package aspects; import*; import java.util.*; import org.aspectj.runtime.*; import org.aspectj.lang.*; import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; /** Trace is an aspect that traces execution through code. * */ public abstract aspect Trace issingleton() { // our internal instance private static Trace _trace; // Call depth on trace private static final ThreadLocal traceDepths = new ThreadLocal(); // An object to synchronize on protected static final Object lock = new Object(); private static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // Space indentation increment private static final int INDENT = 4; // Used for indentation private static final byte[] SPACES = new byte[100]; private static boolean traceActive = true; static { Arrays.fill(SPACES,(byte)' '); } /** Trace constructor. Since this aspect is a singleton, we can be * assured that only a single instance exists. */ protected Trace() {_trace = this;} /** * This abstract pointcut indicates what classes we should trace. Typically * you will define this using a within() PCD. We leave that up to concrete aspects. */ protected abstract pointcut lexicalScope(); /** * Common scope for all traces - includes lexicalScope */ final pointcut scope() : if(_trace != null && _trace.canTraceJoinpoint(thisJoinPoint)) && lexicalScope() && !within(Trace+); /** * This pointcut designates tracing constructors within lexicalScope() */ protected final pointcut constructorTrace() : scope() && (call( new(..) ) || execution( new(..))); /** * This pointcut designates tracing method executions within lexicalScope() */ protected final pointcut methodTrace() : scope() && (call(* *(..)) || execution(* *(..))); /** * This pointcut designates tracing exception handlers within lexicalScope() */ protected final pointcut handlerTrace(Exception e) : scope() && args(e) && handler(Exception+); /** * This pointcut picks out joinpoints within this aspect that implement * the actual tracing. Since parameters and return values are printed * out via implicit or explicit call to Object.toString(), there is the possibility * of an execution joinpoint on toString() causing the trace logic * to be re-entered. This is undesireable because it makes the trace output * difficult to read and adds unecessary overhead.
* This pointcut is used within a cflowbelow pointcut to prevent recursive * trace calls. */ private pointcut internalMethods() : execution( void Trace.trace*(..,(JoinPoint||JoinPoint.StaticPart),..) ); /** * For methods, we use around() advice to capture calls/executions. */ Object around() : methodTrace() && !cflowbelow(internalMethods()) { traceEnter(thisJoinPoint); try { Object result = proceed(); traceResult(result,thisJoinPoint); return result; } finally { traceExit(thisJoinPoint); } } /** * For Constructors, we use around() advice to capture calls/executions. */ Object around() : constructorTrace() && !cflowbelow(internalMethods()) { traceEnter(thisJoinPoint); try { return proceed(); } finally { traceExit(thisJoinPoint); } } /** * Trace Exceptions that may occur with constructors or methods */ after() throwing(Throwable e): (constructorTrace() || methodTrace()) && !cflowbelow(internalMethods()) { traceThrowable(e,thisJoinPoint); } /** * Trace Exception handlers entry */ before(Exception e) : handlerTrace(e) && !cflowbelow(internalMethods()) { traceHandlerEntry(e,thisJoinPointStaticPart); } /** * Trace Exception handlers exit */ after(Exception e) : handlerTrace(e) && !cflowbelow(internalMethods()) { traceHandlerExit(); } /** * Subaspects can override this method to log the data as needed. The default * mechanism is to log to System.out * * Clients should be aware that this method is not synchronized. */ protected void log(String data) {System.out.println(data);} /** * Can be overridden by subaspects to filter what constructors/methods should be * traced at runtime. This method is always called prior to the log() * method. The default always returns true.
Note that exceptions thrown * by constructors/methods are filtered through this method. * @param currentlyExecutingClass The Class that is currently executing. * @param signature The signature of the member being traced * @param traceType The type of trace entry (see AspectJ doc for the available types) */ protected boolean isTraceable(Class currentlyExecutingClass, CodeSignature signature,String traceType) {return true;} /** * Can be overridden by subaspects to filter what exception handlers should be * traced at runtime. This method is always called prior to the log() * method. The default always returns false.
