import java.lang.annotation.*; @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @interface Colored { String color(); } public class AtTarget3 { public static void main(String[]argv) { new A().m(); new B().m(); new C().m(); } } @Colored(color="yellow") class A { public void m() { System.err.println("method"); } } class B extends A { } @Colored(color="blue") class C extends B { } aspect X { int adviceexecutions = 0; before(Colored c): call(* *(..)) && !within(X) && @target(c) { System.err.println(c.color()); adviceexecutions++; if (adviceexecutions == 1 && !c.color().equals("yellow")) throw new RuntimeException("First advice execution, color should be yellow"); // The pointcut does 'match' on call to B.m() but at runtime the annotation check fails so the advice isn't run if (adviceexecutions == 2 && !c.color().equals("blue")) throw new RuntimeException("Second advice execution, color should be blue"); if (adviceexecutions > 2) throw new RuntimeException("Advice should only run twice"); } }