import org.aspectj.testing.Tester;

/** @testcase PR#36778 advise join points in subclass of empty interface */
public class EmptyInterface {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new C().go();
        // at least constructor and method execution
        if (2 > Log.hits) {
            Tester.check(false, Log.log.toString());

aspect Log {
    static int hits;
    static StringBuffer log = new StringBuffer();
    interface LoggedType {
    declare parents: C implements LoggedType;
    after(): within(LoggedType+) 
        //&& !initialization(new(..))
        //&& !preinitialization(new(..)) // 1.1 only  
        log.append(thisJoinPoint + ";");

class C {
    void go() {}