/* Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved. Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United States export control laws. This software is made available AS IS, and Xerox Corporation makes no warranty about the software, its performance or its conformity to any specification. |<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->| |<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->| |<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->| Ship.java Part of the Spacewar system. */ package spacewar; class Ship extends SpaceObject { pointcut helmCommandsCut(Ship ship): target(ship) && ( call(void rotate(int)) || call(void thrust(boolean)) || call(void fire()) ); /** * Energy and Damage are key values in the state of a ship. Energy is * basically about fuel, and damage is about how bad a shape we are in. * * The energy related values are: * <ul> * <li>MAX_ENERGY</li> * <li>BULLET_ENERGY</li> * <li>ACCELERATION_ENERGY_FACTOR</li> * <li>energy</li> * </ul> * The damage related values are: * <ul> * <li>MAX_DAMAGE</li> * <li>BULLET_DAMAGE</li> * <li>COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR</li> * <li>damage</li> * </ul> * Finally, REPAIR_RATE is the rate at which energy is consumed to fix * damage. * */ private static final int MAX_ENERGY = 100; private static final int BULLET_ENERGY= 2; private static final double ACCELERATION_COST_FACTOR = 0.05; //XXX was private static final int MAX_DAMAGE = 100; private static final int BULLET_DAMAGE = 15; private static final double COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR = 0.1; private static final double REPAIR_RATE = 0.08; private static final int EXPLOSION_LENGTH = 10; static final int BULLET_SPEED = 10; static final int CLOCKWISE = 1; static final int STOP = 0; static final int COUNTERCLOCKWISE = (-1); static final double DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY = 0.2; static final double DEFAULT_ACCELERATION = .4; static private final int SIZE = 30; //Can't be changed for now!!! private double energy; // range: 0 to MAX_ENERGY private double damage; // range: 0 to MAX_DAMAGE private double orientation; // in degrees private double angularVel; // in ??? private double xAcc, yAcc, rAcc; // private int countdown; // remaining explosion time private Pilot pilot; Ship(Game theGame, double xPos, double yPos, double orientation) { super(theGame, xPos, yPos, 0, 0); xAcc = 0; yAcc = 0; this.orientation = orientation; angularVel = 0; energy = MAX_ENERGY; damage = 0; countdown = EXPLOSION_LENGTH; } int getSize() { return SIZE; } double getEnergy() { return energy; } double getDamage() { return damage; } double getOrientation() { return orientation; } double getRAcc() { return rAcc; } Pilot getPilot() { return pilot; } void setPilot (Pilot p) { pilot = p; } float getEnergyLevel() { return (float)energy / (float)MAX_ENERGY; } float getDamageLevel() { return (float)damage / (float)MAX_DAMAGE; } /** returns false if energy is out, otherwise decrements energy by amount * and returns true */ boolean expendEnergy(double amount) { if (amount <= energy) { energy -= amount; return true; } else return false; } /** increments damage by amount and handles the destruction of a ship if * damage reaches MAX_DAMAGE. */ void inflictDamage(double amount) { if (amount < 0) // shouldn't happen return; damage = Math.min(MAX_DAMAGE, damage + amount); if (damage == MAX_DAMAGE) setIsAlive(false); } /** repairs some damage */ void repairDamage(double amount) { if (amount < 0) // shouldn't happen return; if (damage == 0) return; damage = Math.max(0, damage - amount); } public void clockTick() { if (! isAlive()) { // // If we aren't alive, but we are still in the registry, it means // we are exploding. countdown counts the length of the