This module downloads + installs libraries used by many tests, especially those running as Ant jobs. You should not
build this module during every build because it is somewhat slow, downloading stuff from 3rd-party websites,
unzipping some libraries (e.g. a full Ant distribution) and creating new ZIP files (e.g. source JARs, compound JARs
containing multiple libraries).
So just run 'mvn compile' once after cloning the AspectJ repository and you should be all set to subsequently build
AspectJ itself. If you forget this step, a Maven Enforcer rule in the AspectJ root POM will fail the build and
remind you to build this module.
Normally you never have to call 'mvn clean' here, but if for some reason the installed libraries are in an
inconsistent state (e.g. after an incomplete download), you can do so and then run 'mvn compile' again.
BTW, running 'mvn compile' multiple times will not repeat any download via Maven Dependency or Download Maven
plugins, but repeat all zip/unzip steps in TrueZIP Maven plugin. So try not to call it unnecessarily.
There is an inconsistency in module subdirectory 'lib'. Please run 'mvn --projects lib -P clean-libs clean compile'. This should take care of cleaning and freshly downloading all necessary libraries to that directory, where some tests expect them to be.