This is to cover which relates
to the use of aop.xml configure compile time and binary weaving, in addition to
load time weaving.

For source compilation and binary weaving the goal is to offer the same experience 
users will get when using their aop.xml for LTW.

Additionally for source compilation it also offers a way to control
aspects when they are extracted from source src zip and then used across some
set of source folders they were never originally intended for (see the
compiling spring bug where a test aspect is leaking across all the source folders
in the whole of spring).

So - that means consuming aspects from either the inpath/aspectpath or source folders
should include aop.xml searching.  Or they can be specified directly as source
entries perhaps when passing source files:

ajc foo.xml


- basic aop.xml that includes one aspect
- the variety of mungers (checkers/itd members/advice/decp/deca)
- wildcarded includes/excludes
- compound type patterns for scope
- new messages: ignoring weaver sections, scoping aspects, excluding aspects, problems processing aop.xml
- aspect supertypes included if subtypes excluded?
- annotation style
- inner aspects
- needs a command line option to switch support for this on/off (ie. to make it search
  for xml files on aspectpath/inpath - we dont want unexpected behaviour)

Implementation Notes

- Just because the contents of the aspect are not used in weaving, doesnt mean
  the aspect shouldn't be fully compiled/resolved and written to the bin folder
  correctly as a valid aspect for later consumption.  So we can't short circuit
  resolution if the aspect is included - we really just want to exclude inclusion
  of that aspect in the crosscuttingset - or maybe even later we just want to
  skip any mungers that came from it (but what about inherited mungers from supertypes?)