Extension for chunked files The extension identified by html.ext will be used as the filename extension for chunks created by this stylesheet. Filename for the root chunk The root.filename is the base filename for the chunk created for the root of each document processed. Output directory for chunks If specified, the base.dir identifies the output directory for chunks. (If not specified, the output directory is system dependent.) Create chunks for top-level sections in components? If non-zero, chunks will be created for top-level sect1 and section elements in each component. Create a chunk for the first top-level section in each component? If non-zero, a chunk will be created for the first top-level sect1 or section elements in each component. Otherwise, that section will be part of the chunk for its parent. Name of the temporary file used to hold chunking data Chunking is now a two-step process. The chunk.datafile is the name of the file used to hold the chunking data. Chunk for has no id / bk ar pr ch ap pt rn re co s bi go ix si chunk-filename-calc-error- <!DOCTYPE chunks [ <!ELEMENT chunks (chunk+)> <!ELEMENT chunk EMPTY> <!ATTLIST chunk id ID #REQUIRED name CDATA #REQUIRED > ]>