explosion. // if (--countdown == 0) die(); } else { if (angularVel != 0) { orientation += angularVel; xAcc = rAcc * Math.cos(orientation); yAcc = rAcc * Math.sin(orientation); } setXVel(getXVel() + xAcc); setYVel(getYVel() + yAcc); //expend energy if (!expendEnergy(rAcc * ACCELERATION_COST_FACTOR)) rAcc = xAcc = yAcc = 0; // fix damage if (energy > 10 && damage > REPAIR_RATE) { expendEnergy(REPAIR_RATE); repairDamage(REPAIR_RATE); } } super.clockTick(); } /** * First check to make sure we have enough energy to accelerate. If * we do, then go ahead and do so. Acceleration is in the direction * we are already facing (i.e. orientation). */ void setAcceleration(double acc) { if (acc * ACCELERATION_COST_FACTOR <= energy) { rAcc = acc; xAcc = rAcc * Math.cos(orientation); yAcc = rAcc * Math.sin(orientation); } } /** * First check to make sure we have enough energy to rotate. If * we do, then go ahead and do so. */ void setAngularVelocity(double omega) { // changing direction of rotation takes energy if (!expendEnergy(Math.abs(omega - angularVel) / 2)) return; //sets amount of degree rotation per clock tick, in radians; //clockwise is positive angularVel = omega; } /** affect rotation thrusters. Direction can be one of {@link * #CLOCKWISE}, {@link #COUNTERCLOCKWISE}, or zero for turning off * the thrusters. */ void rotate(int direction) { setAngularVelocity( direction == CLOCKWISE ? DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY : direction == COUNTERCLOCKWISE ? -DEFAULT_ANGULAR_VELOCITY : 0); } /** turn on acceleration */ void thrust(boolean onOff) { setAcceleration(onOff ? DEFAULT_ACCELERATION : 0); } /** create a bullet and fire it */ void fire() { // firing a shot takes energy if (!expendEnergy(BULLET_ENERGY)) return; //create a bullet object so it doesn't hit the ship that's firing it double xV = getXVel() + BULLET_SPEED * (Math.cos(orientation)); double yV = getYVel() + BULLET_SPEED * (Math.sin(orientation)); // create the actual bullet new Bullet( getGame(), (getXPos() + ((getSize()/2 + 2) * (Math.cos(orientation))) + xV), (getYPos() + ((getSize()/2 + 2) * (Math.sin(orientation))) + yV), xV, yV); } void handleCollision(SpaceObject obj) { if (obj instanceof Ship) { // should never be called. ship - ship collisions are handled in // Ship.bounce(Ship shipA, Ship shipB) } else if (obj instanceof Bullet) { inflictDamage(BULLET_DAMAGE); } else if (obj instanceof EnergyPacket) { double packetEnergy = ((EnergyPacket)obj).getEnergy(); energy = Math.max(0, Math.min(energy + packetEnergy, MAX_ENERGY)); } else { System.err.println("collision with UFO!"); } } static void bounce(Ship shipA, Ship shipB) { double dx, dy, denominator, xAccA, yAccA, xAccB, yAccB, damage, xComp, yComp, dvx, dvy; dx = Math.abs(shipA.getXPos() - shipB.getXPos()); dy = Math.abs(shipA.getYPos() - shipB.getYPos()); denominator = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); xComp = dx / denominator; yComp = dy / denominator; xAccA = shipB.getXVel() * xComp + shipA.getXVel() * (1 - xComp) - shipA.getXVel(); yAccA = shipB.getYVel() * yComp + shipA.getYVel() * (1 - yComp) - shipA.getYVel(); xAccB = shipA.getXVel() * xComp + shipB.getXVel() * (1 - xComp) - shipB.getXVel(); yAccB = shipA.getYVel() * yComp + shipB.getYVel() * (1 - yComp) - shipB.getYVel(); shipA.accelerate(xAccA, yAccA); shipB.accelerate(xAccB, yAccB); dvx = shipA.getXVel() - shipB.getXVel(); dvy = shipA.getYVel() - shipA.getYVel(); damage = COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR * (dvx * dvx + dvy * dvy); shipA.inflictDamage(damage); shipB.inflictDamage(damage); // !!! // !!! poopers! this does a local time warp. this has to be a // !!! violation of the clockTick protocol // !!! while (Game.isCollision(shipA, shipB)) { shipA.clockTick(); shipB.clockTick(); } } }