets

	* table.xsl: Process head/body/foot in the right order

2001-04-26  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* lists.xsl: Improve procedure step/substep enumeration

2001-04-21  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* qandaset.xsl: My first crude attempts at support for qandaset

2001-04-20  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* autoidx.xsl: Remove variable references from key functions; use entities instead.

2001-04-19  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* inline.xsl: Add template for constant

2001-04-17  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* component.xsl, division.xsl: Add templates for partinfo, chapterinfo, and appendixinfo

	* component.xsl, pagesetup.xsl: Use the new gentext scheme for component titles and running headers

	* docbook.xsl: Print warning message when an unhandled tag is encountered

	* docbook.xsl, param.xsl: Move label.from.part parameter into param.xsl; default it to 0 so that chapters and appendixes are numbered monotonically throughout a book by default. Moved param.xsl up in the include list, just for good measure

2001-04-16  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* glossary.xsl: Improve formatting of glossseealso

	* table.xsl: Fix typo: used xsl:param where xsl:variable was required

2001-04-15  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* division.xsl: Use new toc/lot parameters

	* docbook.xsl: Removed unused variable declaration

	* formal.xsl: Fixed typo

	* param.xsl: Added some new parameters

	* toc.xsl: Support DocBook toc markup

2001-04-03  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* callout.xsl: Fix bug 412487, make XSL-generated callout marks honor callout mark parameters

	* param.xsl: Documentation fixes

2001-04-02  Norman Walsh <nwalsh@users.sourceforge.net>

	* .cvsignore, Makefile, admon.xsl, autoidx.xsl, autotoc.xsl, biblio.xsl, block.xsl, callout.xsl, component.xsl, division.xsl, docbook.xsl, fo.xsl, footnote.xsl, fop.xsl, formal.xsl, glossary.xsl, graphics.xsl, index.xsl, info.xsl, inline.xsl, keywords.xsl, lists.xsl, math.xsl, pagesetup.xsl, param.xsl, pi.xsl, qandaset.xsl, refentry.xsl, sections.xsl, synop.xsl, table.xsl, titlepage.templates.xml, titlepage.xsl, toc.xsl, verbatim.xsl, xref.xsl: 
	New file.

	* Makefile: Use the cvstools version of saxon