public class Tricky1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Product1 p1, p2, p3; p1 = Product1.create(); p2 = Product1.create(); p3 = Product1.create(); System.out.println("p1: " + p1 + ", p2: " + p2 + ", p3: " + p3); } } class Product1 { public static Product1 create() { return new Product1(); } } aspect MakeProduct1Singleton { private static Product1 singletonProduct1 = null; // all calls to the Product1.create() method pointcut creationCut(): calls(Product1, new(..)); //Product1 create()); // all calls to the above that don't happen in this aspect pointcut externalCreationCut(): !within(MakeProduct1Singleton) && creationCut(); static around () returns Product1: externalCreationCut() { if (singletonProduct1 == null) { singletonProduct1 = new Product1(); //Product1.create(); } return singletonProduct1; } }