* Note that exception handlers are catch(...){} blocks and are filtered * independently from constructor/method calls and execution. * @param currentlyExecutingClass The Class that is currently executing. * @param signature The signature of the member being traced */ protected boolean isTraceable(Class currentlyExecutingClass, CatchClauseSignature signature) {return false;} /** * Retrieves the signature of the joinpoint and asks if it can be traced */ private boolean canTraceJoinpoint(JoinPoint jp) { if ( !traceActive ) return false; final Signature sig = jp.getSignature(); final Object o = jp.getThis(); // current object Class currentType; if ( o == null ) // must be a static currentType = jp.getStaticPart().getSourceLocation().getWithinType(); else currentType = o.getClass(); // dispatch the correct filter method if ( sig instanceof CodeSignature ) return isTraceable(currentType,(CodeSignature)sig,jp.getKind()); else return isTraceable(currentType,(CatchClauseSignature)sig); } /** * This method creates a trace entry line based on information in the * supplied join point. */ private void traceEnter(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) { // Get the indent level (call depth for current thread * 4). int depth = getTraceDepth(INDENT); Class[] parameterTypes = ((CodeSignature)thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getParameterTypes(); String[] parameterNames = ((CodeSignature)thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getParameterNames(); boolean isCall = thisJoinPoint.getKind().endsWith("call"); StringBuffer enterPhrase = new StringBuffer(100); enterPhrase.append(getSpaces(depth)); if ( isCall ) enterPhrase.append("Call "); else enterPhrase.append("Entering "); enterPhrase.append(methodSignature(parameterNames,parameterTypes,thisJoinPoint)); // if ( isCall ) // enterPhrase.append(" From: ").append(thisJoinPoint.getSourceLocation().getWithinType()); // Prepare the methods parameter list String parmStr = null; Object[] parameters = thisJoinPoint.getArgs(); if (parameters.length > 0) { String spaces = getSpaces(depth + 6); StringBuffer parms = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (parameters[i] != null && parameters[i].getClass().isArray()) { // arrays can be huge...limit to first 100 elements final int len = Math.min(Array.getLength(parameters[i]),100); if ( len == 0 ) { parms.append(spaces); parms.append(parameterNames[i]); parms.append(": 0 length array"); parms.append(NL); } else { Object o = null; for ( int x = 0; x < len; x++ ) { parms.append(spaces); parms.append(parameterNames[i]); parms.append("["); parms.append(x); parms.append("]:"); o = Array.get(parameters[i],x); try{parms.append(" " + (o != null?o:"null"));} // implicit toString() catch(Throwable t) {parms.append(" " + parameters[i]);} parms.append(NL); } } } else { // Not an array. parms.append(spaces); parms.append(parameterNames[i]); parms.append(": "); try { parms.append("" + parameters[i]); } catch (Throwable t ) {parms.append("" + parameters[i].getClass().getName());} } parmStr = parms.toString(); } } if (parmStr != null) enterPhrase.append(NL).append(parmStr); log(enterPhrase.toString()); } /** * This method creates an exception handler trace entry based on a Throwable * and information contained in the join point. */ private void traceHandlerEntry(Throwable t, JoinPoint.StaticPart thisJoinPoint) { int depth = getTraceDepth(INDENT); String phrase = getSpaces(depth) + "Exception caught at: " + thisJoinPoint; log(printStackTrace(phrase,t)); } /** * This method simply adjusts the trace depth - no other information printed. */ private void traceHandlerExit() { getTraceDepth(-INDENT); } /** * This method creates a stack trace entry based on a Throwable and * information contained in the join point. */ private void traceThrowable(Throwable t, JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) { int depth = getTraceDepth(0); String phrase = getSpaces(depth+4) + "Throwing Exception at: " + thisJoinPoint; log(printStackTrace(phrase,t)); } private String printStackTrace(String phrase, Throwable t) { try { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(4096); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw,true); pw.println(phrase); pw.println(); pw.println("Exception Stack Trace:"); pw.println(); t.printStackTrace(pw); pw.println(); pw.flush(); sw.flush(); pw.close(); sw.close(); return sw.toString(); } catch(IOException IOE) { log(IOE.toString()); return IOE.getMessage(); } } /** * This method creates a trace exit entry based on the join point * information. */ private void traceExit(JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) { int depth = getTraceDepth(-INDENT); // Assemble the method's signature. Class[] parameterTypes = ((CodeSignature)thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getParameterTypes(); String[] parameterNames = ((CodeSignature)thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getParameterNames(); boolean isCall = thisJoinPoint.getKind().endsWith("call"); StringBuffer exitPhrase = new StringBuffer(100); exitPhrase.append(getSpaces(depth)); if ( isCall ) exitPhrase.append("Return "); else exitPhrase.append("Exiting "); exitPhrase.append(methodSignature(parameterNames,parameterTypes,thisJoinPoint)).append(NL); log(exitPhrase.toString()); } /** * This method creates a trace result entry based on a result and the * join point. */ private void traceResult(Object thisResult, JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) { Class returnType = ((MethodSignature)thisJoinPoint.getSignature()).getReturnType(); if ( returnType.toString().equals("void") ) return; int depth = getTraceDepth(0); if ( thisResult == null ) thisResult = "null"; if ( thisResult.getClass().isArray() ) { // arrays can be Oprah-sized - limit to 100 elements final int len = Math.min(Array.getLength(thisResult),100); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if ( len == 0 ) buf.append(">>>zero-length array<<<"); else { Object o; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { o = Array.get(thisResult,i); buf.append("data[").append(i).append("] "); try{buf.append(o != null?o:"null");} // implicit toString() catch(Throwable t) {buf.append(thisResult);} buf.append(NL); } } thisResult = buf.toString(); } thisResult = thisResult.toString(); StringBuffer returnPhrase = new StringBuffer(100); returnPhrase.append(getSpaces(depth+2)).append(thisJoinPoint); returnPhrase.append(" returned >>>>>>> ").append(thisResult); log(returnPhrase.toString()); } /** * This method returns the current trace line indentation for the * thread. */ private int getTraceDepth(int incr) { int rc = 0; Integer depth = (Integer) traceDepths.get(); if (depth == null) { if ( incr > 0 ) { traceDepths.set(new Integer(incr)); return incr; } else return rc; } rc = depth.intValue(); if ( incr > 0 ) { depth = new Integer(rc += incr); traceDepths.set(depth); } else if ( incr < 0 ) { depth = new Integer(rc + incr); traceDepths.set(depth); } return rc; } /** * This method returns a String containing the number of spaces desired to * be used as padding for formatting trace log entries. */ private String getSpaces(int num) { return new String(SPACES,0,Math.min(num,SPACES.length)); } /** * Create a method signature */ private String methodSignature(String[] parameterNames, Class[] parameterTypes, JoinPoint thisJoinPoint) { // Assemble the method's signature. StringBuffer signature = new StringBuffer("("); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { signature.append(parameterTypes[i].getName()); signature.append(" "); signature.append(parameterNames[i]); if (i < (parameterTypes.length-1)) signature.append(", "); } signature.append(")"); return thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringType().getName() + "." + thisJoinPoint.getSignature().getName() + signature; } }