This contains artifacts for two harness test cases, for classpath (jar and dir) and aspectpath. Binaries are in jars/*, and classesDir/*, and binary sources and a build script are in classpath-src. See specifications are in tests/ajcHarnessTests.xml, e.g., <ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest" title="specify jars and directories on classpath" keywords="purejava"> <compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar" files=""/> <run class="Main"/> </ajc-test> <ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest" title="specify aspectpath and classpath jars and directories"> <compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar" aspectpath="jars/requiredAspects.jar" files=""/> <run class="AspectMain"/> </ajc-test>